Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 707: Craniotomy

"Everyone." Renault looked around at more than 20 soldiers who had been "demonized and infected", and said in a deep voice, "I just flew over from the Hai Tide Islands more than 4,000 kilometers away..."

After a pause, his tone became extremely solemn.

"Come for you!"

This group of soldiers suddenly showed gratitude.

Since being quarantined, they have long been aware of their own situation, and most of them have even accepted their fate.

In fact, the soldiers didn't complain much, after all, the military hospital was trying hard to treat them.

It is common for other nobles to ignore and ignore sick soldiers in the same situation.

For those nobles who regarded civilians as ants, it was just a bunch of lowly soldiers who died and died, so why bother and laborious treatment? Why is the Lord's money wasted on untouchables?

On the other hand, this extremely cold-blooded practice has been used in other worlds for so long that the soldiers themselves are also used to this shameful behavior and don't think it is wrong.

For the first time, Haichaoling's approach broke the routine.

Soldiers from other worlds are never treated as "human beings" by the ruling class. In contrast, Hai Chao leaders look at them as "human beings", and they appear so special and so benevolent.

It is precisely because of this that the soldiers will work hard for the tide leaders.

Especially when they heard that the lord, who was so respected, drove thousands of kilometers in one go, came to treat themselves personally, and their hearts were instantly moved.

Renault looked at the soldiers with a smile, and said:

"In the name of the Lord of the Sea Tide, I promise that I will do my best to treat everyone... However, the disease you are suffering from is very weird, and I am not sure about it."

"I must tell everyone that the treatment I plan to use next is not small and may even be life-threatening... So, I need a volunteer."

As soon as the voice fell, Banner came out first.

He saluted Renault with a calm face, and said respectfully:

"Dear Lord Lord, it is the greatest honor of my life to receive your personal treatment... No matter what kind of treatment you use, I will be very happy to try it."

The subtext of this sentence is obvious: Lord Lord, do it whatever you want, if you kill it, I will never blame you!

"Lord Lord, I am also willing to try..."

"Lord Lord, you can experiment with me..."

The other soldiers shouted one after another, each with an expression of "I volunteer to be a guinea pig for the lord, I am proud".

If it is a doctor who is troubled by the doctor-patient relationship in some countries on the earth, seeing this scene, he will definitely cry and cry to cross to another world.

(Actually, China is not the only country where the doctor-patient relationship is strained, but also many countries, such as Ah San)

Renault raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

Then he frankly stated the treatment method:

"I don't want to hide from everyone. During the treatment, I will open the volunteers' heads and look, diseased tissue..."

These words are really shocking.

Many soldiers' expressions changed drastically.

Is this... really treatment? The skull has been lifted, isn't this dead?

When even someone flinched.

Ants are still greedy for life and choose between "must die" and "live". Most people would rather choose the latter.

However, 7 or 8 soldiers headed by Banner still unswervingly expressed their willingness to participate in this horrible craniotomy.

"Let's decide by drawing lots!"

Renault pondered for a moment and gave a solution.

The final "lucky person" was not Banner, but a young guy named "Cliff".

After winning the lottery, he smiled like a fool.

Renault stared at Cliff deeply and made a promise:

"As long as you survive the operation, I can guarantee that you will be promoted to extraordinary... If you die unfortunately, I will give your family an extra 1,000 Kinnar pensions."

It is not difficult for Renault to "send" an ordinary soldier who has not even touched the threshold of the Awakened.

This guy is so loyal, and even carelessly dedicated his life to himself unconditionally, so what about giving him a "superior"?

Cliff immediately blushed with excitement.

Other unsuccessful candidates, as well as those who did not draw lots, regretted it.


In fact, after seeing the investigation report transmitted to Odin Island through the "Rainbow Bridge" system, Renault had discussed it with a group of researchers under his command.

Everyone has noticed a major doubt: only long-eared squirrels that eat special feed (that is, a small amount of magic stone powder is added to the feed) can be demonized; only long-term consumption of "magic meat" (ashes fed from special feed) Only the soldiers with rat meat showed signs of demonized infection.

The magic stone contains a lot of rage mana, and the squirrel that ingests the magic stone powder naturally accumulates a lot of rage mana in the body. The same is true for soldiers who eat "devil meat" for a long time.

Obviously, the phenomenon of demonization is inseparable from the violent demon energy.

However, in the accident that occurred in the Rune Research Institute, the special energy released by the prehistoric relics, the alienated demon created by it, did not contain violent demon energy in its body.

As the strongest upright man in mankind, Renault is confident that he will not be mistaken.

So the question is, is the demonization of the alienated demon and the demonization of the soldier the same kind of demonization?

Now Renault is ready to uncover the answer.

If there are alienated monsters in Cliff's mind, it means that the two are the same kind of magic, but the speed of magic is different.

If not, it means there are other reasons.

In an operating room filled with the smell of powerful disinfectant, Renault glanced at Cliff, who had taken the "anaesthetic potion", and controlled [Nian Power] and picked up a sharp scalpel.

The anesthetic potion is extracted from a kind of magic plant called the "Mastan Flower", which can make people fall into a state of living dead, breathing, heartbeat, etc. will be reduced to the lowest state, and there is no feeling of pain.

Naturally, its price is extremely expensive, a dose of one person is enough to sell for the high price of more than 600 Kinnars, and it will only be used when performing operations on important people.

When most people do surgery, only "anesthetics" are available for use. They are medicines extracted from ordinary plants. Their effectiveness is far inferior to that of anesthetic potions and can only weaken the pain.

Many hapless people who have undergone surgery often suffer from pain during the operation.

Therefore, the operating table of the military hospital is specially equipped with shackles and handcuffs, as well as several leather straps used to bind the patient's body. The purpose is to prevent the painful patients from struggling.

That's right, surgery in another world is so terrible!

Once an ordinary person lies on the operating table, there is no difference between the lamb to be slaughtered.

Renault took a deep breath, and a spray of disinfectant automatically poured out of the kettle, changing into a transparent water film in the air, gently covering Cliff's shaved scalp.

After controlling the flow of water to clean his scalp, Renault's heart moved, and the scalpel slashed on the scalp like lightning, and red blood poured out instantly.

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