Material Empire

Chapter 102: Japanese are coming

(Please ask for the first order, monthly pass, let the monthly pass come more fiercely !!!)

The vigorous bidding conference was over, and everyone in the Qingfeng Factory had no time to breathe a sigh of relief. An even more amazing news came from Pujiang: Rì Ben Fukuoka Co., Ltd.'s vice president Kishi Tianfu made a special trip from rì Ben to China , Named to visit the Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory.レ; 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ

rìI am coming!

The news passed from both the Qingfeng Factory and the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office to the zhèngfǔ office in Pingyuan County at the same time, and the county chief Guo Ming, who had not sobered up from the excitement of the tender, was shocked.

It's also shameful. In such a large place in Pingyuan County, in the past 30 years, the number of foreigners who visited it has not been enough. Of course, it does not include foreign guests who pass by the train across the boundary of Pingyuan. During Guo Ming's presidency, Pingyuan County has never been to a foreign guest. Rarely, an overseas Chinese can let the foreign affairs office chicken fly dog ​​jump to the ground for half a month, and this return is actually a foreign guest!

Foreign guests, that kind of blue nose with high noses ... well, even if we have yellow skin and black eyes like us, but they are foreign guests, right? The foreign guests came to Pingyuan County in person. What this shows is that Pingyuan County has rushed out of Asia ... Uh, well, even if it hasn't rushed out of Asia, in short, it is already on the Asian side ...

For a while, Guo Ming's mind was not enough, and his speech was upside-down, but one thing he was very clear about was that the visit of foreign guests to Pingyuan County was the most important thing in the county in the next few weeks. Its importance Far better than the last tender site meeting.

"Invite Director Ning to the county zhèngfǔ, we must discuss the issue of receiving foreign guests." Guo Ming ordered to his secretary.

Ning Zhongying came soon, taking a car driven by Qin Hai. When he entered Guo Ming's office, Qin Hai followed behind his butt.

"Lao Ning is here, oh. Xiao Qin is here too, please sit down, please sit down, Xiao Wang, pour two cups of tea for Ning Chang and Qin Hai." Guo Ming greeted Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai warmly Let them sit on the sofa.

At the last auto parts bidding site meeting, Guo Ming got all the limelight. In order to be able to get better cooperation conditions from the Qingfeng Factory, the leaders of other districts and counties have done Guo Ming's work. He did his best to flatter him, which made Guo Ming's self-esteem greatly satisfied.

Guo Ming knows that all these faces were fought by Ning Zhongying for him. Behind Ning Zhongying is this young Qin Hai who is full of wisdom. When Chai Peide talked to him, he also mentioned Qin Hai's affairs and told Guo Ming to pay more attention to Qin Hai. With such preparations, Guo Ming naturally looked at Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai differently.

"The county chief called me over, what are the instructions?" Ning Zhongying took over the fragrant tea from his secretary Xiao Wang. Holding it in his hand, he asked Guo Ming cheerfully.

Guo Ming patted his head, pretending to be depressed, and said, "Lao Ning, didn't you ask it knowingly? Isn't it because you are so capable that you have recruited rì? I am now worrying about how to receive it. "

"What do you mean by the rì himself?" Ning Zhongying said, rì's name was too strange, and he couldn't remember it.

"It is called Kishida Bunfu. Rì Ben Fukuoka Co., Ltd." Qin Hai knows these situations well, which is why Ning Zhongying brought him.

Guo Ming nodded and said: "Yes, this is Vice President Kishi. By the way, Xiao Qin, in Rìben, what is the equivalent of the president?"

Guo Ming's question was asked strangely, but Qin Hai could understand it. There is a complete system of official standards on the Chinese officialdom. Anyone can fit into this system and get a rating. Different levels correspond to different hospitality standards, which must not be mistaken.

For the Fukuoka Club. Qin Hai has also checked the relevant information, and knows that it is a relatively large multinational enterprise, mainly as an agricultural machinery sales agent. I also have a little manufacturing capacity. He thought about it in his head and said, "Fukuoka is a company, the level is almost equivalent to our provincial enterprise, that is ..."

"Deputy director to deputy department, it depends on its size." Ning Zhongying calculated for Qin Hai. He is far more familiar with Qin Hai than the official system.

"Well, its scale is relatively large, so it can be regarded as the deputy department level." Qin Hai said.

"Oh, deputy department ..." Guo Ming nodded. "This Kishi is the vice president, isn't it equivalent to the first grade? Then when he came, it seemed that Secretary Xia and I were needed to meet him personally."

He said that Secretary Xia refers to Xia Qilong, the secretary of the Pingyuan County Party Committee. He is the leader of Pingyuan County, and the people who can let Xia Qilong come forward to receive them are of a certain level.

"I think, have we made a little fuss?" Qin Hai said carefully. As a traversalist, he thought it was ridiculous to use the county's power to welcome an executive of a multinational company. However, in the current era, it is quite normal for Guo Ming to have such an idea.

Sure enough, when he heard what Qin Hai was saying, Guo Ming's expression became serious. He said, "Xiao Qin, you can't think like this. I heard the director Ning said that when you were in Pujiang, you broke into the foreign guests' office directly. To discuss business with foreign guests. As a means of business development, it is good for you to do this. However, now that foreign guests have come to our Pingyuan, you can no longer take such a frivolous mentality. There is no trivial matter in diplomacy, What is our attitude towards foreign guests, which directly affects the image of the country, we cannot humiliate the Chinese, right? "

"Uh ... well." Qin Hai lost. In fact, Kishikata Bangfu came to inspect the production process of the Qingfeng Factory. What does this have to do with the image of the country? However, seeing Guo Ming's appearance, he did not dare to say anything more. Since Guo Ming is willing to toss, let him go toss, anyway, the final protagonist must be Qingfeng Factory.

Then, Guo Ming began to plan carefully: Qingfeng Factory started to clean up and remove all dead spots. All walls must be repainted and must be as white as snow. The day when foreign guests visited Qingfeng Factory, All cadres and employees must dress neatly. There must be no shirtless, slippers, crooked hats, hands folded into the sleeves ...

"It's summer ..." Qin Hai reminded in a low voice in kind, and as a result, he got a glance from Ning Zhongying.

"Furthermore, all the employees of the Qingfeng factory must use these days to learn some simple rì conversations. For example, hello, how do you speak in rì?" Guo Ming turned his eyes to Qin Hai. He listened Ning Zhongying once said that Qin Hai had taught himself rì.

"こ ん に ち ね." Qin Hai responded.

"In the air ... what dig?" Guo Ming's mouth squeaked, how he could not learn.

"Cry you dig together." Qin Hai slowed down, allowing Guo Ming to hear clearly.

"Cry you dig together ... well, that's a bit of meaning, yes." Guo Ming was excited because he had learned the first rì language, "rì language is easy to learn, Xiao Qin, you should hurry and teach more A few words from everyone, when a foreign guest arrives, any worker who meets him can greet his guests in rì language. This is a matter of great national authority. "

... how can I not see what this has to do with Guowei? Qin Hai murmured secretly in his heart, but he couldn't afford to raise the bar with the magistrate for such a thing.

Guo Ming spoke more than 20 articles, and Ning Zhongying asked Qin Hai to take them seriously and promised to implement them one by one after returning. After Guo Ming said all this, he asked, "Yes, you haven't said yet, Mr. Kishida, why did you come to your factory?"

Qin Hai only thought that Guo Ming's question was really funny. After a long day of trouble, Guo Ming didn't even figure out what he was doing, so he made so many demon sons. He resisted with a smile and replied: "When the factory director Ning and I were in Pujiang last time, they signed a cooperation intention with the Fukuoka Club. The Fukuoka Club promised that as long as the service life of the rotary blades produced by our plant can reach 1,000 acres, they will Purchase at least 1 million pieces.

Some time ago, we sent samples of rotary blades to the Fukuoka Co., Ltd., and the service life of the samples reached nearly 1,100 acres, which is similar to the quality of similar products of Rìben. Fukuoka Club intends to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with us. Mr. Kishida came to inspect the qualification of our factory. "

"Um, qualification, yes, this is very important. You talk about it, how do you need the county to cooperate with you?" Guo Ming asked.

Qin Hai thought for a while ~ ~ said: "It doesn't seem to need anything from the county. Kishida mainly comes to inspect our production equipment and technology. We have added some equipment to the Qingfeng factory some time ago, and also The old equipment has been technologically modified and has the ability to mass-produce high-quality rotary cultivating blades. Therefore, the county should not worry about qualification issues. "

"How can this be done? Now that the foreign guests are here, then we need to show our strongest strength, so that the foreign guests have confidence in us. So, Lao Ning, you can make a list and see what equipment needs to be added. County Coordinate with other companies here, temporarily transfer their equipment to your factory. Also, select outstanding workers from each factory to enrich your production line, so that our guests can see our technology "Guo Ming said in an overwhelming manner.

"It's waived." Ning Zhongying couldn't listen anymore. "Country Guo, this is a bit too labor-intensive and hurts people. Besides, the equipment of other companies will also be used, so move to us. What's going on? You can rest assured that we have full confidence in the equipment. We are an agricultural machinery factory. The necessary equipment is available and the level of workers is sufficient. "

"That's it ... All right." Guo Ming also found himself a little over-excited, and quickly disguised himself. "Let's just say, you go back and arrange, and the county will make arrangements. In short, we will Receiving foreign guests is done as one of the most important political tasks. "

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