Master of Beasts

Chapter 310: Royal Youli

The dazzling Thunder Soul Orb was like a river hanging horizontally above Xiao Yang, slowly creeping, and to the naked eye, it was extremely magnificent. Compared with this river, the sparse Thunder Soul Orb in front of Shen Tufan and others is undoubtedly It was particularly embarrassing.

"Redeem all?"

The corners of his mouth twitched without a trace. Bai Mang’s old face was slightly stiff. With a hundred thunder soul orbs in exchange for a reward, it means that all the items that Bai Xiao took out were replaced by thunder soul orbs. It is not necessarily able to shorten the thunder soul bead river by half.

Seeing Bai Mang's embarrassment, the corner of Xiao Yang's mouth set off a faint arc. Isn't your Bai family known as rich and powerful? My thunder river is smashed down, even if you lose the entire family, you may not be able to afford it.

The value of a Thunder Soul Orb is not inferior to any second-tier elixir!

"Xiao Yang..."

Sitting next to Bai Xiao, Bai Qi's gaze was like a cold sharp knife, staring at the figure under Leihe, as long as he was not blind, he could see that Xiao Yang was deliberately embarrassing Bai's family.

"Xiao Nephew, how did you get so many Thunder Soul Orbs?" Bai Xiao's eyes were full of fiery heat. He knew the role of Thunder Soul Orbs better than anyone else, but every time it was opened in ancient times, the Bai family also However, only a few thousand can be obtained, and such a huge amount at the moment is enough to smash out a spiritual emperor forcibly!

"It's a fluke." Xiao Yang smiled and nodded, and at the same time sighed softly in his heart. If he had a thunder-attribute spirit beast, plus this thunder river condensed from the entire thunder abyss, the breakthrough speed would probably be swift and horrible Right.

However, once Bai Xiao knew that Xiao Yang had ruined the source of the Bai Family's Thunder Soul Orb, he didn't know if the former would suddenly become crazy.

"Since there are a total of fifty-four light groups here, I am disrespectful."

Turning his head, Xiao Yang spread out his palms with a smile, and a burst of suction burst open, drawing all the light **** floating in the field, as for Baiman standing there, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

Although the value of the Thunder Soul Orb is not lower than the reward given by Bai Xiao, Xiao Yang's Thunder Soul Orb was obtained from trials, and there are still hundreds of thousands. Very aggrieved.

Seeing Xiao Yang taking all the light groups into the Kong Boundary Stone, Shen Tufan and the others all turned red. These rewards should belong to them, but now they are not left at all. This makes the people standing there look like a beaming clown. .

"There are a total of 54,000 Thunder Soul Orbs, Elder Bai, please keep them away."

With a random wave of his palm, he sent a piece of Thunder Soul Orb to Bai Man's body. Xiao Yang smiled faintly, then opened the empty boundary stone, and in the sight of many greedy eyes, all the Thunder River above his head was taken in.

Looking at Xiao Yang's smiling face, Bai Mang gritted his teeth fiercely. This trial was originally intended to make Bai Ming famous and let other forces know that there is such a young new spirit master in the Bai family. , But now, it has completely turned into a joke, so that Bai Ming in the corner is actually no one cares.

Frustrated Bai Ming, the dual source spiritual master, gathered beads into a river, so all kinds of things, so that the protagonist who is in the limelight today completely changed.

Moreover, he is the descendant of the Bai family's mortal enemy.

"It really loves to cause trouble." Mu Li looked at Xiao Yang with a smile. He had a foreboding that Snow Wind City in the future might set off a new storm because of the arrival of this young man. Moreover, the arrival of this storm, no It will be too late.

"Please let me."

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the door of the confession house, and then, a slender figure in plain clothes slowly walked in, he glanced at the expressionless Bai Qi, and then the gaze stayed. On Xiao Yang.

"Zuo Qingshi, what is he here for?" Bai Qi frowned slightly and whispered.

"Zuo Qingshi, ranked second on the Rin Bing List, was last seen half a year ago!"

"He is Zuo Qingshi? As expected, I heard that he just broke through the fifth-order spirit master recently!"

"Fifth-tier spirit master, my God, is enough to compare with some elders of first-class forces."

The older generation in the field was okay, while the younger generation, including the young generation, was in an instant commotion. Zuo Qingshi, the name, is like a heavy mountain, standing solidly in this generation, no one Surpassable.

"Brother Qingshi came here personally and didn't say hello." Bai Qi stood up and arched his hands with a smile.

"Come uninvited, and look at Brother Bai and Patriarch Bai, don't blame it." Zuo Qingshi also arched his hands, and even respectfully bowed to the elders who sat there.

Of course, this does not mean how good the relationship between Zuo Qingshi and the Bai family is, but just the most basic etiquette.

"Xiao Yang."

Turning his gaze slightly, Zuo Qingshi stared at Xiao Yang's face, and then fell silent. This strange scene made everyone confused for a while.

It stands to reason that even if Xiao Yang defeats Bai Ming, he shouldn't get the attention of Zuo Qingshi ~ After all, the gap between Bai Ming and his cohort, even if it is described as a gully, is not an exaggeration.

In Wind and Snow City, each generation has a circle of each generation, and only Bai Qi, Fang Han and others are qualified to sit on an equal footing with Zuo Qingshi.

"This is an invitation for the Han Tu Banquet."

After being silent for a while, Zuo Qingshi flicked his palm, and an invitation like a cold ice shot violently at Xiao Yang with a sharp sound of breaking the wind.


Reaching out and accepting the invitation, Xiao Yang's arm trembled vaguely. He was worthy of a Tier 5 spirit master, but he was shocked by the rest of his energy. It is no wonder that Zuo Qingshi, in Fengxue City, possesses such a big one. Fame.

"Han Tea Banquet?"

When Xiao Yang looked through the invitation, all the young people present were in an uproar. The young people didn't know, but they knew exactly how important this cold banquet was.

That is a banquet that only the top young people are eligible to participate in!

This Xiaoyang He Dehe Neng was able to obtain the qualification to be invited.

"Brother Qingshi, this is a bit unruly." Bai Qi glanced at Xiao Yang indifferently, the disdain in his eyes, without the slightest concealment.

In the corner, Bai Ming's clenched fist trembled slightly, and he had a cold feast. On this occasion, he didn't even have the right to wait and see. The humble and inferior Xiao Yang had actually been invited by Zuo Qingshi?

"Brother Bai, speaking of it, I don't understand. I just invite people. I really can't afford to offend." Zuo Qingshi smiled lightly.

"Who?" Bai Qi frowned slightly, I'm afraid there are not many who can let Zuo Qingshi say this.

"That person, you actually know it."

There was a hint of playfulness in Zuo Qingshi's eyes: "Royal family, Youli."


(End of this chapter)

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