Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, the 576th chapter (Seeking a subscription), Floating Astronomy Wanxing Pass, bloody fog, corpse across the wild, the empty Human World Forbidden Land, ruin everything.

Human World has Forbidden Land, but it was all derived from Heaven and Earth. For the first time in thousands of years, Forbidden Land has been created by humans.

Knowing Heaven’s Will 两字,再一次震惊天下。

利剑易寻,然而,剑利才是杀人器,Executing Immortal Sword 已残破不堪,早已不复昔日Divine Might ,不过,在Knowing Heaven’s Will 手中,却成为真正的死亡象征。

The explosion of the power of the ground has spurred the power of Executing Immortal Sword to the maximum, the power of the ground, Samsara reciprocating, endless, and Executing Immortal Forbidden Land will never disappear.

Rising Sun rising in the east, the sorrow in Forbidden Land has completely disappeared, and the morning sun is falling, and the white blood is scattered everywhere in the bloody fog.

This moment, even wanxing Pass outside of the six league supremacy are not bear, so cruel scene, even if they, is the first time to see.

“regret, big can not, since the beginning of war, there is no right side, hypocrisy of goodness, there is no need” Ning Chen looked ahead forbidden land, calm way.

Various Venerables Silence, after a long time, Wen Yang Venerable spoke, “Military Strategist, are the nine Heavenly Residence Supremacy going in all dead?”

“Human World supremacy if it is so easy to die, this war has long been over, dead, but not so fast, but they can not come out again, go, back to competition city, ready to follow up” &L T;/p>

said finish, Ning Chen no longer stay, turned toward the north to walk.

Six Human World Supremacy looked at each other and immediately suppressed the jealousy in their hearts and stepped forward.

They have attached great importance to the talent of the Military Strategist. They did not expect to look down on him. After this battle, the Heavenly Residence Army is undoubtedly injurious. In the future, it will be difficult to form an overwhelming advantage. .

Competition City, Ning Chen and the six returnees, the Wanxing Pass’s battle report has already been sent back one step ahead, and Zhao Liusu and the rest of the Varierable Venerables have come out of the hall to welcome the seven returnees.

“Military Strategist, thank you” Zhao Liusu came forward and respectfully bowed.

She is very clear that without the people in front of her, this war, Central Province is unlikely to come today.

“The following things, Alliance Venerable and Venerable can be arranged, I am tired, go back to rest”

Ning Chen should have a sentence, did not enter the hall, directly toward Going to your own palace.

In front of the long-awaited Qing Ning, leave with one of them.

Wenxuan Palace, Ning Chen walked in, sat down, took a cup of tea, and twitched his right hand and poured the tea into the mouth.

“It’s not a joy to kill,” Qing Ning stepped forward and took a cup of tea for him.

“Never” Ning Chen looked at his right hand, and he was confused. He was a demon, how could he fear.

“nature, not so easy to be obscured”

Qing Ning tea hand to the former, softly, “When you were Empress and I picked up Weiyang Palace, simple good Good, a glance can see a thorough, later, you changed a lot, however, that is only a few masks just, has been, you actually did not change much, the same do not like war, the same aversion to kill “

” I Am the Devil “Ning Chen Suppress the heart should not have throbbing, took the tea, slowly way.

“You just have the strength of Strength and the body. You haven’t completely lost humanity. Otherwise, you won’t be trapped by Demon Tribulation, don’t you?” Qing Ning responded.

“I can’t be human, it will ruin me.” Ning Chen drank the tea and sighed.

“What about your sword?

”Qing Ning is soft.

Ning Chen was puzzled, but he still called Chilian Sword.

Qing Ning moved the sword in the hands of the former, Will sword edge point to his heart, the way, “stab down, your demon tribulation, then over”

Ni When Ng Chen saw it, he flung his sword aside and looked gloomy, and snapped, “I don’t need this method, Demon tribulation, I can do it myself”

“too stupid”

Q ing Ning raise hands, stroking the face of the young man, beautiful face on a touch of gentle smile, Tao, “If one day, you need to strength, do not have to soft hearted, in this world, you are sister Qing Ning only concern, you, is the most important, understand?” ”

“Don’t say it again, Demon Tribulation, I can do it myself. I don’t want to hear the second time.” Ning Chen’s face was as ugly as ever, and he said.


Qing Ning 微笑着收回手,转身朝着一旁的房间走去,道,“Yin’er 呢?”

“Should still be asleep, too dangerous last night, did not bring her” Ning Chen calmed down and replied.

“Take her around here today, every day, screaming at someone’s little Miss, always give some compensation” Qing Ning chuckled.


Ning Chen nodded and should go down.

吱呀一声,房门被推开,Qing Ning 走入小丫头的房间,看到床上还在呼呼大睡的Yin’er ,不禁无奈地笑了笑,怪不得这丫头一出来,就再不说回去,这都什么时候了,还不起床。

“Yin’er ,起来了”Qing Ning 走上前,轻声唤道。

The little girl who was still asleep heard someone talking in her ear, immediately pulled the quilt up, covered the little head, and continued to sleep.

“Not awake”

Ning Chen came and said, every time he called this girl to get up, it was a difficult problem.

“You are too indulgent to her”

Qing Ning whispered, from Ming Yue to Chi’er to this little girl, which one is raised by this guy And the ancestors in general.

“I just imitated according to the Phoenix Body’s habits, changed too much, and would be suspected” Ning Chen indifferently says.

Qing Ning is too lazy to argue with him, pull the quilt out, so that he can smash the little girl.

“Yin’er ,今年多大了”Qing Ning 一边帮小丫头穿衣服,一边问道。

“十二岁半”Yin’er 揉着眼睛,回答道。

“Is it a family?” Qing Ning is soft.

Yin’er 小脸当时一红,赶忙摇了摇头,道,“没有”

“她一个小孩子,许哪门子人家”一旁,Ning Chen 插话道。

“What do you know”

Qing Ning looked up at the former and said, “Twelve years old, not too small, and, according to the number of gifts, you should not stay now. Here, how much do you remember when you taught you in the palace?”

Ning Chen dare not say anything more, the red tape in the palace, the defense of men and women, and the rules of the big and small, the number is numerous, it is estimated that the back must be back one day.

It’s better for him to write down these rules. It’s better to let him compete with the Heavenly Form.

Qing Ning 揉了揉小丫头的头发,轻声道,“Yin’er ,你宁大哥不在乎什么规矩,但是,这个世间,对女子毕竟比男子要苛刻许多,以后一些规矩还是要注意的,比如,二更入眠,五更起床,再比如,你宁大哥再随便进你的房间,就把他打出去”

Yin’er 一听,大眼睛猛地一亮,使劲点了点


Ning Chen 在旁边听着,一句话也不说。

衣衫穿好,Qing Ning 又帮Yin’er 梳洗了一翻,麻花辫上扎了两个漂亮的Butterfly 结,让本来就秀气的小丫头看起来更加可爱。

Yin’er 开着镜中的身影,开心地笑了起来。

“Well, let’s go,” Qing Ning took the little girl’s hand and smiled.

Yin’er 从凳子上跳下,看了一眼等在一旁的某人,噘着嘴道,“今天不许再拽着我到处跑”


Ning Chen 点头道,确实该补偿一下这丫头,这些天东奔西走,把这小丫头也折腾的不轻。

The three of them went out together and did not pay any attention to the war. They walked with the small hands toward the city.

众尊殿前,Li Shan Venerable 看着两人之间的Yin’er ,眉头微微皱起,不知为何,他中感觉有些不太对劲。

“Alliance Venerable, Military Strategist Why always bring the little girl of Sword Casting Mountain Village, even the last time and such an important thing, this little girl is brought around” Li Shan Venerable Asked.

“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask, who is with you, is the freedom of Military Strategist. If these little things make the Military Strategist unhappy, it is not good for everyone.” Zhao Liusu Warning.

“I understand that I am only curious and will not mention it in front of the Military Strategist” Li Shan Venerable.

Zhao Liusu nodded and continued. “Let other people pay attention to it. Don’t be obsessed with a big victory and put a shelf on the Supremacy in front of the Military Strategist. Central Province won this. It’s not a fake, but now the strength of the two sides is just flattening. I don’t want to see Competition City become the second Wanxing Pass, understand!”

“Yes” Li Shan Venerable respectfully.

城中,繁华的街道上,Qing Ning 牵扯Yin’er 在前面走,Ning Chen 抱着东西在后面跟着。

The degree of horror of women walking around the streets has been deeply experienced by countless people since ancient times. Ning Chen is not the first one, nor the last one.

Qing Ning ,他惹不起,不管本体,Phoenix Body ,还是Demon Body 都是一样,至于Yin’er ,这小丫头在Qing Ning 身边时,他也惹不起。

街道另一边,出去办事方才回来的Xi Piaoxu 和看到三人,嘴角微微弯起,道,“Senior Sister ,下山以来,Little Junior Sister 的cultivation base 进境越来越慢了”

“不许乱来,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 不是大恶之人,又于Human World 有大功德,不管出于什么目的,你对他出手,都有违山上规矩”Bai Lingling 再一次警告道。

“Big evil?” To see what is the standard, and to transform Wanxing Pass into Human World Forbidden Land, if it is not a big evil, there is really no big evil,” Xi Piaoxu chuckled.

“Two wars, he does not do this, this war will endlessly fight, this is not the reason you shot him.” Bai Lingling said.

“Senior Sister ,是什么理由,我并不在乎,我在乎的是,Little Junior Sister 此生能不能踏入Supremacy Boundary ,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 活着,这个可能便不存在”Xi Piaoxu 脸上笑容敛去,平静道。

“Little Junior Sister is different from us. The dust is not broken, forced to go, not necessarily what happens, don’t mess up” Bai Lingling.


Xi Piaoxu Just want to talk again, suddenly, far away from Heaven and Earth, a powerful Aura appears, the horrible pressure, let the entire Human World is shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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