Grand Xia 王侯最新章节, 第六百零五章 其实,她不想死,飘天文学 Luojia Mountain 下,Knowing Heaven’s Will 生死战,血的一夜,是Demon 屠戮天下的鲜红印记。

The countless number of the Innate Army is constantly coming forward, and the blood is paved into Yellow Springs, blocking Demon from going.

In the battle, the black-haired black shadow, cold vision ruthless, the sword is more ruthless, the siege of the Armed, one after another, the figure fell, the sword passed, the soldier broke, the soul died.

Thirty Half Venerable, unknowingly half-dead, eight Human World Supremacy, also suffered different degrees of damage, powerful, shocked everyone present.


Sword light Four swings, bloody splashes, Executing Demon, Demon is invincible, dance sword spring and autumn, name shakes the whole world.

Looking at the brave figure in the battlefield, a Human World Supremacy was shocked, and the killing intent in the heart was more than a few points.

这一刻,Central Province 之外三域Supremacy 终于明白为何Central Province various sects 会如此不惜代价诛杀Knowing Heaven’s Will ,当一位Wise Man 即将拥有绝对的武力,Human World 还有何人可以制衡。

战至白热,尸骨成山,Knowing Heaven’s Will ,众尊各染朱红,一剑凌划,Half Venerable 殒命,突然,Half Venerable 身后,一道雄浑Palm Strength 透体而出,映在Knowing Heaven’s Will 胸口。

It sounded like a shock, blood splashed, Ning Chen retired from Half-Step, and the sword edge did not retreat, passing through the Half Venerable body, directly through the Luo Xiao Venerable right shoulder.


Luo Xiao Venerable sullen in his mouth, raising his hand and grabbing the sword edge, wanting to drag the former.

“Jiangshan changed hands”

Ning Chen flashed a touch of cool color in the middle, and the sword edge swayed, swapped left and right, and a sword broke.

A stab, bloody sky, and palm force plunged, Ning Chen snatched a sword, a shock, a few steps.

Zhu Hong dripped, dyed in black, the injury was exchanged, and the battle was even more terrifying.

“Luo Xiao, how are you?” Bi Hui Venerable came forward and looked dignified.

“It is still possible to insist that he has not been able to support it for a long time, and he will be quick to make a change.” Luo Xiao Venerable also refers to sealing the broken arm wound and looks pale.

“Understand” Bi Hui Venerable nodded.

另一边,Army 之中,Demon 牵着Yin’er 且战且行,每走一步,都是鲜血四落,尸横遍野。

不曾停下的Knowing Heaven’s Will ,心知败在这里,便是终结,一生最后的坚持,不容任何人阻挠,在这之前,唯有活着,只有活着,活着!

sword edge 挥斩,血花飘落,映出一幕幕过往,尘世沉浮二十年,漂泊的lone boat ,已找不到渡口,Knowing Heaven’s Will whole life does not know one’s fate ,唯有握紧手中之剑,斩开一切阻碍。

The figure that continually fell to the ground behind him, the blood and water gathered into a small river, and the Great Land under the Luojia Mountain was dyed in a maroon color. The moonlight shines through the dark clouds.


突然,一声痛呼,刀锋划过,Ning Chen 阻挡不及,Yin’er 左臂,鲜血涌出,染red clothes 。

Ning Chen turned back, the scorpion shrank, and the cold edge rises, the sword edge waved, and a sword directly smashed the little girl’s Half Venerable into two.

Spilled blood, covered with many Innate eyes, fear, hatred, resentment, complex eyes, thorough.

At the same time, in the strange space on the Northern Plains Heavenly Sound Pavilion, Mu Chengxue, who is pushing Sound Millstone, has a strong sense of uneasiness, and he can’t tell the truth.

The white coat is like snow, and now it has been dyed brown, and the iron rope that passes through the cheekbones binds the freedom of the promiser. For a hundred years, “morning is black hair.”

mood effects, sound of the Grand Dao Farinose, just at this moment, the void shaking, a powerful anomaly figure out, looking at the sound millstone before the woman, Indifferently says, “your Heart, not quiet “

” he had an accident, Pavilion Lord, also please let me out heavenly sound Pavilion, to be done, I must immediately return “Mu Chengxue face on a touch of eager pleading color Road.

“It’s hard to get the Heavenly Sound Pavilion”

Heavenly Sound Pavilion Lord said, immediately disappeared and disappeared.

“Pavilion Lord”

Mu Chengxue screamed, but no response.

“I don’t have to think about it again, Mu Chengxue, when you made a deal with Shizun and took up the task of pushing Sound Millstone, you can’t go out in a hundred years.” Wu Qingying walked out and calmed.

“Mu Chengxue is willing to pay any price, and please Qingying Miss can be pleaded for love” Mu Chengxue pleaded.

“This is impossible, I can’t help.”

Wu Qingying shook his head and refused. It’s hard to understand. People who practice Supreme Indifference will start from the beginning. The most difficult memory in Jiang Xin was completely erased. It is reasonable to say that Mu Chengxue should have never recovered his memory. Actually, he still could not let go of that person.

I hope that the Heavenly Sound Pavilion will be able to take advantage of this tangled affair.

At the same time, the Eastern Territory Divine Province, Barbarian Royal Palace, a beautiful, girl-like woman kneels in the temple, worshipping three times.

“Can you still not let him?” In front of the girl, the former Barbarian Dynasty King flashed a touch of emotion.

“Daughter is not filial” Ah Man whispered.

“You go” Barbarian King waved and sighed.

Ah Man once again beheaded, and immediately got up, took the sword of First Thought, and turned away.

Luojia Mountain, the cold moon westbound, the mountain killing is still not only, the fierce and unusual battle, so that the radius of the mile is filled with blushing blood.

重重Killing Formation ,不留任何退路,阵中Knowing Heaven’s Will ,以剑问杀,屠戮天下。

Eight of them were wounded. Thirty Half Venerable had less than ten people left. No one expected the huge price, and the people of Human World Supremacy were shocked and angry.

准备多时,倾尽战力,竟还是无法顺利除掉此人,若有朝一日,Knowing Heaven’s Will 踏入Supremacy Boundary ,various sects 将会彻底万劫不复。

In the battle, the Demon Body was ruthless and ruthless. Although it was created, the killing was getting heavier and heavier, and all the tricks were Yellow Springs.

“Demon Style, God Cry”

Chilian’s round dance, the sword’s restment broke out, the winds and clouds were amazed, and the Demon Waves swept away. Heaven and Earth were discolored and dull.

The Regent only feels that Merit Body is a stagnation, and True Yuan is constantly under control.

The three-three offensive and defensive bureau was immediately destroyed, and it was shocked. The last two people were unable to gather together and were hit hard again.

The bright red of the land is the shock of Demon Misfortune. The strongest demon has long since surpassed Chilian four thousand years ago.

Knowing Heaven’s Will 身边,Yin’er 咬着嘴唇,伤口虽然疼痛难忍,却依旧强迫自己不要喊出声,不让前者担心。

blade light 剑影交错,黑衣黑发的Knowing Heaven’s Will ,脸上血水不时滴落,步伐踏转,身如roaming dragon ,sword edge 挥斩,威势雄浑无匹。

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你又能挣扎到几时呢”

局势生变,八位Human World Supremacy 立刻改变战术,四四联手,再度逼命。

掌剑交锋,久战力疲的Knowing Heaven’s Will ,退出数步,点点鲜红自嘴角落下,一遍又一遍染red clothes 。

The world is difficult, and Demon is not allowed to survive. Ning Chen glances at Luojia Mountain behind him, and then Chilian reminds the strength of Resentment, Demon Waves blessing, earth-shattering vibration, magnificent sword light, skyrocketing .


The ultimate sword, criss-cross, unparalleled, sword light arrives, the void falls apart, and Great Land is sore.

Four of them were the first to bear the brunt, and the other four were also affected by the sword, and they stepped back.

There was a glimpse of the murder, and Ning Chen stepped forward and darted toward the rear Luojia Mountain.

The mountains are stacked and the roads are rugged. However, the bloody Yellow Springs Road has been easy.

Resist the soldiers along the way, in the blood color sword light, one after another falling down, the willingness to persevere, driving the unyielding battle soul, facing Arm’s desperate, still do not know what to give up.

黑发上,血水飘落,剑上的血,却是更胜百倍,千倍,杀不尽的联盟Army ,在Heavenly Residence 入侵时,被Knowing Heaven’s Will 护下,今朝反扑,吞噬Knowing Heaven’s Will 。

前行之路间,一滴鲜血落在了Yin’er 脸上,微热,滚烫。

握住小手的大手,从未松开,亦从未想过松开,Knowing Heaven’s Will 三体一心,虽性格不同,却是同样的执着,一旦认定,死不放手。

The mountain is mountainous, surrounded by thousands of greens, the blood is dyed with red, and the Huaguang of life is always beautiful when it finally blooms.

The figure that fell down, I don’t know how many, the bones of the mountains and the wild, dyed red the entire Luojia Mountain, Executing Demon, all the words of the tragic look pale.

为除Knowing Heaven’s Will ,various sects 精锐尽出,不惜代价,势必要将Knowing Heaven’s Will 彻底留下。

On Luojia Mountain, the rear pursuit of Army was once again surrounded, and eight Human World Supremacy forced the internal injuries and spurred the last Merit Body.

Sword edge block palm force, the aftershocks are in all directions, Ning Chen’s mouth overflows with blood, and the sword moves, and the four fronts are shaken off.

Four retreats, Luo Xiao, Bi Hui, Hong Lou, Xuan Zhen four re-emerged, and the Palm Strength, forced to suppress.

A shock, black and dyed red, Ning Chen stepped back a few steps, a blood vomiting, and Demon Qi again violently trembled.

Demon Tribulation, which can’t be separated, puts Demon into the biggest crisis of life and death. Demon Might is still terrible, but it has lost the previous heart-rending oppression.

“Knowing Heaven’s Will Marquis ,你无路可走了”

眼见Knowing Heaven’s Will Aura 出现不稳之兆,八位Venerable 同时归元纳气,extreme move 汇流,山上风云急剧卷动,震撼人心。

The strongest move, the raging rushing out, after a move, the end of the Executing Demon battle.

Extreme Might 袭来,强不可撼,Ning Chen 强撑伤体,一把将Yin’er 扯到身后,眸中闪过一抹决绝,周身Demon Yuan 极尽升腾,剑煞并流,一剑迎上,硬挡最后之招。

Just when life and death will be divided, in the distance, a shadow of Tsing Yi and his face, facing away from the crowd, suddenly blocked the deadly palm, bloody, dying red.

The eyes of the eyes are so gentle, watching the last concern of this life, such as the moths, no hesitation, directly hit the Chilian Sword front.

刺啦一声,一剑贯体,鲜血喷涌如泉,dyed red 了青衣,更dyed red 了Knowing Heaven’s Will 双眼,Qing Ning 抬起手,轻抚着眼前年轻人的脸庞,苍白秀美的容颜上闪过一抹淡淡的不舍。

He really grew up.

Actually, she doesn’t want to die. In fact, she wants to live and live to see him keep going.

Unfortunately, she has no chance.

“Ning Chen, you are enchanted”

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