Master Summoner Online

Chapter 315: Battle Beast Division


"Throw up!" With the sound of Wushuang storm, she leaned back, grabbed her shoulders tightly with both hands and Qin Yue was thrown out by her.

"Boom Boom!" Wushuang Storm, who was severely hit and flew, landed on his back, and fell heavily on the ring after tossing three or four laps in the air.

"Good job!" Qin Yue stood up with a carp, but Wushuang Storm didn't know when. The Qin Yue who came behind grabbed Qin Yue's neck with one arm and held his head with the other hand—734

With this extremely unparalleled storm intensified, there is a tendency to slay Qin Hui alive.

Qin Yue who was strangled by "outburst of anger" suddenly yelled, and suddenly a blood light rose from behind him, and the Wushuang Storm was blown into the air. At the same time, Qin Yue also successfully used this blow to escape the Wushuang Storm. catch.

After escaping, Qin Min left tens of meters away from Wushuang Storm. At the same time, Wushuang Storm landed on the ground, and she quickly stood up and stood up, "hate!" Wushuang Storm stepped on the ground fiercely.

"Boom!" The earth beneath her feet, centered on where she stood, cracked outward in countless fissures.

Qin Yue took a step back. Frowning, the two swords were opened to make the move, "Be ready to die ~!"

The words did not fall, Wushuang Storm leapt forward and rushed forward.

"Come on!" Qin Yue sighed, facing the unparalleled storm rushing forward!

"Hoo ~!" Wushuang Storm's fist waved vigorously, approaching Qin Yue's chest.

But Qin Yun was not a ubiquitous generation, and the two swords crossed in front of his chest instantly. "Blast!", At the speed of "Brake ~!", Wushuang Storm ’s fist was shaken and his head was hurt by 2688 The next moment, the two swords raised the trick "Bloodthirsty Badan Chop" suddenly coming!

Immediately shouting from the sky, she was immediately covered with a layer of silver light, and the eight segments were chopped down on her at once, and the combined damage did not exceed 5,000 points, but she successfully repelled the Warriors Storm several steps.

"Boom ~!" The repelled Wushuang Storm jumped forward suddenly, one foot on the floor, and the fighting spirit almost knocked down the ring platform. This is a skill with a range of skills!

— The 2005 damage numbers flew up, Qin Yue failed to flash through this sudden range attack, and then the Warriors storm body turned into a purple light behind the opponent in a low moment!

Wushuang Storm turned his back on Qin Yue. The next moment, she stretched her leg and kicked! I did not expect this hand Qin Wei.

"Pha ~!" As a result, he was kicked back a few positions, hurting the number-1875 flew up, but fortunately he has a lot of blood, otherwise this level of attack can take lives.

However, at this time, Qin Yue was chased, but he was well controlled, and it was more difficult for the opponent to cause fatal injuries to him.

Both sides devoted themselves to fighting. There was no spare time to replenish water, and the qi and blood lost by both sides were supplemented.

"Do not hide if you are a man!" Wushuang Storm roared.

However, Qin Yue did not ignore and respond to the other's provocation at this time.

"Martial arts step!" With the sound of Wushuang storm, Qin Wei's brow frowned. The next moment, the other party was approaching quickly, this speed of movement is not what Qin Yue can throw away!

"Go to death, broken bone fist!" Wushuang Storm Cow punched it in a coaxed manner, and Qin Yue doubled his sword to block the punch.

"Shenglongquan!" The other hand of Wushuang Storm hit from the bottom up, but it wasn't Qin Yue but the crossed swords in his hand. Shenglongquan had the effect of flying, and Wushou Storm used one The effect instantly opened Qin Yue's double swords.

I saw Qin Yun's gaze cold, and his opponent's fist rushed up with the wind again!

At this moment, the people watching in the auditorium couldn't help but feel astonished, almost choking!

However, the next scene on the stage surprised the audience!

"Pha ~!" Qin Yue punched in the middle of the box, and a current immediately passed over Qin Yue's body. This was a sign of paralysis effect. When Qin Yue was unable to move for a while, Wushuang Storm immediately passed behind Qin Yue's body. Next, cruel. The scene happened, I saw Shi Luo Ye's blood flew down like a faucet!

Everyone's eyes kept on following Qin Yun's body thrown up by Wushuang Storm. Every time he fell, his body's bones continued to make crackling sounds. When Wushuang Storm shook Qin Yue's body again, there was no Then he fell directly to the ground, but tossed into the middle of the air, at this time Qin Yue had been thrown back and forth seven times.

Although the number of times he was thrown was not as high as Shu Dao, when he fell worse than Shu Dao, he didn't know how much, Wushuang Storm jumped up again, and caught his feet around his neck when he caught up with Qin Yue. One's body was spinning at an unpredictable number of degrees. Qin Ao's neck was pinched by her, and naturally she could only follow him to rotate. There was a crackling noise on her neck, and even if her cervical spine was not broken, it was not much better.

After the N-degree turn, Wushuang Storm had a graceful backflip. The last force on the waist flew Qin Yue's body directly to the ground. He also used the reaction force to roll out in the air for a few weeks and fell towards the ground.

Booming, Qin Yue's body was smashed into the ground in a very weird posture. Except for convulsions, the entire human body could not do anything else.

The double sword in his hand could no longer hold it and fell to the ground. Wushuang stormed and gasped after watching the fall. He watched Qin Yue's convulsing body and asked, "Are you still fighting?"

After a long time, Qin Yue restored her ability to speak and said very depressedly: "NND, I still have a fart."

Wushuang Storm's streak is really too NB. The person in the back fall will be stiff for a long time. At this time, Qin Hui has been broken into empty blood. His body is extremely fragile, and Wushou Storm kicked him empty. Qi and blood also kicked him out, but this time his resurrection skills were not activated.

You need to know that after each game, the cooldown of the skills that are cooled due to this ratio will be refreshed, but that is not the cooldown of all the cooldown skills will be refreshed. I remember that the refreshing ceiling is one hour. In other words, skills that have been cooled for less than an hour will be refreshed and refreshed after the end of the game after a match has been played. It will not be possible for more than an hour.

At this point, the host finally jumped out and took a deep breath, announcing: "The winner is: 'Wusou Storm'!"


"Ah, ah, my whole family is no longer in custody, long live the beauties!"

"Beauty, come to our guild!"

"Oh my god, that move is terrible. Whoever died!"

"Brother, I sympathize with you." (Saying this sentence everyone knows who it is)


With the shouts of the crowd, the two returned 1 minute later, heard the system selection, and finally came to me!

Then I glanced at the other person, about 25 years old, wearing dark green armor, a black stick on his shoulder, and a golden eye scanning.

Level 70, Beast Warrior, Equipment: Black gold steel rod (silver), dark green light armor (silver) and other unknown.

My opponent is a colleague, and the attack methods are similar to myself. I am relieved to think of this, which is easy to handle! At least not some occupations I have never encountered before. I have a general grasp of the characteristics of skills. After all, I know myself and know my best.

"Tianzhao" followed my voice, Tianzhao came out from behind me. When she appeared, she was silent. At this time, she was wearing the death suit, blood armor and double knives, plus her red eyes. The whole is often full of this killing intention.

Tianzhao whispered: "Master, this opponent, give it to Tianzhao. Tianzhao can cut him into seventeen or eight."

"Well ..." I answered.

"Wow, the summoner beats the summoner!"

"That summoner with a gun, Lao Tzu is fully attached to you, don't lose!"

"Hey, this battle is worth watching!"

"The success of the summoner is the summon of the beast ~!"

"I will buy you with that gun ~!"

Suddenly, the sentiment is turbulent. Although the time is late, the enthusiasm of the audience is still undiminished. If I win the championship, it will be difficult to think about being famous. To be honest, once the famous person is famous, troubles will follow. Come, after all, people are afraid of famous pigs and strong, but not afraid of strength, but at this stage it is still low-key, I am not a person who likes high-profile work. It's very troublesome to know that the gun strikes the bird, so arrogant now.

With this in mind, the countdown to the system also began.

I looked across, suddenly! The other party actually spoke!

"Oh ~~~ The summoner can fight with a gun, which is rare, but will your summon beast be rare?" The other chuckled a little, with a slight disdain in his tone.

I sank: "That's not uncommon, but better than you."

After just two sentences, we did not speak again, 10 seconds passed quickly, when the countdown disappeared!

I quickly gave the mosquito a wink, and at the same time, I slipped on my feet and made a circle to force it from the other side!

But this was the opponent throwing five metal balls. I was shocked. Since this guy is the same as the guardian, the mechanical family summons the beast. The five metal **** burst directly in front of him, and then the five different shapes The mechanical beast appeared, and the pace of Aizumi and I was forced to stop.

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