Master Summoner Online

Chapter 470: Break up

"I fuck! It's not dead!" I could not help shouting!

Before the words, the body of the devil will hit me. "Ah!" The body was knocked out and fell to the ground, and when my body stopped, I saw the devil will fall on the ground with a tomahawk. I haven't gotten up yet.

Looking at the tomahawk falling down my head, I immediately attacked and opened it. The tomahawk hit the shield and the shield vibrated. The 5,000-point durable shield suddenly collapsed. The tomahawk was blown off, but it was followed by the tomahawk again. Fall down!

Watching the cold-blinking blade sharply change from small to large in the line of sight, "Yeah!" I sighed and saw a sharp blow sharp blade fell into the ground, and I rolled over to avoid the sword, tight Then stood up.

Just stood up. Now that the tomahawk in the hand of the demon casts it at me, it suddenly hits him hard!

The damage of -17934 floated out, and I hurried to swallow the medicine. At this moment, the magician hit the whole person, and the whole body burned the flame. Then he saw me holding it, and the magician who was enveloped by the flame was holding me for a moment. Both people were completely devoured by the blazing flames, and a strong loud noise broke out in the loud noise, and their bodies were directly blown apart, turning into a ball of fire scattered in the sky.

"Brother !!!"


"Dragon Spirit !!!"

"Via Veyron !!!"

Anxiously called and shouted, no one had ever imagined that BOSS had such a set before he died!

"Hey, hey, you look down on me too much, will I die so easily?"

Just when everyone was in anger, I was already sitting in the corner of the hall. If it was not for real and false actions at the moment of life and death, I would probably end up with the demon at this time, but now it can be said that the whole body is aching, but fortunately the two lovely Rev. MM healed me.

"Ha! Your boy scared me!" Ye Shuang said with a big breath.

"Hahaha, Weiweilong, with you, your life-saving skills are too BT, haha, I serve you." Tears without a trace laughed

"Brother! You are so handsome! Brother loves you!" Long Xin flew into my arms.

"That's your brother, who am I! Alright! Let go, let go!" I shouted.

"What do you say about BOSS? You can't fight any way!" Lao Niu said.

"But fortunately, he finally blew himself up, which has to be said to be a miracle!" Brother Superman said.

"That's too bullshit!" The old cow continued.

"But it just happened," Brother Superman replied.

"I don't care if he's a miracle. Let's go upstairs. There is a more terrible enemy waiting for us upstairs!" I stood up and said.

"It's true!" Superman Brother said that immediately after everyone cleaned up the battlefield, there were so many things that the magic would explode. How many of us actually took five minutes to clean up these things.

With so many powerful bosses solved, everyone has been upgraded several levels meaninglessly. My experience has already reached 90, and I was rushed by this huge experience value. I want to confirm the upgrade, but I found that I did not upgrade. , Quickly opened the experience slot and looked at it!

Experience: 99999%

NND! More experience for 0001 will die! Greeting all women in the game company! Super helpless! It seems that I can only go upstairs to kill a monster and fill up the experience.

After we cleaned up the spoils on the ground and restored all the conditions, we walked in and appeared in the teleportation array in the center of the hall, and moved on.


Finally came to the fifth floor. There is no difference between the fifth floor and the bottom four floors. The only difference is that we walked all the way and didn't see a half-headed monster. We didn't know how long we walked and how many forks we walked In this passage, we kept moving forward, and we didn't encounter any monster blocking on this way, as if we were in a dead place.

Deadly! When the term came out of my mind, Lei Jingtian immediately stopped, and it was still dark in the distance.

Immediately after another walk, a seemingly ordinary passage appeared in front of her eyes, but at this moment Die Wuyun tears suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

We stopped suddenly, Die Wuyun said in tears: "Tyrannosaurus said there is an institution there!"

"Organization?" I was shocked and said, "It looks normal!"

"I feel it!" This voice wasn't what Die Wuyun Tears said, but the fighting tyrannosaurus beside him.

"You can talk!" I was a little surprised.

"Of course it will!" Said the fighting tyrannosaurus.

I said, "Why didn't you say it before?"

"I do not want to say!"

"Fuck!" I grinned bitterly: "You said that there is a mechanism ahead, how about you try it?"

"Why don't you go by yourself!" The battle tyrannosaurus said with contempt.


"Come on!" Erica came to me and said immediately after that, she suddenly pushed me a little, and I was unprepared and suddenly lost my balance. I took a few steps backwards and stepped on one of my feet. When I was on a floor tile, the floor tile suddenly fell, and a bad premonition swarmed into my heart. Then, with a bang, I shrank back, and a huge axe wiped my face in the past! I was so scared that I was sitting on the ground and my heart was about to jump out! Black-bellied women can't afford to hurt!

Thinking of holding my hand back, all of a sudden, two identical axes appeared on the left and right, and I lay down on the ground. I saw that the axe was shaking right and left above my nose, and there was a certain gap between the axe and the ground. This gap saved my life. Watching these three axes just swayed above myself. The huge axe also caused the air to create a deep buzz.

But I could n’t keep lying like this, so I slowly moved my body forward, little by little, a little bit forward, but this step forward was on his back, and finally the power of nine tigers and two tigers came. He pulled himself out of the ground of the axe and stood up again.

"It's so shameless. Get a map and build such a mechanism. How can people get there?" I said silently.

"How are we going!" Long Xin said.

Xueyue said: "Dragon Spirit, I think the organs always have to step on the point, and I learned the rules of the organs. There was no problem in the past. You command your summoned beast to help us find the way."

I nodded and immediately ordered Gatling to blast, it's early! I suddenly forgot that this organ is still moving! But at this time, the Gatling Blast came over as I was proud. When it came to the seat of a big axe, the big axe just swung away, but the big axe was shaking faster than the Gatling Blast's moving speed. It was a lot faster, and the big axe hit on it suddenly. I originally thought that this axe cut open the Gatling Blast, but I did not expect that this axe was blocked by the Gatlin Blast. There was a -10 point of damage on its head. I saw at a glance that since the axe was stuck on the shield outside it, no one thought of this result. At this time, Gatling Blast Dragon seemed very unhappy. Thing restrained by things, raised his left hand and left arm to illuminate a beam of light. The beam of light formed a length of about one meter, shaped like a sword weapon, and then swung it hard. The big ax fell to the ground and smashed the ground into a pit.

The action of Gatling Blasting was even more unexpected, and then the next two axes were destroyed by such a very violent Gatling Blasting. When it came to me, it only lost a little shield. It didn't take long for the energy to be full again.

At this time a cruel plan appeared in my mind, but at this time Gatling Blast seemed to know my thoughts and took the initiative to walk forward without taking two steps. Eight magical arrays appeared around it, and then four spit fires. With four sprays of ice, Gatling Blast Dragon's 10:10 damage kept coming out, but it wasn't holding back yet, brushing four missiles flying out, banging on the magic circle on the wall, banging banging four There was a loud noise, and four more holes were on the wall engraved with the Frost Magic Array, and then the magic Array with four flames was also reimbursed after cooling down! At the same time, Gatling Blast Shield lost more than half, I immediately recovered him to restore the shield energy.

Summoned after the recovery, then everyone followed me, I followed Gatling Blast Dragon, and there were a lot of different organs along the way, and a huge stone fell on top of it and banged on Gatlin Blast , But Gatling broke the dragon fart, since the stone was crushed, and then rushed out of a group of things called organs, but before they were approached, they were swept down by machine guns, and these things did not explode. No experience I was desperately despised, and the next two steps were the wall of fire, but was extinguished by a deep cold in Erica, and there was a lasso, but this lasso was attached to the Gatling Blast Dragon. Since the time can not be pulled, it is used to pull it, and a large mess on the top fell to the ground and caused a stab, and it can be said that as long as we can think of the organs we encountered all! Then it was solved by very violent, of course, the most violent was the last one. This one is also the most exasperating. At the end of the time, since there is a section of the front and back walls that sealed us to death and started to irrigate, I The amber dragon was called out of anger, and the entire tunnel was crowded by its huge body!

It can be said that it took us almost half an hour to walk out of this passage and I am really glad that I am a summoner.

"Brother, you are so awesome !! We were passed by such a difficult organization." Listening to Long Xin's words, I looked back with a bitter smile and looked at the unrecognizable channel that I have engaged in. It looks like the protagonist in a book has done it. Same thing.

The Gatling blaster retracted, and let the powerful champion rest and rest. Then we left, about an hour before and after, and suddenly there was light in front.

That group of lights is very faint, but it is easy to find out at a glance in the dark channel. Now it can be said that individuals will be ecstatic and rushed to the past, and the government organization told us that the more we will improve alert!

The closer you get to the destination, the more careful you are, and it is difficult to ensure that some powerful monsters or terrible institutions are not lurking in front.

Moving carefully, our group gradually approached the light, the color of the light was very strange dark green, and the objects that looked bright were not large.

When we came to the front, it was a door, and the door did n’t emit much light. From here, we carefully opened the door. After entering, it was a completely unexpected scene for us. Large hall, and the roof here is so high that even if you call the ark, you ca n’t touch the top. There are four pillars more than 20 meters high. The center of the hall is a tall stone bench. The person whose body is completely covered by armor cannot see his face. The most important thing is the name it bears. The road method is our ultimate goal this time!

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