Master of Beasts

Chapter 307: In danger

Bai Ming was filled with spiteful roars, hovering over the Baijia Square, looking at his miserable appearance, many people showed sympathy, while more people sneered in their hearts.

"This violent means of acting is almost carved out of the same mold as his father."

Mu Li raised his head slightly and looked at Xiao Yang, who was in the ancient mirror, flapping his flame wings and stepping in mid-air. At the corner of his mouth, a slight smile appeared, as if he was reminiscing the days of the past.

"come up with?"

Seeing Xiao Yang's wings fluttered behind him, wanting to leave the ancient mirror, Bai Qi's face suddenly lifted up a gentle smile: "You hurt my second brother, you should stay in Lei Yuan forever."

As he spoke, a bright shard appeared between Bai Qi's palm, and it snapped into pieces as he held it together.

"not good!"

In the midair, Xiao Yang's expression suddenly changed, and the spiritual power vortex in front of him melted rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. This meant that he would not be able to leave this ancient land with everyone!

"what happened!"

The picture of the ancient mirror was violently distorted, and after a while, the light was as bright as a wash, but Xiao Yang's figure was frozen in the mirror and disappeared in a flash.

"Bai Xiao, what have you done!"

With a sudden eyelid jump, Mu Li stood up, staring sharply at Bai Xiao, and the voice that came out was mixed with an unconcealable coldness.

"I did not do anything."

Patting his robe stained with tea, Bai Xiao raised his head and smiled faintly at Mu Li. Although he did not get what Xiao Yang had in his hands immediately, as long as he stayed in Lei Yuan, he would have countless species in the future. Method, taken out of it.

What's more, it's amazing to be able to do it without knowing it.

"Bai Xiao, more than ten years ago, when you took advantage of Xiao Lie's serious injury, you united several forces to encircle him, causing his strength to plummet, and he was finally expelled from Snowstorm. Now, you are attacking his descendants again. , And you are still setting up dead ends, have you really forgotten who protected your Bai family when the Nether Light Empire struck!"

Mu Li's icy voice resounded across the square, and the noisy crowd instantly calmed down, while the expressions of Shen Tu Sha and Wu Xiao were not very good-looking. Obviously, they shared what Mu Li said.

Silence continued in the Bai family.

Many people present did not know the secrets of the year, so Mu Li's words undoubtedly had a strong impact on them.

"Master Mufang, speak, and give evidence." Bai Xiao's complexion was calm, but the palms hidden in his sleeves trembled slightly. He didn't expect that after more than ten years of silence, Mu Li would actually do it for one. The little spiritualist, in front of everyone in Snowstorm, once again revealed the things of the year, completely torn his skin.

"Yes, Uncle Mu, I know that you are naturally free and easy, but there are some things that you can't talk about. After all, you can label someone first to hide your guilty conscience, isn't it." Bai Qi stood up. Looking at Mu Li with a gentle smile, said.

"Qi'er, step back, there is no place for you to speak here." Bai Xiao exclaimed in his heart when he saw Bai Qi's words, but on the surface, he made a stern look.

"Is it possible that it is actually a black hand under Qianyaofang, wanting to lead the disaster to the Bai family?"

"It's not impossible that this is possible. The Bai family's development speed is too fast. Some people, although they are jealous, but dare not do anything on the bright side, they can only take some insidious methods."

"So that's the case, I said, how can you suddenly get into trouble, it turns out that there is still this relationship."

Under the deliberate guidance of some people, the spearhead was actually faintly aimed at Qianyaofang, which made the faces of Qingye and others look rather ugly.

"Mufang Master, you know, this ancient mirror has been around for a long time, and some minor problems are inevitable. Let's wait a while, maybe, Xiao Yang's nephew will be out soon." Bai Xiao pretended Smiled.

"sit down."

Without the slightest anger on his face, Mu Li continued to do it slowly, the calm and calm appearance, as if everyone's discussion did not affect him in any way.

"Owner, why don't you find some people to secretly slaughter the people who provoked just now?" Aoba Sen's cold old eyes swept across the auditorium and whispered.

"A group of dogs that take refuge in the Bai family."

Looking at the ancient mirror with his eyes slightly squinted, the animal husbandry sighed slightly, hoping that no accidents would happen, otherwise the old man's trust would be ruined.

"Look, I have a guilty conscience. I don't even have the courage to refute. If you want me to tell a lie, just make up something like a lie, so as not to be beaten on the spot."

"Yes, the hypocrites of Thousand Medicines Square should have a long memory. They have made Windy Snow City all day, just like theirs. They are really stupid to do business and behave."

"Don't say that, if it reaches the ears of the royal family, the influence is not good. People who don't know think they are going to overthrow the royal family and dominate Xueyue just like the Shaxinggong in the past."

Seeing Qianyaofang stay silent, some people secretly instigated even more rampantly. Anyway, behind them, there is the Bai family's support. The more vigorous they are, the more they can win the Bai family's favor.

"Wu Tong in Bali Alley, Master Feng in Listening to the Wind Tower, are really amazing. If Xiao Lie didn't think they were pitiful and bought them from a slave trader, how could they be today." When Mu Li heard the increasingly excessive words, there was also a slight chill on his elegant face.

"It's nothing more than a Tier 4 spiritual master, and he has a face to call him, a joke." Qingye snorted coldly, in front of so many people, I really can't do it, otherwise once they are killed, Qianyaofang will jump. I can't clean it even when I enter the Yellow River.

It is estimated that what the Bai family hopes to see is exactly the same.

"Qi'er, you have become more and more mature over the years." Bai Xiao was in a good mood when he saw the instant reversal of the situation. Although Bai Ming was not up to date, his eldest son Bai Qi, regardless of strength or scheming It is absolutely top grade.

"Hehe, a little trick, it's not worth mentioning." Bai Qi smiled and nodded, and then his eyes were slightly closed, and he lay lazily on the back of the chair. Probably, Xiao Yang was already in Lei Yuan at this time. It broke down.

"Die in Lei Yuan." Bai Shan, Bai Man and the others sneered. Even if they didn't kill Xiao Yang with their own hands, they were very satisfied with this result.

"Little Lord……"

A young man from the Bai family approached the blood-covered Bai Ming and tried to help him up, but the latter slammed his arm and pushed him away relentlessly, his eyes cold. And frantically looked at the ancient mirror.

"Xiao Yang, I swear, if you don't die, I will personally kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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