Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 129: Shrouded

Hearing that the old man actually has the same plan as himself, Jiang Yuan is also beginning to meditate, thinking that using them to annex the Dragon City is also a good way, so that he does not have to spend any effort, and he can still It’s cheaper than buying and selling yourself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan nodded and said to the old man: "Then do what you said, declare in advance, this is better than buying and selling. If you dare to swindle, do you know the consequences?"

The old man calmly drank a cup of tea and smiled at Jiangyuan: "This is natural, but the voice of Xiaoxiong brother and sister, I also want to pay dividends.-"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan also had to say that although the old guy didn't know its strength, but calculating other people's heads was enough to make people feel scared, and Jiang Guo was put together.

But then I thought that it would be cheaper to get rid of it anyway, but when I got it, I would spit it out. Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan was considered to have settled down, and then he left and left Shenfu.

Looking at the back of Jiang Yuan's departure, the old man's face immediately became gloomy: "Young people are young people, so deceive!"

When Jiangyuan walked out of Shenfu, he went out of the city directly, because Shen Laotou (Jiangyuan gave him) could observe his every move, and he hoarded the wild animals outside.

Presumably this old man should also know, and his heart is uneasy, simply go to a cave. However, when I first arrived at the place, I saw that a dozen or so family members were guarding near the cave. When I saw it, Jiangyuan walked over.

But without a few steps, I was stopped by one of the family members: "Who? We dare to come in the chassis of Shen's family?"

Shenjia chassis? After sneer in the heart, Jiang Yuan did not want to explain too much. Then he looked at a few people and said, "Give me a roll! I don't want to say it again."

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s arrogant appearance, several people would like to go forward and see that Jianguang flashed, and the lives of several people fell under the sword: "Hey! The system reminds the Dragon City Shenjia death family Ding eleven, The host gets three thousand points of bioenergy."

At the same time, Jiang Yuan also deliberately left a family, sneer and said to him: "Give me back, tell Shen old man, I don't care what he does. But I don't want to intervene in my place. If I don't understand the rules, I don't. Mind that you have destroyed Shen! I said it!"

The frightened family Ding Hao nodded his head on the ground, fearing that he would slow down. Jiang Yuan would kill him. Then I saw Jiangyuan letting myself go, and the speed of the escape was also a glimpse.

Looking at the bodies on the ground, the troubled Jiang Yuan directly threw the body into the cave to feed the wild animals.

When the family ran back to Shen, they gave everything to the side. After that, Shen Laotou shot him to death, and his body directly burst into the breath of Xuanxian Peak.

At this time, Feng Jiang on the side stepped forward and comforted: "Don't be angry with a hairy boy, it would be worthless to hurt your body."

Hearing this, Shen Laotou closed his eyes and snorted and said calmly: "Since all are killed, then don't arrange people to look at it. Good boy, killing and decisive, really worthy of my choice. I hope that you will be arrogant when you arrive!"

At this time, Jiangyuan stood in the vicinity of the cave and looked at the wild beasts in the caves. Then Jiangyuan sat down in the vicinity of the cave, because this time was a bit too comfortable.

Therefore, Jiang Yuan thought about finding a considerable opponent, or a wild beast. In this way, tempering his proficiency with the exercises, after Jiang Yuan’s interest rate adjustment, he thought that he had got a practice and then looked for it in his mind. I got to do that.

Shadowless floating light, a footwork, seeing here, Jiang Yuan feels that speed is also improved. Then he got up and stood up and followed the theory of floating light.

Putting your own spiritual power on the legs, and then the calves broke out. Jiangyuan’s blink of an eye has already traveled hundreds of miles away and his face is not red and not breathing. If Jiangyuan intends to stop, I really don't know where this one will move.

Seeing this step, Jiang Yuan thought that he had a life-saving skill, and his heart was also high-spirited. Then, in order to adapt to the floating light, the top of the barren hills is all the residual images left by Jiangyuan. When Jiangyuan runs tired, it is also when the body is exhausted.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan learned about this shadowless floating light. As long as he has sufficient spiritual power, he can always maintain this state. Jiangyuan finds his own eruption moment, and the lethality is also very amazing. One leg kicks out, the air is To be kicked out by Jiang Yuan in general.

····Seeking flowers··········

After a day of madness, Jiang Yuan still had no idea, and after several dozens of tiger fists, he came down and stopped.

Looking at the golden sun shining on his face, Jiangyuan has an indescribable persuasion, and all the cells in the body are cheering, and the mood has never been so good.

Then Jiang Yuan lay down near the cave, then closed his eyes and fell asleep. And this sleep is to sleep the next day. When the birdsong rang in their ears.

Jiang Yuan immediately opened his eyes and saw a glimpse of the sun shining on the horizon. Jiang Yuan did not think that he had slept until now. After taking a picture of his head, Jiang Yuan got up and went to see the wild beasts in the cave. However, when the time went down and looked down, Jiang Yuan almost did not control his anger.


Because more than thirty wild animals in the caves have died, the skin is thin and thin, and it is obviously sucked by the blood. Although the wild animals can be caught, but more than 30 died together, how much is Jiangyuan? Some were unacceptable, and then they began to guess. After some speculation, Jiang Yuan changed his mind and thought that he should go to Shen.

But when Jiangyuan had not taken a step, the aura that was rising from the sky shrouded it.

Seeing this, Jiangyuan was a little panicked for a while, but he knew that he couldn’t panic, and then healed his inner guilt, and then looked at the mask that covered him.

Jiang Yuan tried to use the floating light and Tian Hugong, but in any case it was ineffective. For a time, Jiangyuan could not think of any good solution. Then the sound of 9:27 was sounded: "Hey! The system prompts the host to have two people approaching, one Xuanxian peak is a metaphysical mid-term." Hearing here, Jiangyuan is also knowing who is coming. It is.

Sneering and closing his eyes, waiting quietly for the arrival of the two. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the two familiar figures to appear in Jiangyuan.

The two officially Feng Jiang and the old man. Seeing that Lu Tianyou was very calm looking at the two of them, Shen Laotou said with some surprise: "You know that I will come? Oh, it’s not easy. I thought about giving you a surprise, this is good, Really boring!".

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