Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 716: Opposition

What is happening in the Thousand Lakes Republic is a perfect interpretation of Renault's ("Nineteen Eighty-Four") predictions.

The original "superior people" were the aristocratic class, and in this huge transformation, they were facing the danger of class falling.

Please note that this is not one, two, or a small number of nobles, but the entire aristocratic class, collectively falling downward.

Under normal circumstances, this phenomenon is unlikely to happen.

Even if there is a war that affects every inch of land, the nobles with superior resources can maintain their original status with a high probability.

However, due to the emergence of the "super monster" Renault, this impossible thing happened.

Renault's financial and military power is stronger than all the nobles combined, which makes the noble class lose its last support, and the speed at which its class falls is unbelievable.

In just two years, the political map of the Republic has undergone drastic changes.

In this process, the role of financial resources is far greater than that of force.

Without sufficient financial resources to win over the majority of the "lower class" and to win over some of the "upper class" disadvantaged groups, the reform led by Renault is absolutely impossible to implement so quickly.

Therefore, in another world, capital came to the fore for the first time.

Of course, no one is willing to accept their own class decline, so when the "Supreme Disciplinary Committee" discussed the punishment for Viscount Hilton, Allietty heard the roar of the Marquis Fisher:

"Everyone, just because of some verbal conflict, it is necessary to deprive a nobleman of the title. Don't you think this is too harsh? This is the most despicable persecution of a noble gentleman, and it is also a despising behavior... …"

Viscount Hilton, standing on the trial seat, repeatedly cried out after hearing this:

"Yes, I just said something inappropriate at the beginning, and didn't take any extraordinary actions, let alone stop the poor people who were affected by the disaster from leaving Hilton Town for help."

"Dear congressmen, please take into account the difficult situation I was in at the time... Oh, the ruthless flood destroyed the Hilton family manor and destroyed the small town established by the family with painstaking effort, even the family has passed on for hundreds of years. The castle is also seriously flooded."

"The huge loss of property caused me so much pain that I lost my mind, and finally said a few words that were not in line with the spirit of the nobility... But please believe that this is definitely not my intention."

"In fact, I personally regret this...In the past, the Viscount Hilton had a disaster, and the Hilton family will try to help the people...It's just that the floods this time are too serious, and I can't help the victims..."

Viscount Hilton's tearful accusations and a look of remorse and self-blame made many congressmen shaken.

Many people show sympathy and whisper to each other frequently.

"Yes, Viscount Hilton did not do any obvious evil, nor did it cause serious consequences..."

"Who hasn't said a few inappropriate words? Depriving a nobleman of his title for a few words is indeed a bit too much..."

"I agree with Marquis Fisher. Viscount Hilton should not be punished. Just a verbal reprimand..."

The Duchess of Arrietty, who presided over the meeting, suddenly looked a little unsightly.

She stood up slowly, stared at Viscount Hilton with sharp eyes, and said coldly:

"Your Excellency, as far as I know, before the arrival of the Southern Fleet, the flood flooded the town of Hilton for two full days... During this period of time, you did nothing but stayed in the family castle. The civilians who survived the flood were frozen to death, starved to death, or even killed by the evildoers..."

"According to our experience, as long as the lord is willing to help civilians, even if only the most basic assistance is provided, the number of casualties will be greatly reduced, and the death rate of survivors will not reach an astonishing 50 due to freezing or starvation. %the above……"

The meaning of these remarks is very obvious, and Viscount Hilton doesn't bother to care about the life and death of civilians.

He is lying!

Viscount Hilton's complexion became paler and paler, and the expressions of the other councillors had also undergone subtle changes.

"In addition, when the rescue team searched and rescued civilians in the town, it had noticed that many corpses in the surrounding area of ​​the castle had traces of hacking with swords, the clothing on their bodies had been turned over, and all the jewelry they were wearing had disappeared. It shows that they died from the most despicable plunder and not for other reasons."

Ali Eddie paused, the chill in her voice getting worse.

"They also noticed that the proportion of murdered people around the castle is higher than anywhere in the town!"

The meeting hall was in an uproar.

Many congressmen faintly understood something, and looked at Viscount Hilton's eyes with a trace of disgust.

"During the flood, because the castle has the highest height and the strongest structure, the losses suffered are actually not great. The guards guarding the castle still have strong force. No matter how fierce thieves are, they dare not approach the castle easily."

Arrietty suddenly stretched out her right hand, pointed at Viscount Hilton, and shouted sharply:

"Therefore, I have reason to suspect that you instructed the guards to take advantage of the disaster to plunder the victims and rob the property to make up for their losses..."

A trace of panic flashed quickly in Viscount Hilton's eyes, and he opened his mouth and shouted:

"This is Chi Guoguo's slander... I swear by the reputation of the Hilton family, I have never done such a thing..."

The Marquis Fisher, who has been working hard to defend the Viscount, also protested loudly:

"Your Excellency, it is a very immoral practice to accuse a nobleman without evidence... In this level of disaster, anything can happen. You should not just rely on your own conjectures. A nobleman convicted..."

The lawmakers quarreled, some agreed with Arrietty, and some supported Viscount Hilton.

The Marquis of Fisher rolled his eyes, suddenly waved his hands, and shouted in a very provocative tone:

"Everyone, haven't you noticed? In the past few months, more and more nobles have been deprived of their title due to various trivial things... Everyone should unite and not let this situation continue!"

This sentence was like a spark, falling in the boiling oil pan, with a "boom", the atmosphere of the conference hall burst.

Arrietty was helpless.

She knows that the opposition nobles have been pressed too hard recently, and many congressmen have accumulated huge grievances. Even some congressmen from the Speaker’s faction are quite disturbed.

This was taken advantage of by the cunning old dog of Marquis Fisher.

Judging from the current situation, it may be difficult for the Supreme Disciplinary Committee to pass a resolution to "deprive Hilton of the title of Viscount".

To make matters worse, this failure will allow the opposition to find a new core.

In the past two years, the Lord Speaker has used powerful and flexible means to drive the leaders of the opposition out of the parliamentary house one by one, leaving the opposition group without a leader, and its momentum has dropped drastically.

The successful passage of the "Knightship Donation Act" is directly related to the fact that the opposition has been turned into a mess.

If the opposition is allowed to gather around the Marquis of Fisher and re-form a strong group, this will bring great trouble to the future plans of the Speaker.

Marquis Fisher cocked his mouth proudly and shouted in a louder voice:

"Gentlemen, there must be many congressmen who have heard about the devil through various channels... I can tell you clearly that the devil is a more dangerous enemy than the black orcs. For a long time to come , This continent will become more and more chaotic."

"Under this situation, we urgently need to stay together for warmth... If we try to count on someone's asylum, there is only one end in the end, and that is to be devoured..."

The conference hall became more lively.

Many people who have heard of the "devil" for the first time have been asking relevant news one after another.

Arrietty turned blue with anger.

The "certain people" in this sentence clearly refers to the Lord Speaker.


With a loud noise, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a majestic voice came in.

"Oh? Devil? Marquis Fisher, can you tell me where did you hear about the devil?"

This is the voice of the Speaker!

Arrietty's pretty face instantly beamed with joy.

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