Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 443: Thermal Power Generation

Richard is currently conducting six research projects, namely: magic pattern, pneumonia fungus, antibiotics, magic defense shield, God's blood, and Eden energy system.

The knowledge contained in the Stitch Monster is of great help to the three items of "Spell Defense Shield", "God's Blood" and "Eden Energy System"-if you fully master the knowledge of the Stitch Monster, the six researches can directly Solved half.

The first is the spell defense shield.

Li Cha studied the hard exteriors of the four purple stitch monsters and the only black stitch monster, and separated a very special mixture from them. The mixture appears gray, and while it is not yet possible to determine what the composition of the mixture is, putting the mixture into water produces an excellent non-Newtonian fluid that performs better than the black non-Newtonian fluid currently in use.

In this way, as long as you master the production of the mixture and produce a large amount, it can be used to improve the magic defense shield, turning the black reaction shield into a composite shield with gray and black superimposed.

Then there is the blood of God.

Li Cha dissected many dead and frozen suture monsters, and found that the opponent's heart function is very powerful, not only has strong contraction ability, large blood supply, but also has high resistance, is not easy to be damaged by external sources, and has a certain degree of repair ability.

And this heart, originally just the heart of an ordinary person, has become like this after a series of transformations.

Although Li Cha does not plan to change his heart into the same way, but if he can figure out the mechanism of heart strengthening and apply it to the blood of God, it will definitely reduce the side effects of the blood of God and increase the degree of strengthening, so as to be comparable to the Marquis The bloodline power of the level, duke level, or even prince level.

Let the blood of God (primary) become the blood of God (intermediate) and the blood of God (advanced).

The last is the energy system of the Garden of Eden.

Regarding the transformation of the energy system of the Garden of Eden, Richard actually almost gave up. In his opinion, for now, there is no great hope for the transformation to be successful in a short period of time. But some results of Stitch's dissection surprised him.

This matter is a bit complicated, so let's explain it a little bit:

You know, the suture monster's strength is amazing, and it can even fly Pandora. Richard thought it was caused by its special structure, but in fact it was because the suture monster had a specially strengthened energy system in its body.

Generally speaking, human beings are not plants, cannot perform photosynthesis, cannot survive on their own, and need to absorb energy from the outside world. The main way to absorb energy is to consume the system. In other words, energy is obtained through eating, digesting and absorbing various nutrients in food.

The obtained energy will be stored in the form of sugar, fat, and protein, and when needed, such as during anaerobic exercise or aerobic exercise, it will be broken down into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy.

What about Stitches?

The body shape far exceeds that of ordinary people, making it difficult for the suture monster to supply energy in the same single way, so in the suture monster's body, in addition to this energy supply system, there is another auxiliary energy supply system.

The core of this auxiliary energy supply system is the powerful heart of the stitch monster.

The strong heart possessed by the Stitching Monster brought the Stitching Monster a metabolic ability far exceeding that of ordinary creatures. For example,

When the Stitch Monster stood still, it was almost like a normal person running a marathon under the scorching sun. This naturally produces a large amount of heat, which cannot be dissipated outside the body.

The reason for this is that, on the one hand, it is huge, and the ratio of the appearance of the Stitched Monster in contact with the outside world is significantly lower than that of small creatures. On the other hand, the suture monster's skin has been modified for defense, and it has no perspiration function. Unless the suture monster sticks out its tongue like a dog, the metabolic heat will always be accumulated in the body.

This is very deadly!

It's like the reason why human beings can become the king of all beasts and exterminate all kinds of large beasts with stones and sticks in ancient times is because of strong heat dissipation. You can bring drinking water and dry food in groups, and chase groups of wild beasts to death from exhaustion and heat.

If the Stitched Monster doesn't solve the heat dissipation problem, it doesn't need external attacks at all, and it will die after moving a few times by itself, as if it was born with the negative state of "seven-step snake venom".

How to solve the stitch monster?

The answer is that the suture monster absorbs the heat and converts it into energy - there is a layer of translucent colloid on the outside of the suture monster's organs, which Li Cha discovered when he first dissected it. Originally, it was thought that the colloid was used as a buffer, like fat, to reduce the damage to the suture monster from the outside world. But as the research deepened, it was found that this thing is not simple.

If I'm not mistaken, this thing should be a temperature difference material.

Yes, temperature difference material!

What is a temperature difference material?

To understand temperature-difference materials, you must first understand a law—the second law of thermodynamics: Heat can be spontaneously transferred from a hotter object to a cooler object, that is, heat conduction.

If a block of iron with a temperature of 5000 degrees is in contact with a block of iron with a temperature of 3000 degrees, the high-temperature iron block will definitely transfer heat to the low-temperature iron block, and it will not stop until the two iron blocks are at the same temperature.

It's like the water flows downward under the action of gravity, and it cannot be changed until the whole set of physics is overthrown!

Can this law be used like wind power and water power?

The answer is - can!

Imagine that there is a high-temperature wall of several hundred degrees Celsius, and next to it is an icy wall of tens of degrees below zero. As long as there is a certain medium between the two walls, heat will flow from the high-temperature wall to the cold wall continuously. The wall is like the water flying down from the dam of a hydropower station.

The difference is that the water flow can impact the hydropower station's wheels to generate electricity, while the heat needs to act on a special material to generate electricity - temperature difference material.

The definition of temperature difference material is: a material with significant temperature difference power generation, when the material is in an environment with a temperature gradient, it can generate electric current.

Regarding thermoelectric materials and thermoelectric power generation, these things have actually been studied for many years on the modern earth, and even formed a special subject—thermoelectricity, and concluded the "Seebeck effect", "Thomson effect", "Pearl effect" post effect" and many other laws.

By making good use of this subject knowledge, basically as long as there is a temperature difference, electricity can be generated.

In the world, it is impossible that there is no temperature difference, so it can be said that temperature difference power generation can be realized anywhere - no fossil fuels, no wind and water power, no light, clean and pollution-free, it is simply touching.

But having said that, there is a reason why temperature difference power generation is so good, but it has not been promoted. The first is that the cost is high, and the second is that the technology content is high, and it is difficult to obtain and find suitable temperature difference materials. Therefore, the place where temperature difference power generation is used most is on satellites that are not bad in money and technology, and other power generation methods with relatively disadvantages are used in other places.

In this case, trying to use temperature difference to generate electricity in a world similar to the Middle Ages is simply whimsical.

However, nothing is absolute.

According to the research on the earth, some animal materials have the effect of temperature difference materials, for example... the colloid in the nose of sharks.

Well, the colloid in the shark's nose.

According to the analysis, in the shark's nose, there is a colloid that can sensitively sense the temperature change of seawater. A temperature change of 0.1°C will cause it to generate an obvious voltage, and then transmit it to the nerve cells, so that the shark can get a signal. It is through this mechanism that sharks quickly detect the surrounding seawater environment and prey.

Now through some experiments, Li Cha can basically confirm that there is a large amount of translucent colloid in the suture monster, which is similar to shark nose colloid.

Considering that all the sharks in the sea have been killed, so many colloids must be able to be produced. The colloids in the suture monster are obviously artificially synthesized.

To sum up so many words, it is:

The necromancer found a way to artificially synthesize temperature difference materials, and added this material to the body of the suture monster, while absorbing the heat emitted by the suture monster, and on the other hand, used for energy conversion. In this way, the stronger the activity of the stitch monster, the more heat generated by metabolism, and the higher the energy supply, forming a perfect positive closed loop.

And if you can master the power generation ability of this synthetic colloid through the information left by the necromancer, it will be very against the sky.

In Li Cha's view, once mastered, it is possible to make a large number of thermoelectric generators, which can automatically generate electricity 24 hours a day, completely solving the problem of the energy system of the Garden of Eden. Let the Garden of Eden enter the era of full electrification from semi-electrification. At that time, the electric lights for lighting can be used casually, and there is no need to worry about insufficient power.

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