Material Empire

Chapter 158: Auction Agency

Chen Hongcheng's mind was a little dizzy. He didn't expect Qin Hai to have such a big face, and Yang Xinyu would be able to meet him with a few words. Previously, Su Yabo had told him that Qin Hai was, at best, a young worker with a more flexible mind, and that he was staying in a guest house for 2 cents a day on business. Chen Hongcheng came to Pingyuan this time to contact Qin Hai just to add another eyeliner in the local area. Who would have imagined that he had found a god-man with eyes and hands.

Chen Hongcheng didn't know, so Qin Hai was able to take him with such carelessness to see Yang Xinyu, not because he was petting and proud, but that Yang Xinyu was expected to be interested in Chen Hongcheng. Qin Hai's ability to talk with officials who are much higher than himself on various occasions stems from his accurate judgment of the situation. He can know what the officials are asking for, and then propose a solution in a timely manner, so that the officials naturally favor him.

For the moment, the state has introduced Pusang Automobile and vigorously promoted localization. The idea of ​​drunkards is not only in Pusang Automobile itself, but it is hoped that through such a project, the overall level of domestic cars will be promoted. Others don't realize this, Yang Xinyu must know it. Chen Hongcheng intends to purchase the spare parts of Pusang Automobile and sell it to other domestic automobile manufacturers. This incident itself helped Yang Xinyu. How could Yang Xinyu not want to meet Chen Hongcheng?

Sure enough, Qin Hai met with Yang Xinyu, so he said that Yang Xinyu and Chai Peide aside were interested, and immediately asked Chen Hongcheng to go to the conference room to discuss in detail.

Hearing the words of Yang Xinyu, Chen Hongcheng came to the spirit. He said his intentions in 151 and expressed his willingness to be the agent of Beixi Auto Parts Base to help Beixi City sell auto parts to all parts of the country.

"Mayor Chai, President Chen wants to be our national general agent for Beixi Auto Parts. With the help of President Chen, our auto parts production in Beixi can leap to a new level. This is a great thing." Qin Hai looked eager. Speak to Chai Peide.

"General Manager Chen intends to help us sell auto parts. We are very grateful. However, these days, I have come to the city to talk about auto parts agency companies. There are also so many. The opinion in the city is, who is this agency right? , Still need to think about it. "Chai Peide said in a reserved tone.

Ning Zhongying echoed: "Yeah, there are several batches of people who came to our Qingfeng factory to talk about cooperation. Some people still hold the leader's note, which makes us really awkward."

"Is there such a thing?" Yang Xinyu sank his face, "What are the leaders' rules? The central government has repeatedly asked that we must act in accordance with economic laws and not engage in the will of the chief. Director Ning. You remember, no matter who the rules are, you Don't bother. Economic matters must be solved by economic means. "

"What is this economic means?" Ning Zhongying sincerely asked for advice.

Yang Xinyu thought about it. Said: "Since everyone wants the agency right, it means that the agency right is valuable. When we went abroad, we learned that the solution for foreign companies to solve this problem is to engage in the auction of agency rights. Then, the one with the highest price wins. "

"Auction? This is a bit new, like President Chen. It was here to help us recommend products. It seems inappropriate to collect money from them, right?" Chai Peide did not seem to support Yang Xinyu's point of view.

"No, no, Mayor Chai, I think we can accept this auction." Chen Hongcheng hurried to take over.

The party receiving the money felt that it was not appropriate, but the party sending the money insisted that it was reasonable. This is really strange. In fact, this is not Chen Hongcheng's inferiority, but to send money to Beixi City, but to take advantage of the two evils, which he thinks is the way of auction agency. It is precisely the most advantageous for his shallow company.

Chen Hongcheng came out of the system to run a company. There are some relationships within the system. Compared with those mud-legged farmers and entrepreneurs, his foundation is indeed much deeper. But the problem is that they are not the only ones who engage in trading companies these days. Those officials who have been sent to the sea from the central ministries and commissions, as well as the second generation who have the protection of their parents and grandparents, have their roots several times or even dozens of times deeper than his Chen Hongcheng . To compete with these people in online relationships, Chen Hongcheng has no chance of winning.

Ning Zhongying's words are very clear. Many people have written notes, which is obviously from the relationship above. If the power of agency is assigned based on the strength of the background, I am afraid that Chen Hongcheng will not be able to pick up a slag. Similar to this, Chen Hongcheng has encountered many times in the past. He obviously talked about the project for a long time and can eat it immediately. As a result, someone came up and handed in a note, and Chen Hongcheng's early efforts were wasted.

At present, Yang Xinyu has proposed a scheme for auction agency rights. No matter who has the power, he will always decide the outcome of the auction by willingly paying the agency fee. Chen Hongcheng wondered, his company's ability to control costs is still good, and he is also a person who can tolerate hardships, not as luxurious as others, so if the auction is adopted, those second generations may avoid it. His hope of getting the agency right can increase a few points.

Based on such considerations, Chen Hongcheng naturally chose to support the auction agency right. The agency profits of auto parts are very generous. It is better to give part of it to Beixi City or Qingfeng Factory. Making less is better than making no worse, right?

Besides, if the agency right comes from the auction, the future maintenance costs will also be greatly reduced, as long as the money is paid on time, there is not much trouble. On the other hand, if you rely on the relationship to obtain agency rights, the cost of maintaining the network will not be low, and in addition to spending money, you will have to accompany food and drink to accompany it. A huge investment.

Hearing Chen Hongcheng's position, Yang Xinyu and others exchanged a look and then smoked and drank tea to suppress their inner smile. Everyone is thinking the same sentence: Qin Hai, this kid is really too bad!

It turned out that Yang Xinyu, Chai Peide, Ning Zhongying, and other contritions all came from the director of Qin Hai. Originally, when Qin Hai told them about Chen Hongcheng's intentions, they were overjoyed, and they wished to immediately offer the agency right, and then gave Chen Hongcheng a five-good youth title. You know, it's too difficult for companies to sell something now. Isn't it a great thing for someone to come to help sell?

But Qin Hai stopped them and threw out such a sloppy idea of ​​auction agency. According to Qin Hai's analysis, China's auto industry will steadily grow in the future, and high-quality auto parts will be in short supply for a long time. Therefore, Chen Hongcheng went to Beixi hard to fight for the right of agency, and he saw the benefits. Since it is such a big piece of fat, why can't Beixi City cut a piece from it?

Several leaders were also born of old foxes, and Qin Hai said with a miracle, several people knew immediately what to do. Tight-selling products are not the same as slow-moving ones. Now that auto parts are tight-selling products, don't take the opportunity to blackmail Chen Hongcheng, can you justify your decades of rich experience?

Then there was Yang Xinyu's enthusiasm, Chai Peide's embarrassment, and Ning Zhongying's seemingly unintentional leak of the secret. All these words were to bury Chen Hongcheng in a pit. Practice has shown that Chen Hongcheng has no defense against such traps and voluntarily jumped into the pit.

"Now that President Chen thinks this idea is feasible, please ask President Chen to draw up an agency plan as soon as possible. The national agency power relationship is too large, and President Chen may not be able to eat it for a while. Otherwise, you should first follow the agency power in East China. Go design. If everyone cooperates happily in the future, you can continue to expand the scope of agency. "Yang Xinyu suggested gently.

"It's all right." Chen Hongcheng promised, his current ability is really limited to being able to win a large area. If there is no such thing as auction, of course, he will be happy to collect all the agency rights in the country, and then slowly digest it. But now that he has an agency fee, he can't do it. The agency fee for the whole country and the agency fee for East China are obviously not an order of magnitude.

"The mayor of Chai, the factory director Ning, you also said this to those companies that came to you. If you are willing to pay the agency fee, you are allowed to participate in the bid. Accepted. Now it is not only your Beixi city enterprises but also some other local enterprises that do localization of parts for Pusang Automobile. Our localization office will greet them one by one, and we will do the same. "Yang Xinyu said.

"Okay ~ ~ We will do it according to Director Yang's opinion." Chai Peide nodded and said, and he said to Chen Hongcheng: "General Manager, after your company has prepared the plan, send it to Beijing as soon as possible. Xi, just contact me directly. However, there is one thing right now. I want to ask Mr. Chen to help me. I wonder what Mr. Chen wants to do? "

Chai Peide is the deputy mayor in charge of industry in Beixi City. Whether Chen Hongcheng can get the agency right depends largely on Chai Peide's likes and dislikes. Hearing Chai Peide asking for help, where Chen Hongcheng has other options, he said without hesitation: "Mayor Chai has nothing to do. As long as I can do it, I will spare no effort."

"In fact, this incident is also very small. I just want to invite President Chen to attend the on-site meeting in the afternoon and say a few words at the venue. This incident also has some benefits for President Chen. In the future, how will President Chen act as our agent for Beixi? The company's products also need to know the leaders of the company in Beixi. "Chai Peide said.

Qin Hai sat aside, feeling so excited that Chen Hongcheng, the big fish, was eaten by the old foxes Yang Xinyu and Chai Peide.


Yesterday weekend, I drank a few drinks with my elders in the evening, and when I was dizzy, I lost the code. It's a bit late today, forgive me.

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