Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, Chapter 603 Chilian, Floating Astronomy Competition City, returning from the double respect, the three waiting Human World Supremacy saw it and looked surprised.

“Death from the mountain, we have failed”

Hundred Li Venerable A few steps, vomiting red, weak.

“怎么可能,没有Two Complements Great Formation 相助,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 不该有如此实力”Luo Xiao Venerable 沉声道。

“It’s better to ask Alliance Venerable to join the other three domains of Strength and kill the traitor together,” Bi Hui Venerable said.

“Not right, Alliance Venerable’s mind, we can’t see through it, and the end of the two-state war, the Interior Boundary Alliance has actually existed in name only, and it is not easy to use the strength of the other three domains.” Bu Chunqiu, the head of the three Sects who survived the Heavenly Residence invasion, said.

“难道放任Knowing Heaven’s Will 离去吗,纵虎归山的后果,诸位不会不知道吧”Luo Xiao Venerable 再次说道。

“Let’s of course impossible, but there is a more appropriate excuse.” Bu Chunqiu’s look flashed and slowly.

“What does Chunqiu Venerable mean?” Luo Xiao Venerable does not understand.

“天下Executing Demon ”

Bu Chunqiu coldly says ,“当初Heaven’s Secrets City 批示,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 是Heaven Beyond Heaven 祸世之源,果然,没过几年Heavenly Residence 便入侵Central Province ,而吾等可借此,再开Executing Demon 之局,当然,若能得Heaven’s Secrets City 相助,便再好不过”

“此事非易,Heaven’s Secrets City 之人从不说谎,想让他们相助,难啊”Bi Hui Venerable 说道。

Bu Chunqiu 冷笑一声,道,“也不是一定没有可能,此事说易不易,说难不难,当初Zhao Liusu 在后方推动,Heaven’s Secrets City 亦算出Knowing Heaven’s Will 为魔,天下Executing Demon 之局,方才得以全功,各位应该都清楚,入魔容易,回头艰难,吾想,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 一直无法踏入Supremacy Boundary ,于此脱不了干系”

“Chunqiu Venerable 的意思是,Knowing Heaven’s Will 还有可能再次入魔”Luo Xiao Venerable 神色凝重道。


Bu Chunqiu 点了点头,道,“或者说,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 应一直都未能摆脱魔的困扰,吾不知他是如何恢复理智,但是,一朝入魔,一世为魔,想要彻底走出,难如登天”

Bi Hui Venerable 闻言,眸子微微眯起,道,“若真的如此,那倒好办,吾等只要再走一趟Heaven’s Secrets City 便可,一切真相,很快就会水落石出”

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 那里呢,要如何拖住其步伐”Luo Xiao Venerable 提出疑问,道。

“派教中弟子拦截,Knowing Heaven’s Will 若出手,便定其滥杀无辜之名,正合吾等之意”

说到这里,Bu Chunqiu 看了一眼不远处重伤的两位Supremacy ,凝声道,“两位Venerable ,这两日还请尽快疗伤,待诛杀Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 之时,还需要两位的帮忙”


荒野上,bright moon shines high above ,洒落淡淡的寒意,Ning Chen 牵着Yin’er 走着,没过多久,牵着的小丫头便困了,变成背着。

作为师父,不管Demon Body ,还是本体,对于Yin’er ,都极尽呵护,不愿让小丫头受一点委屈。

昔日,Knowing Heaven’s Will 年幼时,有Zhangsun 和Prince Yan 相护,方才在一次次危机中活了下来,今日,Knowing Heaven’s Will 成为了长辈,也开始将Junior 护于羽翼下,免遭风雨摧折。

inheritance is the most selfless dedication in the world. From generation to generation, responsibility is more an obligation.


荒野上,寒风微凉,Yin’er 半睡半醒地呢喃了一声,双臂抱得更紧了。

Ning Chen waved, a black shirt appeared, gently put on the little girl, and then proceeded.

“Devil, although I don’t want you to be a disaster, but I still have to remind you that the devil has human feelings, and it is undoubtedly self-extinguishing, especially in Demon Tribulation.” Forty-nine men and women voiced and said.

“I just want to return the Sword Casting Lord” Ning Chen indifferently says.

“So best, demon, you are getting deeper and deeper, Merit Body will be getting weaker and weaker, and you will leave Central Province as soon as possible before the Merit Body is at its lowest.” Daoist Gate Leader reminded.

“I understand”

Ning Chen nodded.

寂静的夜,清冷的风,Knowing Heaven’s Will 步伐越来越快,一闪而逝,寒月西行,高挂正中时,一道道身影掠出,再度挡去前路。

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,Alliance Venerable 有令,请你回Competition City ”一位Half Venerable Expert 沉声道。

“The foolish man, the death is not enough, your master is really painstaking to charge me for the crime.”

Ning Chen sneaked through the chill, hand waved, Highest Beginning The front, the body, the sword is now killing intent.

The white mans of the slaying, do not leave the slightest friendship, after a short time, Yellow Springs stayed, a waterfall waterfall blood dyed red white moon, night, is killing, the wind, bright red wandering.

惨呼,震天,谁都没有想到,Knowing Heaven’s Will 当真不顾后果,大开杀戒,逃不掉的人,夜下留魂。

The magical Red Clothes, the blood on the sword, the waterfall and the waterfall, the nature of the devil, never likes to calculate the plot, only killing, is the most direct solution.

The broken limbs are broken, scattered all over the floor, screaming useless, and running away is useless.

片刻工夫,满地残红,挡不下的Knowing Heaven’s Will ,无情收命。

The last sword, the blood waterfall dyed the sky, Highest Beginning, and Red Clothes stepped away.


In the wilderness, several figures fell dust, shed blood dyed red under Great Land, ordered to come back, no life.

前行的Red Clothes 背上,Yin’er 依旧甜甜地睡着,不曾醒来,身上披着一件黑衣,挡去寒夜的冷意。

Competition City ,密室中,一排排jade plate 断裂,前方,等候消息的Bu Chunqiu 眸子眯起,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,竟真的将他们全杀了。

与此同时,Heaven’s Secrets City 中,七位白衣少年再开演天之术,推算Knowing Heaven’s Will 真身。

Luo Xiao 、Bi Hui 双尊等候,他们需要一个借口,若是Heaven’s Secrets City 能提供这个借口,便是再好不过的事情。

Day and night, day and night, seven white teenagers suddenly trembled, and they were vomiting red.

“Chilian Demon ”

Heaven’s Secrets 之中,拨云见雾,七位少年面露难以置信之色,震惊道。

Even they didn’t even think that the Military Strategist who helped Interior Boundary against Heavenly Residence was really Chilian Demon.

It turns out that the devil has always been a demon, but they have not seen it.

When I heard the voices of the seven teenagers, Luo Xiao and Bi Hui flashed in the cold, which was really an unexpected harvest.

Knowing Heaven’s Will 是魔,便是无可饶恕的罪!


双尊说了一句,身影淡去,离开Heaven’s Secrets City 。

One day later, Taibai Residence, White Foothill Academy, Mizar Dynasty… One Envoy appeared, and invited the diverse sects to discuss the overall situation of Executing Demon.

On the top of the mountain, before the Taibai Residence, the Taibai Venerable of the broken arm was silent, and immediately sighed, “Envoy, please come back, Taibai is already a half-waste, and it will not burden thevarious Venerables.

White Foothill Academy, Yi Qingqiu also refused to invite the sects to retreat Envoy on the grounds of physical discomfort.

Mizar Dynasty, Central Imperia Court, in the mighty Purple Qi, Yuan Sovereign heard Envoy’s obituary. After a while, he said, “Executing Demon nursing, my Dynasty is obligatory”

“Yuan Sovereign is deeply convinced, admire underneath.” Envoy took a sigh of relief and said nothing, turned and left.

“Imperial Father !” Yi Xuanmiao opens and reveals the surface.

“Don’t say, Xuanmiao, don’t forget your identity, and the hatred of your three brothers, it’s time to report it” in Purple Qi, Yuan Sovereign coldly says.

与此同时,东行路上,一波又一波Large Sect Expert 拦路,Knowing Heaven’s Will 手中的剑,再不曾收起,血水不断淌落,染遍东行之路。

为阻Knowing Heaven’s Will ,various sects 巨擘不惜伤亡,一批又一批联军拦路,为Executing Demon 最终之役争取时间。

“Ning Chen ”

接连遇到various sects 源源不断的追杀,即便Yin’er 也感受到情形不太对劲,小脸上尽是担忧道。

“Don’t worry, there is Master, no one can hurt you.”

Ning Chen has a gentle color on his face.

“猖狂之言,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,先有能力保住自己之命再顾别人吧”

就在这一刻,夜下虚空,剧烈晃动,一道又一道强大之极的身影走出,Heaven and Earth 震颤,难以容纳来者之身。

One, two, three… Ten are on the same side, thirty are followed by Half Venerable, and then, the countless number of Innate Army is on display, and the stunning lineup is about to wipe out Demon completely. Misfortune, forever.

众多Human World Top Expert 现身,不仅Central Province ,就连其他三域的Supremacy 也来了,昔日手下various Generals ,今日反叛Knowing Heaven’s Will 。

Ning Chen 见状,眸子眯起,道,“各位,这么Great Formation 仗,当真看得起Knowing Heaven’s Will 啊”

“你死,天下太平”Bu Chunqiu 走出,coldly says 。

Ning Chen waved his hand, indifferently says, “It seems that there is no trace of the soul in this soldier.”

Broken, the soul of the road vanished, but seeing the Ven Venables look as it was, untouched.

“不准备齐全,怎敢轻易出手,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,事到如今,再还不恢复真身吗?” Bu Chunqiu sneered.

Ning Chen 没有理会,目光看向众人中来自他域的数位Supremacy ,平静道,“各位,Central Province various sects 容不下Knowing Heaven’s Will ,倒是不足为奇,就是不知各位Venerable 为何也会前来”

“Executing Demon ,不分地域派别,Chilian Demon ,你末路了”Qing Yu Venerable 走出,神色冷漠道。

“Do you have the same reason?” Ning Chen looked at the rest of the crowd and calmed down.

“Executing Demon, we are obliged to do so” Chi Wei Venerable said.


Looking at the ups and downs of between Heaven and Earth, Ning Chen smiled gradually, laughter became colder and colder, more and more angry, laughing The chill is constantly oscillating.

“It turns out that no matter what you do, you can’t change your dirty heart. You want Chilian Demon. I will give you Chilian Demon, Chilian Demon, the source of all evil!”

一语落,怒极的Knowing Heaven’s Will ,豁然开眼,顷刻之间,Heaven and Earth 变色,无穷无尽的Demon Waves 滚滚而出,一身Red Clothes 应声崩碎,黑色如墨的衣衫随风狂舞,魔中Chilian ,再现Human World 。

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