Grand Xia 鐜嬩警鏈€鏂扮珷鑺? 绗簲鐧句竷鍗佷簲绔?Chao Tianxi (姹傝闃?,椋樺ぉ鏂囧 Competition City 琛楅亾涓婏紝鏈潵鍦ㄩ櫔鐫€Qing Ning 鍜孻in’er 閫涜鐨凬ing Chen 锛屾劅鍙楀埌杩滄柟闄嶄复鐨勫己澶у▉鍘嬶紝绁炶壊绔嬪埢鍙樹簡銆?

Heavenly Residence Star Venerable , Chao Tianxi !

At this moment, the entire Five Territories Experts perceive this Strength beyond Human World’s boundaries and feel heavy.

The worst result is still there.

鈥滀綘鍘诲惂锛孻in’er 杩欓噷锛屾湁鎴戠収椤锯€漄ing Ning 鍥炶繃澶达紝杞诲0閬撱€?


Ning Chen said apologetically, and then the figure flashed and rushed toward the temple.

Yin’er 鍢村反鍣樿捣锛屾姮璧峰皬鑴戣锛岄亾锛屸€淨ing Ning Elder Sister 锛屼粬璇磋瘽涓嶇畻璇濓紝涓嶆槸璇翠粖澶╄闄垜鍚楋紵鈥?

鈥淵in’er 涔栵紝浣犲畞澶у摜绐佺劧鏈夐噸瑕佺殑浜嬫儏瑕佸仛锛孮ing Ning Elder Sister 闄綘鈥漄ing Ning 闈㈤湶娓╂煍涔嬭壊锛岃交澹伴亾銆?

All the Human World Supremacy in the Competition City gathered together, the red light gathered, Ning Chen appeared, without any nonsense, directly ordered, “Leave three Venerable defenders, the rest People all go with me to Wanxing Pass”


The respected and respectful.

Wanxing Pass, Executing Immortal Forbidden Land, the sky is shaking, a beautiful shadow appears, a white tunic shirt, the jade-like green silk hangs behind, the beauty is unparalleled, no powder, like Nine Heavens The mysterious woman who came here gave a sense of distance that was unattainable.

Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, Chao Tianxi, at the end of the Five Territories Great Land.

Stepping into the Executing Immortal Forbidden Land, the three-dimensional figure is struggling, and it is almost reaching its limit.

Chao Tianxi shot and waved a Xiaguangtian Road, which will be taken out.

Wanxing Pass, outside the figure, ten Supremacy,simultaneously appear Executing Immortal Forbidden Land.

After a while, the four men walked out, and Chao Tianxi glanced at the ten Interior Boundary Supremacy in front, indifferently says, “Ling Tian Venerable, you take them both to leave, hand it over to me”


Ling Tian Venerable, with two serious Taixuan and Tiandu, left quickly.

Before “stopping them” ten Supremacy, Ning Chen spoke, coldly says.


From the mountain, Xuan Zhen Venerable and other four Supremacy led the rapid pursuit of the three.

This moment, Chao Tianxi is moving, white silk flying, like White Rainbow training, blocking the front of everyone.

“You guys can’t get through, don’t waste your time.” Chao Tianxi calmly said.

“Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, you are not dead, it is a pity.” Ning Chen took a step forward and said seriously.

鈥淜nowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 锛屽湪Heavenly Residence Star 鏃舵病鏈夋潃浜嗕綘锛屾槸鍚惧け绠椾簡锛屼笉杩囷紝鐜板湪鏉€浣狅紝涔熶笉绠楁櫄鈥?/p>

璇濆0钀斤紝Chao Tianxi 韬奖闂繃锛岀柧閫熸帬鑷冲墠鏂癸紝鎺屽嚌椋庝簯涔嬪姏锛岀牥鐒舵媿鍑恒€?

The battle opened, Ning Chen retired, ten advances, joined forces to block Heavenly Residence Star Venerable.

A sudden shock, Heaven and Earth are four-pronged, ten retreats, and the corners are simultaneously dyed red.

A clearly defined strength gap, a pair of ten, Human World Supremacy defeated.

Outside the battle, Ning Chen looked at the battle with cold eyes. He didn’t believe that Chao Tianxi could recover so quickly. If Nether King Barrier was broken so easily, then the word Nether King would be worthy of fame.

鈥淜nowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 锛屼綘鐨勫疄鍔涳紝搴斾笉涓嬩簬涓€浣峉upremacy 锛屼负浣曚笉鍑烘墜鈥滳hao Tianxi 鐪嬩簡涓€鐪兼垬灞€澶栫殑Red Clothes 骞磋交浜猴紝coldly says 銆?

“I am only responsible for the proposed Military Strategist, fighting, not my expertise, Star Venerable adults can be when I don’t exist” Ning Chen waved, white fan appears, gently sway.

Chao Tianxi snorted, the lotus step stepped, and the two palms were transported, blocking the next wave of attacks.

The existence of a peak Sword Artist, even if she can not completely ignore it, this child’s mind is really deep and terrible.

“Everyone is careful. Star Venerable has an extraordinary accomplishment in the Space Principle and the Ice Principle. If you don’t cooperate well, this Military Strategist may really want to collect the corpse for you.” Ning Chen watched the battle. Said one side.

“Void silence”

The words are finished, Chao Tianxi is cold, raises his hand, and thousands of feet in front of the sky collapse.

Ten reminders, immediately defensive, joined forces to move extreme move.

A shocking sound, the collapse of the void, the ten dyed red again, but it is to avoid the threat of death.

A move just fell, Chao Tianxi mentions True Yuan, and the whole body flies in the air. The snow falls in the sky, and the cold weather is spreading. It will spread thousands of miles and make the world of ice and snow.

“Fire Burning City”

Wen Yang Venerable Step forward, transporting Extreme Yang’s move against the ice and snow Principle from the sky.

The remaining nine are coming, and the Merit Body penetrates to help the former.

The next moment, Heaven and Earth are two points, the sea of 鈥嬧€媐ire rises, and it is in the sky and snow.

A stalemate, a distant purple sky, a purple girl appeared, a hand waved, Yin Moon opened the bow, the black light straight into the sky, after a moment, a black arrow light broke out, scratched Space is blocked until the Heavenly Residence Star Venerable.

The sudden arrow, without warning, broke into the battle, Chao Tianxi scorpion cold, raised his hand to open Heaven and Earth Shackles, sleepy arrow light.

However, after one arrow, two arrows followed, and the chases of the stars chases the moon.

“Mortal World” is a singular

At this moment, the void is shaking again, Taibai Residence Lord is in the battle, one arm, single sword reappears Taibai secret art, Mortal World In the current turmoil, the savage Hong Tao raging, Dao Sword opened the sky and snow, proving the Dao trick, Returning Wild Goose Heavenly Moon Peak after the war, reappeared in the world.

“Bodhi Heart Zen, one mind Bodhi”

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, buddha move to the world, the 鍗嶅瓧娉曞嵃閲戝厜rises, buddha rain spilled, one thought Bodhi, prove avenue.

Four offensives, breaking all the way back, outside the battle, Ning Chen stepped on the footsteps, the stroke intent has been filled.

“Let’s relax”

A light drink, Chao Tianxi’s brilliance pinnacle, a True Yuan destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth, within a thousand miles, the wind and snow whistling, Space has cracked.

“All Heavens, snow, and waves”

It鈥檚 shocking, snow and waves, with Chao Tianxi as the center, spreading rapidly, the whole sky, the snow and the ocean , white waves, annihilation of everything.


Outside the battle, Ning Chen took over and retired, avoiding the storm center.

In the battle, ten, Bodhi and Taibai Residence Lord were all flew out by the surging snow waves, and the blood was spilled by more than a dozen feet.


The situation was unfavorable, and Ning Chen immediately decided to withdraw his troops.

The lords took the lead and no longer fell in love with each other.

After the moment, the people left, and in the battle, only a white moon shadow stood still, and the wind and snow were exhausted, and a drop of blood was silent.

As Ning Chen expected, it was easy to break the Nether King Barrier. Even if the star-studded force casts the Star Soul Flowing Fire, the backlash power when breaking the Nether King Barrier still makes Chao Tianxi It was hit hard by unimaginable.

After half a month of coma, and then adjusted for a few months, he barely pressed down the injury and rushed to the Wanxing Pass to save people at the most critical time.

Competition City, a person who returned from Human World Supremacy, just landed, and immediately vomited a red lipstick.

The Expert of the Treading Immortal Way is terrible.

“Everyone, go back to heal, let me take care of the Alliance Venerable for the time being.” Ning Chen stepped forward and calmed down.

Various Venerables are leading the way, leaving one by one.

“Military Strategist, what now?” Zhao Liusu looks heavy.

“Help” Ning Chen slowly.

“Human World Supremacy from the three domains has come, and the rest has been explicitly rejected. I want to ask, it is difficult.” Zhao Liusu condensed.

“Never Chen indifferently says that you can’t come or not,” Ning Chen indifferently says.

“How?” Zhao Liusu brows and wrinkles.

“No Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, Heavenly Residence up to two domains to three domain ability, various Venerables and luck Reason, please do not come, the real number is normal, however, now Heavenly Residence Star venerable appear, lay the whole five territories, it is not impossible, Alliance venerable send people in the past, directly said, if they do not Come, Central province various sects let them guess, this war, next will burn to which domain “Ning Chen calm Way.”

Zhao Liusu Silence, after a while, said, “Military Strategist, have you ever thought that Five Territories does not have an Expert on Innate Great Completion, and even if you come, you can’t compete with this Heavenly Residence Star. Venerable 鈥?/p>

鈥淐ounter? No need to “

Ning Chen corner of the mouth bent a cold, Tao,” Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, although the absolute force, but she and Nether King the biggest difference, it is NE Ther King descend is to destroy the world, no weakness can be exploited, Chao Tianxi is different, she is a star of the Buddha, came to interior boundary, is to give heavenly Residence lay at least a domain territory, since the heart has care, then she will not is absolutely invincible “

” Military strategist also please expressly “Zhao liusu puzzled.

“Alliance Venerable believes that if the Heavenly Residence Army is completely burial in Central Province, will Heavenly Residence Star Venerable dare to take care of it? The person with absolute force, after all, she is alone, it may be difficult to defeat or remove her, but it should not be difficult to contain it,” Ning Chen said indifferently.

“What should I do afterwards?” There is such a person, this war, we are still a disadvantage in the war,” Zhao Liusu worried.

“The road has to go step by step, Alliance Venerable, what you have to do now is to invite the other three domains of Human World Supremacy as much as possible, and then the powerful Military Strategist, and it is impossible to fight without knowing it. Plan the next step in the case of force, isn’t it?” Ning Chen smiled with a smile on his face.

At the same time, Tianheng City, Yuebai brilliance gathered, Chao Tianxi walked out, Xiao Bieli, Dong Xun Venerable, Zhen Yang Venerable and others simulatedly salute, welcome Star Venerable back.

“Heavenly Form, you have worked hard these days.” Chao Tianxi took a look at Xiao Bieli, the head of the crowd, and said.

鈥淴iao Bieli has a negative Star Venerable鈥?Xiao Bieli with a coloring road.


Chao Tianxi 鎽囦簡鎽囧ご锛岄亾锛屸€滆繖浜涙棩瀛愶紝鏈夊叧閭d綅Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 鐨勪簨鎯咃紝鍚句篃浜嗚В浜嗕竷涓冨叓鍏紝鑳藉皢Nether King 閫佸洖鐨勪汉锛屼笉浼氬鏄撳浠橈紝鎴樹簤浠庣幇鍦ㄦ墠姝e紡寮€濮嬶紝浣犱笌浠栫殑浜ら攱锛屾潵鏃ユ柟闀库€?/p>

鈥滄槸鈥漍iao Bieli 鎭暚閬撱€?

“Okay, you, the previous failure, from now on, forgot for a moment, Heavenly Form, you are the phase of my Heavenly Residence, planning the battle is your duty, how to go next, still Please arrange “Chao Tianxi calmly” as soon as possible.


Xiao Bieli took the lead and stood up, a pair of scorpions, and re-firmed.

(End of this chapter)

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