Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 130: Flying

Jiang Yuan looked at the two men without saying a word, but closed his eyes and sat in the middle of the battle. Then Shen Shentou saw Jiang Yuan ignore the two. Look at 1 wool 3 Chinese network does not care much, then smiled: "Little brother brother, brother must know how to advance and retreat, now you are in the hands of the old man, you can only promise all my requirements now you can have "Street Road, isn't it?" Hearing the old man said, Jiangyuan sneered and then stopped crying.

Seeing that Jiangyuan did not cooperate, Shen’s face was somewhat unnatural, and he left Feng Jiang with him.

Just after the two left, Jiang Yuan opened his eyes and then got up and went to the side of the law to start researching this formation.

After a period of research, although Jiang Yuan did not know much about this method, he also knew that the basic "three zero three" basis of this is to have a connection point to form the entire array. Then Jiang Yuan began to feel the flow of this aura.

After a long time, Jiang Yuan finally felt that he had been subjected to the aura flow, and then followed the direction of all aura flow, slowly and slowly explored the entire battle center, and the entire center was actually himself. This is to make Jiangyuan somewhat unbelievable, if he is the center of the entire formation. Either killing yourself can break open, or find another way, but the first method will not do it anyway, but it is difficult to think of another method, but Jiang Yuan I don't want to be here for a lifetime.

Then Jiang Yuan began to close his eyes and calm down, and after a long time of adjustment, Jiang Yuan finally calmed down. I know that there is really no way to kill myself except for myself. At this moment, Jiang Yuan suddenly thought of something. There is a smile on the face of

At the same time, in the Shencheng of the Longcheng Shenjia, the old man in the old man suddenly felt that he had lost his spiritual power by the formation. When he thought of it, his heart was also incredible. Because of this array of methods, he was looking for it. Longcheng’s most famous masters of the formation method used the invisible array method to conceal this array of methods under the edge of Jiang Yuan’s body.

And this battle center is designed by Jiangyuan Dantian, either dead or broken, but he thinks Jiangyuan will not be so stupid, but in the end he did not think Jiangyuan would do so.

When they got up and called Feng Jiang, the two immediately set off for Jiangyuan. Then after the two went to the place, they saw Jiangyuan lying quietly on the ground.

Seeing this, both of them are blindfolded, and this thought of letting Jiangyuan yield, so that there will be another capable assistant in his hand, but Jiangyuan will not let himself plan for success even if he is dead. Some admire the spirit of Jiangyuan, but what is the use of people who are dead to think about these?

Then he said to Feng Jiang: "Buy him, then remember to come back, I have something to arrange for you to do." Feng Jiang said after the sound, Shen Laotou left here.

Feng Jiang looked at Jiang Yuan’s heart lying on the ground, and then took Jiang Yuan’s corpse. ’

After leaving here, I found a quiet place, and a fist hit a giant pit. When Feng Jiang wanted to put Jiangyuan into the huge pit, he found that Jiangyuan’s 'corpse' disappeared. See here, Feng. Jiang suddenly knew that Jiangyuan was a scam, and everything was done for them.

When he understood and wanted to go, he found that a cold front was aimed at himself. Under his body, he knew who was behind him, and then said, "You are not afraid of this." Come over and kill you?"

Yes, the person behind it is Jiang Yuan, and all this is exactly what Jiang Yuan thought. Using fake death, let him withdraw from the law, so that he has no worries, and Feng Jiangjiang, who is in front of him, said indifferently: "You are so against me, I am just taking advantage of the situation." Wanting to resist, Jiang Yuan’s eyes were cold and glazed, and the sword in the handcuffs flashed, and Feng Jiang’s head was cut off.

Looking at Feng Jiang’s unwilling and remorseful eyes before his death, Jiang Yuan was unmoved, and then threw Feng Jiang’s body into his own pit. Seeing this, Jiang Yuan turned and left the heart of the anger, and the smiling face of Shen Laotou in his mind made Jiangyuan angry and reborn. It took a long time to return to the Dragon City.

At this time, the old man was waiting for Feng Jiang to return, but Shen Fu only listened to the sound of a bang, making his heart scream and then rushed to the front yard. When I saw Jiangyuan in the front yard, my body trembled, and then some incredible points pointed to Jiangyuan. I didn’t know what to say for a while. Then Jiangyuan sneered: "Shen Laotou, I didn’t expect we to see you again. ?"

Seeing that Jiangyuan is still alive, Shen Laotou’s heart has some speculations, and while seeing Jiangyuan, Shen Laotou knows that all of this is planned by Jiang Yuan, and the young man in front of him is also somewhat jealous. It’s not easy, because Jiangyuan can actually rid himself of it, and his level of mind is also so that he has to go down the wind....

Then I looked at Jiang Yuan and said: "The old man did not think that you are still alive, good, very good, even the old man has been deceived, but you should not come back!"

When the words fall, the old man's head is like a rain, and he directly shoots at Jiangyuan. He knows that his Xuanxian peak is repaired, and he must be careful. Otherwise, he might die in his handcuffs. At the same time, Jiang Yuan also avoided his hand. With a bang, the thick wall of Shenfu’s front yard was also shot. Shaped wall hole.

Then Jiangyuan pulled the sword directly to the old man, but when he was about to stab him, Shen Laotou actually caught the 3.7 sword of Jiangyuan with both palms, and then Jiangyuan abandoned the sword and had no shadow. Under the blessing, the lightning-like kick kicked directly to the chest of the old man, causing him to loosen the sword and avoid the foot of Jiangyuan, but his fat face was kicked by another foot of Jiangyuan. When I arrived, I immediately flew out.

Accompanied by the heavy landing sound, Jiang Yuan caught the sword after landing, and then the sword was bursting, and a storm of chaos directly slammed into the old man.

At this time, the old man was slow to respond because of his old age, but the repair and strength of Shen’s old man are all here. Therefore, while the wind is tumbling, the old man is still in time. The carcass avoided this fatal blow, and then after avoiding the attack, Shen Laotou quickly got up and called out his weapon - a silver gun attached to the body. .

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