Master Summoner Online

Chapter 471: Battle Path

The crowd moved forward, and Lufa was still calm and sat there with no movement.

"What should we do now?" Mo Yan said.

I laughed and said, "I rushed up and cut him!"

Erica laughed: "Then you go up and call me!"

I asked, "Why me?"

Long Xin said: "Brother you are our captain, of course you went!"

I glanced at them, looking excited one by one, it seemed that I really wanted to call me! Forget it, just call it. Men are tired, men are tired.

He walked towards the seat with a red-eyed dragon gun and came to the seat of 50 meters in front of Lufa. At this time, Lufa's head was slightly raised, and it seemed that he had already fixed his eyes on me.

So I shouted at the way with a red-eyed dragon gun and shouted, "You have committed the unforgivable crimes in the Galactic Law! I will declare all deprivation of your power here, and seal and arrest you. "

"Ah!" Lufa made a somber voice that was probably mine.

Immediately after that, I was shocked, wow! No! At this time, the companions behind him one after another spoke for a long time there: "Brother, what is the law of justice in the galaxy?"

I laughed: "Just say anything."

Lao Niu said: "This is called ..."

Ye Shuang answered: "The fortress!"

"Hehehe, although I don't know what you were talking about just now, what can you do with just a few of your waste?" Lufa said to us in a very groggy voice.

"Oh, who doesn't know what the waste is, and your mother won't know you when you can fight" This sentence is not said by any of us but jumps out of the mouth of the fighting tyrannosaurus!

"Your Summoner really speaks!" Erica said

"Yeah!" Die Wuyun smiled in tears.

"Everyone, this BOSS is definitely difficult to be entangled. Be careful!" I immediately scanned the legs that were almost scared in the past with fire eyes and golden eyes.

Lufa, Level 150 Super BOSS, Status: Triple Seal (70% reduction in all attributes), Introduction: Leader of the Ghost Corps, formerly the Chief of Armor of Ares. Because of unclear information, he launched a rebellion, and was convicted by King Peel of the three-pole crime of greed, and was sealed in the town's magic tower. It is ironic that since the thing that sealed him is the three armors he made in one hand, King Kong, Feiying, and Lufa fought hard to resist after being enclosed in the town's magic tower, but they were eventually suppressed by the power of the three armors. However, tens of thousands of years have passed and the seals have loosened. This very terrible existence will reappear on earth!

Super BOSS! ? 150 levels! !! !! ? I took a few breaths, but fortunately, the attributes were weakened by 70%, otherwise it would not be possible to win. When the final BOSS is undoubtedly a strong presence.

After the data sharing, the team was also very quiet. The team was extremely quiet. Looking at the "gracious" atmosphere, he coughed and said, "You guys, I called in a single shot, I also challenged, and it was impossible to leave. let's go!"

"it is good"


"How come one?"

"Let's fight!" I laughed.

"Slow, what is the purpose of the adventurers you came here, seal me? What kind of rewards will people promise you after sealing me? Money? Beauty? Status?" Lufa said.

"You don't need to worry about it, you just have to go with peace of mind, and those things you kill will naturally belong to us after you kill them, you don't need to give them!" I said

"Ha ha ha ha, since you want to die so much, then I will complete you, although there is not enough power to kill you enough!" Lufa stood up sharply, followed by a flashlight-like thing in his hand and shouted: "Ah Order of Reese! "

The next moment Lufa was flashing with purple lights, and among these lights were monsters appearing one after another. These monsters were all Ghost Guards, wearing various armors, and making hoarse growling waves. Weapon Lufa pointed forward: "Go!"

Hundreds of Ghost Guards rushed towards us at one time, and the situation changed suddenly, and everyone wanted to shoot.

Brother Superman waved his staff, and the lightning bolts exploded one after another. A tearless sacrifice meteor fire rain swept through these monsters, Mrs. Xiaozheng raised her long bow, and an arrow brought out a purple light curtain to cut through the void, and severely cut a ghost guard in half.

The battle tyrannosaurus roared and waved his arms, cut a Ghost Guard, followed the red-eyed dragon gun in my hand, and pierced the body of a Ghost Guard, but ended him again, but found out I didn't get any experience, but when I had 1 trial point in my field of vision, it seems that these Ghost Guards will not give experience to the trial point after death, which is new.

The crowd shot very quickly, and they called these Ghost Guards and they were slaughtered cleanly. Lufa looked at it and smiled, and then the purple light flashed again. A new Ghost Guard appeared, and this time it was more! by! Summon unlimited!

"This is endless! The road method must be solved!" Said to call the Amber Dragon, this capable person will finally be able to show his power here, and then Die Wuyun Tears also called his black dragon.

Immediately, the crowd shot twice again, and Mrs. Xiao sent two lightning-like arrows, a wave of Superman's staff, and a gigantic lightning spear flying to the way, followed by the amber dragon, black dragon, and fighting tyrannosaurus The three summoned beasts roared and threw themselves on three sides.

Lufa didn't say a hand, a weapon resembling a Western sword appeared in his hand, and then waved. A "ding ding" sound was issued. Xiao Zheng's arrow was beaten and the weapon immediately spread out countless swords. The three beasts roared and fell down.

Brother Superman's Thunder Spear was avoided by him.

"The omnipotent flame, listen to my call boiling! Roll! Give me the destruction of the enemy-meteor fire rain!"

The two fire spells performed a wide range of stunts at the same time. In an instant, countless fire rains within a range of dozens of meters around the road method dropped a bang of "Boom Boom Boom Boom!", And countless injuries came out.

"Someone shot together!" I groaned, the ghost dragon shot and cast, five transparent ghost dragons roared out and tangled in the middle of the sea of ​​fire, followed by a shock wave on the snow moon weapon, the wizards all kinds of magic , Amber Dragon and Black Dragon spit out their breath, Xiaozheng too long bow shot a fire dragon, all kinds of destructive skills bombarded Lu Fa indiscriminately.

"Boom" and "Boom" renju exploded, and suddenly a roar was heard in the fire, and a body spread out the surrounding fire. This person was the way.

"Ha ha ha, there are two sons! But not enough!" Lu Fa held up his sword, and suddenly a scarlet blood rain fell, which rained us all!

"Ding ~! You are wet with blood, all genus xìng are reduced by 10%!"

I rely! 10% drop on all attributes!

"Purification!" Two beauties rang, and an extremely warm sunlight fell on my body. I instantly felt that my weakened strength was back again.

"Good job!" I not only shouted at the two MMs, they nodded cutely.

"All can deal with Lufa in close combat, archer assassin harassment! Master clear mobs! Call the beast to protect the mage, the priest milks us!" Xueyue opened two swords and said

"Understand!" Everyone shouted at the same time, and then I was calling out Gatling Blast Dragon, two dragons guarded the mage, and the fighting tyrannosaurus joined the melee ranks

"Come on!" I shouted, at this time the two tanks, Lao Niu and Ye Shuang, took the lead and rushed to Lufa.

"Burning the earth!"

"Lightning storm!"

Brother Superman and Tears performed their skills without tears, clearing the Ghost Guard in front of us, and immediately followed by Lufa and the old cow waved an axe, and Lufa avoided it lightly.

"Leng Feng!" The small knife suddenly appeared on the side of Lu Fa with a dagger. Lu Fa was shocked, and then the whole person was in the same place. Something had fallen from his head at the moment he was holding.

"Dragon Power!"

"Cross World Sword!"

"Fearless Charge! Triple Slam!"





Loufa shouted, "Damn adventurer, I want you to know how stupid to challenge me !!"


A fierce sword pressed on my shoulder, and a burst of tear-like pain came, and the blood flew away!


I was shocked "This ... too 30% of the attributes are still so painful, BT ..."

Mo Yan hurriedly said: "It's all right! I'm not afraid of my milk !!" After the treatment, it fell on me!

At this moment, Honglian approached, and the sword in her hand waved to the side of Lufa!


Immediately after Xueyue flew, the two swords staggered towards the road.



Then Ye Shuang stabbed a shot at Lufa Chrysanthemum!


Lu Fa turned and slammed Ye Shuang's punch, Ye Shuang hurriedly shattered the shield to resist the punch. At the same time, Feng Xiaoyue shook his hand and called a lightning ball to blast behind Lu Fa, followed by a small knife again.



The standard of dizziness appeared on Lufa's head, and then the battle tyrannosaurus cast a battle tornado and hit Lufa!

—3184—3192—3174 ...

"Gathering energy!"

"Lightning shock!"

"Fast knife!"

For a while, everyone's various skills were attacking again and again, a punch of a powerful player group beat a 150-level super-BOSS road method that had been weakened by 70%, and it was easy to kill! But this brisk time did not last long!

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