Master Summoner Online

Chapter 560: Necromancer

True and false action!

To avoid the attack of the ghost dragon as a substitute, "Galulu!" Called, and Galulu immediately roared and turned around, and a steel claw waved out fiercely, and the two beasts slammed into each other fiercely.

Sure enough, as I expected, the ghost dragon suffered the impact of Gallulu. After this collision, it knocked it out and flew out. At the same time, the electric light fire started to rush to the master. The thief first captured the king, and the cursed person first scolded the mother. The guy killed the group of ghost dragons and wasted.

However, the response seemed to have seen through my actions, and immediately the surrounding ghost dragons abandoned their opponents and gathered in front of them. "Everyone gave the dragon spirit a way!" Ziyue yelled, all her beasts swarmed up, and my The summoned beast also rushed up, while the six ghost dragons greeted together.

"I'm going to open the road!" Yan Yuliu drunk swiftly, and the swords swayed and followed the ghost dragon that rushed towards the front one. The kicking skill was immediately followed by a sudden flow of flames. At the same time, the legend shot a tremor arrow all his life, and the ghost dragon immediately trembled. The rain and rain hit him on the head of this ghost dragon, and then Xia took a full blow, and the two swords fiercely slashed at this ghost dragon. under.

In a single blow, the ghost dragon's head was crawled to the ground to eat dust.

"Flying Blade!" A series of injuries were caused by several slashes, but the ghost dragon also reacted instantly. A huge tail swept away the smoke and rain and rolled away. At the same time, another ghost The dragon rushed over and bite down fiercely at the legendary life.

When this ghost dragon opened his **** mouth and was about to bite, a big fist was punched on its left face, and the big purple moon demon came very timely. This fist resolved the crisis of the legendary life and the legendary life Exhaling a breath and giving thumbs up to Ziyue, Ziyue didn't speak, just smiled.

At the same time, Tianzhao, the black god, and Kuqiulin also faced a ghost dragon. This ghost dragon is extremely difficult to deal with. The ghost dragon's claws swept away the black **** and Kuqiulin at the same time and rushed to the sky. They couldn't resist it. I was too late to escape. I was unavoidable. I was hit and flew out more than ten meters away. She had a lip on her lips and spit out blood, but she quickly stood up and wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth. Then the ghost dragon fluttered again. Up, but at this moment a huge dragon blocked the fierce dragon that leaped fiercely. The sudden appearance of this giant figure is Ziyue's Iron Dragon. Almost at the same time after the appearance of the Iron Dragon, the ghost dragon that opened up a shield and flew up was ejected by this shield.

Immediately following the swing of the Iron Dragon's body, Steel's tail drew heavily on the ghost dragon that fell out, then opened its mouth again, and issued a roaring but somewhat mechanical roar. With the roar, the ground cracked on the ground in front of it. It became cracks. In the cracks, one after another, the blue light burst into the sky, trapped in the ghost dragon, and was hit hard. The sky shone. Black God and Kuqiulin immediately counterattacked.

On the other side, a ghost dragon stretched out his head and bite the Gatling Blasting fiercely. However, the body of the Gatling Blasting, regardless of how its teeth are biting, is not to swing through the Gatling Blasting, but It was also a fierce blow that threw the Gatling Blast Dragon underneath, and then stepped on the soles of the feet, but this is the Hell Flame Demon appeared behind the ghost dragon and grabbed the ghost dragon's tail with his hands. With a roar, he even pulled the fly up, then banged a loud noise, slammed it behind himself, stretched his arms, hugged it, and his lava flowed onto it.

The surrounding ghost dragons were swept away, and a flat road appeared in front of me. The electric light fire rushed to the guy in an instant, and at the same time, the large ghost dragon under him swooped up, a pair of bones and claws rose black flames, eyes There was also a strong black light bursting out, and the huge body leaped fiercely.

"Absolutely frozen!"

At this time, my Garuru also followed the order, and a large mouth opened a piercing cold air spray. The ghost dragon was immediately frozen, followed by the explosion, and the billowing energy flow was ejected.

"Boom!" The loud noise erupted, and the frozen Ghost Dragon exploded. The owner of the body was blown out by the aftershock caused by the impact, but this Ghost Dragon did not hurt much, roaring and inciting a pair of bone **** Come up and scuffle with Garulu.

The other party just stood up after Zhenfei, and I slammed out. The two sides arrived in an instant, the left arm of the dragon pierced the air, and blasted according to this person's door. Regardless of the other party, it flickered away at the critical moment.

"Good danger," the other whispered softly.

Staring at the guy and laughing, "It's easy to hide."

The other side smiled slightly, holding one corner of his cloak with one hand and then waving it. The cloak took off, revealing a pair of dark armor, his eyes were full of arrogance, and he said softly, "I have heard of your beast **** Veyron. Even though the town ’s Magic Tower was defeated on that day, you stimulated me and made me excited. The entire China region can give me the master you want to challenge. You are one of them. " The dark black gas is spreading everywhere.

"Oh ?! That ’s an honor." I said carefully looking at the other party. This product must be very powerful. I was still very impressed when the guy from the town's magic tower chased down the dance residual flower at the same time.

Level 97, Necromancer, Equipment: Death Hug Suit (Orange), Pluto Destruction Staff (Dark Gold), Eye of Huangquan (Ghost Tool). After scanning the equipment information, let me take a breath of air, a complete set of Death Hug The suit is second-to-nest gold-red orange, plus a dark gold weapon and an all-unknown ghost weapon "Eye of Huangquan" I thought about something similar to the mark of my beast god.

"Your ID?"

"Snow dances with the wind." The other party answered lightly.

"Remember, here it is!" The voice didn't fall, and the hero rushed to the other side to see his own flashing out at this instant. "Drink!" The other side was not panic, his left hand pinched, and his mouth suddenly stopped drinking. As he stopped drinking, since a wall made of bones slammed in front of him, the shoulder armor hit the bone wall with a crisp sound, and the bone wall broke and disappeared instantly.

My heart shook slightly, and the other party had already distanced himself at this time. Snow drifted in the wind with the Pluto destroying the rod in his right hand, and the pointed tail was inserted into the sand in front of me. The sharp howling of the scratching stone surface suddenly fell into crisscrossing grimace air within ten meters of the circle around him.


With the sound of snow drifting with the wind, I suddenly fell into the air of this "death of anger", and immediately drank in my mouth: "White Dragon Shield!" A shield engraved with the image of a blue-eyed white dragon appeared, and myself The death gas around him was shaken away, and the death gas and the shield collided with each other.

White Dragon Shield's guard stepped out in a stride, rushing out of this dead breath, but just rushed out and screamed at the black light on the top of the method staff: "painful torture!"

"Ding ~! You can't move due to the effects of pain and torture, you lose 1000 blood per second ~! Lasts 5 seconds!"

I was shocked at the foot of the sand that broke through the ground and produced countless black claws. I grabbed my feet like a vine, and there was a continuous loss of blood on the top of my head. I tried to break free, but to no avail. The top of his staff is glowing with blood, and he is already saving his next magic attack!

Drinking low: "Prestige!" At the same time swallow potion in his mouth, the huge arm broke through the ground, stood in front of himself, resisting the attack, as long as his attack hit the prestige, the pain and torture under his feet is almost over Immediately afterwards, Tengyun attacked and the Ripper destroyed your shield. The next recruit may not even stand up to a soldier, let alone a mage.


Snow fluttered with the wind, and suddenly a thunderous thunder sounded above the mighty hall. The huge arm was blown and smashed, forming an indescribable power. The air wave was flying horizontally. The next moment I saw a black ball. In front of me, I had to block it with a dragon arm.

There was a bang, and the black ball banged on the arm of the dragon,-3234 points of damage were blown out and the impact shocked me to fly out, then the snow continued to sing in the wind, and the staff waved. The black gas at his feet swept out, and one after another rose.

"Huh!" Snow drank with the wind and drank: "Death entangled!" The staff pointed forward to the black gas on the ground. Since it extended towards this side, the speed was not slow at all. In the face of the extended black gas, one Without saying a word, Dragon's Charge charged into a light dragon and rose up into the sky, then turned back in the air, and fluttered towards the snow with the wind. How dare the snow drift with the wind, holding the staff in both hands, black air waves Become a light curtain Dragon's charge After rushing into this light curtain, since it began to disintegrate automatically, the dragon's charge was completely resolved after it rushed out of the light curtain. I also fell to the ground, and the black gas on the ground has not dissipated!




Since I began to continue, and I still have more than a thousand qi and blood, this can't stand it. After the onset of the attack, the electric light fire also started to flash out this black gas, just out of the black gas's roaring attack. After the first come, the black energy **** are one by one. I feel that the zigzag moves along the fold line, bypasses the oncoming energy balls, and kicks.

"Brave charge!"

I suddenly rushed towards the snow with the wind, and when I was passing by, a transparent claw appeared outside my right hand, and I sipped as fast as the electricity: "Look!"


The transparent claws struck his shield like lightning, and the shield broke instantly. The other dragon's arm burned with a cyan flame, and the eyes drifted round with snow drifting in the wind. Looking down at the chest, the dragon's arm was worn through like a bamboo. body of!

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