Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 444: Diary of a Necromancer

After confirming that the knowledge contained in the Stitch Monster was helpful to his research, Li Cha began to speed up sorting out and analyzing the information left by the Necromancer, in an attempt to grasp what the other party researched earlier.

But as time passed day by day, more and more things were sorted out and analyzed, and some contexts gradually became clear, and Li Cha found that things were getting more and more wrong.

The most strange thing is that the materials left by the necromancer are all researches on superficial application experiments of stitch monsters, and there is no research on core knowledge at all.

For example, the temperature difference colloid material in the suture monster contains high technological content. Even on the modern Earth, it has the potential to reform the energy industry. In this wizarding world similar to the Middle Ages, once you master it, you will feel sorry for everyone if you don’t dig deep into the value.

Therefore, a normal researcher must continue to improve the thermocolloid material, study the mechanism, study how to improve the efficiency of energy conversion, study how to reduce costs for large-scale production, and so on.

However, in the information left by the necromancer, there is no record of any research in this area. It only records how to make the suture monster better fuse these colloids, or how much colloid to put in is more appropriate.

This gives Li Cha the feeling that there is a gap in the research of necromancers, as if necromancers think that there is no need to study core knowledge at all, and only superficial applications are enough.

In this case, one explanation is: the necromancer is extremely smart, and has completely seen through the results of all research directions of thermocolloid materials. He firmly believes that his mastery of core knowledge has reached the limit, and he cannot take any further steps. Continue It's just a waste of time to study. Therefore, it is enough to only focus on the application, and seal up all the things related to the core knowledge research.

is it possible?

If there is only one study that is like this, Li Cha will believe it, but the research on the strengthening mechanism of the Stitching Monster's heart, the strengthening material of the Stitching Monster's shell, etc. are all like this, and Li Cha has to be skeptical.

Li Cha is very suspicious that the necromancer may not be extremely intelligent, but it may be the opposite—only ordinary wisdom, unable to study core knowledge, and can only perform some superficial applications. Therefore, we can only make creatures with extremely low cost performance such as stitch monsters. Otherwise, using the knowledge of stitch monsters, we can create creatures that are hundreds of thousands of times more terrifying than stitch monsters.

If this is the case, then here comes the problem.

A necromancer has no ability to study core knowledge, so how did he determine and master these core knowledge? How did he know that the heart can be strengthened in that way, the appearance can be transformed in that way, and the thermocolloid can be synthesized in that way?

Can't it just be an epiphany and suddenly have this knowledge in my mind?

Or, the other party knew from birth that, like him, there was a soul from another world in his body?

With this in mind, Li Cha continued to sort out and analyze the materials left by the necromancer, and patiently figured out all the words on the most scribbled paper.

After spending an indefinite amount of energy, Li Cha even forgot how many days he stayed on the island, and finally sorted out and analyzed the necromancer's information thoroughly.

But after sorting and analyzing, the doubts were not resolved—the necromancer left behind information, without any explanation of the weird research method.

Just when Li Cha couldn't help but wanted to tear down the stone building, he found a secret compartment on the second floor of the stone building, in the room where the necromancer lives.

In the secret compartment, I found many scrolls that looked like diaries.

The scroll seemed to be quite old, yellow and brittle. Li Cha carefully opened it. His eyes fell on the top of the scroll, and he saw the unique scrawled handwriting of necromancers on it. Read on bit by bit, Li Cha Observe that the expression begins to change:

"Tonight is a full moon. If I remember correctly, the ship was torn apart by the storm. It was also a full moon when I desperately swam to this small island. So it has been a whole month.

In the past month, I have nothing to say, just trying to survive. Fortunately, the wreckage of the ship was blown to the beach by the wind, and I can get a lot of food and useful things from it. Of course, there are also some things that are not very useful, such as a box of unsoaked scrolls, ink, and quills that I found in the corner, which is what I am using now.

Is there any use in writing my sad experience on a papyrus scroll with a quill pen at a candle this late evening, except to pass the time?

Hmm... There is no one on this island, and there have been no ships passing by for a month. It is very likely that I will be trapped to death here. Writing down this experience may let people who don't know when they came to this island know that I used to exist. Maybe! "

Li Cha's eyes flickered when he saw this, and he couldn't help thinking: The experience described in the necromancer's diary is a bit like a novel on Earth - "Robinson Crusoe".

Read on.

"And if writing these things really proves that I ever existed, then I should first introduce something about myself.

First of all, I am a businessman. And when I was young, I was the son of a merchant. As long as I can remember, I helped my business father, and sometimes went to far away places to sell goods. For this reason, when I was an adult, I have seen many world, can calculate accounts and speak three different languages.

I feel that I am stronger than most nobles, and I am fully capable of running a shop by myself. But my father didn't see it that way, always treating me like a kid, or, more sadly, a guy who didn't need a salary. Always tied him firmly by his side, not giving me freedom, almost suffocating me.

After a few years of this kind of life, I really had enough, so one night, I secretly left home, took very little capital, and carefully followed the long-distance merchant ship to do business. The result was very good. The Goddess of Luck favored me. In the first three voyages to do business, I made a lot of money by selling goods.

But that's not enough, I'm ready to make a fortune, let my wealth surpass my father, to prove that I am completely better than him, so that I can go home. So, I made the fourth voyage to do business.

This fourth voyage is destined to be sad. The ship encountered a big storm, the mast was broken, the deck was broken, the whole ship was blown sideways, and everyone on board fell into the water and died. Only I survived. I sincerely grieve for the dead, and I also grieve for myself—if I die with them, maybe I won't be so lonely. "

When Li Cha saw this, his expression became more and more weird. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the necromancer was similar to the protagonist in "Robinson Crusoe". Could the necromancer's name be called Robinson Crusoe?

The eye fell back on the papyrus scroll.

"Okay, it's far away, let's talk about self-introduction. Latecomers, please remember my name, my name is--Defoe. Well, Defoe. Because I made a lot of money selling popular goods three times before, Everyone on board likes to call me Defoe the Lucky. But I think it would be better to call me Defoe the Unlucky if I have come to this point.”

Li Cha: "..."

Well, no coincidence, the necromancer's name is not Robinson. But the name Defoe, if I remember correctly, is the author of the book "Robinson Crusoe" - Defoe, Daniel Defoe.

So... ordinary coincidence?

Li Cha continued to read with a slightly weird expression. After a quick scan, he found that most of the contents of the following diary were the necromancer's thoughts, which were not of much value. Notice.

"It's been eight days since the full moon. The weather is getting colder. I'm lucky that I didn't get sick. But anyway, I have to find a place to live. I don't know how to build a house, and it takes too long. , maybe I should find a cave."

"The ninth day after the full moon. Today I searched for a cave on the island for a day, but found nothing. But in the middle of the island, I found a deep pit, and I don't know what's in it. If there are no beasts in it, I can try Live in it. But it’s too dark inside, I need to make some torches to illuminate and explore.”

"Ten days after the full moon. I finished the torch and explored the deep pit. There are no beasts in it. I can really live in it, but it always feels a little weird."

"Eleven days after the full moon. My God! There is a downward entrance buried in the mud of this deep pit. What is hidden in it? Is it a treasure? Well, I am going to get rich! But... the one at the entrance The iron cover is difficult to open, so I have to find a way.”

"Twelve days after the full moon. During the day. I have found a suitable tool to open the iron cover. I am going to open the iron cover and go down to have a look. I hope there is no danger. If I can come out alive, I will continue to write about my experience.

If you can't get out...then you can't get out, after all, living on this island is boring, and if you die, you will die... Later people, will you read these words I wrote..."


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