Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第六百零四章 冷暖,飘天文学 Luojia Mountain 外,various sects Supremacy 联手逼杀Knowing Heaven’s Will ,天下Executing Demon 之局再开,化不去的恩怨,在Heavenly Residence 战事结束后,终于爆发。

Ten of the same people, accompanied by the Innate Army, will cut off all the retreats, and it is necessary to completely end the Executing Demon that lasted for several years.

团团包围中,Knowing Heaven’s Will Slaughter Body 现出本身,黑衣猎猎,长发狂舞,冰冷的目光,再没有任何人世情感,直让人感到深入骨髓的寒意。

看到身边熟悉而又陌生的身影,Yin’er 先是一怔,旋即双手紧紧抓住前者衣袖,俏丽的小脸上不见丝毫动摇。

“Are you afraid?” Demon Body starts from the side and opens.

“不怕”Yin’er 摇了摇小脑袋,回答道。

“Well, you follow me, I will take you out of the encirclement”

Restoring the Demon Body, Ning Chen has no more gentleness in the past, however, the words are firm but half-divided. Undoubtedly.

“嗯”Yin’er 使劲点了点头,应道。

With a hand, Chilian is on the verge, falling out of thin air, Ominous Fiend Qi is pervasive, Ning Chen holds the sword, the figure plucks out, the sword edge rhythm, Space screams.

Baili, Chiwei, Qing Yu, three obstacles Ominous Sword, collision shock, aftershocks scattered, stalemate for a moment, Luo Xiao, Bi Hui, the red building swept up, Hao Yuan rolling, palms demands The life.

Xuan Zhen, Wenyang followed, and the move was opened and closed.

Eight people joined forces to share Demon Misfortune, one in one, two in one, constantly changing, and the offensive was unmatched.

面对杀劫,Ning Chen 神色冰冷一片,一手牵着Yin’er ,一手挥动Chilian ,磅礴Demon Qi 无穷无尽,在两人周身不断升腾。

Demon Qi bodyguard, Phoenix Yuan blessing, force and speed, Slaughter Body is full of force, a sword in hand, blocking ten-thousand.

bla bla blade and sword Axe 钺 钺 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

In addition to the killing, Bu Chunqiu, Yuan Sovereign watched the battle and calmly waited for the shot.

八尊车轮战,Knowing Heaven’s Will 一身martial soul 腾sword light ,一口勇战的剑,一道勇战的影,面对Army 围杀,神色不见半分惧色。


The sound of killing, thousands of Innate Expert holding the soldiers forward, “blade is desperate, leaving no room.

“Blood way”

Demon Body moves, Chilian opens Yellow Springs Road, sword edge rhythm, sword light breaks empty, broken limbs fly off, blood dyed red wilderness.

Soldiers like Hong Taoyong, turning to the bloody river, blood dyed sword, Resentment Strength is more concentrated, Chilian Sword front, bright and glaring.

Three retreats, three followers, and a strong offensive, no pauses.

In the storm-like attack, Demon Body moves with strange steps, the figure is like a fantasy, avoiding the crisis again and again, and Chilian continues to absorb thebet Heaven and Earth strength of Resentment, and the power is more and more amazing.


A squeaky voice screams, Hundred Li Venerable’s right arm, bloody flowers, facing the speed of the sword, the first time suffered.

Outside the battle, seeing the killings prevailed, Bu Chunqiu, Yuan Sovereign stepped forward, and cooperated with the assists to kill.

The double-strength shot, Ning Chen felt the pressure multiplier, and the sword shook open and smashed, and the figure flew and exited a few steps.

Yuan Sovereign screams in a cold voice, and his hands are ruthless.

Ning Chen crossed the sword and made a shock, and made a few more steps.

“The power of Destiny”

Looking at the Purple Qi, the Ning Chen, who is surrounded by the former, coldly says.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,这一日,this Sovereign 等待很久了”

Yuan Sovereign 化掌为拳,Purple Qi 加催,一道巨大的dragon shaped 气劲咆哮而出,周身环绕,Mizar Emperor ,首现Supremacy cultivation base 。

Ning Chen turned to Dragon Qi and retired to Half-Step. He took advantage of the momentum and swept it out, and the black Phoenix roared behind him.

Dragon and Phoenix screamed and rushed into the sky. After a moment, they collided and slammed into the air.

Among the aftermath, a sigh of sorrow, the two retired, regardless of the outcome.

“一招换一招,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你败无尤”

Yuan Sovereign 压下体内的伤势,踏步上前,掌势再催,威震尘寰。

Bu Chunqiu also greeted the other eight players with the unprecedented horrible lineup and ruthless killing.

Ning Chen is standing alone, with thousands of arms, and Demon Might on the sword, to the limit.

“Blood Flame”

Chilian, all directions rage flow aggregation, burning the sky and boiling the sea red Color Blood flame stirring, great land crack, Earth fire gushing, assists demon move of the Wei.

In an instant, the screams of the sky, the blood of the flames, the burning of the soul, a line of Innate figure was annihilated in the fire wave, turned into a gray.

一剑惊天,围杀之阵顿现缺口,Ning Chen 牵着Yin’er ,踏步掠身,朝着缺口掠去。

“Did you go?”

Bu Chunqiu Jump, the wave of the highway, the potential sink like a hill, fell from the sky.

就在这一刻,虚空卷动,Dragon Gate appears ,一位紫衣少女走出,纤手抬起,直接抓住重戟,神色冰冷道,“Bu Chunqiu ,还有诸位Venerable ,你们在做什么”

“Alliance Venerable ,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 便是Chilian Demon ,事实已摆在眼前,还请一同出手除掉此魔”Bu Chunqiu coldly says 。

“If I can’t say it!” Zhao Liusu scorpion chills and screams.

“That’s offended”

Bu Chunqiu has a heavy turn in his hand, straight down, the power of Wan Hao, the stone is shocked.

“With you!”

Zhao Liusu’s look was cold, and he waved his hand to block the heavy squat, and immediately took a shot and stunned the former.

“He can’t do it, then I?”

In a word, the battlefield changed again, Xiaguang gathered, a woman in a green skirt walked out, and the Third Senior Sister on the mountain appeared in the battle.

“Xi Piaoxu” sees the arrival, Zhao Liusu’s face sinks, said.

“你们继续追杀Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,这里便交给吾了”Xi Piaoxu indifferently says 。

“Thank you!”

Bu Chunqiu responded with a footstep and chased forward.

Ten people move, Zhao Liusu is rushing, wanting to stop, however, Xi Piaoxu moves with it, palming Hao Yuan, blocking the former.

It’s a shock, and the two palms are handed over. Xi Piaoxu takes a step back and is a little overdone. However, with the Buddhist Gate Indestructible Body, it should be the way to block the former.

“Xi Piaoxu ,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 与你无冤无仇,你为何非要至他于死地”Zhao Liusu 怒Extreme Dao 。

“他不死,Little Junior Sister 便永远不可能迈入Supremacy Boundary ,而且,佛魔自古不两立,Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis 已化身为魔,留下早晚会为祸世间”Xi Piaoxu 神态冷漠道。

The reason is difficult to understand, Zhao Liusu’s face is condensed, no more words, step by step, nine soul wheel appears, turned into a Divine Sword, it seems to come out.

With a bang, the two met again, and the air was stirring, and they didn’t have two.

与此同时,重重Army 中,Ning Chen 牵着Yin’er ,一步一挥剑,断戈,残臂飞舞,血花飘散间,杀出一条血染之路。

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你逃不了”

palm force ,halberd light 从后方袭来,Ning Chen 回首挡招,剧烈碰撞中,右臂鲜血泊泊淌出。

“你受伤了”Yin’er 小脸一急,道。

“No problem”

Ning Chen whispered back, and the Demon Fire rose on the sword, and the sword swayed and swayed, and the figure was passed over, avoiding the palm force of the body. , step by step, sword move again.

“broken out”

Baizhang arrogant, open the sky, the blood is scattered, the two take the move, dyed red, exit a few steps.

The two retreats, the three Venerables went in again, and there was no gap in the attack, and they were forced again.

Sword edge blocked three, and when it was too late, Ning Chen’s mouth dyed red, a sinking, Demon Waves rolling.

Suddenly shocked, the three figures are drawn a few feet, and it is followed by heavy enthusiasm.

Swordsman confrontation, bloody splashes, Chilian dyed red, the sword is not stopped, Demon Qi frenzied, grand swords, earth broken mountains alarmed.


Bu Chunqiu, Yuan Sovereign exited a dozen steps at the same time, the blood in his mouth overflowed and sprinkled Great Land.

On the other hand, Ning Chen was backlashed by the aftermath, and the corners of his mouth were also red, and Demon Qi was shocked and there was a sign of instability.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你的路走到尽头了”

Luo Xiao ,Bi Hui ,红楼三尊再度逼命而上,危机时刻,远方,蓝光疾驰,Dao Sword 破空,一剑挡下三尊。

The figure of the broken arm, no longer full of alcohol, the once arrogant Taibai Residence Lord, later lost to the legend of Eastern Territory Sword Artist, Dao Sword broke, Dao Heart broke, all day drunk dreams, today again Out, Dao Sword forgets, and everything goes to the dust.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,走”Taibai Residence Lord 背对Knowing Heaven’s Will ,平静道。


Ning Chen 没有多犹豫,带过Yin’er ,迅速朝着Luojia Mountain 方向掠去。

“Taibai Residence Lord, you” looked at the person in front of the road, Luo Xiao Venerable angry.

“Don’t say more, come on”

Taibai Residence Lord waved through Dao Sword and said.

“You can’t save him. Today, no one can save him!”

Bu Chunqiu snorted in a cold voice, slamming his body and slamming down.

The double-strong confrontation, the Great Land tumbling, and the cracks spread across the road, reaching thousands of feet.

One person dragged the battle, Yuan Sovereign simultaneous uses Destiny’s power, passing by, rushing to the Taibai Residence Lord.

“You continue to chase”

Two-to-one, in the battle, Bu Chunqiu screamed, war halberd waved like a wind, blocking the Taibai Residence Lord.

八尊连同Army 继续追赶,数日谋划,重重布置,绝不允许Knowing Heaven’s Will 再逃出生天。

Under Luojia Mountain, Army is constantly flowing, killing it, Chilian Ominous Sword is bloody, Baleful Qi is rolling, and people are shocked.

The battle of life and death, no more friendship, only kill, kill the way of birth.

剑声凄鸣,声声悲泣,Demon Tribulation 在身、久战力疲的Knowing Heaven’s Will 一身Merit Body 剧烈震荡,越来越不稳。


看到前者手臂上点点落下的鲜血,Yin’er 一双大眼睛中沁满泪水,语带哭腔道。

“Don’t say stupid things”

Ning Chen should have a sentence, sip a little, swing the sword to the front, suddenly, Demon Waves roll, the sword reflects the moon, Nine Heavens Dark clouds rush, Thunder erupts.

“Demon Style, Funeral Day”

A sword enters the ground, Nine Heavens falls Divine Thunder, the Ten Great Great Land collapses, and the endless sword intent spreads sharply. At the landslide, the blood flows into the river.

就在Knowing Heaven’s Will 陷入生死危机之时,远方数百里外,一抹青色衣裙的倩影出现,柔美的容颜尽是焦急,疾速朝着战局方向掠去。

Qing Ning ,Knowing Heaven’s Will 今世最后的亲人,身如飞蛾,划过黑夜,赶向生死杀局。

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