Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 356: Magic War (2)

Satan **** dimension.

On an ungrassed gravel plain, the bitter cold wind roared past the slag, and the sky above was filled with large broken stars, and the mountains surrounding the blue sky soaring into the clouds had completely shattered.

A large group of demon gods with different dimensions gathered here, waiting for a long time depending on the situation.

Basba looked at them coldly, and said solemnly, "First of all, I have to cover the good relationship in this dimension. The price is clearly marked, and the thing is good. No one can play tricks!"

"I'm afraid your relationship is more than that, right?" A serpent-shaped demon smiled a little.

"It doesn't matter." Another dimension demon shook his head. "These magical substances are not important at present, as long as they can survive, there will be some later."

"That's right." The other dimensions of the demon nodded in approval.

Looking at this group of guys who were not in the sand, the demon Basba even more determined to hold Li Mo's thigh.

After a while, a huge starship broke into the air and slowly landed on the plain.

Basba clapped his hands. "Okay, don't worry, they spread the word: there are sufficient reserves, the price is fair, and they can be modified on site."

"But after the material empire came, it was not so easy to want to ship the goods, and then it was determined that prices would be increased."

"So buy some more and store it ..."


After the transaction was successful, the starship of the Bald Dimension Chamber of Commerce broke through.

Inside the spacecraft, cheers and whistles continued, and violent electronic music sounded, while a conversation was taking place in the command cabin.

"Captain, I didn't expect it to be so smooth this time, but I can't figure it out, why should I sell the third series of the highest-level equipment to these wall grass?"

"So you can't be the captain, the better you give them, aren't they more able to attract the attention of the material empire and give us more time?"

"Oh, it was."

"What do you think, we are the style of asking for money when we die, but we must have a big picture."

"Yes, yes, this time the task is completed, b must be very satisfied."

"Hey, it's really my idea this time. I'm applying for President Stephanie's approval. B So busy, why do you care about these?"

"Captain Xianming!"

"Well ... you don't understand. Now b has a lot of talents. There are Void Masters in research and Void Air Forces in combat. We are older than them. Have we been the captain of the transportation?

"Capacity is one thing, but don't mix it up and wait to die!"

"Captain Xianming!"

"The boss is right!"

Accompanying a burst of cheering and contented cheers, the starship quickly broke away from Satan's **** dimension.

After about 10 light-years in the transition of the main universe, they started to initiate signals to connect ignorously.

"Call the command center, here is Ranger 3, begging to open the door of dimension to Star Harbor."

"Hey, call the command center ..."

"Alas ... the material empire has begun to attack ... the signal is disturbed ... the void dimension ... closed, all fleets ... stand by ..."

"Hey ... Hey ..."

"Captain, what should I do?"

"What else can you do?" The captain of the Ranger 3 starship was clearly agitated, "Stand by!"

"I don't know what's going on now ..."


Void dimension, ignorance center command room.

Stephanie stood sternly on the command bridge, looking calmly at a large row of virtual images.

"Void Master, report the repair situation!"

"The magic lines have all been swapped, the Youquan system has been activated, and the virtual air regiment is on standby."

"Reports that the enemy is cracking the dimensional encryption signal and will bypass the defense to open the dimensional door after 5 minutes."

"Launch the 3rd dimension defense program!"



Fortunately, Li Mo's development of science and technology has the upper hand. Although McQueen fell into a deep sleep due to the collapse of the soul magic array, but the ignorance born of the rules of science and technology in the Gods group returned to normal with the efforts of a group of people.

Therefore, they also have the ability to resist self-protection.

5 minutes later,

Over the island continent of ignorance, a huge portal suddenly opened, and the planet-like space station of the Material Empire slowly revealed its figure.

The materialistic empire's combat plan usually launches a dimensional split mutagenic missile first, destroys the enemy's defensive front, and then cleans up with a robotic division.

Prior to this, they had obtained information on Li Mo's power, but the compression of the Virtual Air Force Regiment and the previous sweep in other dimensions made them take nothing seriously.


A rhomboid crystal, about a kilometer long, with rotating metal components around it, was shot out and fell sharply towards the mainland.

Immediately afterwards, however, a red alert lit up on the planetary station of the Material Empire.

"Warning, warning, capturing high-energy response!"

"Activate the space shield!"

The outer surface of the planet-shaped space station quickly attached a thick yellow light film, but it was too late.

The left eye of the imaginatively enlarged head first emitted a blue light that was thousands of kilometers thick, and the temperature dropped sharply along the way, and the hot blue sky blue snow instantly fell.

A blast of cold light hit the shield of the planet space station.

The blue cover of the energy shield that emits a strong yellow light was immediately covered with a layer of dark blue, and immediately after the energy shield shattered like a solid, all the space stations instantly became a frozen planet.

Inside the space station, everything is covered with a layer of ice, and hundreds of millions of robots can't move like ice sculptures.

Ignorantly, this left eye was the diamond planet weapon that Li Mo sponsored the Xia Empire. After the reform of the Nether Masters, it became a terrible cold-light weapon.

This weapon has never been used since its successful production, and it has not been fired once, even when fighting the Puppet Zerg.

But this time, the power of God was finally demonstrated, and its power made everyone feel satisfied.

If the dimensional empire were all organic life forms, this strike would surely be the result of the destruction of the entire army.

But they are all steel robots, and they also use energy lines, so they have begun internal heating to try to get out of the frozen cage.

But everything is too late. One of the reasons for the Void Masters to make this kind of cold light weapon is that the neutron star weapon in the right eye is too strong. After one blow, the material breaks down, which is not conducive to recovery.

The style of not asking bad money has passed into the bones of everyone under Li Mo.

Youquan system is activated ...

After rampant cracking and material support, the number of Youquan Skull Seas has reached an alarming level.

The Blue Void Continent is a continental island suspended in the starry sky, but now it is surrounded by an ocean that cannot be seen at a glance.

Looking closely, all are hundreds of meters of huge skeletons burning with black-purple void fire.

The body that already possesses the fire of the spiritual void has also been transferred to the Sea of ​​Skeletons, so it is even more powerful.

The turbulent sea of ​​skulls generally swept upwards, and in just ten seconds, it instantly swallowed up the planetary station of the material empire.

The teeth of the space cutting weapon were bitten, the fire of the void fell and absorbed, and the volume of the planetary space station quickly shrank at the speed visible to the naked eye, leaving nothing behind.

And after the Sea of ​​Skulls absorbed so much material, the area expanded quietly again ...

Although very confident, but such a devastating destruction of the enemy's attack still excited many people in Hydra, and there was a burst of applause in the center command room.

Stephanie frowned,

"The enemy's attack is blocked and we will immediately organize the next wave of attacks. The next time we focus on defense and delay as much as possible."

"I know everyone may feel aggrieved, but now is not the time for us to ..."

"Is there any news coming back?"

"No, wait patiently, it's already arranged, let the first wave of the enemy's offensive let Mephisto continue ..."


Satan **** dimension.

In a short period of time, the battle has gone into intensification.

Under the auspices of the Bald Party Chamber of Commerce, the dimensional demons also have weapons to deal with the planetary space station.

The corpse witch dragon, Meidas, is far worse than the eight demon gods, and even worse than Satanish, but no one dares to underestimate.

In addition to his lost magical powers, his own power of rules is also quite terrible, and the corpse contaminated by his rules has emerged a kind of mutant zombie.

And the dimension he governs is the giant worm dimension.

Thousands of zombie worms have space flight capabilities, they are even equipped with starship armor, and their heads are scary laser cutters.

There are more than 100,000 such technology worms.

A large planetary space station hangs in the sky, and countless tiny bugs keep twisting and drilling.

Although it looks disgusting, it is very effective. At least two planetary space stations have been scrapped by this method.

The lords of the other dimension lords are not to be outdone, and the entrance to the Satan **** dimension has become a weird battlefield.

Into the eyes are all fragments of stumps, including claws wearing armor breaks, and robotic bodies twisted and broken.

The powerful demons used by the blueprints flew in the air wearing mechs, and some used machine guns to shoot wildly, while others waved laser axes and killed them.

The sky's robot masters are entangled with them, and they can't distinguish the enemy from the friendly forces. All the demons are trapped in madness, and there is only one motivation in their hearts:

Kill everything moving around ...

It seems that after throwing in the factor of magic, the battlefield has temporarily stalled.

But everything is just an illusion. The strength of the material empire is far more terrible than they thought. The portals in the main universe were opened one by one, and the planetary space station that completed the damaged mission kept gathering here.

And the most important battlefield has been transferred to Satan Hell.

Superman in Science encountered the most difficult battle of his life.

Thousands of dimensions of the devil surrounded him here. Although magic cannot be applied, the turbulent flow of elements inspired by the rules still breaks the space here.

However, the original faith of the dimensional demons has collapsed, and they looked at the glowing cube in the hands of the scientific superman with a lingering fear.

The cosmic cube, which is only half-charged, can't rewrite the rules of the universe, but it can be considered that Scientific Superman provides a complete field of rules that is beneficial to itself ~ ~ This field is not only indestructible, but also provides a strong defense, Hundreds of dimensional demon gods have completely disappeared.

With a bang, another demon dimension turned into a rain of light.

The battlefield seemed to fall into silence all of a sudden, the Scientific Superman panting, his eyes flushed glanced.

As far as the eyesight is concerned, all dimensions can't help but start to retreat.

The fiercest yelled, but the demon Basba, who had been hiding behind, planned for a moment, and then shouted,

"The enemy is too strong, let's go to Lord Mephisto!"

"He will definitely help us."

"What if you don't help?"

"Go in!" The latest chapter in the novel Marvel World Mixed Chapter Chapter 356 Magic War (2) URL: https: //

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