Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 706: Death is not scary at all

A black shadow flashed in the air at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye, and appeared in front of the porch of the headquarters building of the Southern Military Region.


There followed a strong wind, rain and snowflakes that were swept by the strong wind.

Strangely, when the rain and snow drifted outside the porch, they seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, and they fell down one after another.

A moment ago, a "waterfall" was hung outside the porch.

But the eyes of all the soldiers did not take into account this strange sight, but focused on the figure in front of the waterfall.

"Lord Lord!"

The highest commander of the Southern Military Region, Colonel Reiter, straightened his body and raised his hand in a military salute.


More than 20 soldiers stood at attention uniformly, and more than 20 pairs of military boots stepped on the concrete floor, making a neat muffled noise, and then they raised their hands in salute at the same time, acting like a single person, looking pleasing to the eye.

"Lord Lord!"

Just from this set of military salutes, we can see that they are well-trained and definitely an elite and strong army.

However, in this beautifully concise picture, there is a jigsaw that is not harmonious.

It is naturally Igos.

At first, this servant was shocked by the uniform appearance of the soldiers, and subconsciously wanted to follow the military salute with his hands raised, but when he raised his hands halfway, he suddenly remembered that he was just a civilian, not a soldier.

So he hurriedly put down his right hand, and bowed slightly.

In front of the lord, I lost a big ugly, making Igos, a self-proclaimed person, flushed with shame.

Reynolds first nodded to the soldiers headed by Reiter, and left a "rest" before turning his head to look at Iggos, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Igos, long time no see!"

Igors can be regarded as Renault's deceased.

When Renault first arrived in the Thousand Lakes Kingdom, Iggos used to be an aboriginal guide and took him to the Nassau Wetlands on the northern border to inquire about the black orcs.

Since then, Igors and his family have gone to Haichao Ning, and lived a rich life that was only available in dreams in the past.

Interestingly, on Odin Island, even though Renault and Igos are in the same place and the spatial distance can be described as "close at hand", they have never met.

When the two met again, they were actually on a continent thousands of miles away, and it was also the place where they met for the first time.

I have to say that fate is so wonderful.

Seeing that the lord, who is now so powerful and incomparably awe-inspiring, still remembered himself and took the initiative to greet him, Igors couldn't help but shiver with excitement.

He took off his top hat, lowered his waist again, bowed deeply in salute, and said respectfully:

"Lord Lord, it is my greatest honor to see you again!"

Reiter on the side saw this scene with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

He never expected that this ugly breeding expert would have a relationship with Lord Lord.

He pursed his lips slightly, and quietly decided in his heart that when he submits the report to the Office of Government Affairs in a few days, he must give a good compliment to Igos.

Well, in the name of the Southern Military Region, present him a gift.

"No need to be polite." Renault chuckled and waved at Iggos.

Then his complexion became serious, he resumed his vigorous and resolute style, turned his head to look at Leitel, and issued the order neatly:

"Go to the military hospital, I want to see the quarantined patient!"


Reiter responded, stepped forward, and personally led the way for Lord Lord.

The so-called "quarantined patients" refer to more than 20 soldiers who "frequently see phantoms and dark spots on their bodies", who are suspected of being infected by demonization.

Thanks to Igos’s reminder, after Reiter noticed this, he immediately ordered the relevant responsible persons in the Southern Military Region to quarantine these soldiers for the first time in accordance with the "Military Epidemic Prevention Regulations" within the military.


The whitewashed wall suddenly swelled up very strangely. After a short while, it swelled into a large ball with a diameter of more than 1 meter, hanging abruptly on the surface of the wall.

Edem stared at the wall blankly, his eyes filled with confusion, and there was a noticeable sluggishness.


The sphere suddenly exploded, and a monster head shaped like a triangular sheep head suddenly emerged from the sphere.

A pair of S-shaped pointed horns bent to the front stretched out of the monster's head. The whole body was dark, with a circle of strange patterns distributed on the surface, and the tip of the sharp corners showed a slight redness, which looked like burnt steel.

The sheep's head monster's face was covered with black-gray scales, and there were 4 blood-red eyes growing under his forehead. The pupils were actually beast-like, with pale yellow vertical pupils.

At a glance, a **** and brutal breath came to his face.

The goat head monster opened his mouth and roared, and a fierce dark red flame emerged from the top of the crimson pointed horn, and it swelled sharply, occupying most of the room in the blink of an eye, and licking Edem's nose.


Edem screamed in horror.

"Edem, have you seen the illusion again?"

A slightly hoarse voice suddenly rang.

Accompanied by this sound, the sheep's head monster and the flames disappeared like bubbles in the void, and the white and flawless walls were revealed again.

Edem gasped hard with "wheezing", his face was full of horror.

"Sigh..." The middle-aged man behind Edem leaned on the bedside and looked at his companion worriedly, "Your hallucinations are getting more and more frequent..."

Edem did not speak.

He sat there for a while, then suddenly pulled up his underwear, exposing his naked chest to the air directly.

Pieces of purple-black markings of a similar octopus, entrenched on the skin, looked shocking.

Edem stretched out his right hand and gently stroked the mark, his eyes gradually showing hopelessness.

"I can feel that these dark spots are bigger than yesterday." His voice sounded like a drowning person. "The doctors in the military hospital seem to be helpless..."

After a pause, Edem murmured:

"Banna, are we out of help?"

The middle-aged man called "Banna" was silent for a moment and replied:

"I do not know either……"


Edem fell weakly on the bunk, his face darkening.

Banner glanced at his dejected companion and slowly said:

"This kind of strange disease is obviously difficult to treat, and we have a high probability of death... But I know that if I die, my family will receive a large pension, which is enough for them to live without worry. It’s been a long time, and it’s still alive and well."

"My two children, Tom and Jerry, will receive free education, and you don’t need to pay for a copper nar... The government affairs office will also give them a special subsidy of 4 silver nars each month. Continue until you reach the age of 16."

"In addition, as a family member of the sacrificed soldier, once in trouble, my family can ask the'Military Affairs Department' for help at any time. The'Military Affairs Department' will do everything possible to help them and protect them..."

There was an inexplicable mood in Banner's tone.

"The above are all the generous gifts of Lord Lord...So, to me, death is not terrible at all!"


At this moment, there was a intensive sound of footsteps in the corridor.

The two of them were taken aback and turned their heads to look outside the open door.

The next moment, an excited voice spread throughout the quarantine area.

"Everyone, Lord Lord came to visit everyone in person..."


The originally lifeless isolation zone suddenly boiled.

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