Su Zhan nodded affirmatively. He felt very clearly that Li Feifei's aura was here. His consciousness suddenly expanded, and he was spreading to cover the center in all directions, preparing to search the entire city. However, at this moment, Zhi Xin suddenly shouted.

There is an enemy attack!

Then I saw a figure suddenly rush out and attack Zhi Xin directly!


Zhi Xin blocked it and was about to counterattack when he suddenly discovered that the enemy was Li Feifei.

Li Feifei had already recognized them. She stopped in shock and said apologetically: I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. I thought... the devil was attacking again.

You are really here! Lianfeng said in surprise. We came here specifically to find you. Once we find you, we can join the others.

I know, I can receive broadcasts here and know the situation outside, but I can't contact you. I...I can't leave yet. Li Feifei said.

Why? Lianfeng asked.

Because there are still demons here, as well as troops and people. Su Zhan answered calmly. His consciousness had already sensed that a small group of soldiers were stationed nearby, and it seemed that they were fighting together with Li Feifei. In addition, there is a resettlement site in the center of the city, where many people gather.

That's right! Li Feifei nodded and explained: I happened to catch up with the devil when I came here. Although the situation has stabilized now, the devil's offensive has not stopped, and this place has almost become an isolated city! If If I hadn’t heard the broadcast later, I probably wouldn’t have been able to hold on any longer. The frequency of demon attacks had been getting slower and slower, but for some reason, it suddenly became more frequent in the past two days, and became more violent!”

Li Feifei said: So, I can't leave with you for the time being. If I leave...

She didn't say anything after that, but everyone understood what she meant.

If she leaves now, the remaining soldiers will definitely not be able to withstand the demon's attack. Then not only these soldiers but also the remaining people may not be spared.

Do you know the reason? Li Feifei asked curiously.

Lianfeng and Zhi Xin didn't speak. Su Zhan thought for a while and said, It should be a change of command. Morgana is a thing of the past. The real person behind the scenes is Karl. If I guessed correctly, Karl has already We have officially come to the front desk. I also photographed the Void Warrior trying to deal with me before, but failed! Therefore, the reason why these demons started to attack fiercely is probably because this place has not been captured by us yet, and it is the only place where Carl has the opportunity to expand his manpower. !”

At least a million people, right?

Think about it, if millions of people are transformed into demons, then the previous decline will be reversed. With the cooperation of the Void Warriors and Karl himself, he still has a chance!

Su Zhan's analysis silenced everyone, and Zhi Xin couldn't help but say: It is indeed very possible, if Karl concentrates his troops to increase his troops, and with the addition of the Void Warriors and himself, his strength and power will be Far more than the previous Morgana. Moreover, Karl is very strong, stronger than Morgana and Queen Kyle, and has the ultimate... fear...

I'm afraid... no one will be able to stop him.

As he spoke, Zhi Xin's mood became extremely deep and depressed.

I said!

Su Zhan suddenly put his hand on Zhi Xin's shoulder. Zhi Xin looked up and saw Su Zhan said in a displeased tone: The previous analysis was not bad, but the last sentence was completely wrong.

Ah...I, I forgot. Only then did Zhi Xin realize that Morgana couldn't do it, and Queen Kyle couldn't do it, but that didn't mean Su Zhan couldn't do it.

The only one who can fight Karl, or in other words, is the only one who can defeat Karl and defeat the ultimate fear... is Su Zhan!

It doesn't matter. Maybe your injury hasn't completely healed yet. I'll just treat you a few more times when I find time. Su Zhan said seriously. Zhi Xin's face turned red instantly, and Lian Feng next to him had an even expression on his face. I'm speechless.

What's wrong? How many more treatments? Li Feifei asked with a confused look on her face. It didn't sound like anything was wrong. Why do they all have such weird expressions?

It's nothing. Su Zhan said with a smile. You only have demons here? There should be no void warriors or Karl yet, right?

Not yet. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't know this yet, but I'm sure there are no others other than ordinary demons. Otherwise, we might not have been able to hold on! Li Feifei said.

Okay, if that's the case, let's deal with the devil here. After the crisis is resolved, we can leave together.

Chapter 0068 Whitewash Plan

Knowing that those who appeared were not demons, but the strongest men and even angels from the Super Seminary's Heroic Soldier Company, those soldiers came out to welcome them, especially when they learned that they were going to stay to help deal with the demons, they were even more grateful and welcomed!

After a brief exchange of greetings, Su Zhan told them the truth of the matter. It was Karl who was rekindling the war!

Lianfeng and Zhi Xin didn't say anything about this. Although it seemed that Su Zhan was suspected of clearing Morgana's territory by doing so, it was indeed Karl who continued to provoke the war. Through the mouths of these soldiers, the news should soon spread among the people. Subtly, people will soon transfer their hatred to Karl. Of course, this doesn't mean Morgana will be fine, but...don't forget.

Didn't Morgana challenge Karl with the determination to die? Then she will be able to clear her name!

After arriving at Li Feifei's usual resting place and settling down, everyone rested for a while and briefly chatted about their respective situations.

The devil is coming, and this time there are...a lot of them!

I don’t know how long we chatted, but a soldier suddenly ran over and said in a deep voice.

Reports like this have happened many times. After all, Li Feifei is alone and cannot be on guard all the time, and she also needs to rest. Once those soldiers discover the situation, they will notify Li Feifei immediately, and Li Feifei will go out to solve it.

I understand, let's get over here! Li Feifei responded calmly and prepared to get up and go over. However, as soon as she stood up, she remembered that things were different now. She was no longer alone.

Let's go and see!

Su Zhan stood up and said something and everyone rushed over together.

The defense line here has been opened. The tanks and soldiers are all focused but not frightened. After all, I'm used to it, not to mention there are so many more people now, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

Why are there so many demons this time?

Looking at the densely packed demons suspended in the air, a feeling of gloomy clouds swept over the village, making people feel extremely depressed. Li Feifei couldn't help but be surprised. Although the number of demons was gradually increasing, it was just an incremental increase of 1 today, 2 tomorrow, and 3 the day after tomorrow. But now the number of demons seemed to have suddenly changed from 1 to 10. It was simply Multiply!

Void Warrior!

Zhi Xin suddenly shouted.

Sure enough, among the demons, there were several figures of void warriors.

No need to guess, Karl must have known that Su Zhan was here, so he suddenly had such a demon. It seems that he wants to keep you here completely! Lianfeng said analytically.

Leave me here? Just because of this rubbish? Su Zhan said with a sneer.

Lianfeng paused and said: There is another possibility. These...maybe just to delay you! Calculating the time, Morgana will almost find Karl. Karl must also know that Morgana has probably surrendered to you. So, he sent these demons to delay you so that you can't rescue Morgana!

This guess is quite reliable!

Su Zhan nodded in agreement. At this time, Morgana should have found Karl. In a one-on-one challenge, there is no doubt that Morgana is no match, so it is reasonable to delay her actions! It's just... he still underestimated himself too much.

Do you want to hold yourself back with just this rubbish?

If, if you want to go, go ahead and leave these to us! Lianfeng hesitated for a moment and whispered.

What did you say?

Su Zhan turned around and asked.

You heard what I said! Lianfeng snorted.

Su Zhan smiled and said: I did hear it, but I didn't expect you to say that. After all, your impression of Morgana shouldn't be easy to change!

You've already decided, does it still matter what I think? Lianfeng curled his lips and said.

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