Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第五百八十七章 战争终点,飘天文学 冰雪地狱,唯一Pure Land ,Knowing Heaven’s Will 周身Phoenix Yuan 、Demon Qi 涌动,冰冷的双眸,再无一丝人类情感。

“You are, devil!” Chao Tianxi looked at the people in front of him and was shocked.

“What am I, important? Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, you, defeated.” Ning Chen Indifferent.

“”called a king if successful ,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你不该留吾性命”Chao Tianxi 剧烈地咳嗽了几声,嘴角鲜血不断淌落,虚弱道。

Seeing that Space is gradually stabilizing, Ning Chen converges around Aura, calmly saying, “I don’t want to face a crazy Heavenly Form, you die, this war will only be more fierce, a living Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, more valuable”

“You want to threaten Heavenly Form with me” Chao Tianxi.

“Threats? 你太小看Knowing Heaven’s Will 了,Star Venerable ,是时候说出为何Heavenly Residence 要开启这场战争了,再隐瞒下去,也无任何意义”Ning Chen indifferently says 。


Chao Tianxi 眸中闪过一抹疲惫,缓缓道,“再过不久,Heavenly Residence Star 便会毁灭,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,不论吾的下场如何,这场战争都不会停,即便失去了Star Venerable ,Heavenly Residence 还有Heavenly Form ,实力依旧不输于人心不齐的Five Territories 联盟,吾境不会败,也不能败”

“原来,真是Heavenly Residence 出事了”

Ning Chen 眸子眯起,先前他便感觉不对劲,Heavenly Residence 侵略Five Territories ,需要付出的代价太大了,得不偿失。

This is not a good news. It indicates that Heavenly Residence is absolutely impossible to admit defeat in this war. In order to survive, it will definitely die.

Chao Tianxi said it was good, Heavenly Residence lost Star Venerable, and Heavenly Form, and one star of the battle, Interior Boundary still does not dominate.

weigh for a long time, Ning Chen look down, seriously, “Star venerable, Heavenly Residence shoubing, I promised Heavenly Residence people a place to live”

Chao Tianxi body startled, looking at the former, the way, “your words, can represent the five Territories union, Heavenly Residence number although not more than interior boundary , but at least one domain is required to accommodate Heavenly Residence many people “

” let a domain is absolutely impossible, Heavenly Residence to interior boundary, will be dispersed to five territories each piece of land, in addition, Heavenly Residence Army also to dismiss, divided into five territories all over, whether you, or the Heavenly Form, can not interfere, also not Call again “Ning Chen indifferently says for any reason.

“Impossible, if you do this, you will die of the inheritance of Heavenly Residence”

Chao Tianxi heard the words, the look of the sinking, directly refused, according to this arrangement, It will not be long before Heavenly Residence will be fully assimilated by Interior Boundary, the name of Heavenly Residence, in name only.

“Star venerable, you have to think well, Heavenly Residence the rest of the time is not much, the war, Interior boundary although not dominant, but also not necessarily will lose, in addition, to Will Heavenly Residence people sent to interior boundary is also not easy, presumably Sannianwuzai is not necessarily enough, Star venerable is to save more people, or to adhere to the so-called Heavenly Residence Inheri Tance, think about it, “Ning Chen looked coldly.

heard the former words, Chao Tianxi look changed and changed, sinking channel, “How can you guarantee, in my severance heavenly Residence Army, Five Territories Union and large Sect will not be wanton slaughter or difficult for my people “

Ning Chen faint smile, the way,” the stars, this is your business, not my business, you just can deter various sects, Heavenly Residence The natural safety of the people “

Chao Tianxi Silence, long after, raised his head, eyes Shining Road,” just interior boundary promised peace to accommodate heavenly Residence people, I promised retr Eat “

” Star venerable, accreditations, your existence, after all, too dangerous, the consequences of Huan, you and I all know, but also to take the oath to testify “Ning Chen calm Way.”

Chao Tianxi sighs, and immediately proves with the sky, and makes a vow.

誓言融入Heaven and Earth ,苍天见证,Ning Chen 脸上露出一抹微笑,道,“正式和谈一事,我会尽快安排,十日后,两军阵前,恭候Star Venerable 大驾”

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,现在吾已不能对你出手,可否说出,Mujin 到底是死是活?” Chao Tianxi is soft.

“Xi Mujin? Star Venerable rest assured that she is still alive, maybe, it will not be long before Star Venerable can see her,” Ning Chen is honest.

“Thank you,” Chao Tianxi sighed.

“Star Venerable, let’s say goodbye, go back to the road and be more careful, I think, after the peace talks, there will be a lot of things to say between us”

Ning Chen smiled and said One sentence, immediately turned and left.

Chao Tianxi sighed again, coughing a few times, and the figure gradually dissipated in the snow.

A hundred miles away, the sword was harsh, and Luo Xingchen rushed to stop the battle between the two.

“Sword Two ,Mu Qianshang ,你们再打下去,就准备给Knowing Heaven’s Will 收尸吧”Luo Xingchen 怒声喝道。

“Get out”

Mu Qianshang shakes Sword Two with a sword and rushes straight into the snow and hell.

Sword Two, Luo Xingchen followed, and fell into the snow.

At this moment, in the depths of the ice and snow World, a trace of Red Clothes came out, watching the three people slamming, whisper, “Where are you going?”

Mu Qianshang stopped and it was incredible.

“Friend, what is your look, I am fine, shouldn’t I be happy?” Ning Chen chuckled.

“果然好人不长命,祸害遗千年,Knowing Heaven’s Will ,你的命,真不是一般的大”Luo Xingchen 压下心中欣喜,口中依旧不饶人道。

“It’s good to be alive” Sword Two doesn’t talk much. Simply say a word, then I won’t say it again.

“Go, let’s talk on the road,” Ning Chen laughed.

The three nodded and marched together towards the Competition City.

Competition City, the House of Deputies, the people have returned for a long time, waiting patiently.

Ning Chen entered the temple, and a pair of twins immediately looked over and looked forward to the answer.

“Heavenly Residence Star Venerable is not dead, but Heavenly Residence will soon retreat” Ning Chen calmly said.

A word falls, the body of the temple is silently shocked, sorry, shocked, and puzzled.

“Military Strategist, what’s the matter?” Zhao Liusu asked.

“Heavenly Residence Star Venerable has agreed to the peace talks”

Ning Chen did not say specific combat situation, just will he and Heavenly Residence Star Venerable reached the agreement said again, immediately, look to the front various Venerables, calm, “Everyone venerable, for five territories this has been the best result, I do not want to see any Whoever destroys the peace talks “

” accommodates Heavenly Residence people without problems, but Heavenly Residence Star Venerable’s presence will be interior boundary The greatest threat she did not die, endless “Qing Yu venerable got up and sank the channel.

“She has vowed that as long as you don’t target Heavenly Residence’s subjects, she won’t appear in front of everyone, and will not call for a soldier.” Ning Chen indifferently says.

Various Venerables, the brows are wrinkled, and there is a lot of dissatisfaction and anxiety in my heart.

Ning Chen 没有再理会众人的心思,迈步朝着殿外走去,道,“各位Venerable ,Heavenly Residence Star Venerable 答应retreat ,只是因为她想救更多的百姓,不要认为,她会任由他人摆布,我想,她比谁都清楚,只有她活着,Heavenly Residence 百姓才能活的更好,言尽于此,各位好好想想吧”

Knowing Heaven’s Will 离去,在场一位位Supremacy 你看看你,我看看我,各怀心思。

In the main seat, Zhao Liusu sighed in his heart. In fact, as long as Interior Boundary is not difficult, Heavenly Residence Star Venerable has no threats. The Venerable is so dissatisfied, and his heart is thinking. Nothing, needless to say.

If the Heavenly Residence Star Venerable is dead, the Heavenly Residence Army is disbanded, and the fate of the Heavenly Residence people can be imagined.

Wenxuan Palace ,Ning Chen 回来,Yin’er 第一个跑上去迎接,左瞧瞧,又看看,发现没有缺胳膊少腿后,又自己跑到一边玩去了。

Ning Chen flashed a smile in the middle of it. The time for this girl to come out is not short. It is time to send her home to see if there is time.

“How is the injury?” Qing Ning stepped forward and asked softly.

“No problem, it will be fine after a period of time,” Ning Chen replied.

“I have heard Mu Qianshang at the beginning and end of today’s World War. They said, I don’t understand why you left Heavenly Residence Star Venerable?” Qing Ning does not understand.


Ning Chen 平静道,“既是衡Interior Boundary various sects ,也是制衡Heavenly Residence various Venerables ”

“现在的情形,其实十分明朗,除却Heavenly Residence Star Venerable 本身的战力,Heavenly Residence Army 和Interior Boundary 基本形成僵持之势,继续打下去,谁都占不到便宜,Heavenly Residence 为了生存,绝对不可能retreat ,Interior Boundary various sects 为守护自己的利益,也不会轻易退让,这场战争的最大输家,毫无疑问就是Heavenly Residence 和Interior Boundary 的平民百姓”

“这场战争打到最后,很有可能是Central Province 分疆裂土,然后双方暂时停战,这是最不可取的结果,也是隐患最大的结局,一旦Heavenly Residence 或Interior Boundary 再次起兵,战火会永无止歇”

“Chao Tianxi 要的是Heavenly Residence 百姓能有一片生存之地,为此,愿意做出一切牺牲,这便是最好的和平契机”

“我所提出的和谈条件中,利益损失最大者便是Heavenly Residence various sects ,究其根源,Heavenly Residence Army 是由Heavenly Residence various sects 组成,遣散Heavenly Residence Army ,就意味着遣散Heavenly Residence 一个个Large Sect ,Chao Tianxi 为Heavenly Residence 众生,宁可放弃一星之尊的身份,但,并非所有Heavenly Residence Supremacy 都愿意做出如此牺牲,一个Heavenly Form ,并不足以促成这次和谈,Chao Tianxi 的武力,方才是最大的保证”

“另外,和谈之后,Heavenly Residence various Venerables 也需要一个人来震慑,不然也会是一个不小的麻烦”

“最后,我留下Chao Tianxi ,便是给Central Province 和其他几域various sects 头上悬一把剑,Chao Tianxi 是生是死,对于Interior Boundary 平民百姓并没有什么影响,真正影响的只是Five Territories 各个Large Sect 的野心”

“当初Zi Tiangong 和Monster Buddha 趁着Divine Province Expert 在Nether King Great Tribulation 中死伤殆尽,趁机夺取Divine Province Source 的教训至今历历在目,我不想再看到类似的事情发生,在Heavenly Residence 臣民融入Interior Boundary 的过程中,若再有人趁机做出天怒人怨之举,便要仔细考虑一下是否有命承受一位Treading Immortal 境Expert 的怒火”

听过Ning Chen’s 话,Qing Ning 沉默下来,许久,轻声一叹,道,“抛却立场,Heavenly Residence Star Venerable ,着实让人尊敬,无愧一星天熙之名,若有朝一日,Interior Boundary 也面临毁灭的威胁,Interior Boundary 的这些Supremacy ,又有多少人愿意为Five Territories 百姓牺牲至此”

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