Obviously, she wanted to too, but when those words came to her lips, she couldn't say them out!

To a certain extent, although Morgana can talk dirty and seems a bit like a female gangster who dares to say anything, she really doesn't know how to charm men!

Chapter 0066 Morgana’s determination!

Seeing Morgana Suzhan shaking her head slightly, her disappointment was beyond words. He didn't really expect Morgana to take the initiative to charm him, but her attitude clearly didn't recognize the reality and she was still resisting.

Be strict if you resist, be lenient if you confess, your attitude... I can only let you sit through the jail. Su Zhan shook his head.

What the hell is this? Just tell me what you want me to do! I don't understand the charming men. They have always fallen under my pomegranate skirt. If you want me to take the initiative like that Bichi, you should just kill me. Let me do it! Morgana said with a bit of frustration.

I want you to deal with Karl! Do you dare? Su Zhan said.

Are you kidding me? If I could defeat Karl, would I still cooperate with him? Morgana rolled her eyes and said.

It doesn't matter whether you can do it or not. What matters is whether you dare or not! Don't think I'm trying to frame you. You're not stupid. Don't tell me you can't see the benefits of doing this! Su Zhan said calmly.

Again, if Morgana wants to live a good life in the future, she must make up for her past mistakes, and the best way is to challenge Karl to express her position. It would be better if she can get hurt! Morgana also thought of this, but she is not the kind of person who can put down her tactics!

Whether it was rebelling against angel civilization, or maintaining her identity in front of Karl or Kyle, it was all because she knew that her time had passed. Now, I know that Su Zhan said this and did this for his own good, but this feeling of giving you a way out and giving you a chance makes Morgana very uncomfortable!

Compared with Kyle's high profile, Morgana actually cares more about identity and status!

Finally, don't you really want to do something? If you don't do it, I will deal with Karl. Once Karl dies, your identity will always be fixed as Karl's accomplice and one level lower than Karl. Position! Don’t you want to have a gorgeous ending at the end of your era?

These words moved Morgana instantly, as if they spoke to her heart.

Is she really willing to end her era like this?

Already a loser?

Morgana suddenly gritted her teeth and said: Fuck it, I'll fight for it!

Forget it if I don't come back. If I come back, if some of them still complain about the past, don't blame me for being rude. I am a devil, a devil! Morgana muttered.

Su Zhan didn't say anything, but suddenly released Morgana.

After regaining her freedom, Morgana looked at Su Zhan. If I come back, I will obey you!

Actually, I can help you strengthen it, or leave my original aura on you. You should have seen it before! It felt like Morgana was already determined to die.

What's the point? Morgana said calmly, and the huge demon behind her spread its wings and whizzed away.

Just as Morgana left, Zhi Xin and Lian Feng came out.

Morgana? Did you let her go? Zhi Xin couldn't help but ask.

Lianfeng was also a little confused and didn't understand why he let Morgana go.

Yes, she went to deal with Karl. Su Zhan said.

real or fake?

She is going to deal with Karl. She...is not Karl's opponent, right?

Lianfeng and Zhixin said in surprise.

So she went and refused my help! Su Zhan paused, looked at Zhi Xin and Lian Feng seriously and said, I said before that I was not joking about Morgana. Although she Different from your character, style, etc., although this disaster this time was also caused by Morgana! But if Morgana comes back, I hope you will forget this, just remember... her Just be like you!

Zhi Xin didn't say anything, and Lian Feng couldn't help but say: Then the damage she caused...is this all?

There is no Morgana or Karl, but this matter is related to Morgana after all, so I will handle it when the time comes. Su Zhan said.

Lianfeng stopped talking. Although she still felt a little unacceptable, seeing that Su Zhan was so supportive of Morgana, she couldn't say anything.

Get some rest and go find Li Feifei tomorrow. Su Zhan said, and Zhi Xin and Lian Feng turned around and went back to their rooms.

Su Zhan did not go to either of their rooms, but rested in the living room. Although he only thought of chatting with Morgana on a whim or because he was too excited, it is undeniable that Su Zhan did do this for Morgana's sake.

He could actually force them to accept Morgana regardless of what anyone thought. But this is still a bit reluctant, and it will naturally have its drawbacks over time. What he can guarantee is that Morgana will not die, but in the end, it is up to Morgana herself to be able to achieve it!

The next morning, Zhi Xin and Lian Feng woke up. Together with Su Zhan, the three of them continued on the road to look for Li Feifei. They didn't see many demons along the way. Even if they happened to meet them, they were easily killed by Lian Feng. From the average strength, Look, angels are still stronger than demons!

You Zhixin is the right-wing guard of the Angel Queen, so her strength is naturally superior to that of ordinary angels!

And in terms of passive abilities, Angels are stronger.

If the devil is dead, he is really dead.

But if the angel dies, he will be resurrected after a period of time depending on his strength. Otherwise, angels would not follow the human reproduction method. If one of them died, the angel civilization would have perished long ago! Therefore, angels will be resurrected after death, but the real difficulty is still the loss of the earth and mankind!

Building damage is easy to deal with, just spend some money to rebuild.

But...a lot of people died in the war! Not only ordinary people but also the Super Seminary, as well as countless ordinary soldiers. If it were another dungeon, they could just take them away after the end, but this dungeon is different. They will live here for a long time in the future, so this impact must be resolved. In order to live a comfortable life in the future, I am afraid I have to do something Ordered something.

Morgana, this is all because of you. Looking back... just pay off your debt slowly!

Chapter 0067 Li Feifei

Zhi Xin's injuries recovered, and the strength of the right-wing guard was fully demonstrated. The demons he saw along the way had no attack at all. This made Lian Feng feel very unscientific. Such a serious injury and the influence of dark energy, just did that This kind of thing actually recovered?

She felt that this was even more exaggerated than Yuqin's usual remote treatment!

After all, remote therapy requires various equipment and is a manifestation of science, but what is this...?

I can't understand it, Lianfeng really can't understand it.

But even though I couldn't understand it, I still accepted the fact. After all, the burning heart in front of me was indeed alive and well, without any injuries at all.

After almost half a day, they arrived in a city!

Desolation, silence.

The city is no longer as prosperous as before. There are tall buildings around it, and the buildings seem to be deserted. There is a sense of desolation everywhere. The streets that are usually busy with traffic and bustling with people are now quiet and empty, and there is a feeling that there will be no other people at the end of the world.

It looks like there was a fierce battle here. Zhi Xin looked at the traces around and whispered.

The damaged city, abandoned cars, and a scrapped tank in the distance, and the pits on the ground, really gave the feeling of having experienced war erosion.

Li Feifei is really here? Won't she be transferred? Lianfeng asked.

After all, after the fierce battle, whoever wins or loses will probably leave!

it's here.

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