grand Xia Princely Latest chapter, No. 562 Chapter Bear, fluttering astronomy Central province Northwest, two people forward, blue dress woman , beautiful appearance, temperament extraordinary, since childhood following Zhangsun’s Qing Ning, the body how many have some Zhangsun shadow, gentle restrained, but without losing majesty.

Ning Chen is next to Qing Ning, where he is a little less awkward and indifferent, a little more quiet and peaceful.

Knowing Heaven’s Will One Body Becoming Three 之中,Demon Body 虽是异数,然而,Three Bodies 本为一体,终于会互相影响,不能避免。

若说在这Human World 还有Knowing Heaven’s Will 可以完全信任之人,那么Qing Ning 绝对排在所有人的最前面。

The closer you are to Sword Casting Mountain Village, the slower the pace of Ning Chen, the more the rejection of the mind becomes apparent, the demonic nature is arrogant, and you will easily apologize to others.

It’s not a Qing Ning opening. I’m afraid he will not step into the Sword Casting Mountain Village Half-Step in this life.

Qing Ning stopped and looked at Ning Chen, who was slower and slower behind her. The corner of her mouth curled up with a dangerous smile. “Do you use me to take you away?”

Ning Chen looked at the good-looking smile on his face, and his body trembled, taking two steps.

Qing Ning’s face was not diminished, only a little milder. As he walked, he whispered, “Ning Chen, do you know why the devil is not for the world?”

“Because the devil will not obey the human rule,” Ning Chen silent, after a moment, replied.

Qing Ning smiled and nodded, saying, “You are right, human fear of evil, because there have been demons for the world, and for the evil of the world, not any human the rule, human memory, is a very complex thing, grace and love, most of the eyes are gone , but, once the fear, will remember life, even inheritance thousands of years “

” they damned “Ning Chen’s eyes flashed a cold, killing intent Leng Tao.


Qing Ning to lift his heart in front of the former, light language way, “the whole central province, anyone you sister Qing Ning are not Even if you kill them all, I will not blame you, but, killing is a kind of inertia, will slowly let people lost, one day, you will lose yourself, feel that anything can be solved with the killing, it is difficult to turn back, understand? ”

“I don’t understand” Ning Chen shook his head.

Qing Ning puts his hand down and looks at the east side. “Why do you have this, you should know it”

“Well” Ning Chen nodded.

“That’s why”

Qing Ning sigh, “Phoenix Body and Fan Lingyue was the first to drag Nether King, sacrificing D Ivine Province Millions of innocent people, Fan Lingyue with their last soul tasted also the world, but, he to revive Ghost Girl, at all the live down, I just said, kill more people, will lose themselves, your existence, is because his heart has been suppressed negative emotions, there is killing sex, guilt and perhaps also confused “

” I appear, is wrong? ” Ning Chen’s nephew gradually cooled down, said.


Qing Ning 摇了摇头,道,“你和他,本就是一人,只不过分开了而已,甚至,有些地方,你比曾经的Knowing Heaven’s Will ,做的更好”

Ning Chen 闻言,眸中的冷意散去,有了一丝不解,问道,“什么地方”


Qing Ning 轻声回答道,“Knowing Heaven’s Will 是人身,虽然比天下人都聪明、理智,但是,终究逃脱不了情的束缚,因情奔波,因情善待天下,而你是魔,看待情字,比他要淡很多,或许,这所剩不多的一些人性,也只是因为受其他两魂的影响而已,不受情困,活得便不会那么累”

“那你……Sister Qing Ning 为何还要带我来这里,道歉,非是魔该为之事”Ning Chen 冷哼道。


Qing Ning Calm way, “oneself does the thing, own undertakes, does not have anything, pleases but is good, but cannot arbitrary, once the demon, I cannot control, but you cannot, centr Al province various sects guilt to you, you can find them revenge, but, Sword Casting Mountain Village never sorry you, so this mistake, you must recognize, whether you are willing, this matter is not negotiable, I am your elder sister, you will Listen to my “

” Ah “

Ning Chen No more excuses, perhaps, is really affected by the remaining two souls, each time with Qing Ning controversy, than let him face a human world Supremacy are hard.

Moreover, he does not seem to reject this little humanity.

apology? It’s easier than facing a Qing Ning that may be awkward at any time.

The two men stepped faster and Sword Casting Mountain Village was getting closer and closer, and there was a glimpse of the Cold Mountain Flame Ridge, which was ruined by the old war.

At sunset, the two finally walked to Sword Casting Mountain Village, the famous casting sword master. After the Sword Casting Lord was hit hard, they gradually chose to retreat and no longer intervene in Central Province.

Before the mountain, the two doormen guarded, the cultivation base was not bad, almost entered Innate, at this age, it is already very good.

“Two guests, please hold your steps, the village does not accept foreigners now”

When the two approached, one of the doormen stepped forward and blocked the road.

“We are coming, there is something to visit Sword Lord, please also pass the acquaintance” Qing Ning is sincere.

“Sorry, Sword Lord doesn’t see anyone now, please go back to the two guests.” The previously opened doorman refused.

Seeing that the two refused to let go, Ning Chen’s brows wrinkled unconsciously, just about to go forward, and Qing Ning glanced back.

“White Brother”

Just when Qing Ning spoke again, in the villa, a twine was seen, and the little girl about twelve or three years old saw the two and ran over. The eyebrows opened their eyes and smiled.


Qing Ning squinted, looking back, his eyes were full of inquiries.

Ning Chen 没有回答,脸上努力露出一抹还算灿烂的笑容,看着小丫头,道,“Yin’er ,三四年不见,长这么大了”

“白哥哥,白姐姐呢?” Yin’er 四处找了找,没有看到Bai Yunlian 的身影,微微有些失望道。

“你白姐姐有事没来,Yin’er ,我们有事求见Sword Lord ,你带我们进去吧”Ning Chen 一门正经道。

“Are you looking for Sword Lord Grandpa?”

Yin’er 闻言,大眼睛中闪过一抹异色,想了想,对两边的门童,道,“让他们进来吧,他们是我的朋友”



“白哥哥,这些年你和白姐姐都去哪了,怎么一次也不来看Yin’er ”

Yin’er 一边带路,一边回头埋怨道。

“After a trip, I will see you when I come back,” Ning Chen answered.

Next to, Qing Ning is helpless, and this bluff is nothing to change.

“你和白姐姐上次走后不久,Sword Lord 爷爷便下令封闭了山庄,我也出不去,我还以为你们再也不来看我了呢”Yin’er 碎碎念道。

“Is this not coming?” Ning Chen smiled and said.

“白哥哥,一会你见到Sword Lord 爷爷,能不能和Sword Lord 爷爷求求情,带我出去玩几天”Yin’er 再次回过头,娇俏的小脸露出渴望道。

Ning Chen looks at Qing Ning and asks for help.

Qing Ning ignored it and his attitude was obvious. He was troubled and solved himself.

Ning Chen 有些不自然地看向小丫头,委婉拒绝道,“外面现在还在打仗,很危险的,再等一些日子吧”


Yin’er 仿佛看明白了什么,点了点头,眸中闪过一丝落寞,很淡,却清晰的让人心疼。

“Yin’er 是吗?”

Qing Ning 脸上露出一抹温和的笑容,道,“你白哥哥是和你开玩笑的,外面确实在打仗,不过,他是Military Strategist ,不需要上战场,一会见到Sword Lord ,你白哥哥会为你求情的”

Yin’er 听到,落寞的小脸立刻开心起来,使劲点了点头,道,“谢谢姐姐,谢谢白,哼”


Ning Chen looked at Qing Ning inexplicably. Now, how can he bring a little girl?

“Sword Lord 爷爷,白哥哥来了”

一间书房前,Yin’er 敲响房门,脆生生道。

“进来吧,Yin’er ,你在外面等候”

话声间,房门吱呀一声打开,里面,一位坐在wheelchair 上的老者出现在两人眼前。


Yin’er 乖巧地点了点头,停步房门前,没有进去。

Ning Chen and Qing Ning walked in and looked at the old man in the house and politely performed a Junior ceremony.

“See Sword Lord”

“What about Miss?”

Sword Casting Lord After looking at Ning Chen, his eyes moved to the side of the green skirt woman and asked.

“Qing Ning ,Ning Chen’s 姐姐”Qing Ning 回答道。

Sword Casting Lord 闻言,苍老的眸中闪过淡淡异色,name shakes the whole world 的Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,还有一位姐姐吗?

“I don’t know where the two are coming, what is it?” Sword Casting Lord does not understand.

“to apologize”

Qing Ning Orthophoto Road, “The young brother cultivation problem, Demon body out of the body, hurt sword Lord, although not the intention of young brother, But, wrong is wrong, today Qing Ning with young brother came, for the things of that year, to Sword Lord Apology, return Chilian ominous Sword “

Sword Casting Brow Light Wrinkle, Road, “Demon Body, the original Demon Wheel Sea erupted Demon Qi, amazing, to be suppressed, presumably not easy”

“Demon Body, has been banished heaven Beyond Heaven, never return to life, “Ning Chen calm way.

Sword Casting Lord nodded and said with emotion, “This is good, as long as the world is not affected by Demon Misfortune, I am hurt, it is worth it”

Ning Chen Silence, after a while, With a wave of hand, a fierce bloody sword edge appeared, flying in front of the old man.

“Sword Lord ,当初我伤了你,今日还回你一剑,这一剑,我不会还手,一剑之后,你我之间,恩怨两清”

Sword Casting Lord 看着身前Ominous Sword ,轻声一叹,道,“算了,我老了,残了便残了,你还年轻,只要知错,便足够了,只希望,你在面对Central Province various sects 的恩怨时,能多一分宽容,人心,总是容易染垢,杀是杀不尽的”

说到这里,Sword Casting Lord 看向一旁的Qing Ning ,神态温和道,“Qing Ning Miss ,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 能有你这个姐姐,当真是一生之幸”

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