Master of Beasts

Chapter 306: 1 punch

"Pretend to be a fool."

Xiao Yang's faint laughter fell in his ears, and Bai Ming frowned slightly. Even if he sneered, it was impossible that Xiao Yang, like him, also sealed a spirit beast in the gate with a fallen spirit flower. ?

However, the next moment, the sneer on his face was stiff, and a figure wearing a silver armor, holding a powerful fist, slowly stepped out of the spiritual gate next to Xiao Yang.


At the moment when the rock horned dragon rhinoceros appeared, the square outside the ancient mirror burst into a shaking uproar. Many people couldn't help standing up, staring at that face in the ancient mirror image in disbelief. The indifferent rock horned rhinoceros.

What they were shocked was not the strength of the rock horned dragon rhinoceros, but that Xiao Yang turned out to be a dual source spiritualist!

"Shuangyuan Spiritualist, how is this possible!" Bai Qian's face was pale, you know, in the entire Xueyue Empire, there is only the imperial monarch Meng Tianchen as the dual source spiritualist!

Now, another one pops up unexpectedly?

Moreover, it is still the enemy of the Bai family!

"Oh my God, I read that right, Shuangyuan Spiritist!"

"Moreover, it is still the rock attribute that restrains the Yin Thunder Soul, this is finally a good show!"

"It's not important, the dual source spiritual master, the rarity is no less than the spiritual emperor, but I want to open a spiritual gate with different attributes in my dreams!"

"Then you still have to dream, maybe, this chance can be bigger."

The whispers resounded from all directions in the audience seats. Many people were full of excitement and excitement. Only a few forces, such as Tiger Devil Mountain and Blood Eagle Pavilion, sat there with ugly faces.

"Shuangyuan Spiritualist, this time, I am afraid that even the royal family will have to put down their body and draw up." Wu Xiao's hoarse voice sounded gloomily, but he was very clear about how attractive a dual source spiritualist was.

"Draw it in? That would have to be a living person." Shen Tu Sha pushed the woman in his arms away, and the murderous intent quickly dazzled in his eyes.

"It turned out to be a dual source spiritual master."

Leaning on the seat, looking at a silver-clad rock horned rhinoceros, Bai Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a rare chill appeared on Jun Yi's face: "Father, that thing may not be available for the time being."

"That's not necessarily."

In Bai Xiao’s eyes, there was a blade-like coldness. After he was silent for a while, he said in a low voice: "The rock horned rhinoceros, although it is very restrained from the ghost, but the power gap between the two , After all, there are two things to say, which is strong and weak."

Upon hearing this, Bai Qi nodded noncommittal.

I hope so, otherwise, I will do it.


The pitch-black thunder light ran above the thunder stick, and Bai Ming's expression was a little bit cold: "What about the dual source spirit master, what about the rock attributes, after all, it is just a first-tier middle lord level, my The Yin Lei Soul, but the second-tier high lord level, even the fourth-tier middle lord level spirit beasts can fight a battle, not to mention your inferior rockhorn rhinoceros."

In some places, spirit beasts that do not reach a high level will be branded as inferior. After all, the gap between medium and high is too big.


Xiao Yang smiled faintly, then turned his head to look at the Rock Horned Rhinoceros: "It seems to be underestimated. It is okay to explode the Yin Thunder Soul with a punch?"

With an indifferent look on his face, the rock horned dragon rhinoceros nodded slowly, as if it had never cared about the astonishing Yin Thunder Soul.

"Idiot talk about dreams." Bai Ming spit out a few words coldly.


Excluding attribute restraint and rank suppression, the strength of the two spirit beasts is almost the same, and Xiao Yang dared to say a punch, it was too whimsical.

Hearing Bai Ming's ridiculous words, Xiao Yang just raised the corner of his mouth, but didn't even mean to refute it at all.

Standing next to Xiao Yang, the rock horned dragon rhinoceros spread out his right palm, and immediately shook it. A golden dragon mark seemed to be condensed from the front of the fist, and the deep sound of the dragon's roar suddenly spread throughout the whole piece. Lei Yuan.


The earth-shaking dragon's roar echoed through the mirror in the sky above the Baijia Square. Everyone's expressions became dull. Is this, returning to the ancestors?


The sole of the foot suddenly stepped on, and the earth cracked. The body of the rock horned rhinoceros, like a silver light and shadow, whizzed out, carrying a silver fist with a golden dragon seal, and slammed against the thunder soul, under this powerful force. , The air is all being shaken out by bursts of sonic booms.

Feeling the violent energetic enveloping, there was finally a trace of panic in the eyes of the Yin Lei Soul Gu Jing Wubo, and the thunder stick in his hand quickly ran in front of him, trying to resist the banging silver fist.

With a resounding sound of the exchange of gold and iron, the thunder stick in Yin Leihun's hand burst to pieces, and the fist of the rock horned dragon rhinoceros hit its chest heavily.


The blood was sprayed in the mouth, and the body of the Yin Thunder Soul shot out in an instant. Along the way, several huge rocks burst into pieces, and finally hit the mountain wall with a shocking sound. Above.

Suddenly like spider web cracks, along the mountain wall behind the Thunder Soul, spread quickly, and its chest collapsed deeply, vaguely, you can still see To the outline of the dragon seal.

Looking at the immobile Dark Thunder Soul embedded in the mountain wall, everyone present was buzzing in their minds. This is a second-tier high lord level spirit beast, even if the attributes are suppressed, there should be a possibility of confrontation.

However, under the violent punch of the rock horned dragon rhinoceros, he was directly hit and half dead!

The ancestral rock horned rhinoceros is really terrible!


The teacup in his hand suddenly shattered, and the tea with a few tea leaves was sprinkled all over his robes. Bai Xiao's face was so gloomy as if a rainstorm was coming, making the people of the Bai family behind him, including several elders, all Don't dare to make a sound.

Decades ago, he was suppressed to death by Xiao Lie, but today, his descendants are repeating the same mistakes.

Moreover, there is still a huge difference in cultivation environment and resources.

Just when Bai Xiao's face was gloomy, ripples suddenly appeared on the large ancient mirror. Some weaker people began to appear on the square automatically. Obviously, the space within the territory has already been rejected and does not belong to People there will be sent back quickly.


Suddenly, in the middle of the square where people's shadows are constantly flashing, a white shadow, like a cannonball, has been fiercely shot down from the ancient mirror, and the back close to the ground has plowed a long gully.

Lying on the ground embarrassedly, Bai Ming's chest had a footprint covered with mud.

Obviously, he was kicked out.

"Xiao Yang, I am going to kill you!"

Holding his chest with a few broken ribs, Bai Ming climbed up with difficulty, and the spiteful roar suddenly resounded.

(End of this chapter)

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