Material Empire

Chapter 150: This wind is not open

"There is a black hand behind this."

Ning Zhongying was silent for a long time and slowly spit out such a sentence.

Guo Ming shook his head, then waved his hand and said, "Lao Ning, the matter of black hands and black hands cannot be investigated now. Let's consider how to solve this problem as well. I would like to ask, is there any way for Qingfeng Factory Make some profits, calm down the grievances of the various factories, and create a relaxed environment for the scene. As for other things, we will slowly study after the scene is over. "

Guo Ming's remarks were equivalent to admitting Ning Zhongying's judgment, and implying to Ning Zhongying that he already knew where the black hand was. It's just that the biggest thing now is the on-site meeting. Before the on-site meeting, what black hands are being pursued with great fanfare, even if it can be found out?

Ning Zhongying said: "Country Guo, of course, there is room for this profit. But I don't think the wind can be opened. If others can find an opportunity, they can slap us, and we have to give in to take care of the overall situation In the future, people will become more profitable, thinking that we are bullying.

My attitude is that it is OK to talk about the price of collaboration, but it must be done on equal terms between the two parties. If they thought we could give in to us by holding our handles, then I would let them know that I am not a bully. "

"Lao Ning, calm down!" Guo Ming shouted. Can he not understand Ning Zhongying's temper? This is the stronger master of Yu Qiang. So many companies joined forces to force the palace, which just aroused Ning Zhongying's fighting spirit. It is too difficult for him to step back. .

"Lao Ning, this is not a casual opportunity. You have to know that there will be leaders from the ministry and the province to come to the meeting. This type of meeting, let alone our Pingyuan County, is the entire Beixi area. Back? If something unpleasant happens at the venue because the relationship is not well coordinated, it will lose our entire Beixi area, and even Mayor Chai will be affected. "Guo Ming bitterly advised.

Ning Zhongying said: "I will report to Mayor Chai. However, the current situation is to first understand what the attitude of each factory is, and there is no room for discussion. We can't just hear a few Sentences are confusing, right? "

"This is also true." Guo Mingdao, "So, Lao Ning, you should first understand the situation. I will also express the attitude of the county to you: first, you must ensure the success of the meeting; second, Qing Feng The county will consider the losses suffered by the factory in this matter. Third, the county still supports you Lao Ning. "

"Thank you County Chief, I'll go back first." Ning Zhongying nodded to Guo Ming and Pan Shengjie, then pulled the door and left.

Watching Ning Zhongying leave, Pan Shengjie whispered to Guo Ming and asked, "Country Guo, Lao Ning said there is a black hand behind this incident. How do you feel?"

Guo Ming said with a somber face, "Isn't this something obvious? Wait for this thing to pass and see how I can clean up these two guys who are eating and eating!"

Ning Zhongying didn't know that Guo Ming and Pan Shengjie were sharpening Wei Baolin's master and servant. He got in the car and returned to Qingfeng Factory, and immediately called Xiang Jiyong, Xiao Dongping and Qin Hai, and informed them Guo Ming heard the news there.

"How is this possible?" Xiang Jiyong exclaimed with eyes widened. "I called them the other day, and they still promised, their attitude was very good. Why did it change in two days?"

"You're embarrassed to say!" Ning Zhongying reprimanded, "Let you be in charge of contacting the cooperative enterprise. That's how you contact? What do they have to ask and what are you going to do? You have no idea. We have to wait for such a big thing I heard the news in the county and I realized, what is this? "

"I ... I!" Xiang Jiyong gaped for a while, and finally made a swearing, turned around and ran to the phone on Ning Zhongying's desk.

"What are you doing?" Ning Zhongying asked.

"I called Wei Rongping and asked him what was going on!" Xiang Jiyong said angrily.

"Let it go!" Ning Zhongying ordered, thinking for a moment. He stood up, walked to Xiang Jiyong, took the phone from Xiang Jiyong, and said, "Let me call."

The call was quickly connected, and the other party who answered the call was Wei Rongping. Upon hearing the voice of Ning Zhongying from the microphone, Wei Rongping was a little flustered, but then calmed down.

"It's Lao Ning, ha ha ha, why did you call me when you were free?" Wei Rongping laughed, as if nothing had happened.

"Lao Wei, I think you can't do it?" Ning Zhongying also played haha, and the enthusiasm caused the next Qin Hai and others to fight a chill.

Two of you, I said some nonsense nonsense one by one, and eventually Ning Zhongying put the words back to the topic: "Yes, Lao Wei, there is a little thing, I want to ask you about it. I heard a little news "Some of your companies are not very satisfied with the cooperation price provided by Qingfeng Factory, and plan to raise it with the leaders of the ministry during the on-site meeting. Is this not true?"

"Well, this ... uh, Lao Ning, listen to me and explain it." Since Wei Rongping was going to do it, he was naturally ready to cope with Ning Zhongying's question. He pretended to be in a dilemma and said: " Lao Ning, regarding the price of collaboration, some comrades in our factory have always had some opinions.

This time, your Xiangchang director informed us to attend the on-site meeting. Of course, we intend to cooperate actively. However, some comrades have suggested that since it is an on-site meeting, the exchange of experience is certainly important, and the existing problems can also be mentioned. As for whether the Qingfeng factory can solve it, it depends on how you think about this problem, does it? "

Wei Rongping suddenly put his blame on the "some comrades" who had no need. Ning Zhongying naturally could not have attacked Wei Rongping. He sneered and asked: "Lao Wei, I want to inquire again, If we do n’t accept your request, what are you going to do? Are you out of collaboration? ”

"This is impossible." Wei Rongping said affirmatively, without waiting for Ning Zhongying to breathe out, Wei Rongping immediately added: "However, the profit left by the Qingfeng factory for us is too low. We all ca n’t afford the money to update the equipment. Some production equipment has already failed. Maybe it will affect production. I am anxious about this now. "

"That's it." Ning Zhongying replied lightly and hung up the phone.

"They are two steps. The first step is to ask for a price increase. If we don't agree, they will go to the second step, which is probably a collective strike." Ning Zhongying simply explained to his subordinates the situation they were facing.

Just by asking, the odds of success for these collaborative factories are not great. After all, the two parties had an agreement first. Both the black and white letters have signed an agreement. Whether the Qingfeng plant agrees to increase the price is the Qingfeng plant. The cooperative plant has opinions. The leaders participating in the on-site meeting may or may not support it. The cooperative plant does not have the certainty to win.

However, on the basis of requesting, and then threatening to stop supplying under various pretexts, the surname will be different. The production of Pusang Automobile requires the supply of spare parts every day. The spare parts provided by Beixi have become a stable source. If it is suddenly interrupted, it will affect the production of Pusang Automobile. In this way, the Localization Office will not be able to sit idly by and ignore it. .

"Good insidious thought!" Xiao Dongping whispered, "If our production of Pusang automobile is affected because of our reasons, then our crimes will be large enough, I'm afraid the Mayor Chai can't hold us back?"

"It's really troublesome. If they do this, we can't pick out what is wrong with them. The ultimate responsibility must be borne by us. To be honest, we really can't afford this responsibility." Xiang Jiyong muttered gloomily.

"Xiao Qin, what's your opinion?" What Ning Zhongying hoped to hear at this time was Qin Hai's opinion, but Qin Hai kept saying nothing, which made Ning Zhongying very dissatisfied and couldn't help speaking. Asked.

Qin Haidao: "I was wondering just now. Are there any mistakes in this matter?"

"Of course it is true." Xiang Jiyong said, "Although most of the profits in the production of parts belong to our Qingfeng factory, their factories are not in vain. We have paid so much energy to engage in technology development, how do they Don't say? We both have an agreement, and now they are doing this, they are violating the agreement. "

Qin Hai nodded and said, "That's right. Since we are not wrong, why should we be afraid?"

"Because ... this will cause bad influence after all." Xiao Dongping hesitated and replied.

Qin Haidao: "When the factory director Ning came back ~ ~ when he said that the county was worried about the adverse effects, because leaders from both the ministry and the province came to the meeting. I think these leaders are also wise People will not see who is making trouble for no reason. Since we are doing nothing wrong, we should stick to it. "

"What if they really interrupt the supply? Pusang automobile production is affected, which is a big deal." Xiang Jiyong said.

Qin Haidao: "It's very simple. We have a supply agreement with Pujiang Automobile Factory. We will compensate you for the damage caused by the supply problem. This is the principle of the market economy. And these cooperative companies interrupt the supply to us. Goods, also caused our losses, then let them compensate. Whoever does the wrong thing, who is responsible, this principle, the leaders in the ministry and the province should understand? "

"But ..." Xiang Jiyong and Xiao Dongping were silent. Although they thought Qin Hai was too simple, they could not find anything to refute. The Qingfeng Factory has no responsibility in this matter, and they are not convinced to let the Qingfeng Factory compromise.

"Xiao Qin makes sense," Ning Zhongying groaned. "Xiang Jiyong, find someone to find out the agreement with the Pujiang Automobile Factory at once, and see what responsibility we have to bear." (To be continued. )

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