Master Summoner Online

Chapter 438: Infinity Dragon Beast

A white light flashed in front of me. The next moment when a tall mound appeared in front of me, he directed the Amber Dragon to fly up. At this moment, we saw a lot of people on the mound. In a glance, there were a hundred people. These people were scattered all around, occupying one place in groups of three or five. Although the situation was tense, there was no friction.

The amber dragon fell on top of the hill, clutching the old cow in his hands and being thrown aside by it.

"Oh! Couldn't you be lighter? Chrysanthemum is broken!" The old cow screamed.

I smiled bitterly: "Be gentle next time."

The Amber Dragon grunted, not knowing what to say.

"Brother--!" Suddenly a sound came out, and then Long Xin and the others gathered together.

I grinned and said, "You move fast."

"Well, but it wouldn't be so fast if it weren't for my brother to accompany us."

Immediately after looking around, I looked for the group of war spirits. Sure enough, there were eight men, five men and three women standing not far away. They were unparalleled war spirits. At this time, Xu Yu turned her head and smiled at me. After making various coquettish moves, I saw that what I wanted to say to this little loli was forgotten. It seems that my heart is still too soft.

At the same time, Yu Luochen's seat was farther away from the surrounding people, and Hao Long's seat was farther away. There was no one around him at all, and he sat alone on a large rock, but his upper body was still naked.

sweat! Lonely man can't hurt! In addition, Qin Yun has been with the bulls like the night.

Then I saw a very strange team. There are five people in this team. Why is it strange? This team is actually composed of five female players, one female warrior, two female mages, one The female pastor is already a female martial artist. This martial artist is a matchless storm. But when I looked at it, she looked at me. At this time, she wore her helmet very low and took her face inside. A strange feeling germinated in my heart. This feeling was like the feeling of seeing something very familiar but not sure.

"Dragon spirit, what's wrong?" Xueyue patted one hand on my shoulder and said, also pulled my spirit back.

I shook my head and said, "It's nothing, I feel a little weird." Then he turned and walked towards our camp. At this moment, Xueyue suddenly held my arm and said, "No matter what happens, I won't allow you to leave. I."

I listened and said, "What are you talking about?"

Xueyue suddenly felt as if she had not remembered what she said just now and I chuckled, "We will always be together."

Xueyue nodded slightly, but this was a cold wind from behind me, and I couldn't help hitting a chilling snowy moon and asked, "What happened to you?"

I said, "No ... it's okay."

"Ding ~! All mission personnel are due, eventually BOSS will be approaching, the final link of the mission will begin, knock down the BOSS and bring back the energy heart!"

This reminds everyone to stand up immediately when they appear. At this moment, the original emptying is completely dark, and the densely packed players around each have their own positions. There are teams to take care of each other. No team can only fight for themselves.

"Ding ~! 10, 9, 8, ... until the final BOSS arrives"


The earth began to tremble. To be precise, the earth in front of the hills was shaking, and everyone's footsteps seemed unstable.

During the shaking, the ground suddenly cracked, and a behemoth almost the size of the ark rose up. This is a silvery-gray body that looks like a big dinosaur. A closer look reveals that this guy's skin is not scales but metal, and The connection points of each joint are clearly connected, and the major mechanical joints are very flexible. One of the forelimbs is a claw, the other looks a bit like a pliers, and the shape of the dinosaur is very powerful.

At first glance, I know that it is not waiting for idle goods.

Fire eyes and golden eyes immediately shot up-

Infinite Dragon Beast, Level 100, Super BOSS, Introduction: Infinite Dragon Beast was once a powerful dragon. Due to a serious injury, he fell into the wilderness and died, but happened to not think that the crazy human alchemist found that the alchemist used the alien technology and his god-level alchemy to transform this endangered dragon, and transform it. After being reborn, it has the power to overwhelm other dragons and an incomparable mind, but it is a pure mechanical monster without its own consciousness. The computer core, which is the center of the ontology, was implanted by the alchemist with a program hosted by evil consciousness. The malicious computer core was used to provide unlimited energy. However, this program was out of control. The infinite dragon beast got rid of control and was destroyed with impunity. His institute was subsequently unknown.

"Nima!" I couldn't help but growl.

"what happened!"

I shared the information of the infinite dragon beast among the team

"Rely on ..." Brother Superman, holding the staff in his hand, yelled: "The 100-level super BOSS system has the intention to play us!"

"How can this fight?" Shouted the old man.

"This task is a daddy!" Ye Shuang screamed.

Many people heard that the super BOSS is a stay, knowing that this time it is a big disaster or a disaster.

"Back to the city!" Someone is convinced that this big thing is definitely not a manpower that can be countered, but when that person throws back the city roll, he yells: "Rely on! Why can't I transmit!"

As soon as I heard it, I took out and went back to the city to try--

"Ding ~! You cannot return to the city in a special area!"

by! Can't go back to town! Suddenly, the boss snarled suddenly, there was no warning at all, and an inexplicable heavy pressure covered my whole body. A tear-like pain came. The whole person seemed to be about to lose his soul, and the blood was immediately lowered. It's me. Everyone on the scene has suffered this kind of damage. Good guy, this boss is really good. It hasn't been beaten to give the players who besieged it a firm and powerful.

Seeing this situation, there is only one way to go out, and to bring down the BOSS, everyone thinks of it at this time, and all of them fire at once.

Countless magic elements flickered in the torrential rain, and countless arrows and blades fell like locust showers. At this time, countless sparks flew on the boss, and countless arrows wiped out sparks on the boss.





Suddenly, the old cow was shocked by his minors: "Fuck, it's too exaggerated, right? This kind of injury can only kill the boss after hitting the donkey!"

The mouth of Infinite Dragon Beast suddenly opened, and the thick energy was concentrated in the mouth. At the next moment, this energy was facing directly at a group of our players, came across, and greeted it!

"Fuck, flash!"

I hurriedly yelled, everyone didn't want to dodge to the left and right, and "Boom" swept the whole line, and the energy saw the hill blasted out of a terrible ditch on the attack line. More than a dozen players who failed to escape fell to the ground.

"Well, it's time for you to be united. The warrior is in front. The summoned beast also comes forward to make meat. The mage and archer are ready. The priest pays attention and is ready to add blood at any time!" I shouted.

"You beasts are right, now is the time when we are united, let any bosses wait and let go." Lonely shouted and sang, as the president of War Soul Warriors, her words are more than mine prestige

At this time, in the face of the rumbling footsteps coming, everyone seems to have realized this, tightly together to form a defensive front. Most of the people present here do not know each other, but facing the same In times of crisis, everyone naturally chooses unity, so that it is possible to survive the crisis.

"Be careful, BOSS is here!"

Now there are nearly twenty priests players behind me, so no matter how the boss kills, I can save my life for the first time!

Immediately after the flash of light, dozens of summoned beasts of various types were summoned to spread out on the two wings of the battle line as a cover force, and hundreds of soldiers held shields and smashed their heels. The priest department at the back gained a buff from them The body makes these sturdy fighters stronger and stronger. To cope with the upcoming fierce battle.

The archers had already armored their longbow and crossbow. Some of them also used crossbow cannons. The mage was ready and everyone had a shield on them. In the wand waving, one by one powerful skills are ready to go, there is a faint storm of energy is taking shape before the shot.

Although it takes a long time to complete, for this completely unfamiliar group, it is already very good to be able to make preparations in an orderly manner, and now everything is in the air.


The Infinity Dragon Beast made a very mechanical roar, and a burst of energy spewed from his mouth again. This energy spread along the straight path. The people who responded on this road in time avoided the calamity, but there were three mages. Join the 7 archers and fall to the ground ashes!

As the Infinite Dragon Beast gets closer, its power makes everyone a little scared.

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