Master of Beasts

Chapter 326: Cui Li

   When Xiao Yang woke up from his deep sleep, the warm sunlight, already through the wooden lattice of the window, fell on his face, and the whole room was illuminated quite brightly.

Opening his lazy eyes, Xiao Yang sat halfway on the bed, dazed for a while, scratched his messy head, and then walked out of the bed, and was barely awake by the stimulation of the cold water.

"Refining this cluster of flames, Chi Yan should be able to break through to the lord level."

After wiping his face vigorously with the towel a few times, Xiao Yang looked at the glass ball that Chi Yan was holding, and his eyes were filled with unconcealable heat. By then, he could finally become a real spiritual master.

"Direct refining, I am afraid that this flame will not be able to play the biggest role."

Just as Xiao Yang stretched out his palm and was about to awaken Chi Yan, Master Mo's figure suddenly floated out and smiled: "Even if it changes again, the strength of your Firefox can only reach the middle lord level at best. I want to be promoted to a higher level, but I don’t know how long and how long to wait."

"Do you have a way?" Xiao Yang not only was not disappointed when he heard this, but his eyes lit up and he asked eagerly.

"Remember the fire source mineral vein in the Blackscale Mountains?" Master Mo reminded with a slight smile.

"Fire source mineral vein."

This slightly distant name caused Xiao Yang to be in a daze. After a long time, he took a gentle breath: "Could it be related to Yanyang Fish?"

At the beginning, in the fire source mineral vein, Chi Yan condensed a second ring of fire thorns because of the droplets of the Yanyang fish, and then defeated Mu Jie’s Salo, so Xiao Yang still remembers that kind of beast. new.

"You are not curious at all, as fire-type spirit beasts, why don't they even have a spiritual core?" Master Mo gave a light smile and asked.

"Those Yanyang fish, shouldn't they, they are not spirit beasts at all?" Xiao Yang pondered a little, suddenly a bold thought popped up in his mind, and immediately he looked at Master Mo with a look of astonishment.

However, this is too incredible.

"Half guessed it."

Master Mo nodded slightly and smiled: "Actually, things like Yanyang fish are derived from the scales of the fire-type spirit beast Shengyang fish. Strictly speaking, they cannot be regarded as life. However, because they are so perfect. Many spiritual masters on the sixth level have mistakenly classified them as a separate spirit beast."

"Sacred Sun Fish."

After capturing the key information in Master Mo’s words, Xiao Yang’s expression suddenly became a little excited: "So, at the bottom of the magma, there should be a sacred fish lurking. If this is the case, then go to the Black Scale Mountain Range. It's just a short walk, anyway, there are drifting sand wings, and it won't take long."

"up to you."

Master Mo waved his hand, and there was a serious voice in his voice: "During this time, I will refine that page. If there is nothing important, remember not to call me. If it runs away again, I want to find it. I don’t know how much trouble it will be."

After speaking, Master Mo turned into a golden light and got back into the void stone.

"I can still run..." Xiao Yang stretched out his palm, and immediately opened his palm, and opened the first spiritual door, and took Chi Yan into the spiritual door together with the glass ball in his arms.


As soon as the door opened, Xiao Yang saw Lin Qiong with a smirk. Looking at the inexplicable expression, Xiao Yang's eyebrows moved without a trace.

"Chen Su came over just now and asked if you need Dantong." Lin Qiong coughed slightly, pretending to be careless.

"What about your answer." Xiao Yang grinned and asked a little funny.

"I said, I'm your Dantong, so I naturally refused." Lin Qiong patted his chest, and said frankly.

Looking at Lin Qiong's appearance, Xiao Yang suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded. This guy's face was thick and terrifying. Last night, he looked sincere and fearful. Today, he has been more intimate than anyone else.

"up to you."

With a faint smile, Xiao Yang walked towards the door. After a while, his body suddenly retreated and walked to Lin Qiong with a blank face, and whispered like a thief: "Yours Chaoyin Bat, if you use spiritual skills, you should be able to monitor the entire elder's house."

Hearing this, Lin Qiong nodded despite his puzzled face.

"Where is Gong Yu's residence?" Xiao Yang continued to ask.

"It's okay." Lin Qiong nodded, and immediately a touch of horror appeared on his face: "Xiao Yang, you won't be coveting Gong Yu's seat, you are ambitious."

"Only you are smart." Xiao Yang patted Lin Qiong on the shoulder angrily. He finally saw that this guy, before he was unfamiliar with others, his mouth was stricter than anyone else, and once he got acquainted, he really Dare to say anything.

"So, is it true?" Lin Qiong's face instantly became excited, and he was quite happy about this kind of thing.

"However, I am not coveting the chairmanship of the Obsidian Society."

Xiao Yang put his mouth to Gong Yu's ear, and whispered softly, "I want to find a reason to completely erase him from the Xueyue Empire."

After that, Xiao Yang walked out of the mansion slowly, and the spiritual power runestone that opened the circle was thrown into the hand of Lin Qiong, who was dumbfounded.

"He... he is not going to start with Gong Yu and kill all the people who participated in the large-scale siege and suppression."

Holding spiritual power runestones in his Lin Qiong shuddered when he thought of this possibility.

This idea is really terrifying.

"I... I was really dragged onto a thief ship."

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong was a little bit eager to cry without tears.

"Elder's Pavilion."

Stopped in front of a huge attic, Xiao Yang looked at the three characters on it, his eyes flashed slightly. As honorary elders, they were not able to unconditionally enjoy the resources allocated by the Thousand Medicines Workshop. In the month, they all get a certain amount of contribution value through alchemy.

If the contribution value fails to meet the requirements, the Elder Pavilion will record his name, and after three times, any organization under Qianyaofang will permanently refuse this person to join.

Once he was swept out by Thousand Yaofang, the consequences would undoubtedly be extremely terrifying. His name would be blacklisted by all the major forces in Wind and Snow City with an extremely rapid speed.

"It's too much trouble to come one month after another, so let's just complete one year's contribution value."

At this point, Xiao Yang nodded slightly, and immediately stepped into the pavilion of the elders, and at the moment he entered, a voice with a diligent smile suddenly came into his ears.

"Brother Cui Li, younger brother has been waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)


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