Master Summoner Online

Chapter 439: collapse

A loud roar sounded, and every step of its huge footboard, a spider web-like crack appeared on the ground.

At the same time, the land around BOSS suddenly arched, followed by a monster that resembled a scorpion. These scorpions were all white body and sloppy, with a long tail raised high, and the barb on the top of the tail was not a thorn It is better to say that it is a machete.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-

Dark Assassin, Level 100, Elite Beast, Introduction: An insect-type monster living under the ground. Approaching it without permission, it will stab at each other with a highly toxic tip on its tail. The poison of this scorpion is faster than the transmission of nerve data. When it is stabbed, it can only sit and wait for death. At the same time, it will hit the poison mist from its mouth and make the enemy lose sight.

As the Infinite Dragon Beast continues to move forward, the number of dark assassins around them increases. After climbing out of the ground, they rush towards the players. The speed is unimaginable. "Mages don't attack, archers block!" Lonely singing and calming voice, indeed can not be a valuable skill CD wasted on these cannon fodder.

Just a few tens of seconds. There were more than 100 dark assassins who rushed into Xiaoxi and yelled, "Fire!" Countless arrows flew out instantly.

Click! Click! Click!

Gatling's machine gun, which had been waiting for a long time behind him, immediately blasted out a long tongue of fire, and at the same time, the pit father also looked at the firepower. Numerous bullets formed a bombarded death before the battle, and were caught in the net, raging toward those darkness. The assassin rushed away, hitting the most intense sparks head-on!

The monsters ’defenses exceeded everyone ’s imagination. Countless arrows hit them and they were bounced off. The monster ’s shell was very hard, but if it did n’t work, ten, hundreds, or even hundreds of arrows would cover a monster. No matter how fierce it can't resist.

For a moment, the dozens of dark assassins who rushed to the front were rushed into hedgehogs by countless arrow rains. The monsters rushed behind the ground and rushed forward, walking on the corpses of the front companions.

At the same time, all kinds of magic whistled away from the BOSS. The magic can cause a hundred points of damage to the BOSS, and the arrows can only find a dozen points or even a few injuries. Obviously, the physical defense of the BOSS is against the sky, and the magic Defense is not so outrageous as expected.

The first wave of dark assassination was quickly destroyed by the player. After the opponent's brother was destroyed, he began to cooperate with the mage to attack the boss. Although the damage was poor, it was basically impossible to fail when the attack was because the boss was too large, even if closed. He won't let the gun go empty with his eyes, countless magic and arrows greet him!

A series of damage figures flew up. Although the infinite dragon beast has a total blood of 3 million and a sturdy defense, but the ants bite to death, even the BOSS cannot ignore such consumption. BOSS roared again and again, Spitfire eyes staring at the player's position, speeding up.

As the BOSS advances, it also rushes into the best attack range of the magicians. The group magic that has not been used before begins to appear. The magicians who can't wait to play their melody immediately!

Suddenly red clouds rolled in the dark sky, densely covered with large layers of sky, large fireballs tilted down, and of course there were disturbing screams in the air. When I went out, at the same time there was a meteorite attack. These large and rough rocks fell like raindrops and smashed heavily on the head and body of the BOSS, and then crushed the bones. In addition, falling thunder and ice smashed on the BOSS. The density of such attacks is breathtaking.

This time the joint attack received excellent results, and the damage of the blockbuster drifted out. Although a few masters can deal more than a thousand damages, the damage of others is basically around 200 points, but all who can come here are all For advanced players, the momentum of the first full-force attack is naturally extraordinary. Various occupational original skills and self-created skills, as well as additional skills, the number of injuries constantly brushed out on the boss.

28514203000000! In my view, the data of the golden eyes of the fire eye has been shown, which shows the current blood and blood of the BOSS. It has been wiped out nearly 200,000 blood from it just a minute before it emerged.

Everything seems to be going so smoothly. The best start, the rhythm of the battle is always in the hands of the players. No one member of his team has lost any one, but is it really easy to get a 100-level BOSS super? I don't think so. Similarly, no one is relieved here.

On the battlefield, energy rages arrows flying, and those dark assassins who act as cannon fodder constantly appear, impact, and then fall in the arrow rain.

The Infinite Dragon Beast slammed a stormy attack, cost 200,000 blood, and came to the hill. It was 200 meters away from the players' camp and finally counterattacked!

It stopped advancing, raised its arms high and then, slammed heavily on the ground, and the whole earth shook for a moment.

A thick liquid sprayed from the mouth of BOSS. The energy hit this time was not just seen at the player, but flowed to the ground hit by his hands, and then his hands were lifted up. The liquid instantly Shengyue has become a huge wave with a height of more than 4 meters and a length of nearly 100 meters. In this way the soldiers in front will be completely overwhelmed!

"Goddess of the earth, hold everything with your kindness! Please guard us! The immovable wall!"

"No one can shake your majesty! Goddess of ice and snow! Please guard me! The wall of crystals!"

"The divine light gathers here to form a shield, a holy barrier, to protect the earth's souls!"

"Furious wind! Tear all the things that invade me into pieces! The storm barrier!"

"The barrier of life and death that no one can pass through isolates everything in the world! The wall of sighs!"


In a loud crash, the huge energy waves released by the BOSS and the player's defensive magic slammed into each other. Nearly a hundred magic barriers in front of them were immediately washed down or smashed by violent energy waves.

At this time, the powerful display of BOSS undoubtedly, its skill power undoubtedly far surpassed the defensive power of the magic barrier, and one after another the impact of the magic barrier collapsed and collapsed.

In just a few seconds, all the magic barriers turned into clouds!

Don't weaken the giant waves or swallow up the frontline soldiers and summoned beasts in an instant, and the flowing energy flow goes out in an instant. The damage figures flew up. Mixed with a dozen deadly white lights.

A blow from BOSS temporarily paused the player's attack, at which time more dark assassins crawled out of the ground.

"Fuck! Can't wait any longer, everyone!"

"Yes! Rush up and kill the boss explosion artifact!"

"If you are not afraid of death, rush with Lao Tzu!"

Although these people encouraged many unstoppable soldiers to rush up and kill them together, the entire line of defense suddenly collapsed, a long flame spit in the mouth of the boss, and at the same time the metal plate on the back suddenly released a rocket and was shot out, random The ground is bombarding the players' fronts, the explosion of each rocket must accompany the death of several or even a dozen players, and several summons blocking the cover are also blasted!

In a short period of time, in the blast of the BOSS frenzy, the player team was defeated!

The nightmare had just begun when the player collapsed. The Infinite Dragon Beast did not give players a chance to breathe. The second wave of energy hit the sky.

"Bang!" The huge wave hit the hill fiercely. Few mages opened the magic barrier. Some knights opened the stance. These perfections did nothing. A bunch of soldiers and summoned beasts were spiked. Those newly emerged. The dark assassin rushed to the player without hindrance, and the soldiers could resist, but those archers who lost their shield mages and had a lot of time to escape were directly torn or devoured by those monster blood basins and claws.

Nearly 90% of the players who came here did not come together for fun or with players with missions. The defense line was also temporarily organized. No team player naturally chose to save himself in such a fierce and fierce attack. BOSS is not a person. Block!

At this time, there are more players in the team, they pay for blood, help each other and fight against monsters! The dark assassination players who are constantly rushing down from the defensive line in front can only parry, and it is undoubtedly a dream to want to bet on the top.

More and more players can't help but retreat. Some important firepower points are still protected by many soldiers.

"Fuck! How can this be done ?!" I couldn't help but yell at the situation in front of me. In addition to the player's defensive team performing well at the beginning, the following battles can only be described as bad, a team of players on the hill Fighting on their own, lacking the tacit cooperation and trust that they should have, BOSS's big move completely destroyed this originally not very strong defense line.

Brother Superman shook his head and said, "Nothing here is the chief commander. Everyone is not convinced by each other. I don't think it's any good to fight another battle now. It's better to rush up to solve the BOSS, more practical!"

"Yeah, it's better to take the initiative to attack than to continue to be trapped here, maybe there is some hope." Ziyue came to me and said

I nodded and said, "It seems that's the only way."

At this point after the boss of the BOSS has been cleaned up, it is only then that the infinite dragon beast has arrived less than 100 meters in front of us.

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