Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 355: War begins

Pretend to be a ghost!

Li Mo suddenly felt interesting, the soul gem is indeed the most special one, and already has his own personality.

As soon as he stepped into this place, he fell into the closed field it made. This ...

Li Mo frowned, "Red Skull?"

When he came, he hadn't seen the following movie, so he just noticed that there was such a character.

The Red Skull is also a little dreadful. He only knows that the other party is a cosmic god-level figure. The titles that sounded bluffing just now were passed to him by the soul gem.

"You ... also know me?"

Red Skull has a little embarrassment in his heart, and also a little chuckle.

He entered the universe to realize the vastness of the heavens and the earth, and at the same time completely destroyed his pride and turned into inferiority.

我 Is my reputation so loud?

知道 "I know, I'm from Earth. You were the most famous villain during World War II." Li Mo smiled, then shook his head, remembering the original movie plot and said, "To be honest, it was a bit disappointing."

"I thought that after you were transported into the universe by a space gem, you would stage the return of the king a few years later, but you did not expect to be trapped here and become a soul prisoner."

Although he has been flattened by the red skull's pride for many years, he still feels a little uncomfortable. "It has nothing to do with your purpose."

Li Mo smiled: "I am the current leader of Hydra."

The red skull froze.

"Hydra is now the top force in the universe."

Red Skull: "..."

"A multidimensional dimensional war is ongoing."

Red Skull: "..."

"Are you interested in coming back and helping me?"

The red skull swallowed, "Can I?"

让 "Let me think ..."

莫 Li Mo touched his chin, "Forget it, it seems ... you're useless."

The red skull was anxious, "I ..."


Before the utterance was finished, the soul turned into a smoke and completely dissipated.

Li Mo didn't care. Of course he was funny with the red skull, but he didn't expect that this guy's soul was still in the control of the gem, but he really had the courage to say something.

He cares about another thing.

The red skull was teleported away by the space gem, why was it sent here as a gatekeeper.

Is it ...

有着 There is some kind of spiritual connection between gems and gems?

Just when he was thinking, a message came to his mind through some kind of soul wave.

"If you want to get lost, sacrifice your loved one, soul for soul ..."

Li Mo smiled suddenly, "If I am still weak, many things are ineligible and too lazy to care, but now ... what qualifications do you have?"

The soul gem was silent, and no more message came.

Soon, the surrounding soul field gradually dissipated, and it seemed to be completely hidden.

Li Mo was not in a hurry, opened the eyes of dimension and looked around, but he was a bit surprised.

Generally speaking, no matter he hid in the folding space or the dimensional gap, he could not escape his investigation.

But the soul gem does not seem to be here at all.

Did it really disappear?

No, it's unlikely.

I remembered my speculation that there was a connection between the gems, and Li Mo had a plan in mind.

首先 He first took out the space gem, "The space gem has the ability to manipulate and distort space, and has unlimited energy."

After speaking, the small universe with the light film of the dark starry sky appeared, and threw it directly.


After a flash of blue light, there was a certain change in the space of the small universe, the rules were complemented, the space produced a layer-by-layer change, and a new extra dimension appeared.

"Unfortunately, I just need the rules of space."

"If it is conscious, it will probably run ..."

Immediately afterwards, he took out the time gem, "The time gem not only helps the holder to cross the long river of time, but also can manipulate the time flow in the universe bubble in a small range. The most important thing is that it can be used as a causal weapon. However ... "

The time gem was also thrown into the small universe, a green light flashed through, the rules of time and space were filled at the same time, and the small universe instantly expanded indefinitely, with a prototype of a real universe.

"Infinite gems, artifacts of countless disputes since the birth of the universe, but my collection is not for infinite gloves and that poor one-time wish."

"If the time gem is conscious, it may be gone ..."

刚 As soon as Li Mo's words fell, I felt a slight wave of consciousness, turned sharply, and closed the space there with his big hand.

"do you know…"

Li Mo broke through the layers of space to hide, and said calmly: "Even the creation god, when there is consciousness, there will be soul fluctuations."

"As a gem, since you have a strong greed for the soul, the ultimate fear of losing yourself completely is definitely stronger."

刚 As soon as he finished speaking, the orange soul gem was dug out of a weird space.

莫 Li Mo picked it up and looked at it, "No wonder, you originally contained a small universe, very beautiful, just like heaven. Presumably those souls trapped by you will be reluctant to think about it ..."

The soul jewel in Li's hand is constantly releasing the power of waves of rules, trying to modify and control Li Mo's soul.

However, it was easily blocked by the rules of Li Mo's small universe. Even if there was no small universe, it was helpless to Li Mo who had absorbed five infinite gems.

在 At this moment, Li Mo felt a line of sight from the distant universe, and the power behind that line of sight seemed to contain everything ...

Life court?

As a **** of the universe, Li Mo has already learned many secrets, including the court of life forbidding six infinite gems to come together.

Li Mo had long been prepared for this, and calmly held the soul gemstone to convey a divine thought: "The five gemstones have been completely destroyed, so they do not conflict with your thoughts."

The sight of Li Mo disappeared quickly after watching Li Mo for a while.

Li Mo was relieved. After all, he is not the opponent of the life court. If the opponent is a dead brain, he can only choose to compromise.


Li Mo looked at the soul gem in his hand, took a deep breath, and slammed into the small universe.


Almost immediately, Li Mo was forced to reveal the body, a huge black starry sphere of light, and constantly expanding outward.

The starry sky light ball soon exceeded the size of the moon, and the nearby planet Warmir was towed, violently collapsed, collapsed, and finally exploded.

But this is just the beginning. Li Mo ’s body is still expanding. His star system is being disturbed. Planets are torn apart by huge gravitational forces. Stars also quickly extinguish and decay, exploding in the process of becoming a red giant ...

But all this, Li Mo didn't pay attention, all his mind was immersed in his own small universe.

6After all 6 infinite gems have been absorbed, the original small cosmic space begins to collapse and shrink rapidly.

Originally full of repulsion, the dark energy that propelled the universe's continuous outward expansion has infinite suction, and everything including the stars, nebulae, and galaxies has been continuously compressed toward the center with space.

This is a process of the destruction of the universe. Time, matter, everything has lost its meaning, and finally returned to its origin.

原 This origin material can no longer summarize its meaning, because it symbolizes infinity, and the beginning of everything, if it is to be generalized, can be called one.

Immediately afterwards, everything went silent, and even Li Mo's mind seemed to be frozen at the origin of the universe.

In this remote corner of the universe, the star-sized black light ball floats quietly, as if in a dead silence ...

Uh ...

Somewhere in the unknown universe.

A Jupiter-sized energy crystal is floating quietly. Around its orbit, huge tower-shaped mechanical buildings are connected into a ring.

实质 The horrible substantial energy that tears up the space is constantly exchanged between various towers, and eventually turns into a beam of energy.

This is the energy center of the material empire. Star-sized space stations continuously receive energy rays in a spiral to recharge, just like small galaxies.

And such a huge cosmic celestial project has at least hundreds of places in this universe.

This is the 12th base of the material empire, and in such a universe, they have controlled 13 places.

In the base's central command room, countless spirit robots are sitting quietly, receiving the same signal.

Scientific Superman is in a strange universe. The stars of this universe are dim, and there are broken stars everywhere.

"see it?"

Suddenly hovering in the void, the scientific superman who had been silent for a long time suddenly said: "This is our hometown. Once, she was so beautiful."

"And when she has the magical extraordinary rules, when she enters the sight of the gods, it has already determined our final destiny."

有人 "Some people say that we are just a group of poor, crazy, indulging in revenge pleasures, a disaster of the multiverse."

"But I want to tell them ..."

The scientific superman turned around, his eyes have become a blood red, "Because of magic and gods, I am alone in the entire universe. Everything you once knew and everything you love has become cosmic dust. "

"Yes, we are Avengers, to all creations under the rules of magic, to all gods ..."




All the sorrowful empires watching the signal have become crazy, they curse magic and curse all gods with the most vicious language.

"Total magic war, start!"

With the orders of Scientific Superman, the army in 13 universes began to surge.




Those planet-sized space stations shot thick orange beams of light, bombarded in the void, and opened a grid of cosmic portals.

As the planetary space station moves slowly, they each fly to the designated meeting point.

At the same time, all parties closely following the material empire also received messages from spies.

Void dimension,

In ignorance, in the central command room, a full-fledged Stephanie solemnly said, "The war has begun, and all departments will strictly implement the plan."

Hell dimension ~ ~ Mephisto's face is obviously a little bad, "I have closed the whole hell, all marshals are strictly guarding the entrance, no matter what kind of material empire or demon, no one is allowed to enter!"

Dimension Demon Alliance Headquarters,

A large group of dimensional deities formed a parliament-like existence. Although they gave up the line of defense and gathered the army in one place, everyone's mind was still up and down.

The demon Basba has become a red person for a long time, and said with a grinning grin: "You are all crying, what are you doing, rest assured that our combined forces are only a little less than them, so we all die!"

The magician O'Neal drew his lips. "To die you to die, I will live, and I will live well."

"That's also easy ..."

Basba's eyes flashed a sly light, "When we can't fight, we will block the gate of **** ..."

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