Master of Beasts

Chapter 327: Arrogant

Following the voice, what appeared in Xiao Yang's eyes were dozens of figures wearing the same costumes. In front of them, there was a pill cauldron burning with flames, and a scorching breath filled the air. Among.

After just watching for a while, Xiao Yang realized that these people were not real alchemists, but just some young people with the potential to become alchemists, and the outermost hall of this elder pavilion was for them to comprehend. The place of alchemy.

Among these people, a young man with an arrogant face was quite conspicuous. He walked through the crowd unscrupulously, showing a sense of superiority that could not be concealed.

Of course, among these rookies who have not yet become alchemists, he does have this kind of capital, because there is a one-star mark on his chest.

This means that he is a genuine first-grade alchemist.

"Hou Feng, you called me just now?"

The young man stayed in front of a flattering person, and slowly rang with a somewhat arrogant voice.

"Brother Cui Li, how can I call anyone other than you." When Hou Feng saw Cui Li stopping in front of him, the pleasing expression on his face became a bit richer.

"Cui Li?"

Hearing this name, Xiao Yang's heart moved slightly. The surname Cui is rare in the Xueyue Empire. Isn't it possible? What is the relationship between Cui Li and Cui Ting?

"Let's talk, what do you want me to guide." Cui Li glanced at Hou Feng pretentiously, and the words seemed to be filled with disdain for everyone in the world.

"Brother Cui Li, I still have a big problem with the selection of medicinal materials. I would like to ask you to teach it again." Cui Li smiled, trying to do his best to get in touch with Cui Li.

As for the question of what kind of medicinal materials, it was all nonsense. What he really liked was Cui Li's father, Cui Ting.

As long as he can catch this line, after he becomes a real alchemist, he will undoubtedly get the best resources of the Obsidian Society.

"Why are you so stupid, you can't even do such a simple thing."

Cui Li pretended to reprimand Hou Feng, while using the corner of his eyes, he glanced at a young girl with a beautiful face. The girl's smooth forehead was dripping with a little sweat, and the whole body was filled with a sense of seduction. Human breath.

"I just studied the way of alchemy, and I can't compare with Big Brother Cui Li. You are the only genius in Wind and Snow." Hou Feng immediately understood Cui Li's actions, and hastily. Try to flatter yourself.

"Go, go, what a genius, it's just luck." Cui Li was obviously very comfortable when he heard this, but still made a humble look on his face.

However, this hypocritical posture fell in the eyes of Xiao Yang, but it was particularly ridiculous.

"When is this, why don't you hurry up to find a place to make alchemy? Don't you want to become an alchemist in this life?" Cui Li's eyes turned, and he stayed on Xiao Yang, humming impatiently, suddenly from his mouth. Passed it out.

Suddenly targeted by Cui Li, Xiao Yang was startled at first, then looked down at his clean chest, and couldn't help crying a little bit in his heart.

Before entering Balixiang, he took off the badge by himself in order not to cause trouble to Thousand Yaofang, and this directly led to him being used as a stepping stone by Cui Li, who was eager to behave in front of the girl.

Cui Li's scolding spread, the girl with a pretty face looked up at Xiao Yang, her beautiful eyes without emotion, and then blinked gently, even if she lowered her head, she continued to study the little girl in her hands. Medicinal herbs.

Seeing the girl reacted, Cui Li's eyes immediately beamed. In this elder's pavilion, he used Cui Ting's name to deceive how many ignorant girls, but only this girl named Ye Lan was not opened by him. Seduced by the conditions.

Even standing next to her would be cautiously avoided.

And this undoubtedly made Cui Li's desire to conquer unprecedentedly high.

"Speaking of you, it's not easy to use Cui Li's words." Cui Li turned his head and looked at Xiao Yang coldly. He was determined and wanted to take the opportunity of stepping on Xiao Yang to stand in front of Ye Lan. Show it.

"Brother Cui Li, what do you teach him? A person like him can only be at the bottom of his life. Wanting to become an alchemist is just a wishful thinking." Hou Feng glanced at Xiao Yang with disdain, his voice was mean. The way.

"Don't say that, everyone has potential, but it's just not working hard with Nuo." Cui Li patted Hou Feng on the shoulder and pretended to say.

"Yes, that's what Cui Li taught." Hou Feng saw the flattering shot on the spot. Although his face was humbly taught, his heart was full of joy.

"Your father, is Cui Ting?" Xiao Yang looked at Cui Li with a weird expression, and finally couldn't help but ask.

"Not bad."

When he mentioned his father, Cui Li was even more energetic. He glanced at Ye Lan's shadow without a trace, pretending to be generous: "My father is Cui Ting, the honorary president of the Obsidian Society, and I Cui Li is also a first-rank alchemist. In the future, in the pavilion of the elders, you will see me respectfully. Maybe you are in a good mood when you meet me, and I can guide you."

Xiao Yang was a little speechless, not to mention Cui Li, even Cui Ting came, and he did not have the qualifications to guide him. In the entire elder's house, there are only a few people who have practiced him on alchemy. .

Moreover, Gong Yu and others are still included.

"Brother Cui Li, someone like him who is not enterprising can be worthy of your advice. With this skill, you might as well teach Ye Lan some experience." Hou Feng saw the wind and turned the topic directly. Guided Ye Lan's body.

Ye Lan, who was studying a blue ling grass, couldn’t help but tremble when he heard this. His white teeth bit his lip lightly. He naturally hated Cui Li, but because of Cui Ting’s She didn't dare to show half of her status in the elder's house on weekdays.

"That's right. It's just a waste of time for a person who doesn't have much potential to guide him. Ye Lan is still the most promising alchemist." Cui Li secretly praised Hou Feng in his heart. Stepped forward consciously and approached Ye Lan.

Feeling the figure approaching behind him, Ye Lan's clear glass-like eyes, some mist gushing out, although she has been avoiding Cui Li all day, this is not a long-term solution.

With Cui Li's character, if this stalemate continues, maybe some despicable means will be used.

"Four grade pill medicine Lanpo Pill, twelve pieces."

When he walked to the counter of an elder, Xiao Yang placed the four-star badge on the counter lightly, and an indifferent voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)


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