Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第五百六十三章 Xi Piaoxu ,飘天文学 Sword Casting Mountain Village ,Knowing Heaven’s Will 还剑、道歉,一生不曾低头的Grand Xia Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,在一位双腿残废的老者面前,认了错。

Qing Ning stood by and watched quietly, no matter what happened, no matter what the future, the mistake was wrong, the long sister was like mother, Empress was no longer there, only she came to control.

Sword Casting Lord received this ceremony, but did not mention the sword in front of him. Forgiveness is always difficult. It is even more difficult to complain about it. It is also the same as the Central Province, the master of the sword. Grand Master.

“Chilian ,是四千年前Chilian Demon 之剑,染了无数人的血,Resentment Strength 非比寻常,现在的吾,已无力镇守,一旦此剑落入心术不正之人手中,定会再度成为Human World 祸患,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你既拔出了此剑,便有责任镇守,不可让其落入他人之手”Sword Casting Lord 挥手,将Ominous Sword 重新送回,平静道。

“Sword Lord doesn’t worry that I am the source of Human World?” Ning Chen is slow.

“曾以生命护持Human World 的Grand Xia Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,不可能是祸世之源”Sword Casting Lord 应道。

Ning Chen heard the words, silent down, after a long time, indifferently says, “I will give Central plains various sects a chance, but, only once, just for the compensation swor D Lord Today’s grace “

” Thanks “

Sword Casting Lord Orthophoto Road, originally central province various sects The power of the world has failed to kill the immediate youth, now he came back alive, with his mind and force, if the real revenge, the whole central province fear will fall into panic.

After seeing the business, the atmosphere is getting stagnant. Qing Ning takes a step forward and is polite. “Sword Lord, it’s not too late. There are still some things to deal with in the Competition City. Let’s go back first. “

“The world is in chaos, all the way to be careful” Sword Casting Lord shouted.


Qing Ning nodded, glanced at the people around him and immediately turned and walked outside the study.

Ning Chen 跟上,走了数步,又停了下来,开口道,“Sword Lord ,Yin’er 想出去”

Sword Casting Lord 闻言,想了想,道,“劳烦了”

Ning Chen 听过,明白了前者意思,迈步离去。

On the way back to Competition City, the two became three people, and there was a little Miss with a twist on the braid. He smiled and said nothing.

天亮时,三人回到了Competition City ,Qing Ning 回了自己的行宫,Yin’er 则留在了Ning Chen 身边。

“你骗我,你叫Ning Chen ,不叫Bai Yujing ”Yin’er 嘴巴撅得能挂油瓶,不高兴道。

“The time was called Bai Yujing,” Ning Chen said casually.

“我不要跟你在一起,我要找白姐姐”Yin’er 抗议道。

“Your white sister is not here, I don’t know where she is going,” Ning Chen responded.

“你骗我”Yin’er 对某人已不信任,置疑道。

“No lie to you,” Ning Chen denied.


one big one small , one person one demon , there is no communication barrier, for a little Miss without a little threat, the devil’s instinct is less. Many, while drinking tea, thinking about things, there is a question that does not have to deal with the little girl.

Outside the palace, Qing Ning looked at Wenxuan Palace not far away. The corner of his mouth was a faint smile. It seems that the little Miss is right, Demon Body is trying to imitate the Phoenix Body. However, there is always a little bit of humanity’s warmth and coldness. There may be no problem in a short time, but after a long time, it is likely to cause doubts from others.

“Qing Ning, Shizun just sent the news, your Third Senior Sister is also down the mountain.” Bai Lingling stepped forward and said.

“Third Senior Sister?”

Qing Ning heard the words, the scorpion flashed through the color, and the Third Senior Sister was coming.

Third Senior Sister on the mountain is a genius in a true genius. Once a thousand years, this term may not be enough to describe the horror of his talent.

The strongest man on the mountain is undoubtedly a master, and Eldest Senior Sister, with Pure Heaven Coloured Glaze Technique, between Half Venerable and Human World Supremacy Boundary, not Supremacy, better than Supremacy.

The third place is Third Senior Sister, the same peak of Half Venerable, but because of Merit Body, the strength is slightly worse than Eldest Senior Sister.

“Your Third Senior Sister broke through Completion,” Bai Lingling said again.

“How is it possible!”

Qing Ning was shocked. After a while, the shock between the faces faded away. Maybe there was nothing impossible for her Third Senior Sister.

“Shi Zun lets you Third Senior Sister down the mountain. In addition to supporting Central Province various sects, there should be other tasks. However, this gimmick is too reassuring, Qing Ning, if you have Time, I will stare at it.” Bai Lingling is helpless.


Qing Ning nodded, did not refuse

Absolutely, Xi Piaoxu on the mountain, compared to its horrible aptitude, the most famous, or its horror Character.

Thinking of this, Qing Ning can’t help but worry. Now that the situation in Central Province is so chaotic, Third Senior Sister is coming, it will only be messy, and Ning Chen is not a fuel-efficient one. The lights, the two people touched together, not to fight.

Just two people talking outside the Wenxuan Palace, an Imperial Bodyguard walked quickly and half-heartedly, respectfully, “reporting to Military Strategist, Alliance Venerable please”

“Know it, go ahead”


After a short while, Ning Chen walked out of the palace and walked to the other side of the House of Deputies.

身后,Yin’er 像小尾巴一般跟在后面,虽然嘴上说不想和某人在一起,但是,还在跟来了。

In the hall of the proceedings, Zhao Liusu waited and looked at the little Miss behind Ning Chen. The brow was first wrinkled and quickly concealed.

“Military Strategist, the situation has progressed. In addition, the other three domains have sent a new peak to the Expert. They should arrive in these two days,” Zhao Liusu said.

Ning Chen picked up the battle report from the Eastern Front, and looked at it one by one. He immediately looked up and asked, “Who are the Experts sent?”

“Three domains came to a human world supremacy, but”

said here, Zhao Liusu changed a turn, hesitated, continued, “Western Buddha Native Land came to the supremacy, just into the completion soon, however, this person’s character seems to have some problems, is now the five territories the key period of the Union, if these people have any offense, also please military St Rategist can magnanimous “

Ning Chen wen, the eyes slightly narrowed, a new Jin supremacy, can let as five territories Alliance venerable o Liusu deliberately told, it seems, Western Buddha Native Land of this, is not easy to do.

At the same time, in the west of Central Province, a woman in a green dress appeared alone, walking in the boundless wilderness.

Western Jasper Mountain Third Senior Sister, Xi Piaoxu, the endless Years on the mountain, the most horrible one of aptitude, is not a concern for cultivation, but does not hinder its cultivation base. It is far beyond any peers on the mountain. .

The mountains are geniuses, but Xi Piaoxu is a genius in genius.

After a hundred miles, the peak of the mountain blocked the road, and Xi Piaoxu did not stop at half foot. When the mountain broke through the mountain and stepped through, the whole mountain collapsed and fell, and the sand was separated from the stone.

(ps: Do your best today)

(End of this chapter)

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