Material Empire

Chapter 151: Yang Xinyu is here

No matter Guo Ming and Ning Zhongying, their thinking is still at the stage of "political command". In the face of political pressure, all rules must give way. Qin Hai is the posterity of the later generations, and he believes in the supremacy of the system that can be followed by the law and must follow the law. Therefore, the first thing he thinks about the forced behavior of various companies is not the political impact it will cause. It is who should bear this responsibility.

In the next few days, Qingfeng Factory, Pingyuan County, Beixi Municipal Axe, etc. all entered a state of high-speed operation.

In addition to continuing to prepare for the on-site meeting, the Qingfeng Factory also actively increased communication with the cooperative factories to explore their bottom line. The cooperative factories have already established offensive and defensive alliances, and they are counting on this opportunity to seek more benefits for themselves, so the answer to the Qingfeng factory is also unified, that is: first, dissatisfaction with the price; second, obey the overall situation , Will not destroy the harmony of the on-site meeting; third, because of objective reasons, the supply will have to be interrupted or reduced in the future.

It is impossible for Guo Ming and Ning Zhongying to report to Beixi Municipal Axe on such a big event. After fully listening to Ning Zhongying's opinions, Chai Peide resolutely made a decision, which is to stand on the side of Ning Zhongying and support The serious surname of the agreement. He arranged for the leaders of the municipal economic commission and the industrial bureaus to call and work with their subordinate enterprises, and asked them to abandon their plans to attack the Qingfeng factory. However, the answers from various companies are also very reasonable: the palms of the hands are all meat, why does the city only put pressure on us and not put pressure on the Qingfeng factory?

Time hurried through incessantly. The day before the on-site meeting, the city was still unable to do the work of various enterprises, and the Qingfeng factory also bite and resolutely refused to accept the alliance under the city. At this time, Guo Ming had no other choice but to wait for a possible storm.

"Director Yang, this is Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory."

A small car drove lightly into the factory area of ​​Qingfeng Factory. From the car, Yang Xinyu, deputy director of Pusang Localization Office and secretary Lu Xiaolin, accompanied them by Guo Ming and Pan Shengjie. Yang Xinyu and his entourage flew from Pujiang to Hongze the day before, and then arrived by car from Hongze to Pingyuan. They declined the hospitality of Pingyuan County Axe and requested to visit and inspect the Qingfeng Factory immediately.

Ning Zhongying and his subordinates were already waiting in front of the small building of the factory and saw Yang Xinyu get off the car. He stepped forward and shook hands with Yang Xinyu and greeted him, "Director Yang, it's been hard all the way."

"Director Ning, let's meet again. In the past six months, the assistance you Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory has given us is too great. I have always wanted to take the time to thank the director of Ning for the technical research. Comrades, we have no choice but to go until today. "Yang Xinyu said warmly.

"This is what we should do. We also want to thank the Localization Office for giving us such trust." Ning Zhongying replied, and then began to introduce Yang Xinyu's leaders and cadres to the factory, as well as the Anhe Institute of Technology in the factory. Here are professors who help with technical problems.

"You are Professor Li Linguang? Jiu Yang Jiu Yang." When Ning Zhongying introduced Li Linguang, Yang Xinyu's eyes brightened, he replaced one hand with two hands, and held tightly with Li Linguang, the expression of admiration was beyond words. .

Rao is free and easy with the surname of Li Linguangsheng, and was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of Yang Xinyu, saying repeatedly: "Director Yang is very polite, I'm just an ordinary scientific researcher."

Yang Xinyu shook his head: "Professor Li, I have seen the papers you published in several magazines such as" Automotive Industry "and" Metallurgical ", all of which are about the localization process of our parts. Several experts here And German experts have stated that the level of these papers is very high. German personnel even believe that China has excellent scholars such as Professor Li, and it is entirely possible to solve all localization issues of Pusang Automobile within ten years. "

"In fact, this is not my own credit. Many key ideas are contributed by Xiao Qin. When the paper was signed, he insisted on signing it behind, so that this old man took advantage of the young man." Li Lin Guanghong explained with a blush.

Of course, Yang Xinyu knew who the "little Qin" Li Linguang said was. He glanced up and saw Qin Hai standing behind the crowd. He grinned and said, "Comrade Qin Hai, don't stand behind Now, you are one of the main contributors to this localization work. The leaders in the ministry said that they would see you by name and surname. "

"Actually, I didn't really do anything." Qin Hai pretended to be sloppy, walked forward, shook hands with Yang Xinyu, and nodded and smiled at Lu Xiaolin next to Yang Xinyu, in exchange for Lu Xiaolin Crickety eyes.

After greeting each other, in accordance with Yang Xinyu's request, Ning Zhongying began to accompany him to visit the production workshop and laboratory of Qingfeng Factory. In the past six months, the Qingfeng factory has newly built two workshops dedicated to heat treatment, and the material laboratory originally built in the shed has also moved into the newly built two-story building. In each workshop, Yang Xinyu and his team not only saw brand-new machinery and equipment, but also saw the various crafts and equipments manufactured by the Qingfeng Factory simply because of their neglect. When he walked into the material laboratory, the well-informed Yang Xinyu was stunned.

"This is your material laboratory? How do I feel that the Mechanical and Electrical Research Institute in the ministry does not have your generosity!" Yang Xinyu exclaimed with a little exaggeration.

The overall scale of the Qingfeng Plant's laboratory is certainly not comparable to the Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Research, but in a specific laboratory, it seems that it is much more ambitious, because most of the experimental equipment is The newly purchased, whether it is the appearance of the appearance, or the technical level, exceeds the mechanical and electrical research institute with extremely scarce research funding.

"No way, the core technical problems of the accessories we undertake are all focused on material technology. How can we solve these technical problems without a decent material laboratory? To build this laboratory can be exhausting. We The factory almost smashed the pot to sell iron, so it came up with the money to buy these equipment. "Ning Zhongying was crying bitterly, but her face was full of pride. Not to mention that his words still have water, even if it is true, other companies do not even have the capital to sell iron. Why is he not proud?

Li Linguang added: "The leadership of Qingfeng Factory is indeed very insightful and ambitious, and it does not hesitate to invest in scientific research. Without such strong support, even if we researchers are working hard, we ca n’t take Those results. "

Yang Xinyu said to Ning Zhongying with a smile: "Director Ning, I have one more word as an outsider, Professor Li has contributed wisdom to this project, and you should pay them due remuneration according to their contributions. Now the society says Those who engage in missiles are better off selling tea and eggs, and you cannot let those who engage in materials be inferior to those who sell wood. "

"No, no." Li Linguang hurriedly replied, "Director Ning took great care of us and paid us ... Well, we are all blushing out of it, sorry to take it. For the past six months, we The teachers in the teaching and research room have used these experimental equipment to produce a lot of high-level results. In this sense, we should pay the director of Ning the experimental fee. "

"Haha, that's the way it is." Yang Xinyu smiled brightly and said, "It's good, combining production and scientific research. This is what we have always advocated. At this on-site meeting, you will also do this. An experience introduction to promote across the country. "

After visiting this circle, Yang Xinyu was very satisfied. He knew that these hardware conditions at the Qingfeng Factory were enough to surprise the leaders in the ministry. Previously, since the localization office handed over the production of 37 parts to an agricultural machinery factory, some officials in the ministry muttered in the back, because in their impression, the agricultural machinery factory was just a group of old blacksmiths wearing leather apron It's just making farm tools with a hammer. At a glance, the technical equipment of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory is not inferior to some of the backbone machinery factories in Pujiang, which is enough to make those who mumbled shut up?

Leaving the workshop, a group of people came to the conference room of the factory. Yang Xinyu sat on the main seat and began to hear reports from Pingyuan County and Qingfeng Factory on the preparations for the on-site meeting.

"... The above is the meeting process we have prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Localization Office. The relevant details are in these documents. Director Yang and Secretary Lu can look through it. Regarding this on-site meeting, what other requirements does Director Yang have? Please indicate. "Guo Ming read the report materials prepared by Qingfeng Factory again, and respectfully asked Yang Xinyu for instructions.

Yang Xinyu took a look at the content of the report that he had just recorded, and nodded, saying: "You have been well thought out and well prepared. In general, I have no opinion. But ..."

His "but ~ ~ Guo Ming's hairs have been erected, and after preparing for so long, what he is most afraid to hear is this" but ".

Yang Xinyu deliberately sank, then said with a smile: "However, from the situation you reported, Pingyuan County invested a lot in this on-site meeting, which is not in line with the principle of economy."

Nima! Guo Ming almost jumped and scolded his mother. You have to praise me. I am very happy, but do n’t you play this kind of word game that suppresses first and then pops up? The chief officer made a joke, and the young officer was three liters perspiration. You are also a department-level cadre, so he would not bully us like this!

"Director Yang was right in criticizing us. We did waste some extravagance in preparation, and we must make positive corrections in the future." Guo Ming humbled his face and sincerely made self-criticism to Yang Xinyu.

Yang Xinyu had a joke before, and he did not continue to entangle. He re-examined the process of the venue, and then said solemnly: "What I just said was a joke, but there is another requirement, you see if it can be satisfied. In this on-site meeting, don't just form a commendation and praise meeting, in addition to experience In addition, what lessons or problems are involved should also be fully reflected. Do you think this is feasible? "(To be continued.)

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