Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 715: Upper class, middle class, and inferior class

The "visit ticket" in Bodman's hand is a "tourism package" sold to ordinary civilians in the city hall of The Hague.

Since Renault published "Innate Human Rights" and "took" the "Innate Human Rights Monument" with his bare hands, the city hall suddenly found that the flow of people in this city had risen by a large amount, and a large part of it came to pay homage to giants. Tourists from the monument.

This reminded the Duchess Alrietty, the secretary-general of the House of Representatives, of a concept that Renault had mentioned-tourism economy in a certain year, month and day.

When she heard this word, although she didn't have a different color on her face, she was actually quite disapproving in her heart.


Isn't this a joke? Ordinary civilians worry about food and clothing all day long, and are busy all day long. How can they have the money and leisure to travel?

However, as the Haichao Chamber of Commerce gradually integrated the resources of the entire Thousand Lakes Republic, each factory landed one after another, and one construction project was launched one after another, and the national economy suddenly embarked on the fast lane.

The most direct result of economic development is that the income of civilians has increased a lot.

The upsurge of visiting the monument of talented human rights made Alietti deeply realize that the tourism economy is not a fantasy, but a practical way of business.

Subsequently, as one of the top political leaders, Alietti gave the order and the Hagueburg City Hall launched the second tourism project in the history of the alien world.

The first is the sea tide collar.

The civilians in Haichao Islands have money and leisure. After they have enough food and clothing, they naturally have higher pursuits. Therefore, the tourism economy has already developed vigorously.

"Odin Island Tour", "Odin Seron Two Island Tour", "Midway Island Two Days and Three Nights Tour", etc. There are all kinds of tourism projects, even students from public schools. In addition to the summer travel organized by the school, ordinary people regard travel as a fashion.

It's just that Haichao is too far away, and this economic development model has not been known to outsiders.

Through the Haichao Chamber of Commerce, The Hague Fort City Hall hired a high-paying tourism expert from Haichao to plan a tourism project called "The Hague Scenery".

According to experts’ suggestions, the City Hall is still advertising in "Hai Tide Current Events" and major radio stations to attract tourists from all over the world.

such as:

"Visit the miracle in the history of human architecture-the ‘Round Auditorium’ of the Council of Political Affairs, and appreciate the beauty of architectural art from close range, and experience the political ‘heart’ of the Republic..."

"Visit the largest monument in the world of mankind-the'Stele of Innate Human Rights', personally travel to the birthplace of "Innate Human Rights", and feel the unparalleled power of'Mankind's Number One Man'...

"Visit the'National Museum', observe precious historical relics up close, and look back in time to the long history of the Republic..."

Bodman and his son are two of the many tourists who have been "fudged" by advertisements.

In the morning, the two visited the National Museum which was built last year.

Its predecessor was the manor of the Oceanus family. After the fall of Sapphire, this large manor located outside the city was directly nationalized and finally converted into a national museum.

In the large-scale exhibition hall, the father and son saw with their own eyes a large number of rare objects that ordinary people had never seen before, such as the crown worn by the late former king, Luther IX; the throne that was destroyed during the war; the death of the war. The "Holy Light Chief Priest" of the Church of God the Father, the dark gold priest robes that he wore during his lifetime...

Especially the dark gold priest's robe. When Boardman visited the museum, he listened to the narrator to explain a lot of stories about it.

It is said that when the Lord Speaker ordered the robe to be displayed in the museum, it caused strong opposition from many members. On the one hand, it was because many nobles were devout believers in the church. On the other hand, it was because the church was extremely powerful. The three major human kingdoms are under the influence of the church.

But the Lord Speaker insisted on showing his robes.

Not surprisingly, this approach has attracted great hostility from the Church of God the Father.

In order to retaliate, the church has repeatedly caused trouble on trade issues and tried its best to hinder the forces of the Haichao Chamber of Commerce from entering the Xinghai Continent.

After understanding the reasons for this, Bodman suddenly realized why since last year, he has often seen trade disputes with the three human kingdoms of the Xinghai Continent in "Tide Current Events".

In addition, in order to increase the attractiveness of the "tourism package", in certain scenic spots that can be viewed without a ticket, such as the Monument of Talented Human Rights, the local city hall has specially prepared some small gifts for tourists who purchase tickets.

Monument rice cakes that many tourists praise is one of them.

Anyone who buys a ticket can get a free copy, and those who don't buy a ticket are willing to spend money to buy it.

I have to say that this little trick is extremely effective. In order to taste the famous monument rice cakes, many people reluctantly paid for 1 silver nar.


In the afternoon, the father and son came to another highlight of the "Hague Scenery Tour"-the round auditorium.

With the visiting tickets in hand, the two successfully entered the round auditorium.

As soon as they walked through the gate of the round auditorium, the father and son were stunned.

What you can see is a huge space that is so wide that one can imagine. Dozens of arc-shaped metal beams guard the surroundings like petals. Together they prop up a huge dome with a height of more than 30 meters, covering a large dome with a diameter of more than 100. Meters of circular space.

In the center of the circular space, there stands a 3 or 4 meter high platform. There are densely packed seats around the platform. There are at least thousands of seats. They are arranged in circles like concentric circles. ring.

This scene looks extremely shocking.

"Oh, my goodness... No wonder everyone calls it the "Circular Auditorium"..."

Boardman mingled among the tourists and couldn't help but let out a sigh. His son Eddie was also shocked, his mouth wide open.

"Gentlemen and ladies!" the commentator who led the group of tourists uttered endlessly. "As you can see, the round auditorium is the political heart of the Republic, and any major issues related to the future and destiny of the country. , All the councillors will gather in this auditorium to discuss together..."

"...For example, the "Innate Human Rights" that everyone knows. At that time, the Lord Speaker stood on the rostrum in the center and read this famous article in front of thousands of parliamentarians..."

"...There is also the "Knightship Donation Bill" promulgated not long ago, which was also voted through in this auditorium...According to rumors, members of the congressmen were arguing very fiercely. When the specific clauses were revised, there were several physical outbreaks In the conflict, several MPs were even injured..."

When the narrator said this, there was a burst of laughter from the crowd.

"...Everyone should be aware of the major floods on the southern coast some time ago? The Secretary-General, His Excellency Arrietty, stood on the podium and announced his full effort to rescue the disaster-stricken areas and called on all citizens to donate..."

"According to the report of "Hai Tide Current Affairs", as of yesterday, the total donation amount has reached 6.4 million Kinnars... This is the first time in history that a human country has assembled the power of the entire country to fight natural disasters and help victims... …I personally think that the republic system is much better than the previous kingdom system..."

The narrator led the visitors slowly around the auditorium while telling various interesting stories.

"...You may not know that when discussing the specific visit project of'The Hague Scenery', His Excellency Arrietty proposed to make the round auditorium one of the visit projects, open to all citizens."

"However, many congressmen believe that this is the core area of ​​the republic, and irrelevant people should not be allowed to enter...Later, the Speaker of the House of Representatives rejected all the people’s opinions. Everyone has the right to come in and visit..."

Just when the tourists were listening with gusto, on the other side of the circular auditorium, Arrietty, who had just walked out of the locker room on the second floor, saw the slowly moving crowd from a distance.

She walked to the edge of the aisle, grabbed the railing, stared for a moment, and whispered to the close maid Emida:

"Many people think that if you enter this auditorium and see where parliamentarians are discussing national affairs, you can get close to the center of power... This idea is really naive!"

"I once heard the speaker say a paragraph about class. He deserves to be the most powerful wise man in the human world. The truth in this paragraph is extremely subtle, and I am very impressed... what he said..."

"The goal of the upper class is to maintain their status, and the goal of the middle class is to exchange status with the upper class. The characteristic of the inferior is always that they have no time to look around after hard work, and occasionally take care of the meaning of daily life... … Therefore, if they have a goal, it is nothing more than abolishing all differences and building a society where everyone is equal."

"Because the middle-class people advertise themselves as fighting for freedom and justice, and win the inferior people to their side. Once the middle-class people achieve their goals, they push the inferior people back to their enslaved status there, and they become The upper class...Only the lower class of the third class have never achieved their goals, even if they are temporarily achieved..."

(——George Orwell, "Nineteen Eighty Four")

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