Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, the 580th chapter Letter (for subscription), floating astronomy Wenxuan Palace, on the eve of the peace talks, Mu Qianshang, Luo Xingchen, Sword Two appeared to bid farewell, before leaving their own things to help, now things, should also leave.

Qing Ning sent the wine, even if it didn’t bother the four.

The feelings between men, women often do not understand, do not need to understand.

Yin’er 坐着门前,双手托着小脑袋,看着四人,无聊发呆。

“Knowing Heaven’s Will ,敬各位好友”Ning Chen 端起酒坛,正色道。


The jars touched each other, and the voice was silent in the wine. The four men poured a bite of wine, bitter, spicy, and tasted each other.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will ,我会在Desolate City 等你,办完这里的事,不要忘记我们的约战”Sword Two 放下酒坛,首先离去。

“I am leaving, there will be a period later”

Luo Xingchen also put down the jar, waved his hand and stepped away.


最后,Mu Qianshang 道了一声别,旋即目光看向一旁的Yin’er ,轻笑道,“Yin’er ,快快长大,给Elder Brother Qianshang 做新娘”


Yin’er 赶忙摇了摇头,直接拒绝道。

“Too bad people”

Mu Qianshang Haha smiled and sprinkled away.

“Keeping Care”

Before Wenxuan Palace, Ning Chen looked at the back of the three disappeared and whispered softly.

It’s hard not to be difficult to meet each other. I don’t know when this time.

“These people grow up really fast” Qing Ning walked out and sighed.

“一域Heaven’s Chosen ,岂会输给任何人,曾经春秋鼎盛的Divine Province Great Land ,也只剩下他们了”Ning Chen 感慨道。

Master, Daoism Head, Mu Bai, Eternal Night Hierarch, Sword One, Victorious Return Marquis… How many Martial Dao peaks, even if subjected to Heaven and Earth, the cultivation base is difficult to enter, however, the final Martial Dao achievement Still proud of the world.

If they are still alive, Divine Province is afraid of anyone.

“Where are you going after the peace talks?” Qing Ning asked.

“Talk to Heavenly Residence Star Venerable and continue to look for the whereabouts of Immortal Corpse Patrol,” Ning Chen replied.

“What about me?” Yin’er 开口,宣示存在感。

Ning Chen 蹲下身子,揉了揉小丫头的头发,轻声道,“Yin’er ,你出来的时间不短了,要不要回去?”

Yin’er 拍掉脑袋上的大手,噘嘴道,“你这是过河拆桥”


Ning Chen 轻声一笑,道,“你也可以跟着我,我教你martial arts ,真正的martial arts ”

一旁,Qing Ning 闻言,神色凝下,明白了其话中何意。

“Are you decided?” Qing Ning asked in a positive color.


Ning Chen 点了点头,微笑道,“除了Chi’er ,我还没有真正收过弟子,Sister Qing Ning 不是说过,做人要有承担吗,我欠Sword Lord 的恩情,便还给Yin’er 吧”

“我能不叫你师父吗?” Yin’er 试探道。

“Yes, you can do whatever you want, I used to call you Ning Brother, you haven’t called it,” Ning Chen chuckled.

Yin’er 一脸开心地点了点头,道,“那你得陪我回一趟Sword Casting Mountain Village ,将此事告诉Sword Lord 爷爷”

“恩,明天和谈之后,我们便去”Ning Chen 应道。

“I am going to prepare for the teacher’s ceremony” Qing Ning said.

“Not so troublesome”

After that, Ning Chen waved his right hand, and on the table in the hall, a wine glass flew and fell in front of the little girl.

“Yin’er ,敬我一杯酒”Ning Chen 正色道。

Yin’er 拿起一旁的酒坛,倒了一杯,旋即端到前者面前,展颜一笑,道,“不许反悔哦”

Ning Chen 笑了笑,接过小丫头手中的酒,一饮而尽,正式认下这个弟子。

Next to, Qing Ning shook his head helplessly, what a messy ceremony.

“Apprentice!” 仪式结束,Yin’er 摊开小手,理直气壮道。

Ning Chen reached out and gently clicked on the forehead of the little girl. Suddenly, a complicated and incomprehensible verse was missing from the latter’s Spiritual Consciousness.

“What is this?” Yin’er 晃了晃小脑袋,不解道。

“Heavenly Tome” Ning Chen whispered.

Yin’er 闻言,大眼睛闪过一抹异色,Heavenly Tome ? I seem to have heard of it.

“Don’t tell others, many people want to grab this thing, understand?” Ning Chen reminded.


Yin’er 使劲点了点头,应下。

做完这些,Ning Chen 想了想,起身看着眼前的女子,开口道,“Sister Qing Ning ,万一,我是说万一,我的身份不慎暴露,再次对上天下various sects ,Yin’er 就拜托你照拂一二了”

“不要说丧气话,不会有这一天”Qing Ning 轻声斥道。

Ning Chen smiled and said nothing, the future, no one knows, the existence of the devil, after all, is not tolerated by the world.

“Qing Ning Elder Sister, what are you talking about?” Yin’er 听的迷迷糊糊,不解道。

“一些小事,Yin’er ,不要打扰你师父休息了,今天去Qing Ning Elder Sister 那里吧”Qing Ning 说道。

“好”Yin’er 点头道。

不久后,Qing Ning 带着Yin’er 离开,Ning Chen 独自一人静静站在Wenxuan Palace 前,眸中思绪,一道道闪过。

“Devil, you shouldn’t accept her as a disciple.” Forty-nine men and women voiced and said.

“What do I have to do, don’t take care of you” Ning Chen coldly says.

“The more you care about, the less likely Demon Tribulation will be spent, this is self-destruction,” Supreme Tian calms.

“Is this not what you are happy to see?” Ning Chen sarcastically.

“You are not in jeopardy of the world, and you have the merits of Human World, Supreme Tian, ​​not the right and wrong.” Forty-nine people answered in unison.

“What do you think, I don’t care, when the matter is over, I will fulfill my promise and find the right Fleshly Body for you. After that, you and I will not owe each other” Ning Chen indifferently says .

Supreme Tian Silence, after a moment, whispered softly, “Devil, advise, no matter what reason, your identity can not be exposed, do not test the hearts, because the human heart can not stand any Tentative”

Ning Chen didn’t pick up the words, looked at the sky, and thought quietly.

On the following day, the front lines of the two armies of the armistice, Supremacy of the two sides appeared, led by Chao Tianxi, Xiao Bieli, Zhao Liusu, Li Shan Venerable and others to discuss and talk about things.

The agreement on the specific issue, the two sides talked for a whole day, during the dispute, but finally reached a consensus.

Outside the camp, Ning Chen stood still and did not participate in the negotiations.

Peace, hard-won, he has done what he is supposed to do, can really maintain this peace, see the sincerity of Heavenly Residence and Interior Boundary various sects.

When the setting sun is about to fall, Chao Tianxi and Xiao Bieli walk out of the camp, and there is emotion in the look. In any case, the war is over.

“Heavenly Form, the order went on, the whole army retreated” Chao Tianxi whispered.


Xiao Bieli took the lead and walked toward the Heavenly Residence Army.

Chao Tianxi 看到不远处的Knowing Heaven’s Will ,想了想,迈步走了过去。

Ning Chen looked at the Heavenly Residence Star Venerable, and smiled. “Is this finished?” I thought that I would like to talk for a few days.

“As long as Interior Boundary can peacefully accept my people, others, make more concessions, it is worth it.” Chao Tianxi whispered.

“Five Territories If there are more people like Star Venerable, I think, this war, Heavenly Residence has long since lost.” Ning Chen smiled with a smile on his face.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,吾境从未输给Interior Boundary ,只是输给了你”Chao Tianxi 平静道。

Ning Chen 淡淡笑了笑,道,“此事谈论输赢,已无意义,Star Venerable ,我的身份还望保密,泄露出去,对于谁都没有好处”

Chao Tianxi 轻轻点头,道,“明白,不过,吾真心替你不值,这样Central Province various sects ,不值得你帮他们”

“我帮的,从来都不是Central Province ”

Ning Chen 看着谈判的营帐,平静道,“Star Venerable ,时至今日,我不妨对你说实话,若Heavenly Residence 的实力只equivalent to 一个Central Province ,这场战争,我绝不会参与,但,Heavenly Residence 的实力超出Central Province 太多,或许,Star Venerable 不好战,只是希望给Heavenly Residence 百姓寻找一片安身之地,然而,Heavenly Residence 其他人呢,顺利打下Central Province 后,会就此善罢甘休吗,败时,Star Venerable 可以制止他们,但是,胜利时呢,Star Venerable 还能阻拦吗,人啊,终究不是圣贤,永远都在追逐更多的利益,这是本性,无法改变”

Chao Tianxi 沉默,片刻后,轻声道,“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你对人心的了解,当真让人恐惧”

“经历的多了,刻骨铭心的教训而已”Ning Chen 应道。

Since the beginning of the seal, these things, he has seen too much, people are changeable, betrayal, jealousy, praise, gratitude, expectation… This world, the most valuable is the human heart, the most filthy remains Still people’s hearts.

“Star Venerable, one thing, I never understood, why was your injury worse than when you were in Competition City?” Ning Chen turned his head and didn’t understand.

After the battle of the 10th, they were able to win, and some had some unexpected. Originally, in his prediction, their odds were at most 50%.

“After half a month ago, Immortal Corpse Patrol passed the Tianheng City and rushed into the battle with the enemy. I couldn’t help myself. I could only stop it, but unfortunately, it still failed.” Chao Tianxi said truthfully.

Ning Chen’s look was shocking, “Immortal Corpse Patrol? Where to go”

“East, it should be Eastern Territory Divine Province” Chao Daxi.

Ning Chen heard the news, and the dazzling light broke out in the middle of the battle. Counting the time, at that time he was also in the Eastern Territory, was it missing?

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,吾还有事情需要安排,先走一步了,后会有期”

看着前者变化的神色,Chao Tianxi 并没有多问,告别道。

“There will be a period later” Ning Chen returned to God and answered.

Chao Tianxi Take a look at the sunset in the West and immediately follow the direction of Army’s retreat.

Ning Chen watched the figure that the former gradually drifted away, sighed softly, and finally, it was over.

At this moment, the eyes of Ning Chen’s eyes suddenly shook and his face changed dramatically.


Far away, unprepared Chao Tianxi, behind him, two figures appear, a purple, a golden, majestic palm, and reflected in the former heart .

喷洒入空的鲜血,dyed red 天际,更dyed red 和平的期盼,艰难回首的Chao Tianxi ,目光透过两人,看着远方的Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,这一刻,尽是错信和悔恨。

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