Master Summoner Online

Chapter 440: Tragic

"Please try your best to drink blood yourself. The priest is too fierce, and the priest will definitely not be able to add it. In addition, the soldiers take turns to carry the BOSS. When the blood drops to 25%, they immediately retreat. The assassin came to hold the BOSS and gave priority to treating the people who had withdrawn. Such a staggered time may still have a chance to win. "Brother Superman shouted.

"Huh!" I nodded

Erica smiled and nodded: "Good way!"

"Hack father, drop it attributes!" The legend yelled

"Okay!" I just roared, a bottle filled with weird liquid potions, and then each of his six arms held a huge black iron ball, the lead above was already ignited and looked like a medieval pirate Cannon ball.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" One with a value of -600 appeared. There are so many things, one after another. The metal plate on BOSS exploded a bunch of sparks. Since this thing caused a fixed damage, plus Everyone ’s magic arrow BOSS hurt a brush.

The Infinity Dragon Beast roared, raised its huge metal claws, and thundered directly on the abdomen of the Electronic Dragon Beast!



The electronic dragon beast was killed on the spot! Immediately after the other claw was lifted, this one opened like a pliers, with a silver muzzle protruding in the middle, and then four bright sparks flashed from the muzzle. Dragon Ultimate Dragon brings out a series of damage figures——





The blinking eyes of the ultimate electronic dragon were also spiked. How long have we besieged the two main guardians of the BOSS to summon the beasts to be instantaneously killed? The guardian's pretty face has all the expressions!

However, the BOSS stopped after the attack, and then everyone took advantage of this opportunity to send out their battering skills to the greatest extent possible to cause damage to the BOSS.

In the rear, the arrow rain scattered, Xiaoxi, and Legendary Life continued to suppress remotely. The skills of continuous shooting, random shooting, and arrow rain were sent out. The mage attacked more powerfully than the archer. After a series of onslaughts, BOSS Finally moved again.


BOSS raised his head, issued a very mechanical roar, waved his claws, and suddenly swept through an arc. He was heavily bombarded with three damage numbers flying against Ye Shuang, Black God, and Feng Xiaoyue.

— 14273! "

—12828! "

—16289! "

The three were almost seconds. The black **** ’s defense was the highest, but he could not resist the attack of the boss. The three were swept away by the boss, and the three MTs were swept away. I was rushed up with the same blood, and I just stepped forward It was another sweep of sharp claws. I was undoubtedly in the middle of the stroke. Qi and blood went crazy 70%, and my body flew out.

Immediately after BOSS, another claw struck and hit Xueyue, who had just stepped up, and was directly taken with 90% of her blood. She bit her silver teeth and said, "This wo n’t work, we seem to Can't help it, BOSS's attack power is too high ... "

No one expected that this super BOSS would be so overbearing, the attack output is not generally high, although it will stop after each hit, but even then we are still hit by incomparable wolverines, you know, the person present is not 跺Celebrities who lame make people shake, now that the boss is lame, we all have to get down.

The BOSS stopped at the scene, the priest quickly added blood, and everyone surrounded the BOSS group again. This time we no longer take the initiative to step forward to fight against the BOSS. .

"Whimper, whimper, click!"

"What's wrong!" I shouted.

"It looks like another trick is coming, everyone be careful!" Xueyue shouted.

The next moment the armor plate on the side of BOSS 'body was folded and deformed, the next moment I was completely dumbfounded.

A large titanium gold weapon is folded in the folded mouth, which is similar to the Gatling Blasting Gatling machine gun, but it is much larger than the Gatling Blasting machine gun and has 10 guns. Well, the most important thing is that these are not a handful but a whole four. This is the toughest BOSS I have ever seen!

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The electric current spins, and then a few meters of flame is sprayed out, and it is still on both sides. At once, dozens of meters of players splattered with gorgeous blood flowers. Under the powerful impulse of the machine gun bullet, they fell to the ground almost instantly.

The rifle spun, and four machine guns on this side burst into horrific sparks.


This too dense gunshot has completely covered the sound of rain.

At this point I can't see BOSS in front of me. Because in front of him is a ball of orange light. The roads were blown up one after another. The stones keep flying, and this thing can be spit out in a hurry, and thousands of sons pop out. Don't be surprised at all.

Players who come to this time have very rich experience. Most people use various rocks around as shelters. However, at this time, many people started to run when they were in a bad situation. Some of the tactics shielded the shield behind, but in front of the bullet, it was like a cloud that could block the sword and shield. A knight player who could not escape. , Opened a defensive posture to protect yourself, but did not expect to be directly swept out of the honeycomb coal with a shield.

The machine gun's bullets are almost more infinite. The surrounding germ rocks were blasted wildly, and dust was flying everywhere. At this time, a huge rock was swept by a machine gun, and countless stones fluttered. Since the rock was blasted apart by bludgeoning, five players behind the rock were suddenly exposed, among them Xiaozhen Taichi was also in it. At this time, it was impossible for these five people to escape. Numerous bullets were in the rock. The burst burst in, and five people were tragically killed in the bullet rain.

I shook my head straight, poor little lady, only a few words before exiting the game and left, but it does n’t matter that you have more chances to appear in the future. In addition, this BOSS is estimated to have been used to deal with the Demon King ’s army. It can be imagined that when thousands of ancient warriors shouting mighty slogans, they could launch a charge with N modern guns that can eject thousands of bullets in one breath.

After the BOSS boomed for a while, the machine guns finally stopped rotating, and the players who hid quickly came out to launch a counterattack, and smashed all kinds of skills.

"Suppressed by gravity!" A crisp and loud drink sounded, and a giant black energy ball with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared on the back of BOSS.

"Boom!", The huge energy ball was directly pressed on the back of the boss, and it fell down. At this time, I saw loneliness making a gripping gesture with her singing hands, and then she raised her hands up, that energy Now that the ball is sucking the BOSS, pull it into the air, and then the energy ball explodes again and bursts, and the huge body "bangs ~~!" Slams heavily on the ground.

I couldn't help but take a breath, loneliness immediately performed a "personal show" after singing a hit, all kinds of mantras and various magic elements fell on the boss, so the boss could be beaten Can not stand, the firepower of all these people is even more fierce, at this time BOSS has already appeared on the body.

At this time, loneliness is singing and the bright and powerful image has left a deep impression on everyone. Think about it, everyone can't stand the boss. No matter who it is, she has to admire. If she can't stand it, let the boss turn over again. Someone is going back to the city.

After all, BOSS is BOSS. It is impossible to be beaten in vain. After being beaten by 30% of the blood of everyone, BOSS is again powerful. The whole body armor surface flashes red, and loneliness is singing for a while. Her magic can no longer suppress the actions of the BOSS. Since this layer of red light has bounced off the player's magic and arrows!

Immediately after the folding board on the back of the boss is opened again


Countless meters of blue energy bombs, shaped like a sprinkler, sprinkle a large piece, and then appear parabolic and fall down. You do n’t have to think about it here, you immediately run into it!

My colleague started the attack. These energy bombs fell on the shield. The shield lasted for an instant and decreased by 500 points. The shield was smashed by dense energy bombs. The smashing buzzed. The shield broke quickly without persisting.

"Boom boom boom" These energy bombs exploded after landing. The explosion effect is not dramatic. But so many bullets rained down. The blown waves rolled on the hill.

The rain-like attack stopped for five minutes. After finishing putting the skills, the BOSS stopped again, and I took the opportunity to sweep around. Almost none of the mainland players within 100 meters of the BOSS survived. The miscellaneous army has been hung by the BOSS, and now there are only left on the field. The organization of the death, war spirit, and dragon is still complete.

The smashed shield of Lao Niu's minor was smashed. He looked at his shield and threw it to the side, and said, "Everyone, if you say such a fierce boss, we will be overthrown. More advanced equipment! If that's the case, it would be great ... "

Brother Superman said: "It's better than hoping to explode any equipment. Think about how to fight the fierce battle after the BOSS is overthrown."

Tears disappeared: "It's not even fuel-saving lamps that survive today."

I said, "In short, let the boss kneel before talking!"

"Oh, I see!"


Time flies very slowly. Every time I watched the blood of BOSS fall, my heart mentioned my throat!

At this moment, the BOSS moved again, and the legendary life shouted, "BOSS is coming!"

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