Material Empire

Chapter 104: Indiscriminate

Kishida Bangfu named Qin Hai as a commentary, and Guo Ming had nothing to say.レ; 思 ♥ Luo Keke lei always followed Qin Hai, who was silent after Ning Zhongying, came to Kyoda Kunifu, nodded slightly to him, and said in rì: "Mr. Kishida, you Are you looking for me? "

"Is this you Mr. Qin?" Kishida Bangfu asked.

"I am Qin Hai." Qin Hai replied.

"Sure enough, he is an extraordinary young man," Kishida said with emotion.

Kishida Bangfu came this way, from the province to the county, he saw nothing but two types of people: the first kind was very enthusiastic about him, respectfully, and his waist was more powerful than his own rì; the second type was heart Fearful, afraid to talk to him, for fear of saying something wrong is shame. But this Qin Hai is different from these two types of people. His attitude was not humble, but he was polite but did not lose his dignity. He did not regard Kishida as a foreign guest at all, but only as peaceful as an ordinary partner.

Kishida Bunfu remembered what Nakamura described to Qin Hai as he described it, and corroborated it with the Qin Hai he saw in front of him, which strengthened one of his previous speculations: Qin Hai is a very capable Chinese young man and can be used as Collaborators or allies.

"Mr. Kishida passed the prize. I heard that Mr. Kishida made a special trip to inspect the production conditions of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory. If you are not particularly tired, we can now go to Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory. What does Mr. Kishida think?" Qin Hai suggested .

In Qin Hai's heart, he didn't think that Kishida had any great things. He knew many friends in the previous life, and even took a few scholars to the farmhouse in the Taihang Mountains to eat dog meat feasts and the old people of the farmhouse Talk about anti-rì past together. He is neither charming nor hateful, so in the presence of a guest like Kishi Kunifu, he has no sense of discomfort at all.

"Very well, if Mr. Qin is convenient, I hope to be able to go to Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory now." Kishida Bunfu agreed, and he couldn't stand the red tape of Guo Ming and others.

The foreign guests said that they were going to the agricultural machinery factory, and the officials naturally dared not object. After another messy and tossing, Kishikata finally got into a jeep driven by Qin Hai and was accompanied by a staff member of the surname Liu of Ning Zhongying and the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office to the agricultural machinery factory.

On the issue of taking the bus, Guo Ming and Liu's Foreign Affairs Office staff were quite tangled. They originally hoped that Kishida Bangfu could take the Pusang sedan sent by the Foreign Affairs Office. Who knew that Kishida Bangfu insisted on riding a Jeep in Qinhai, and even a few officials had no choice. Taking advantage of Kishida Bangfu's attention, Guo Ming glared at Qin Hai fiercely, annoyed why he had to open a jeep to the county zhèngfǔ to show.

"This is our foundry, and the steel we use to produce the blades is smelted by this workshop. This is the medium frequency electric furnace we use to smelt manganese steel ..."

When he came to the Qingfeng factory, Qin Hai didn't talk too much with Kishikata, and led him directly to the workshop, and began to introduce him to the production conditions of the Qingfeng factory in detail. .

"This type of electric furnace is no longer visible in Rì," said Kishida Bunfu. "Mr. Qin, IMHO, the technology of this electric furnace is only equivalent to the level of Rì in the mid-1960s."

Qin Hai laughed: "In fact, this electric furnace was indeed set up by our factory in the late 1960s. However, we have recently carried out technical transformation on this electric furnace, improved temperature measurement, oxygen blowing and other parts. The smelted steel is completely Able to meet the process requirements. "

"Amazing. To be able to meet such high process requirements with simple equipment, we need very sophisticated process design and extremely good workers. I believe that both of your expensive factories already have them." Kishida Bangfu said. He is an expert and knows all kinds of doorways in industrial production. After seeing such a scene and listening to Qin Hai's explanation, he knows that Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory is indeed an expert who can produce blades similar to those produced by rì. Comparable products are not surprising.

Qin Haidao: "We also learned your country's experience in quality management, which has played an important role in improving our product quality. In this regard, your country is our teacher."

"In fact, we rì can gain some experience in quality management, also benefited from Mr. Deming's guidance." Kishida Bangfu said.

Both of them are technical masters. They talked while walking. They didn't need much nonsense, they already passed out the information they needed to communicate. The little Liu Ning Zhongying and the Foreign Affairs Office followed behind them, listening to them talking, but couldn't get in. Especially that little Liu couldn't understand what they were saying at all, but was anxious but couldn't help it.

"Director Ning, Deming, Mr. Kishida, is an engineer in your factory?" Xiao Liu whispered to Ning Zhongying.

"Looks like a foreigner ..." Ning Zhongying said unsurely. At the time of comprehensive promotion of quality management experience in China, Ning Zhongying was in a period of retreat from the second line, so he was not familiar with the concepts in quality management and naturally did not know who Deming was. However, he knew that this man must not be Chinese.

"Comrade Qin Hai said nothing to the guests, did he?" Liu asked again.

Ning Zhongying said: "There is no leak. The contents introduced by Xiao Qin have been carefully reviewed by our factory affairs. What can be said and what cannot be said. Xiao Qin is very decent. Comrade Xiao Liu can rest assured."

"Well, I knew this before, so I should find someone who knows technology to come and accompany the foreign guests. I don't understand your business at all ..." Xiao Liu said with a sigh.

During the talk, Qin Hai had taken Kishida Bangfu to visit the foundry and metalworking workshop and came to the temporary heat treatment workshop.

Like the materials laboratory previously established, the heat treatment workshop is now only a shed. Next to the shed, the foundation of the new workshop has been dug and cement is being poured. Due to the lack of construction machinery, all construction work is done manually by construction workers, so the progress is slow. To build this single-storey factory building, it takes at least six months.

"Rì was the same from the 30th to the 40th year of the Showa era," Kishikata said to Qin Hai with deep feeling. "China looks relatively backward now, but I am very confident in you."

"Thank you for your encouragement," said Qin Hai politely.

"Excuse me, can I visit this workshop?" Kishida pointed to the shed and asked.

Qin Haidao: "Yes, but there is one thing that needs to be explained. Our heat treatment workshop still has other businesses to do, so Mr. Kishida can only visit some of the equipment, and the rest of the place is temporarily confidential."

"Understandable, understandable." Kishida Bangfu said.

A group of people walked into the shed and came to the high-frequency electric furnace that was doing surfacing for the rotary blade. The improved jig kept feeding the blades into the furnace, and after tens of seconds of processing, the blades were clamped out and sent to the finished car on the side. Kishida Bangfu stepped forward, did not know where to pull out a magnifying glass, carefully looked at the blade just out of the oven for a long time, then nodded and praised: "Very good, the welding layer is uniform, almost no defects."

"We have also improved the formulation of the solder, so the quality of the surfacing is also very stable. I think Mr. Kishida can see from the samples we sent," Qin Hai explained.

Kishikata looked at both sides, then took a few steps forward, pointed to an open box, and asked, "Is this the solder you use?"

Qin Hai nodded and said, "Yes, this is the surfacing solder we use."

Kishida Bangfu took a pair of white gloves from his arms and put them on. Then he reached out and twisted a handful of solder. He looked at them and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be reduced iron powder, containing chromium alloy and Flux, the powder particles are very fine and very uniform. This surfacing process mainly uses self-fluxing alloys, and your country has a little lag in the research of self-fluxing alloy powders. Using flux is also a better choice. "

"Mr. Kishida is indeed an expert." Qin Hai praised and said, he turned his head to look at the left and right, seeing the flaw detector worker Wang Xiaochen next to him, and then reached out and greeted, "Xiao Chen, come over here."

"Xiao Qin, is there something wrong?" Wang Xiaochen stepped forward. She was actually the same as other workers. She came to watch the foreign guests for excuses and was called by Qin Hai. She couldn't help feeling a little nervous when she saw Mr. Kishida standing beside her.

Qin Hai pointed to the solder-stained gloves of Kishida Bunfu's hand, and said, "Mr. Kishida's gloves are dirty. Go and find a pair of gloves for Mr. Kishida to change."

"Okay." Wang Xiaochen agreed, turning around and leaving.

"Oh, don't bother this girl." Kishikata hurriedly stopped ~ ~ This is a pair of working gloves, it doesn't matter if they are dirty. "

Qin Hai looked at Kishida and said with a smile: "Mr. Kishida, I think it is better to change a pair of gloves. If Mr. Kishida is particularly fond of these gloves, we can wash them for you and return them to you. "

"This ..." Kishida Bangfu's face turned red, which was his embarrassing **** when he was pierced.

Xiao Liu behind him saw that something was wrong, and he rushed to the front with a short step, staring angrily at Qin Hai: "Comrade Qin Hai, what do you mean?"

Qin Hai smiled and said, "Comrade Xiao Liu, what am I doing wrong?"

Xiao Liu took a moment to find out that he could not find a reason to condemn Qin Hai, so he turned his head and said to Kishida Bunfu, "Mr. Kishida, is there anything inappropriate about what Mr. Qin told you just now?"

"This ... No, Mr. Qin is completely out of concern for me. My gloves are really dirty. If Mr. Qin is willing to change a pair of gloves for me, I am very grateful." Kishita said, putting himself He took off his gloves and handed them to Qin Hai. (To be continued.)

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