Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, 653th chapter Sword, floating astronomy Golden Dawn Star, the prosperous Life Great Star, Golden Dawn Divine Dynasty is the king of the world, the emperor arrives, Human World can not help.

Golden Dawn Sovereign at the summit of Reality Boundary, borrowing a glimpse of the world, is known as the most likely person to enter True Boundary today.

Golden Dawn Imperial City, Bai Qin, Qing Xiao Two Divine General return, Executing Demon failed, and returned to the palace to return.

Golden Dawn Temple , Sovereign Throne Before, a powerful figure stood still, and the golden Destiny coiled around, like a flame burning, dazzling.

“My Emperor”

Bai Qin Go to the temple, squatting on the road.

“Get up”

Golden Dawn Sovereign opens and calms.

Bai Qin up, face dew ashamed of the color, road, “subordinates incompetent, failed to remove demon misfortune, nine divine Guard died, Qing Xiao also suffered seriously”

&lt ;p > Golden Dawn Sovereign eyes, the way, “Qing Xiao not weak, your strength is comparable to void boundary Peak, plus nine divine Guard help, unexpectedly also can not do this demon” “Black Ink Gate Ninth child out of the war, subordinates do not know, shot to block the occasion, the war collapsed, complete defeat,” Bai Qin truthfully replied.

“Black Ink Gate Ninth Child ?”

Golden Dawn Sovereign flashed in the eyes, and the person sent by Black Ink Lord turned out to be him, strange.

“Since you are fighting hands, what is the result?” Asked Golden Dawn Sovereign.

“There is no victory, this is really like Sovereign said, can not be seen by ordinary people, strong combat power, incredible” Bai Qin is the color.

“Experience, judgment, and strain in the war, the amount of the instrument that was originally shown in this game is shocking. This is obviously not a disciple trained by Large Sect, but a step by step from the blood. The hangman who came out, “Golden Dawn Sovereign, calmed down. <>

Bai Qin Dagger, thought, said, “There is one thing, it is also unusual”

“What?” Golden Dawn Sovereign Road.

“Black Ink Gate Ninth Child seems to be old-fashioned with that demon, especially when it comes to the woman who died in the battle, the murderous outbreak of Black Ink Gate Ninth Child is not fake” Bai Qin back to the road.


Golden Dawn Sovereign heard that his face was rising and it was a noteworthy thing.

For a moment, Golden Dawn Sovereign looked down at the person below and said, “I will pay attention, you should go back to rest, Executing Demon, don’t worry about it”


Bai Qin respectfully took the lead and turned back.

Bai Qin left, Golden Dawn Sovereign looked out of the hall, the brilliance flashed in the middle, Black Ink School came the last person to come, but he wanted to see, this let Red Luan King Boundary has a big loss for Black Ink Gate Ninth Child.

Golden Dawn Imperial City ,街道之上,Ning Chen 带着Yin’er 走来,错身而过的行人,谁都没有在意这再普通不过的两人。

“Ning Chen, do you suspect Golden Dawn Sovereign?” Yin’er 不解道。


Ning Chen 摇头,道,“Golden Dawn Sovereign 这是既是消息的源头,不论此事是否与其有关,都需要验证一番,另外,想必再过不久,Ziyi 便会来了”


Yin’er 面露疑惑,道,“这里是Golden Dawn Imperial City 啊,有Golden Dawn Sovereign 在,他过来不是送死吗?”

“Demonic nature”

Ning Chen gently sighed, Tao, “Demon is the world’s most canthus Jairus will report the race, before the hunt, it is impossible to just so, if Ziyi Have prepared to have mental arithmetic unintentionally, even if Golden Dawn Sovereign shot, also may not be able to retain it “

” that you goodbye face, he still know you? ” Yin’er 继续问道。 <>


Ning Chen 目光看向前方,道,“Ziyi 与Demon Body 、Xuan Luo 一样,都已是真正的魔,无心无情,一旦动怒,便代表毁灭,没有人能够阻止”

Yin’er 沉默,情绪变的不是很高。

Ning Chen saw the little girl’s thoughts and said, “Don’t think about it. Demon Body didn’t mean to hurt you. Otherwise, you can’t always take you with you, but the devil is ruthless, but Not unwise, like normal people, there will be their own judgment”

“Can’t you save it?” Yin’er 抬头,期待道。

Ning Chen 摇头,道,“至今为止从未有人成功过,我曾也尝试过以Buddhist Gate 之法为Ziyi 洗去demonic nature ,最终却还是失败了,魔便是魔,就如同人一般,人心不可变,demonic nature 同样难除”

Yin’er 听过,静静跟在身边之人旁边,没有再多说。

走了不久,Happiness Nearing Inn ,一间距离Bai Qin Divine General’s Residence 不远的客栈中,Ning Chen 带着Yin’er 住下,房间的位置,就选在了正对Bai Qin Divine General’s Residence 的一面。

奔波数日,Yin’er 已很疲惫,吃东西时上下眼皮就开始打架。

The little hoe that has always been eaten is quickly finished, and one squats on the bed and sleeps, and the hair is not in a mood to unravel.

看Yin’er 睡着,Ning Chen 上前帮其松开扎起的头发,让小丫头能睡的更舒服一些。

The little girl under the candlelight is slim, and she spends the normal age and is the best time in life. <>

Ning Chen 眸中闪过一抹感慨,Yin’er 都长大了,不知不觉又已经过去了这么多年。

没有多出来的心思多愁善感,Ning Chen 压下心中波动,迈步走到窗前,看着相隔不远的Bai Qin Divine General’s Residence ,重新平静下来的眸子,不见任何变化。

The bustling Human World is very similar to the once Grand Xia. After 30 years, the past is like a cloud, and you can’t come back.

After a while, within the room, the Phoenix illusory shadow appears, the Phoenix Fire rises, and in the flame, a blood embryo of the whole body appears, and after numerous days and nights of tempering, the sword shape finally appears.

The Star Soul Iron Source, which was once found in the Heavenly Residence Seven Kills Palace, is harder than expected, and it is difficult to forge even with the Phoenix Fire workout.

Ning Chen didn’t deliberately manage the word embryo in the Phoenix Fire. He looked at the Residence in front of the night and waited quietly.

The night passed and nothing happened. When the sky was getting brighter, the Phoenix Fire dissipated and the fire embryo disappeared. Ning Chen closed the window and turned to the door to open the house. Go down the stairs.

On the first floor, after the sky was lit, there were guests coming down the stairs. Ning Chen simply ordered some meals for the little girl, and took a few words with the shopkeeper, and immediately walked toward the outside of the inn.

Qing Xiao Divine General’s Residence 前,Red Clothes 现身,容颜更易,瞬步入府。

Before Residence, the guards only felt the first flower, and they still had the reaction in the future. They could not see the figure of the person entering.


In the Residence, the hidden Expert is angry, but the person who has entered the uninhabited place has swept the room to the Qing Xiao Divine General room.

In the room, Qing Xiao Divine General is still unconscious, a charming woman sitting on the edge of the bed, taking care of the man on the bed.

Red Clothes appeared, without warning, and the woman trembled and immediately stopped in front of the man in bed.

Just then, outside the room, a tender voice sounded, and immediately, a small figure appeared, breaking the stalemate of this moment.


Outside the room, a boy less than three years old explored his small head, and his voice shouted, and he could not feel the unusual atmosphere in the room. Shaking into the house.

the woman’s face changed, she shouted, “Don’t come in”

heard the stern rebuke, the little boy body startled, puzzled to look at his mother, beautiful big eyes on the tears.

Ning Chen looked back at the little boy and said nothing. His eyes moved back and looked at the unconscious figure on the bed. The figure flashed and the moment came to the front.

The woman was shocked and wanted to stop, but it was too late.

Azure Frost Sword, automatic guardian, who knows, confrontation for a moment, Red Clothes refers to the sword, a Yellow Springs Restriction starts, seal Azure Frost.

“This sword, I took it away”

In a word, Red Clothes quits, walks by and leaves the room.

Red Clothes Soon, two old figures appeared in the room, the powerful Aura, shaking Heaven and Earth.

“What about people?” One of the old men condensed.

“Already left” the woman’s look is heavy.

The old man frowned, looking at Qing Xiao on the bed, said, “Come on?”

“Not like”

The woman shook her head and said, “There was a chance, he could kill us all, but he only took Azure Frost Sword. , did not shoot for us”

“Come for the sword?”

The old man’s voice is upset, and Azure Frost Sword is indeed extraordinary. He is one of the three famous swords of Golden Dawn Dynasty. However, it is not normal to choose to win the sword in the day.

“Let’s sue Sovereign today, and please come to Bai Qin Divine General. White Lightning and Azure Frost have mutual feelings, maybe you can find the whereabouts of the sword-hunter”

< p> Another old man opened his mouth and calmed.

Happiness Nearing Inn ,Ning Chen 走来,一楼,Yin’er 正在吃东西,看到前者回来,抬起头灿烂一笑。

Ning Chen walked to the table and sat down, picked up the chopsticks and porridge prepared by the little girl, and ate it quietly.

“你干吗去了”Yin’er 夹过一筷子青菜放在前者碗中,娇声问道。

“Going to grab a sword” Ning Chen is honest.


Yin’er 轻应了一声,没有在意,继续问道,“抢剑干吗?”

“Swords, in addition, find some trouble for Golden Dawn Dynasty,” Ning Chen whispered.

与此同时,Qing Xiao Divine General’s Residence 中,Bai Qin Divine General 出现,听过妇人详细的描述后,眉头不禁皱起。

Who is it, and what is the purpose?

Or, this person is Black Ink Gate Ninth Child?

The answer is difficult to determine, Bai Qin waved his sword, White Lightning brilliance rises, thunder and light, straight into the sky.

Thunderstorms in the clear, swords filled the entire Golden Dawn Dynasty, looking for Azure Frost Sword.

Happiness Nearing Inn, Ning Chen Feel the sword from the sky, ignore it and continue to eat.

Qing Xiao Divine General’s Residence ,寻找许久,Bai Qin 收剑,开口道,“Azure Frost Sword 的确还在Imperial City 中,只是,究竟在哪里无法确定,夺剑之人非是常人,封印了Azure Frost Sword 的

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