Master Summoner Online

Chapter 379: Charter

The gray sky exudes an unpleasant atmosphere. A group of people flashed across several streets like lightning. There was a rush of howls and tigers around, and the destination was right in front of them. A big war was about to be in this ruin Staged.

N meters away at a glance, a tall building as high as hundreds of meters is right in front of it, and there are countless debris and debris scattered randomly around it, as if just after a fierce battle, the walls of the building are mottled with scars With a silver-gray luster-these buildings turned out to be constructed of metal-like materials. No wonder I didn't see a building collapse, and I was wondering who made it.

A close look at the surrounding environment and a look at the refresh point, there is no movement at this time, everyone jumped into the building one by one.

Entering the building, I found that there was nothing in this large hall except for the huge supporting columns. Although the light was dim, the ends could be seen everywhere. The ground is covered with thick dust, and there is an old, rotten smell in the air, as if no one has been here for hundreds of thousands of years. If it were not for the footprints left by many players, he thought I came to the wrong place by myself.

A huge pillar stood in the center of the hall, and a walking staircase circled up the pillar.

In a huge space on the stairs, countless channels in the space are like a huge maze, and each channel faces a different direction. These channels are almost the same, and there are lighting lamps installed at intervals over the head, but there is obviously a problem with the supply of electricity. These lighting lamps always have irregular and dim lights, giving people a gloomy feeling.

In the passage, you can also hear the sound of "Boom", as if the machine is roaring, and it seems that many people run quickly in the depths of the passage, it is difficult to distinguish the details.

At this point two roads appeared before me and asked, "Walk there?"

Little knife said: "Men left women right, go left."

Erica said: "Why not go to the right, we have the most girls here."

Tears disappeared: "With the summoning of beast words, there are not many men."

Brother Superman said, "Well, summon the beast and mother."

Tears disappeared: "Do you know how to divide male and female?"

Brother Superman said, "Pick your thighs and watch JJ."

Everyone "..."

After a while of mischief, everyone chose the channel on the right when Elika brought them. They followed the straight and spacious channel for at least 200 meters. Four identical forks were divided in front of them, and then three assassins went to explore the road. It was found that three of the four were dead ends, and then everyone went on to the last one. In this way, I walked for about ten minutes in the passage, and the one who came there had the same walking stairs to the upper floor.

When I just felt a bit wrong at the corner of the staircase, I immediately signaled everyone to stop, took a few steps towards myself, and most of my body was lifted off the ground floor. The sharp tips of two fine iron spears appeared in front of my eyes!

Immediately, I freeze my footsteps and slowly turned my head to see that there were more than two people. I saw six crossbow crosses around the staircase and pointed at my head, penetrating the strong arrows. Ya is ready to go.

Holding a spear and crossbow is obviously not a monster, but a team of players. Presumably this group lurks behind the pillars around the stairs in advance, and surrounds them when they see a player emerge from the disintegration.

"Friend, we have a demon kiss in the previous venue, please go elsewhere!" Two knight players with spears followed by a player carrying a giant sword came out and pointed at my nose with a sword.

Although the words are quite polite and the word "please" is used, the threats contained in the words are completely naked, so it seems that as long as I make them unhappy, a sword and two guns will stab violently. Come here, the six crossbows above can definitely shoot me into a hedgehog.

It seems that the group of guys in Devil's Kiss this time moved out of the nest, so the players who dispatched the charter and also kept the stairs in batches obviously wanted to create a good environment for their frontline players.

Now that things are clear then retreat! Then he said lightly, "Since this is the case, I won't bother you, play slowly."

Speaking, slowly stepping back, step by step, those people saw that they were so acquainted with each other, put away their weapons.


I stopped again, and at the same time, a kind of unknown fire was set in my heart. The dragon did not show you its power, and I was a lizard!

"What?" I said.

"Since it's here, it's too unreasonable to leave without leaving anything, my friend, give ten packs and eight packs of blood replenishment!" Said an inner crossbow archer hippie down the stairs with a smile on his face.

"Oh, I still have to pay for my life?" I was a little bit crying and laughing, what kind of bird guild at this time!

"Little five, forget it, we don't have to worry about it, the supply will come over." Watching the giant sword player frowned and said, then he waved at me and said, "You can go."

"It's your luck!" The archer apparently didn't dare to disobey him, and stared at him, then put away the energy gun.

Returning to the large army, you can also hear the arrogant sound from above.

"It's cheaper for this guy, it's just a matter of seconds! Does he dare to pant loudly?"

"Oh, forget it. Today, the boss organized everyone to wait for that golden-scaled beast, and the monster is coming. One more thing is worse than one less. Individuals like this will let go."

"That is, a little rookie has no oil and water, and it is not worthwhile to add evil."

"Oh, little rookie! But I think it's really oily to burst you." Erica laughed.

"Yeah, the grand champion is said to be a novice, since you can still stand it." Yinyue said.

I laughed, "Well, take a step back."

"Hai you sister, blocked by a group of people in front, how can we get over?" Tears were invisible.

Mo Yan whispered: "Listening to Weiweilong's news, they are in front of them, it seems ... not yet started!"

Xueyue stepped forward and reached out half of her head. She pressed her hilt on her sword, her beautiful eyes looked at the black channel in the distance, then she retracted her head and smiled softly, "We are few and we are all ourselves People, will not leak the wind, my devil kisses the group of people should not know that they have been targeted? "

Brother Superman nodded: "Well, it should be like this, then we should ..."

Yinyue twisted her hands and laughed, "Rush to kill them, this is the only solution!"

Bathing in blood, lowering his voice: "Veweilong, where did you find the violent woman?"

I said, "My classmate, do you want it? Your chest is big."

Then Yuxue turned around and looked at Yinyue and approached me: "This age is really good enough."

"What are you two talking about!" Yinyue approached us, and Yuxue and I immediately took a step back and shook our heads in unison: "It's okay."

Fire Dance stepped forward, came to me, and asked, "Dragon Spirit, do you think it's okay for me to be blocked in this way, if the boss starts playing, it has nothing to do with us."

I said, "Okay, then we change positions quickly. If the boss is knocked out by them, then we knock them out."

"I'm a dozen or so people who beat more than a thousand people. Can you beat me absolutely?" Guardian said.

I laughed: "How do you know if you don't fight?"

Xiaoguang laughed: "Longling brother mighty!"

"Just gossip less." Magic Moon said, everyone nodded.

Then leave here, and then each passage goes to a branch intersection, walk around and walk around the passages, soon, everyone comes to a new hall. After careful testing, it is determined that there are no players here and there is a refresh point near, and it can be said that the seat is very good.

I came to a window and saw that the surroundings were full of players with a bow and arrow, a crossbow and a rare long-range high-fire weapon crossbow gun. At the same time, I saw a large number of soldiers MT on the street. Many archers also have a large number of mage players. Obviously, the other party wants the warriors on the street to blame, and the long-range occupations in the buildings on both sides can output unbridled.

I think it ’s beautiful, but I ’m not as good as you. At this time, I posted it on the wall and heard a voice separated from us by a passageway, saying, “Everyone is enough, BOSS is coming, this monster is a month away. Only dispatched once. The last time the second group of ghosts in the dusk were beaten badly and failed to get rid of it. This time our demon kiss must not repeat the same mistake. Remember to record it for the audience. I want to let them know. Knowing that our devil's kiss is rich and powerful, too, everyone, let's do it! "

I couldn't help but smile, we were thinking about hitting the door.

"Longling brother, the people below moved!" Xiaoguang said.

At this moment, I saw the soldiers on the street starting to fight, and I said in a deep voice: "You have some demons kissing people across from us. Now that the boss is coming, there is no time for me to find a new position. Please try not to fight when you fight. Make a noise. "

Everyone nodded Brother Superman and said, "All of our melee occupations are standing at the entrance of the channel, to prevent the demon kiss players and sudden refreshing monsters from obstructing them as much as possible. We must also create a good environment for my long-range troops."

I nodded, and the next moment the ground began to shake. I leaned against the window to see a huge fissure appearing remotely on the street at the same time, and a stream of air was blowing. A straight gully was drawn on the street, and there was a sound of vibration from the ground. There is something under the ground, and the next moment something like a shark's dorsal fin protrudes from the ground, and at the same time a low growl comes out!


"Everyone get ready"

"BOSS has appeared!" Shouted many people on the ground.

With the excavation "walking" of the giant monsters below the ground, the players on the ground changed their faces one by one, and on this street from the dorsal fins, "bang!" Countless dust is flying, a lot of rubble is thrown into the air, my eyes are locked on the front, BOSS is finally about to appear!


The earth cracked, the earth was flying, and the sky was dimly shaken. This first level 85 elite BOSS finally shone on the stage. It was full of golden scales, over ten meters tall, and twenty meters in length. The tail is dangling, the body is as high as a hill, the limbs are very thick, the sharp claws are trembling, the mountain is shaken between walks, the back is covered with countless spikes, and it is very shiny under the sun. The head that resembled a lizard uttered a very sullen roar, and his huge eyes shot around.

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