Grand Xia The latest chapter of the prince, Chapter 654 , Floating Astronomy Golden Dawn Holy Temple , before Dragon Throne, the golden flame rises, and the Golden Dawn Sovereign of Destiny stands in it, just like Divine King is alive and shocking.

澶ф涓嬶紝Bai Qin Divine General 涓篞ing Xiao Divine General’s Residence 鍙戠敓涔嬩簨鑰屾潵锛屽崐璺绀笺€?

“stand up, can you find out who?” Golden Dawn Sovereign opened the door and asked.

“The sword-hunter seals Aura of Azure Frost Sword. So far, only Azure Frost Sword is still in the dynasty. It is not known.” Bai Qin Divine General got up and told reporters.

“I didn’t hurt one person. After I took the sword, I left. It seems that this person has no hatred with Qing Xiao. Can anyone have doubts?” Golden Dawn Sovereign Road.

“The guess is that Black Ink Gate Ninth Child did, but the portrait provided by Qing Xiao House is no different from Black Ink Gate Ninth Child,” said Bai Qin Divine General.

“Black Ink Gate Ninth Child has a different kind of change, and everyone has been smashed in Red Luan King Boundary. This little thing can’t help him” Golden Dawn Sovereign should Road.

“If it is really Black Ink Gate Ninth Child, why should we choose to win the sword in broad daylight, with its cultivation base, it is not impossible to do it without knowing it,” Bai Qin Divine General frowned.


Golden Dawn Sovereign slowly said, “He may be suspicious of the woman鈥檚 death, related to my Golden Dawn Dynasty”

“That’s true, this person may bring trouble to my Dynasty in the future.” Bai Qin Divine General gaze, said.

“Black Ink Gate disciples are no more common than ordinary people. If possible, don’t hurt their lives. Otherwise, Black Ink Lord is not good enough to tell him, find him, get back Azure Frost Sword, let him retreat. “Golden Dawn Sovereign calms down.

“If he insists on resisting,” Bai Qin Divine General asked.

“That’s not to be tolerated, let Black Ink Lord re-receive a disciple” Golden Dawn Sovereign indifferently says.


Bai Qin Divine General Respectfully, he turned and left. <>

Imperial City 锛孴ianyuan Building 锛屼汉鏉ヤ汉寰€鐨凟xchange Building 锛孨ing Chen 甯︾潃Yin’er 鍓嶆潵锛岀湅鐫€鐞崇悈婊$洰鐨勫鐝嶅紓瀹濓紝涓€鐪艰杩囷紝渚跨户缁悜浜屾ゼ璧板幓銆?

鈥滆涔颁粈涔堚€漎in’er 濂藉閬撱€?

“Extreme Cold Object” Ning Chen responded.

鈥滅偧涓€鎶婂墤濂介夯鐑﹀晩鈥漎in’er 鎰熸叏閬撱€?

“The sword is too bad, it is easy to break, Star Soul Iron Source is a rare material, if you can not become a sword, and then look for the same level of materials, it is difficult,” Ning Chen explained.

“Where did Star Soul Iron Source come from?” Yin’er 涓嶈В閬撱€?


Ning Chen Honestly, at the Heavenly Residence Star, the Star Soul Iron Source was snatched from the Seven Kills Palace Lord.

When the two talked, they went to the second floor of the treasure area, as far as the hidden treasures of Human World, the medicine, the cultivation technique, the refining materials, everything.

Ning Chen releases Divine Consciousness and sweeps across the second floor, and immediately walks straight to the farthest corner.

“Found?” Yin’er 鐤戞儜閬撱€?


Ning Chen whispered.

The west corner of the second floor, a booth dedicated to the Divine Storehouse treasures, a variety of unearthed treasures, it seems that the sale is not very good.

Ning Chen stepped forward and picked up a rusty iron sword, looked at it and threw it down.

There are a lot of things in the air, one is more than one broken, basically thrown downstairs, no one is going to squat. <>

Divine Storehouse treasures, it sounds tempting, however, it just sounds tempting.

Years Ruthless, thousands of years passed, even if the divine material will become scrap iron.

After picking it for a long time, Ning Chen took out a divine metal that Spiritual Qi had not finished, and looked at the old man in front of him. “How to sell it”

“One hundred After the block of Immortal Jade, the old man looked slouchy and casually.

“Ten” Ning Chen calmly said.

“The deal” old man does not matter.

Ning Chen paid Immortal Jade, put the divine metal off, and immediately looked at the broken one-tenth of the jade slip, and asked, “What is this?”

“Divine Restriction Technique” is the old man.

“What is forbidden” Ning Chen frowned.

“I don’t know” the old man is impatient.

“How to sell” Ning Chen did not ask more, directly.

“One thousand Immortal Jade” old man.

“One hundred pieces” Ning Chen calmly said.

“Take away” the old man waved.

Ning Chen took out Immortal Jade and took the jade slip.


Yin’er 韫蹭笅锛屾嬁璧蜂竴涓寒闂棯鐨勯暞瀛愶紝灏忚劯灏芥槸鏈熸湜閬撱€?

“Five thousand Immortal Jade” old man looked up.

Ning Chen Silence, after a while, said, “Five, don’t sell, don’t want it”

“The deal” is satisfied. <>

Ning Chen reluctantly paid Immortal Jade, and the five Immortal Jade were white.

“Are you losing?” Yin’er 灏忓0闂亾銆?

“No loss, very good-looking,” Ning Chen said softly.

The old man smiled and didn’t interject. It was a good five-meter Immortal Jade.

Ning Chen looks back on the rusty iron sword and picks it up. “How to sell this”

“Five thousand Immortal Jade, no counter-offer” Calm.

Ning Chen sighed and put the iron sword down and looked at a Stone Bead next to the iron sword. “What about this?”

“Buy one get one free, not only sell” the old man’s eyes picked up, said.

“Ten Immortal Jade, as long as the beads” Ning Chen frowned.

“Do not sell”

The old man simply refused.

Ning Chen got up and looked at the little girl, the way, “go”

not far away, a person who has been paying attention to the trading process of the florescence young woman walking, smiling, Road, “Childe, why so anxious, can again Look at something else. “

Ning Chen shook his head, and soon took the girl away.

Two people left, the woman looked to the old man in front of the stall, face floor wry smile Road, “in Lao, your thing price is too outrageous, this is sell not to go out of”

old man faint smile smile, Tao, “Divine Storehouse, originally is a chance, the price is too low, but will no one buy “

” can just young people obviously is the person who, you give the price, will only scare him away “woman helpless way.”


The voice fell, the old man got up, picked up the iron sword, and threw it straight away from the window.

Outside of Tianyuan Pavilion, Ning Chen felt that he had raised his hand and took the iron sword. The scorpion picked up slightly.

“This sword sends you, three thousand Immortal Jade beads”

On the second floor, the voice of the old man came out.

Ning Chen 闂昏█锛岄棣栵紝閬擄紝鈥滄垜瑕佷簡鈥?/p>

璇村畬锛孨ing Chen 甯︾潃Yin’er 閲嶆柊鍥炲埌Tianyuan Building 浜屽眰锛屾尌鎵嬮€佸嚭涓夊崈Immortal Jade 锛岀绀翠箣鏋佺殑Spiritual Qi 锛岀珛鍒诲紩寰楁暟閬撶洰鍏夋湜鏉ャ€?

The old man flipped his hand across the Immortal Jade, and the streamer flashed, and the hilly Immortal Jade disappeared.

Next to it, the young woman of Huaxin has a different face. Who is this young man, he will spend such a large price on these most useless Divine Storehouse items.

“Miss, which is the loser, so many Immortal Jade, throw it and throw it”

In front of the counter not far away, a maid dressed in a pretty girl looks Looking ahead, surprised.

“Don’t talk nonsensely”

Aside, a dignified and elegant woman whispered a whisper and nodded apologetically to the Red Clothes man in front, she knew The young man heard it just now.

Ning Chen nodded and didn’t care.

“The son, what else is needed?” As long as the son looks at the things, you can be a master and give the son a cheaper 20%.

The young woman of Huaxin smiles again and again, and the buyers who are so refreshing are really rare.

Ning Chen 鎯充簡鎯筹紝閬擄紝鈥滄垜鏈変袱浠跺叺鍣紝涓嶇煡璐垫ゼ鏄惁鎰挎剰鏀垛€?/p>


Ning Chen 鐐瑰ご锛屽甫鐫€Yin’er 杩堟璺熶簡涓婂幓銆?

In a luxuriously decorated room, a middle-aged man was wiping the weapon on the counter and saw the three men coming, gently rubbing his hands and calming, “What is going on?” ?”

“The son has two weapons to be shot, and the whole body will bring Mr. to see it,” the young woman replied.


The middle-aged man brows his head and says, “What weapon?”

Ning Chen waved, a chilly knife and a rusted Divine Spear appeared in the room. The temperature is suddenly low, and the murderousness of the forest makes people feel horrified.

I saw the sharp-skinned knife in the table, the middle-aged man鈥檚 eyes fluttered, and said, 鈥淭he two weapons are thinking about what price to shoot鈥?/p>

鈥淜nife, two Thousand Immortal Jade, spear, only for sale, “Ning Chen is the color.

Middle-aged man smells words, brows wrinkled, Tao, “knife, I can accept, as for this spear, forgive me, this spear should be from divine storehouse, perhaps once priceless, but now”

The rest, the man did not say, but it is self-evident that Divine storehouse the probability is too low, especially weapons, most of it is just scrap metal.

鈥淵in’er 锛屾垜浠蛋鍚р€?/p>

Ning Chen 娌℃湁鍐嶅瑷€锛岀洿鎺ユ敹璧蜂袱浠跺叺鍣紝杩堟鏈濆璧板幓銆?

The woman鈥檚 face was anxious, but she saw the middle-aged man shook his head and motioned not to stop.

after the two men left, the middle-aged man went back to tidy up the weapons on the counter, said, “The knife is good, but the spear is really worthless, not worth the cost of a big buy”


at this time, the elder come, Indifferently says, “That DAO, 2000 immortal Jade expensive, that spear, is the real priceless”

happiness Nearin G Inn, two people returned, the sky has anxia, clear days of day, overcast, buckle sounded, it seems to have a rain coming.

Yin’er 瑕佸悆涓滆タ锛孨ing Chen 渚胯嚜宸卞厛鍥炰簡鎴块棿锛屾尌鎵嬫嬁鍑轰粖鏃ヤ拱鏉ョ殑Divine Restriction jade slip 锛孲piritual Consciousness 鎺㈠叆锛屾煡鐪嬪叾涓殑Restriction 鍙樺寲銆?

After a long time of exploration, I have not found too much, and the broken jade slip is only one tenth, which is far from enough to restore the appearance of Restriction.

Yellow Springs, Years, Executing Immortal…Ancient Era name shakes the whole world of Divine Restriction, basically lost, the Restriction in the jade slip, unlike the previous three, complex and difficult to distinguish.

It鈥檚 hard to tell the Divine Restriction. Ning Chen didn鈥檛 waste any time, put away the jade slip, took out the Stone Bead, and immediately shook it and shattered it.

In the blink of an eye, Stone Bead dissipated Human World. At the last moment, a strong chill erupted. Once the rare treasures were eroded by Years, there were few remaining Strengths.

The cold fire broke out, and the Phoenix Fire rose out. In the flame, a bloody sword swelled and floated, absorbing the cold and quenching the sword edge.

The cold air spread, the sword edge quenched, when the succession was insufficient, Azure Frost Sword, Yellow Springs Restriction starts, the moment of chilling out, the Restriction was sealed again, blocking Sword Breath.

At this moment, in the Residence not far from each other, Bai Qin Divine General suddenly opened his eyes and the light broke out.

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