Master Summoner Online

Chapter 380: Crypt Ghost Spider

Golden Scale Earth Beast, Level 85 Elite BOSS, Introduction: Residents living in the underground world, the golden scale armor is not born with gold scales, but it secretes a golden liquid and coats the scales to become Gold, this liquid is its outer protective film, and only through this layer of protective film can it really cause damage.

"It's really an elite boss of class 85!" I whispered, Xueyue holding the pink fist tightly, her delicate shoulders trembling slightly, and a snowy face full of excitement.

This should be the goal of those people! The data sent back by the fire eye golden eyes can be seen that its gold scale is a layer of protective film. The magic, arrows, and sword qi of the players on the street from the surrounding tall buildings are all invalidated, and it cannot form any of it. Threat, if it ca n’t do harm, it will not be recognized by the system, and the opportunity to grab BOSS has not yet arrived.

After the unearthed golden scale beasts were excavated, they requisitioned land to the players in front of them, sprinting with huge arms and waving, and suddenly more than ten warriors of the demon kiss were instantly sacked.


Someone was thrown out by the BOSS, someone was escaped by the second and someone escaped!

"Go up, all the firepower of the mage and the archer!"

"The priest has no difference in treatment, don't regret the magic value, the old convention will give you enough supplies!"

"Blow it up!"

Suddenly, countless fireballs, cold, meteorite, lightning, wind blades, arrows in the buildings on both sides of the street smashed on the boss, and the golden scale beast roared. Players in the buildings around it did nothing. The group of MTs in front of them was out of breath, and then the MT fell down again.

However, the whole body of this cargo is covered with thick scale armor, a ten-meter-tall behemoth still maintains a motionless posture, and stands upright in the arrow magic issued by countless players.

Of course, if the boss can only fight next to each other, it will not be called boss, at this time the golden scale ground beast raised his head, two red eyes flickered, as if watching his opponent carefully.

In the next second, the spikes on the back began to resonate. On the countless spikes on the BOSS's back, there were countless dark red small current beams. These current beams were close to each spike. When a small red dot was gathered, the BOSS roared, and countless dark red currents were now rushing around.

"Get down!" I yelled loudly, and at the same time I fell down on the snow and moon around me, while the surrounding companions also fell down.

"Boom ~!" For a moment, countless dark red currents were injected into each room. These currents sent dazzling flashes of light and splattered around the room. Frequent "squeak" current sounds came. This current caused We didn't dare to look up, and where this powerful current went, all the players 'attacks immediately dumbed out, so every few minutes the power was turned off, and the BOSS successfully suppressed the players' firepower.

Sure enough, it is truly a BOSS.

However, the players are also not easy to mess with. The hardness of the materials used in the construction of these buildings is extremely strong. The current attack of BOSS can only leave some non-destructive bone scars. The player hides behind the window, as long as he is not directly hit, it is safe. There is still no problem, so everyone started to cooperate with each other based on the terrain advantage of the building. The fire was suppressed on this side, and they immediately attacked with full force. Of course, the MT troops on the ground were miserable. After a round of current There was a scorched soil on the ground, and the remaining soldiers had little left, and they began to return.

At this time, the golden scale of the scaled beast began to fall off, and the gold scales had fallen off a lot under the repeated blows, exposing the original dim scales. Seeing that the gold scales would completely fall off and disappear completely and face the players. baptism.

It moved again. Now that the spikes on the back have stretched out a section and started to rotate at a high speed, the next moment, these spikes spouted from its back like a rocket.

"咻咻 咻咻 ~~~~!" Countless spikes were sent, and a dazzling spark spewed out from the tail of the spikes. These spikes made a rule in the air, and the storm poured down to all floors of the building. This kind of large area The coverage attack is obviously more effective than the current that I just clicked. I raised my eyes and saw that many players flashed white after being killed in such an attack. At the same time, many spikes exploded outside the window of our seat. There was even an explosion that flew in, and the air wave that was set off almost blew us out.

The BOSS technique doesn't stop there. At the same time it launched a counterattack, I saw the seat it had drilled out, and it was used in a black-pressed thing, carefully since it was a horrifying spider.

Crypt Ghost Spider, Level 65 Ordinary Beast, Introduction: Crypt spiders living in the present, do not see the sun all year round, their eyes have degraded a lot. Crypt ghost spiders often follow the creeper to swim in the underground world. Crypt ghost spiders Survive by engulfing the dirt and excrements of the beasts of the earth. The beasts of earth protect these free cleaners.

Nima! Since this food tastes really heavy in excrement, at this time I found that these spiders started to attack the building.

The crypt cave spider body consists of three parts, a one-meter-diameter tumbling body and a ball-sized round head, six pillar-like sharp claws and two claws on the side of the head. The small eyes radiate a blue faint light, and the fierce appearance and hissing in the mouth make people shudder.

Hundreds of spiders were divided into several teams, and they also rushed to the surrounding buildings. The number of our buildings was at least dozens. They crawled very fast, some rushed into the ground floor of the building, and some climbed up the walls and entered through the windows.

I immediately said: "Melee classes are going to meet those spiders and protect the rest of us."

Feng Xiaoyue showed a reluctance and said, "Can I not go, those guys are disgusting!"

Xueyue said: "I don't want to go, people don't want to fight such a disgusting thing."

Honglian: "I'll go with you."

There is still a bold MM, I nodded and said: "Tian Zhao, the black **** we go! And drag Ye Shuang on!"

Ye Shuang said, "Why is there my share?"

"Here you are a male soldier, don't drag who you drag." I said.

Ye Shuang pointed at the lone mark and the small knife and said, "What about them?"

"We are assassins!" Solitary Mark and Little Knife agreed in unison.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I knew I wouldn't practice warriors!)

"I can't help you, let's go!" He dragged Ye Shuang, followed by the daring MMs of Tian Zhao, Hei Shen, and Hong Lian, and the rest protected our remote profession.

Then everyone came to the entrance of the staircase, and saw the hordes of vicious crypt cave spiders swarming in from the entrance of the hallway, as if the devil screamed into the village, screaming unpleasantly, rushing towards the spiral staircase that could lead to the upper level . The stairs are so big, but there are a lot of spiders. They don't seem to understand what is called Qian Rang. You step on me and I step on you to stuff the staircase.

I swallowed hard, so a great deal of experience, give me a grenade, all of it to the sky!

But of course this is just a matter of thinking, these guys crowded into a pile at the entrance of the corridor.

A Crypt Ghost Spider that followed the team did not squeeze up the stairs several times, but since this guy found a passage smartly, he climbed in alone, and this passage is a passage on the floor where we are.

Come up alone, just to die! A few of us are quietly hiding beside this passage and waiting for spiders!

Except for this clever guy, the rest is either leaving or you are squeezing me and squeezing you. This Crypt Ghost Spider seems to think that he is very smart and crawls in the aisle with interest, looking towards the direction Come in our direction.

"Fast knife!"

The next moment, a sharp giant blade fell on its round head and shed green blood.

—1888 damage floated.

One blow kills about ten percent of the blood, which is just an ordinary monster, after all, just hit a few more shots!

This Crypt Ghost Spider suddenly ache with pain, six chewing limbs quickly crawled towards me, and moved quickly.

"Hundred Ghosts at Night!"

The roaring cuboid stretched out, but did not expect the guy to move to the wall, and the night ghosts came to nothing.

At this time, the Crypt Ghost Spider is no more than 20 meters away from us, which is close at hand.

Although the situation is a bit critical, naturally I ca n’t mess up a bit, adjust my breathing, my attack is seduced, as long as it is pulled out of the channel, it is finished, but this product obviously has a certain AI, the pace of progress is slowing down, it seems cautious stand up.

When the Crypt Ghost Spider emerged from the passage the next moment, the two spears flew up as promised, coming into close contact with its ball head.



Two damage figures floated out, and the injured Crypt Ghost Spider was completely enraged. Watching the five humans appearing in front of it, he uttered an unpleasant hissing noise and fluttered towards the nearest red lotus!

Honglian pulled out the two-meter-long Taidao behind her, and then waved it. This knife screamed out with a strong wind, and chopped it down instantly. But like all younger monsters, this Crypt Ghost Spider continued to rush forward without fear.

Then the Black God also gave it a bit, hitting this Crypt Ghost Spider, dancing cheeks, and at the same time the sky leaped to the Crypt Ghost Spider's back, and the blood storm in his hand was not at all Penetrating down mercilessly into its already bruised head.

The green blood splattered, and the Crypt Ghost Spider gave a painful roar, and the sharp cheeks struggled weakly and bewildered a few times and never moved again.

Looking at the 890 experience points in the horizon, I was relieved.

The spoils from the Crypt Ghost Spider are 5 silver coins, one for each person.

After killing countless dead spiders, after confirming that there are no other spiders around, return to the room and see that there are also the bodies of seven or eight crypt cave spiders underneath the room. Ask him why, he said to protect girls.

Looking out the window at this time, the battle situation outside presents another situation.

Since a large number of younger brothers were launched to attack the building with hidden players, the attacks on the boss by those players lurking on each floor were almost stalled. I can clearly observe that there is a fierce battle in the opposite building, hissing I can hear the roar of the player after a long time.

The BOSS, who has the full advantage, is still standing on the street arrogantly, with a large head moving around, and the current on his back is constantly flowing. Once there is a player attacking it, the current is immediately activated, and the electric attacker lives instantly. Can't take care of themselves.

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