Material Empire

Chapter 103: Kishida is a China Connect

The news that the Japanese were coming even reached the ears of Qin Hai's sister Qin Shan. Qin Shan, who had already entered Pingyuan No. 1 Middle School, returned home after class, and told my brother mysteriously that the teacher had conveyed the important notice in the county to them, and a foreign guest was coming to visit Pingyuan.

"What does it matter to you?" Qin Hai, who was eating, asked Qin Shan in surprise.

"Our teacher said that the county wants to choose someone to be a waiter and receive Japanese foreign guests. Many students in our class have signed up." Qin Shan said.

"Funny!" Qin Hai scolded, "You didn't sign up?"

"Isn't someone going to come back and discuss it with you?" Qin Shan lowered her head, twisting the corners of her clothes with her hands, and said softly. The subtext in that sentence clearly said that she also wanted to have such an opportunity.

"No!" Qin Hai did not hesitate to block his sister's thoughts. He knew what was happening with the waiters in the county. It was nothing more than serving as a service lady while banqueting Kishida. The reason for choosing a candidate in the county first middle school is definitely that the students in the first middle school are cultural and good-tempered. How can my sister do such a thing?

"Why!" Qin Shan's elder brother, who had thought that she was open-minded, would support her. The most unfortunate thing is to leave her alone and let her choose. Unexpectedly, as soon as he said something, his brother refused to leave it. This made Qin Shan feel disappointed and accompanied by strong dissatisfaction.

"You high school student, what are you doing to wait for this kind of thing? Besides, the reception is still Japanese, you do not know the Japanese ..." Qin Hai did not intend to continue the following words, some words are inappropriate for children, My sister is barely a child now.

"I just want to see what a foreign guest looks like and what a waiter is." Qin Shan pouted and protested.

Qin Haidao: "What's so good about foreign guests. Isn't it the same as us? Japanese people are nothing special except that they are shorter and more cumbersome, plus a bit of leggings."

"Of course you've seen it, it doesn't seem to matter, we all want to see it." Qin Shan said.

Qin Minghua sitting beside said: "Xiaohai, Xiaoshan wants to go and you agree to her. It ’s good to open your eyes. Our home is in Baihe Town. How can I meet foreign guests?"

"Dad, this foreign guest really has nothing to see. Besides, Kishida Bangfu was originally directed at me. If you want to see it, I will call him at home so that you can see enough." Qin Hai Helplessly said.

"You're bragging again!" Qin Shan said, "They are foreign guests, you think it's quiet. You ask him to come, and he will come?"

Qin Haidao: "What's the difficulty? The Japanese are actually very good at dealing with it. When I look back, I'll talk to him and ask him to come home for Chinese home-cooked meals. He will definitely come. Yes, Dad. Then I had another idea. I wanted to talk to Kishida Bunfu about special steel, but I really had to let him walk around the steel plant. "

"What are you talking about?" Qin Minghua took a serious attitude. He knows that sometimes his son jokes innocently, but it's reliable to speak in business. Now Qin Hai is so sure, maybe he really plans to invite the Japanese to his house.

Qin Haidao: "Kishida Bangfu came to Pingyuan because the quality of the rotary blade steel produced by the Qingfeng Factory exceeded their expectations. Fukuoka Co., Ltd. is an agricultural machinery agency and has connections with many Japanese agricultural machinery companies. I think they definitely have a demand for high-quality special steel, but the Qingfeng plant cannot meet their needs, and our steel mill can do it. From this point, our steel mill and the society of Fukuoka have a good Opportunity for cooperation. "

"Okay, I listen to you all." Qin Minghua said. "I'll arrange it these days for everyone to clean up. Since I want to invite foreign guests. How can I have a clean environment?"

"Brother, do you really want to invite foreign guests to our house? But, we have nothing in our house, how can we receive foreign guests? Also, can I be there on that day? Should I stay at school and not come back? What clothes should I wear if I return ... "

Qin Shan was intimidated by Qin Hai's arrangements. He chased behind Qin Hai and asked questions one after another. It was as solemn as if a head of state came to visit her at home.

In a tense atmosphere, Kishida finally arrived in Pingyuan. In fact, his trip to Pingyuan was also very frustrating. First, he contacted the Anhe Foreign Affairs Office to determine the time and schedule of the visit. Then, he came to Hongze at the appointed time, and the provincial foreign affairs office sent a car to send him to Pingyuan. The car he was riding was a Pusang car assembled with German accessories in Pujiang, with curtains hanging on the windows. On the way from Hongze to Pingyuan, the staff of the Foreign Affairs Office suggested him very politely, most Don't open the curtain ... It is said to respect the privacy of the people along the way.

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

Kishida Bangfu's car had just entered Pingyuan County. Elementary students who had been waiting on both sides of the street began to wave bouquets and screamed. This set of practices was learned from news documentaries. After repeated adjustments by teachers in several elementary schools in the county, the children performed very well.

The county party secretary Xia Qilong presided over the welcome ceremony to Kishida Bunfu outside the county party building. He said to Kishida Bunfu who had stepped off the car: "Mr. Kishida, I am the secretary of the Pingyuan County Party Committee Xia Qilong, and I represent Pingyuan County, one million people. Pingyuan, I hope your visit to Pingyuan will leave a good memory. "

A Japanese translator from the Science and Technology Bureau stepped forward, intending to translate Xia Qilong's words into Japanese and tell them to Kishida. Unexpectedly, Kishida Bangfu gave Xia Qilong a 90-degree bow, and then said it in Chinese with a little bit of babbling but accurate pronunciation: "Thank you Mr. Xia, thank you for welcoming my children on the road, and trouble for everyone, Please forgive me. "

"Mr. Kishida, can you speak Chinese?" Xia Qilong was surprised, and the prepared manuscript could not be taken care of, so he asked a vernacular directly.

"I used to work in China for three years. I love Chinese culture very much, so I learned some Chinese. I can't speak Chinese well, please forgive me," Kishita said.

"No, no, no, your Chinese is very good. Since that's the case, that's great, so there is no obstacle for everyone to communicate." Xia Qilong's expression of joy appeared on his face, but his heart was crying. Encountering such a "China Connect" made the reception even more difficult. It turned out that the Japanese didn't understand Chinese, and it didn't matter if the people around them said something wrong. Right now the other person speaks Chinese very well, and it is not easy to hide something from him.

Guo Ming and other county government officials also came to welcome Kishida Bunfu and asked with concern whether Kishida Bunfu had worked hard all the way, whether he needed to go to a hotel to rest, what kind of life needs, and so on.

"Sirs, I do n’t have any special needs. I came to Pingyuan mainly to inspect the Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory and exchange technical questions with colleagues in Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory. If you do n’t mind, I hope I can go to Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory as soon as possible to start my investigation. "Kishita Bunfu said.

"Don't be so nervous?" Guo Ming said subconsciously. The county made a lot of preparations to welcome Kishikata Kif. If the other party just turned around and left, wouldn't these preparations be done in vain?

Kishida Bunfu said: "Mr. Guo, thank you very much for everything you have done, but I came to Pingyuan mainly to inspect the Qingfeng Farm Machinery Plant, so I hope to have more time for my inspection, please take care of it . "

"Country Guo, foreign guests have such requirements, let's do it according to the opinions of foreign guests." The staff who accompanied the Kiantian Bangfu's Foreign Affairs Office spoke, and he was instructed to provide services to foreign guests. Without violating the rules, he must try to satisfy them.

"That being the case, then ... Mr. Ning, is there any arrangements on your side?" Guo Ming asked Ning Zhongying, who was standing aside.

"It's all arranged," Ning Zhongying replied.

"Then please ask Mr. Kishida to visit the Qingfeng factory. By the way, the factory director, Mr. Kishida, who will accompany the reconciliation after arriving at the Qingfeng factory?" Guo Ming asked.

Ning Zhongying pointed her finger at Qin Hai and said, "We intend to make Xiao Qin responsible."

"Xiao Qin ..." Guo Ming frowned slightly, and he lowered his voice to Ning Zhongying: "Director Ning, is it appropriate for Xiao Qin to be responsible for such a major foreign affairs event? I am worried that he is too young to speak There is no one on the door. In case something inappropriate is said, it will be a serious international influence. "

Ning Zhongying shook his hands and said, "Mao Guo, we can't help it. I don't know much about production technology. Our plant manager and chief Leng Ke know a little, but I heard that I want to talk to foreign guests. Introduce, they all have legs and stomach twitches, and dare not come forward. Our factory, Xiao Qin, is a stupid and bold man. If he is not to be held responsible, who can he find? "

"It's troublesome ..." Guo Ming stomped angrily ~ ~ I just didn't tell you about this, you have made such a big danger. No, no, you must find a more politically reliable person to accompany the foreign guests. If you can't find anyone, you can get it from the county. "

Ning Zhongying said: "Country Guo, can the people you draw from the county make clear our technical problems?"

"That's better than making mistakes," Guo Ming said angrily. "Otherwise, you Lao Ning will accompany you personally. I can trust your political awareness."

At this time, Kishida Bangfu came over and said to Guo Ming, "Mr. Guo, this time I came to Pingyuan. I very much hope to see the young man who talked with our Nakamura Jun last time. Can you arrange for him to comment during my inspection? "

"Young man ..." Guo Ming said for a moment, but he couldn't remember who Kishita Kunifu was talking about. In fact, Guo Ming had heard about Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai communicating with Nakamura Jun, but it was a little confused at this moment.

"There is no other way, this is the foreign guests calling to see Qin Hai, County Chief, what do you think?" Ning Zhongying asked gleefully.

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