Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 340: Interstellar annihilation (8)

Immediately after this interim meeting, the Galactic Council mobilized.

They first mobilized 5 negative wave bombs and sent them to Hydra Academy. After entering the void dimension, they were delivered to Li Mo through Reed's negative space portal.

At the same time, there were a large number of magic array components refined by the truth laboratory. Li Mo had already prepared a battle plan against the insect king and the tyrant.

At the same time, an authorized negative wave bomb was carefully transported to the Assembly Hall of the Galactic Council Fleet.

Eva Bakan summoned the staff and the elite team left by Li Mo to discuss the battle plan.

In the central flagship command hall, Eva Bakan looked at the crowd and said: "The chance to detonate a negative wave bomb is only one time, and we cannot determine whether the Zerg has the technology to crack the bomb, so it must be detonated within a short period of time. What is good for everyone? Plan? "

The sword stood up for a moment in silence. "I am willing to fly the spacecraft, but I need the fleet to advance to an appropriate distance so that it can break through the Zerg blockade."

Captain Marvel shook his head. "Your speed is fast, but you have no chance to escape from the scope of the bomb. Let me go. I can absorb energy to attack."

Tony waved his hand directly. "Don't think about it, the lethality of negative wave bombs is not just energy waves, but has a regular nature, completely drowning life."

He looked at the crowd and opened the three-dimensional star chart and said, "I have a battle plan."

"The attack range of the negative wave bomb is 1.5 ~ 2 light years. The fleet's immediate withdrawal can jump out of 0.5 light years."

"Therefore, my plan is for the fleet to fight the Zerg at a distance of 1.5 light years from Ximen. Of course, to save strength, it is important to attract the Zerg's attention."

"And my Tenjin armor can be hidden in the Zerg detection wave, and it has a jump speed that is much faster than most of the spaceships. While the fleet is fighting the Zerg, it will carry a negative wave bomb and rush to the star gate. It should detonate in 5 minutes. Time to evacuate. "

Eva Bakan frowned. "Your armor target is too big to be easily intercepted by the Zerg."

Tony smiled. "The city of truth has a way to temporarily reduce the armor to one centimeter, which is equivalent to a cosmic meteorite. Zerg can't find it."

They discussed for a while, and found that Tony's method was the safest.

Eva Bakan rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. "Then you must be careful, if there is an accident, I cannot bear the anger of the Grand Master."

Tony shrugged. "Rest assured, this is not the first time."

After the battle plan was set, everyone took action. The Galactic Council's fleet began to rally, carrying ammunition at full capacity. Tony also installed the Pem particle system on the armor of the Tenjin group with the help of the truth mage who arrived.

After 10 hours, everything is ready.

The Galactic Council Fleet set off in the limelight.

No mobilization and tragic speeches were made, and the fleet had already reported their determination to fight dead.

They knew that they were not eligible to retreat, because behind them were their homeland and their loved ones.

The huge fleet began to jump in batches, and a twist of light in the void formed a meteor shower.

Five hours later, the fleet arrived 2.3 light years away from the Skulu Gate.

Here they have entered the Zerg control area. Along the way, they encountered small Zerg units, but they were not the opponents of the large fleet at all, and were destroyed in the first place.

This also attracted the attention of the Pupae Exterminators. They quickly assembled their forces. Nearly two light years later, the Galaxy Council Fleet met the Puppet Insect Tide on a narrow road.

Among the already faint stars, the two sides directly launched a deadly battle.

This large-scale interstellar war has entered the white heat from the beginning. The Zerg are bloodthirsty and crazy. The members of the Galactic Parliament who have no retreat are also determined to die.

The first was a long-range attack. Waves of missiles and spore bombs of the Zerg were projected. The number of each wave was in billions.

The two collided and exploded in the void, and the power of the explosion formed a converging effect, as if each star burst and could be felt directly from thousands of kilometers away.

The spacecraft was constantly shaking, and the energy monitoring alarm in the cockpit was roaring wildly, as if the whole space was shaking.

Countless signals are continuously transmitted in the fleet.

"The insect wave is here!"

"Into the railgun range in two minutes!"

"Stabilize, activate for a protective connection ..."

"Damn bug, here it is!"



As the two sides approached, the hand-to-hand combat was fierce. The black-purple void fire and scarlet annihilation rays crisscrossed the universe, as if to tear the entire space.

Every second, countless spacecrafts explode, countless planets are affected and broken to form starbursts, and spacecraft fragments from both fleets fill the entire channel.

All the dazzling spaceship fragments fly into the eyes, and the diffuse frequencies are all signal light spots. Without the assistance of the central intellectual brain, it is not clear at all.

Nearly 100 hours of high-intensity battles, the two sides were on par with each other, and the battlefield stretched to several nearby constellations.

But fortunately, in the madness of the Galactic Council fleet completely disregarding the casualties, they broke into the light gate 1.5 light years away.

The Zerg Exterminator gathered more troops for interception, and the defense line created a loophole. In the other direction of the battlefield, Tony set off silently.

The armor of the Tenjin group has shrunk to one centimeter, which is no different from ordinary stones, and the detection wave of the Zerg cannot be detected at all.

As a result, the Exterminators did not find a death **** approaching them.

Tony looked at the Zerg spaceships whizzing past the observation window and poked his lips. "Well, the last time I saved the earth by holding a bomb, this time I want to save the galaxy by holding a bomb. I think I need to change my name, eh , It's called Blastman! "

While talking to himself to ease the tension, he drove the armour of the Tenjin group to constantly shuttle and leap forward, advancing towards the Skulu gate.

On the other hand, although the fleet of the Galactic Council has been shrinking and defending, the situation has gradually changed.

The Galactic Council Fleet has limited strength, while the Zerg are endless. As Eva Bakan expected, the casualties of the parliamentary fleet rose sharply over time.

The elite squad and the virtual air force regiment left by Li Mo rely on powerful forces to surprise the rescue, but in this type of battle, the effect is really limited.

Everyone was waiting for Tony to be in place.


Near the star gate to Skuru.

A faint space signal suddenly appeared, and the Zerg spacecraft patrolling nearby noticed something strange and rushed over, but found nothing abnormal, and continued to merge into the channel and circled regularly.

Tony, lying on a small meteorite in the void, breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at the Star Gate, and suddenly widened his eyes.

The original circular star gate has been transformed into a huge lumen by the Zerg. The surface is covered with energy veins like blood vessels, and it trembles like a living heartbeat.

It is surrounded by several giant Zerg bases, and the towed giant meteorites form the foundation. The surface is covered with slime and carrion-like organic matter. You can see that some biological spaceships like Zerg base camp are producing Roshan.

Tony took a sigh of relief, but fortunately they moved fast. If the base of the Zerg Exterminator develops, the Milky Way will be finished.

Thinking of this, Tony no longer hesitated, carefully avoided the Zerg patrol unit, and flew over the huge lumen transformed by the Star Gate.

The most critical step came, because the negative wave bomb was installed in the armor of the Tenjin group, and its signal would not be found.

But if you want to start, you have to restore the original volume.

When arriving at the scheduled time, Tony took a deep breath, and the armor of the Tenjin group recovered 2,000 meters high.

The star gate is thousands of kilometers in diameter, and the modified lumen of the cricket exterminator is even larger. Although the armor of the Tenjin group is inconspicuous, it is still found by the cricket exterminator.

The Zerg was also aggressive for a while, and did not respond.

Tony didn't dare to delay time. The armour of the Tenjin Group shone a glowing fist, punched a deep pit of thousands of meters on the outer wall of the fleshy tube cavity, and threw the negative wave bomb into it.

Facing the overwhelming Zerg, Tony erected two middle fingers with the armour of the Tenjin group, and then quickly became smaller, leaping furiously.

At the same time, the moment when the designated time arrived, the Galactic Council Fleet also began to retreat quickly.

The Zerg thought that the Galactic Council Fleet was defeated and tried to escape, and chased after them madly, but facing them was a blocking net of black hole bombs.

In many battles, the Zerg have learned lessons about this horrible weapon. Knowing that the black hole bomb has a duration of only 5 minutes, as long as you don't make it past it will be fine.

So while tracking the signals of the Galactic Council Fleet, they waited anxiously, as patiently as wolves in collective hunting.

Time passed by one minute and one second, at 4 minutes and 30 seconds, the Galactic Council Fleet withdrew two light years away.

They only need to retreat for 0.5 light years in 5 minutes, so they seem more at ease.

But Tony is different. He wants to retreat 4 times in the same time.

The speed of the armour of the Tenjin group is certainly sufficient, but Tony is only a slightly stronger physical mortal. The rapid jump makes his whole body tremble, his eyes are covered with bloodshot, and his expression is screaming crazy.

Finally, with 3 seconds to go before the explosion, Tony escaped two light years away and collapsed in the cockpit.


A voice sounded in everyone's mind, as if a crowbar was sticking to his head, which was very uncomfortable.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling white light suddenly lit on the observation window, all the energy monitors alarmed madly, the cabin rumbling, and it seemed that the creaking sound of the deck could be heard.

The negative wave bomb exploded, and its light swept across two light-years, and then disappeared abruptly within a few seconds.

With the Scullus Gate as the center, all the stars in the two light-year range deviated from orbit, and the original life planet suddenly became a toxic radioactive star.

All Zerg spacecraft are scrapped, and those close to them become completely cosmic dust.

The Exterminators on the surviving spacecraft could not escape, their vitality was annihilated, the original yellow-green carapace became pale plaster-like, and collapsed a little.


The Galactic Council Fleet cheered up and down, and the Galactic Council leaders anxiously waiting in the rear, all stood up and applauded, congratulating each other.

Tony in the armour of the Tenjin group, although a little weak, was proud to put on a cigar.

The power of the negative wave bomb is undoubted, but to ensure victory, Tony still drove the armour of the Tenjin group and a reconnaissance fleet of the Galactic Council to observe the results of the explosion.

Ten minutes later, they came near the Star Gate.

Tony's eyes widened, and the cigar in his mouth fell off.

A twisted wormhole appeared in the original location near the star gate, and it was expanding.

"What's going on!"

The rear commander Eva Bakan also noticed, and asked incredibly loudly.

Tony felt bitter in his mouth. "The combination of the Star Gate and the Zerg technology has formed an artificial wormhole under the action of a negative wave bomb."

Just after that, he gritted his teeth and drove the armor of Tenjin into the wormhole all at once.

A few minutes later, Tony rushed out and exclaimed anxiously through a long-range signal: "The opposite Zerg has also been affected, but they are gathering forces to come here, we need to close the gap!"

After speaking, he and the vanguard kept nervous outside the wormhole.

Eva Bakan did not hesitate. After 10 minutes, he led a huge galactic council fleet, all weapons aimed at the wormhole.

Artificial wormholes have always been the focus of research in various civilizations. They may be ecstatic if they usually do, but now they only feel unwell.

A few minutes later, the cricket exterminators surged out of the wormhole like tidewater, and they faced the overwhelming void fire and black hole bomb.

This artificial wormhole is less than 50 kilometers in diameter. The good terrain has given the Galactic Council Fleet an absolute advantage. The Zerg want to come out, and they must first pass the blockade of many artillery fires.

However, there are too many Zerg, seemingly endless. After all, there are countless Zerg spaceships breaking through the blockade and reaching the Milky Way.

They did not attack the Galactic Council Fleet for the first time, but instead turned to zero and scattered to the entire galaxy.

湮 Exterminator tide, spread ...


Negative space.

Li Mo shook his head after receiving the news.

The operation there was a complete failure. Although it destroyed the Zerg's massive army, it did not solve the problem fundamentally, and caused the spread of the exterminator.

But his mood was still calm ~ ~ No one expected this to happen, and complained that such mortal emotions had rarely appeared on him.

He is now in a weird and weird space. The surrounding wall is a zigzag historical mural formed by chitin. In the center is a black semicircular worm nest hundreds of meters high. Countless glowing meat tubes are twisted and tangled.

In the center of the worm nest sits a worm that is more than 20 meters high. Some are similar to the queen-shaped queen. Long tentacles and compound eyes glow red. The large transparent belly is linked to the worm nest. The entire Zerg army is controlled by the visible spiritual power .

It was Queen Worm, Extonia.

It turned out that Li Mo had infiltrated the flagship of the worm after being undetected. When facing the rules of the small universe, the powerful psychic power of the worm was not an opponent at all, and was instantly controlled.

Behind the worm, several worm limbs held a negative-wave bomb of more than 20 meters in height. They seemed to want to resist, but they became stiff and unable to move.

Li Mo said calmly: "Be good, hold on tight, bring your troops all over ..."

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