Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 341: Interstellar annihilation (9)

Negative space, the base camp for exterminators.

In the dark starry sky, two large army of worms guarded the periphery, and countless worm-shaped spacecraft patrolled with some wonderful rules, so that they looked far away, like the raging ocean in the starry sky.

The closer to the center, the more terrible the Zerg-type spaceships are, the flickering red eyes of each compound eye, and the hundreds of meters of feet waving gently.

At the center is a moon-sized Zerg fortress. The scarlet muscles are covered with black pieces of armor, and the thick blood vessels flow with green energy rays.

It is the Palace of the Exterminator.

Compared to the huge body of the worm, the worm king Ernerus is much smaller, but it is also over six meters tall.

He has a thick green chitin shell and is wearing a spiked scarlet bio-armor. His legs are anti-knuckle bent and slightly humpbacked. Behind them are a pair of huge bat wings, and the tentacles above their heads flash yellow.

Enerus played with a pair of signal light balls, looking at the Planet Devourer **** in a large font not far away, his eyes became more and more bright.

He slowly turned around and looked at the people in the hall, making a voice full of echoes, "The main universe is disappointing, their fleet is vulnerable, and the so-called gods have fallen into my hands. I do n’t think so. There are reasons to wait. "

In addition to him, there are four people divided into two groups in the succulent palace hall.

On one side is the original cosmic deity, which is composed of unknown metal in gold, with the shelter of Ignace, who is female, and the dark Nirvus, wrapped in black weird armor.

They were released from Fort Cain by Exterminator, and they only wanted to get revenge on the Planet Devourer, and they were not interested in the words of the King of Exterminators.

The other side is Domination and the only superstar under his command.

Exterminator nodded innocently, he expected everything today when he found the Exterminator.

Although the King of Exterminators is powerful, he doesn't know what he will face in the future. His ambition has covered his mind. Exterminator is concerned about other things.

Thinking of this, Mieba looked at the capsule-shaped luminous body on the chest of the Puppet King indiscriminately.

It is a universe control stick, a powerful artifact that can manipulate massive amounts of cosmic energy and change the atomic structure of matter.

The King of Exterminators felt the sight of Exterminator, but didn't care, but sneered scornfully.

He turned to look out of the window and the Planet Devourer had shrunk to a height of only 20 meters. He couldn't help getting excited.

Everyone else thought he was only trying to swallow the energy in the star, but only he knew that the last wreck was more important.

The Planet Devourer is a mechanical zerg aggregate. If you integrate the gene sequence of the cricket exterminator, the entire group will enter a unimaginably higher level!

Just then, Enerus, the worm king, suddenly frowned, turned his eyes to the left, and called up a virtual screen.

On the screen, the worm army on the left suddenly changed, and the sea of ​​worms in the starry sky caused a huge wave, continually moving to the center.

Enerus, the worm king, suddenly had a bad face. He was very furious about the ruling power of the exterminator and would not allow any behavior beyond the order.

"Extonia! What are you doing!"

Enerus directly connected to the worm's compartment, and he had made up his mind that even if it was a worm, he would destroy it immediately if he didn't obey orders.

However, the insect on the screen did not answer him, and he was stiff, as if the sculpture was generally unable to move.

Enerus stopped talking, and he had felt that the insect was controlled by the worm. The tide-like mental power instantly rushed to the insect worm's cabin through the magnifying device of the insect king palace.

"who are you!"

Enerus quickly found Li Mo with a calm face.

The monitor of Li Mo's figure could not be detected, but in front of the spiritual power blessed by the powerful artifact of the worm king, he had nothing to hide.

Without talking more nonsense, Li Mo raised his fists and compared his **** at the same time, then the teleport disappeared and disappeared, leaving only a negative wave bomb counting down 5 seconds behind him.

Beep, beep, beep ...

"Do not--!"

With the angry howl of Enerus the insect king, the negative wave bomb exploded.

Centered on the post-worm Extonia flagship, the pale light instantly drowned everything in the range of nearly two light years.

Because Li Mo forced the insects to mobilize the army, the power of the bomb was brought to the extreme. The dense and horrendous tide of exterminating insects was instantly broken down into basic atoms in the light of the negative wave bomb.

The aftermath continued to spread to the center of the Zerg base camp, and the Zerg spacecraft and buildings along the way continued to be destroyed, and they continued to explode like dominoes.

The worm king Ernerus' eyes glowed with an angry red light, the huge bat wings unfolded, bent over and bent his knees, slammed straight up, broke through the top of the palace and came to the universe void.

As he spread his hands, the cosmic control stick on his chest flashed with a swift light, and the massive cosmic energy appeared in the void, gradually converging into a torrential river continually converging above him.

啵 ——

As if the sound of a bubble being pierced sounded in the minds of people around it, this cosmic energy burst out, forming a huge transparent energy shield hundreds of kilometers away, which was able to block the aftermath of the negative wave bomb.

Just as the worm king tried his best to block the negative wave bomb with his own strength, Li Mo suddenly appeared in front of the huge Zerg building that imprisoned the planet devourer.

Looking at this dumb-faced great god, Li Mo shook his head silently, reached out and pulled out the black **** of the black god.

After his transformation, the Black Death Sword had already taken on a trace of white Leman, which was constantly twisted like a living creature.

As he was preparing to swing a sword, the thick shock waves of two buckets of gold and black rushed towards him from both sides.

Boom, boom ...

The suddenly appearing red Seraphim magic shield blocked the shock wave, and Li Mo also stopped, watching the gold and black figures appearing calmly.

It was the two original gods who escaped from Fort Cain.

Li Mo wanted to rescue Uncle Tun to prevent negative spaceization of the main universe. The two fallen gods wanted to devour Uncle, so there was no nonsense.

It is indeed the original gods, and the energy level is very high-end. Li Mo's cosmic power can be tied with them.

At their level, all magic and other energy use methods have become tricks, and the competition is still the nature of energy.

And because of the high concentration of energy, it does n’t seem to have a huge damage effect from the outsiders ’perspective, but only occasional splashes of the aftermath will destroy all the ships that have arrived.

A dozen seconds later, the light of the negative wave bomb disappeared, and the insect-killing king furiously flew straight to Li Mo. The non-flying king-devil also rushed on with a cricket-like flying insect, but slowed down deliberately .

Seeing the massive Zerg army also began to move here, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Mo's mouth, wielding the black death sword to drive away the two original gods, disappeared instantly, and reappeared, already thousands of kilometers away.

The two gods, who also have the ability to teleport, chased after them, and the Puppet Exterminator and Exterminator could only watch them disappear in the void.


Milky way near the gate of Skulu.

The area of ​​the opened wormhole stopped growing after the size of Jupiter, and the tide-like worm-killing insect tide continued to appear, and it never seemed to stop.

The bank parliamentary coalition has worked hard, but there are still a large number of Zerg spaceships breaking out.

Part of the Zerg spacecraft that ran out constantly hit the coalition fleet, and more of them flew to all corners of the galaxy in accordance with established orders.

The coalition fleet could not do anything about it, and could only watch as the Zerg Exterminators burned the fire to the entire galaxy.

On the outskirts of Sandar Star District, the United Nations Defense Fleet blocked the incoming Zerg Fleet under the leadership of the Nova Forces.

A member of the Nova Legion dragged streamers through the universe, constantly destroying the Zerg fleet.

Although most of them are ordinary members, under the distribution of the cosmic power of the world's thinking, they still exerted super-combat capabilities.

After all, this is the seat of the Galactic Council, and a large number of guards are gathered, so the Zerg fleet that committed the crime will soon be wiped out.

After the last Zerg ship was blown up, little Lucas, who had become the captain, panted and stayed in the void.

Before he could catch his breath, there was another spatial fluctuation in the distance. Little Lucas gritted his teeth and shouted, "The third team, ready to meet the enemy, fight hard!"

Outside the Soverin star, the huge void of the Martian ring slowly turns, while blessing energy on a small unmanned spacecraft as dense as a swarm, while spraying dense black purple flames in dense water tanks.

As Li Mo's loyal partner and big dog family, they built the largest star ring, so they were surprisingly relaxed when facing the Zerg fleet.

The Sauvelins have strengthened their basic national policy of reporting thighs in the future.

Like Sovilin, many intermediate civilizations have also built the ring of Mars in the void, but this is only an auxiliary after all, and some weaker civilizations are quickly destroyed.

Because of the intercepted spacecraft information, the Zerg Commander knew that the universe force Li Mo, who was currently being destroyed by the negative Zerg base camp, was an Earthman, so he sent a fleet to take care of it.

However, the little planet that they thought could be destroyed by surprise turned them a little surprised.

Outside the solar system, several Zerg fleets have jumped from different directions, converging into a fleet of more than 100,000 troops, and aggressively passed through the Kuiper Belt ~ ~ Tony's solar system guardians quickly found them. Germany steered the Sun's Hammer slowly.

A huge space fluctuation quickly appeared in front of the Zerg fleet. Before they could react, a luminous and hot light suddenly sprayed out.

The dazzling light dissipated, and the Zerg fleet on the display had completely evaporated and disappeared.

The Stoneman and Thunderbolt whistled excitedly, and Susan said excitedly to Reed, "Dear, we succeeded."

However, Reed frowned and looked away. "The key to winning or losing is not with us ..."


Negative space.

The three rays of light flickered constantly, and soon left the Zerg base camp.

The two fallen gods followed Li Mo closely, killing heart more and more, and soon came to a broken meteorite belt.

They were very interested in the artifact Black Death Sword in Li Mo's hands. Under greed, they did not find that the surrounding space had changed.

The magic arrays scattered in the meteorite seem to be threat-free, but they have built a complex four-dimensional magic array.

The space became blood red, and black and red lines appeared on the horizon.

The two original gods finally discovered that something was wrong, and they had unknowingly stepped into another dimension.

She sheltered in surprise, "Crimson Hell!"

Li Mo finally stopped, didn't talk nonsense to them, and said to the void behind him, "Laosai, trouble you."

After speaking, disappeared instantly.

The two original gods wanted to follow, but found that the space around them had frozen like diamonds.

They raised their heads stiffly. A horned helmet seemed to be as large as a galaxy. The unspeakable figure was watching them with interest ...

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