Master Summoner Online

Chapter 561: Powerful snow dances with the wind

Suddenly I felt something wrong when the dragon's arm pierced into his body. At this moment, Xue followed the wind dance and said, "What's wrong! Is it pulled out?"

"You guy!" I tried to pull out the dragon's arm, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pull it out, just like the dragon's arm took root in his body, and the other guy sneered for a moment. Swelled.

"Boom!" A loud noise rang and I was blown up and flew out!


Qi and blood bottomed out instantly, NND, since I almost killed myself by exploding, the scales on the outside of the Amber Dragon were blown up. I feel sore! Hurrying to use gas therapy to cure it is not enough. At the same time, the snow exploded in the wind and burst into the ground. A coffin rose from the ground. It was so strange. Not enough. What I am doing now is using gas therapy. Restore the wound for Amber Dragon.

After several aerotherapy operations, the wound on Amber Dragon has recovered much worse, although it has not been fully restored, it is not a big deal. At the same time, since the coffin door is opened, a person walking out of it is snow dancing with the wind, snow dancing with the wind After floating, he didn't think about attacking himself, but first unfolded a layer of black shields to protect himself, and also watched him cough potion in his mouth. Obviously he was preparing to launch some powerful skills. To protect himself before the launch is complete, to make him so solemn, has shown that the trick he is about to launch is bound to be terrible.

How can you let these flashes of light flash through the thoughts, a stride struck a red-eyed dragon gun and appeared in the right hand, the tip of the gun burned with a cyan flame, the barriers broke through and appeared, and the tip of the gun turned into a blue fire cone. With full body strength, heavy bombarded on the shield that Xue unfolded with the wind dance.

Click! The shield was suddenly broken and exploded, but it was not completely penetrated. This thing is really hard! Even the barrier break can't completely penetrate the barrier of the dragon arm. The break has not been cooled down, and the tearer is also applied. If the tearer is in this way, the shield can disintegrate with one blow. I can't help but think about it now. Breaking this thing is the king. After the Red-Eyed Dragon Gun, the dragon arm also blasted on this magic shield at the same time, and the shield was shaken violently. Then the Red-Eyed Dragon Gun continued to stab, and the shield continued to shake. But there is no sign of collapse. How long will NND last!

Hiding behind the shield, after the snow swallowed the potion with the wind dance, the mouth continued to sing the strange curse, and I would not believe it! The red-eyed dragon gun and the dragon's arm bombard one after another. Even such a tough shield can't resist tossing. There have been cracks. The snow behind the shield is sweating with the wind and dancing. It looks like it is racing against time. In fact, we are both racing to see who can run who.

After another two seconds, "the magic core exploded!" Snow roared in the mouth of the wind dance, and a black energy ball appeared on the top of the staff, followed by the opening of the energy on the measuring ball. A moment in the shield, it exploded.

"Absorb the blood shield!"

At this moment, his invincible skills burst out, and a blood-colored shield appeared in front of himself, but even then, he felt an incomparable terror wave hit the shield in front of him, even if this power is extremely powerful Is there a blood shield to protect the body, or don't fly away from afar, I saw the snow where the snow danced with the wind, and a black mushroom cloud rose.

With the blood shield to protect all the damage into recovery, I feel full of qi and blood at once, I do n’t feel happy, because since I can absorb my qi and blood all at once, I can definitely kill myself, if I just started If it's not a blood shield but a furious attack, then now you have died.

The location where this snow dances with the wind dance, whether it's the ground or the stone wall, collapsed into it at this instant. He is okay because his skills can't hurt himself. When he saw his skills, he didn't kill me. Revealing is not surprise but excitement. Sure enough, he is a person who likes to challenge difficult things.

The blood was full, and the dust was flying, and I rushed out, my arm fluttered sharply, the steel blade broke down, and blasted directly at the opponent, followed by the dragon's arm completely stretched out at night!

"Afterglow of death!"



"How could it be!" I was shocked, since this guy turned his body into a black mist, the sharp knife and the night attack of Hundred Ghosts became directly. Missed "MISS!"

"It's my turn!" Xue suddenly danced with the wind dancing wand, the black gas flying around him, a group of black gas gathered once and again the shape of a skull followed by his wand and slaughtered!

Majestic Heaven, a huge arm stood up to resist the attack of the opponent!



I never expected that since this thing passed through, the majestic bang on himself, suddenly a hot pain spread throughout the body, this man's magical attack power is very fierce, since the physical defense skills can be ignored.

"It's not over yet! Look at the Pluto wave!" The staff pointed forward, a magical array appeared, followed by a group of black energy aggressively, and quickly attacked! Broken shield immediately started.


The violent thunder broke through the sand and raged, but the snow danced quickly with the wind to dodge, and the staff rose again, the next moment the ghosts of the feet entangled in my lower body, as if inextricably entangled.

"Ding ~! You are affected by evil spirits, magic defense is reduced by 25%, movement speed is reduced by 25% ~! Hold for 3 seconds!"

"Soul is imprisoned!" A purple energy ball flew up in less than a second after the evil spirit twined his hit, hitting me unbiasedly!


"Ding ~! You are locked by the soul and cannot move within 4 seconds!"

I fuck! Since this guy has such a skill to control the field, the blue flame of light appears on the top of the Staff of Snow Dancing with the Wind, and the next moment summons countless blue flames to dance around him, and he said in a deep voice: "Ghost Fire Jade!"

Immediately I covered under a sea of ​​fire for more than 10 yards, it was a group killing magic, NND, this profession was terrible!

"White Dragon Shield!"

After the White Dragon Shield has cooled down, I open it decisively. I ca n’t move in the trapped state, but it does n’t mean that I ca n’t cast. The next moment I am bathed in this ghost fire. With the White Dragon Shield, this ghost fire cannot hurt me. Earth——Breaking waves!

"Ding ~! There is no water available here, and the skills are unsuccessful!"

day! It's OK! There is no other way to move, Ghost Dragon Shooting! The five-headed ghost dragon flew out and hanged out towards the snow to dance with the wind dance. The snow-danced wind dance was immediately entangled by the five-headed ghost dragon, followed by five explosions, the shield suddenly broke, and was also strangled to kill most of the blood! At the same time, I also got rid of the effect of soul imprisonment. The durability of the White Dragon Shield has been completely consumed by the ghost fire and entered a cooling state.

"It really is not easy to deal with!" A blue light flashed from Xue's staff dancing with the wind toward his chest, and he whispered, "Back to soul!"


Since this blood was filled up instantly, I couldn't help but be surprised. The electric light fire turned on and rushed out. After the opponent performed the soul-recovery technique for himself, he squeezed a seal and drank in his left hand, and a magic array appeared in front of him. Countless flames erupted at me, and I shifted continuously in a zigzag flash, avoiding the flames that flew over, and the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance ran across the other side.


Snow danced with the wind and opened her mouth wide, but this mouth movement became a smirk within half a second. At the same time, the red-eyed dragon gun whistled at the same time. The lightning announcement was launched. Since he stopped in front of his nose, no! It should be said that since I stopped.

"Ding ~! You are deterred and stiff for 05 seconds!"

deterrence? how come! "Now isn't a tight time! Hell howl!" Snow sang with the wind and drank a fiery flame from the top of the staff, and the flame swept across! Attack! The shield unfolded to withstand the five thousand points of flame. It was consumed for a moment, and at the same time, the body flew out like a dangerous kite. At the same time, it rolled over the air several times and fell on the sand!

Snow with a wind dance laughed wildly: "Dance it, beast god, and jump up to the dance of death! But the battle is not over yet! Let's go! Hell squeeze!"

As soon as I fell on the ground, I saw a purple weird magic array in the void above me. A huge flame claw appeared in the magic array, and a purple current was entangled in this claw. If it was pressed on the body, it would not be Noisy.

True and false action!

Stand for the real body and roll away!


The giant ghost's claw pressed against the stand-in's location and exploded violently, lifting the billowing smoke and dust, leaving a huge claw-shaped mark on the place where the stand-in was, and I couldn't help taking a sip of cold air when I saw this.


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