Master Summoner Online

Chapter 316: V W X Y Z

The five-headed beckoning beast appeared next to him, and surrounded him tightly. The five-headed beckoning beast had three heads on the ground, two in the sky, and a robot on the ground. A pair of two-meter-long cannons were pressed on each pair of shoulders. A stick was connected to a ball for extended life, and the stick was connected to the upper body.

The second is a tank, but this tank only has a pair of tracks. A pair of oblates are connected in the middle of the pair of tracks, and there is an eye-like thing at the front of the oblates.

The third is a mechanical tiger, but this tiger has no markings. Its limbs and front half are yellow, the rest are green, and the outer sides of both front legs are a pair of folded wings.

Then in the air was a red mechanical pterodactyl and a blue plane.

When I saw these five mechanical beasts with different shapes, I immediately scanned with fire eyes and golden eyes without saying a word--

Name: X --- Boss Cannon, Type: Special Department, Race: Machine Clan, Can Evolve: No, Life: 4000, Attack: 1800, Defense: 1500, Skill: Beam Cannon, Press on the shoulder The cannon's barrel fires a beam to attack the enemy, and the alliance unites: it can be combined with a mechanical beast that also has this skill.

Name: Z-Metal Track, Type: Special Department, Race: Mechanical Group, Can Evolution: No, Life: 4000, Attack: 1500, Defense: 1300, Skill: Beam Ray, Raise Cannon Tube Hidden in the Track Shell to Attack the Enemy , Alliance Arms: Summon a beast with another own machine to increase the combat effectiveness of that summoned beast. Alliance: You can combine a machine beast with the same skill.

Name: V-jet tiger, Type: Special department, Race: Mechanical group, Can evolution: No, Life: 3800, Attack: 1600, Defense: 1800, Skill: Teeth of the alloy, Jet tiger uses the alloy in its mouth to make benefits Tooth bites the enemy, flight mode: spread the wings on the front legs to fly. Alliance Alliance: Can be combined with a mechanical beast who also has this skill.

Name: Y-Faucet, Type: Special Department, Race: Mechanical Group, Can Evolution: No, Life 2200, Attack: 1500, Defense: 1600, Skill: Laser Break, Spray a Laser Scan from the Mouth or Spot the enemy in front of you , Alliance Arms: Summon a beast with another own machine to increase the combat effectiveness of that summoned beast. Alliance: You can combine a machine beast with the same skill.

Name: W-Ejection Wing, Type: Special Department, Race: Mechanical Group, Can Evolution: No, Life: 5000, Attack: 1300, Defense: 1500, Skill: Track Missile, Shoot from the launch holes on both sides of the wing Several missiles, which will chase their opponents before the fuel runs out. Alliance Arms: Summon a beast with another own machine to increase the combat effectiveness of that summoned beast. Alliance: You can combine a machine beast with the same skill.

by! VWXYZ, ......... and this kind of summoning beast "! ~!" At this moment, the gun barrel on the shoulder of the leader Cannon suddenly burst out into the air, and the target was almost here!

However, I immediately called out the Gatling Blasting Dragon. The Gatling Blasting Dragon appeared in front of me, and two rays of light hitting its shield and sent out two "10" damage numbers.

"Oh?" The other side froze slightly, apparently did not know that Gatling Blasting Dragon had such ability. The next moment, Gatling Blasting Dragon opened his mouth and stuck out a dark gun barrel, followed by "咻 ~ ! ", A beam of light returned to the leader Cannon!

The leader Cannon also quickly fired two beams, but the three beams actually collided with each other and cancelled each other out.

"There are two hits, then, what's next ~!" The other side's eyes were cold. The next moment, two wings of the wing ejected, and two sets of missile launchers yanked out. It was a round to the Gatling Dragon The bombardment almost completely ignored my existence.

"Boom boom boom!" Gatling Benglong blinked his eyes, staring directly at the missiles flying towards him, seemingly operating the interception system at high speed. Soon, four photon missiles behind it shot out of the air. At the same time, the Gatling machine gun in his hand swept.

"Boom ~!" In the end, the missiles of both sides crashed into a pile and burst into a black smoke.

The other side couldn't help not having anxiety, but instead raised his mouth corner. Tianzhao had already got around behind him for a while. With a double-edged sword, his gaze was about to hit!

"Uhhhhh!" The two flashed sharply, but the opponent had already expected that Tian Zhao would launch an attack behind him. A flash of his body hid in front of him and pulled away a distance, and he filled the metal track next to him, and two guns at the same time. Two beams of light are emitted!

"Would you like to attack me ~!" The other chuckled.

I also chuckled, although the sneak attack failed, but how could the skylight hit me with such a degree of counterattack?

Tian Zhao immediately used her agile skills to avoid the two speeds of light and rushed to his side. He saw his eyes cold, and the next moment, the jet tiger jumped out, and the sparkling alloy teeth Bite it down in the sky!

The sky shook for a moment, and the opponent's summoning beast was indeed fast enough!

Tian Zhao made dodge again, and while dodging, Jet Tiger's alloy teeth scratched her shoulder!

—1850 points of damage floated out. At the same time, I have quietly released the Sonic Werewolf, and quickly seized the opportunity to direct the Sonic Werewolf to shoot a new moon maneuver!

"Brush ~!"

Counting the crescent-shaped energy waves against the opponent's back, now I summon the beasts to pinch him back and forth.

Seeing a blow will succeed, but ...

The opponent's face was always confident, until the crescent moon was about to hit his back, suddenly!

"Frame ~!" I saw the Y-faucet, a zigzag light sprayed from his mouth, this zigzag light fell from the sky!

As a result, the crescent moon of the Sonic Werewolf was blocked by that light, and at the same time caught me and the Sonic Werewolf's time, the other party kicked the skylight by half a meter, and then turned around instantly, but Gat Lin Biaolong's Green machine gun had already aimed at him, and then six black barrels began to rotate rapidly under the driving of electromagnetic force.

Click! Click! Click!

The front end of the Gatling machine gun suddenly spewed a dazzling flame of fire. Numerous bullets burst out of the air, cut through the air, and rushed towards the opponent. The hot bullet shell fell to the ground, and soon Lay a thin layer.

Of course, is it possible for people to hit this kind of person who would stand and be beaten, almost at the same time, an instant "frame ~!", A golden nested polygonal defensive baffle was left in his mind. Generated in front of you! At the same time, the two-layer shield of the Beastmaster's ability to "snap attack" instantly protected him strictly.

"Oh?" I froze slightly.

Suddenly, the damage of Green's machine gun was blocked by those two layers of shields, so that he could support all the attacks without escaping, but at this time, Tian Zhao had got rid of the entanglement of the jet tiger. In front of the opponent, the two swords crossed and the next moment, the black cross energy gathered on the two swords.

till the end!

"Brush ~!" A black cross energy instantly struck the opponent away!

With the thought of how to hurt the other side, Tian Zhao looked forward to it, but ...

"Frame ~!", The faucet actually sprayed twisty light again, and went to the right side to intercept the death cross not far from the other side. This beam hit the death cross without a trace. , Death Cross did not touch the other half of the cold hair.

"How come!" Amuroshi muttered, almost unbelievably.

I was puzzled, did I make a mistake about that **** faucet, and played too accurately? It seems that he has trained the faucet quite well.

The light of that dragon head looked specifically to shoot at, to intercept long-range attacks, as long as the beast was immortal, could it not be broken anyway! ?

I saw, the other side, let the jet tiger entangle the sky, metal tracks and Sonic werewolf, the jet flying wings in the sky sent missiles to bombard the Gatling blaster, and the Gatling blaster flew at that ejection. Wing, began to "flight", at this time since the person rushed directly to me, after all, he is expected to have been intercepted, long-range attack was intercepted, melee summoned beast entangled by his summoned beast, followed by the leader Cannon and the dragon head. He approached me.

Thinking of this, I can't help but grit my teeth. Do I have to force me to use hole cards? ? Fuck, do n’t make a joke, whether it ’s the remaining few practice skills or my biggest hole card ark, these are the chips left to deal with a series of super masters such as Peerless Master, Rainfall Dust and Rainfall. Exposure here!

There is no other way, he also rushed to release the amber dragon to seize the air control.

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