Material Empire

Chapter 175: Interesting young man

"You are an interesting young man, much like when I was young. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test" Leonardo smiled. He leaned back to make himself more comfortable on the swivel chair, and then he didn't know where to touch, took out a huge cigar, cut his mouth on his own, and used a thick The match lit a fire and slowly tasted it.

In doing all of this, he did not give way to Juanito, Qin Hai, and others, and he regarded everyone as a little transparent. In doing so, he has both the arrogance of being a rich man and the intention of exerting psychological hints. He couldn't let a young man stand casually with him, let alone a young man from a developing country whose per capita income was only a few hundred dollars.

Qin Hai disapproved of Leonardo's behavior of pretending to be a sample. In the business field, it is strength, not anyone else. Of course, if Qin Hai's knowledge is a little bit less and the plots in the movie are all in his mind, it may indeed be frightened, just like Chen Hongcheng's current status.

"Young man, tell me, how do you plan to cooperate with me?" Leonardo asked Qin Hai after setting up his music.

Qin Haidao: "I said to Mr. Juanito last time that I have several kinds of steel, including high-speed tool steel, ultra-high-strength steel, and heat-resistant steel. Their technical level is at least ahead of the current European level. For more than a year, I have also handed over the relevant technical parameters to Juanito. I guess you must have seen these parameters. "

"I did see it." Leonardo nodded. If he hadn't seen these technical parameters, he would have no interest in seeing Qin Hai. The steel parameters provided by Qin Hai have been evaluated by Leonardo's professionals. The conclusions are similar to Qin Hai's saying that it is difficult for other similar steels in the European market to reach such performance indicators within five years. . The only question from the experts is this steel. How could it be out of the hands of the Chinese?

In the presence of Qin Hai, Leonardo asked this question politely: "Young people, I don't believe it. I don't believe that you can produce such steel. If it is Japanese It came out. I may still be able to believe that certain steelmaking technologies in Japan have indeed come before Europeans. "

"Mold steel made by Mr. Juanito. It is an evidence." Qin Haidao, "You should have also checked, who, including the Japanese, have provided steel of this quality?"

"I can prove it," Juanito said quickly. "This recipe was provided to me by Mr. Qin. We checked it. Other companies do not have such a recipe."

"A recipe doesn't say anything," Leonardo countered. "It represents, perhaps by accident."

This conjecture is of course reasonable, because the development of steel formulations requires theoretical support. Luck is also a very important factor. According to legend, high-manganese steels appeared because steelmaking workers accidentally mixed several pieces of manganese ore into the iron and steel raw materials to smelt low-manganese steel with extremely poor strength. The boss of the enterprise furious, let the workers put all the manganese ore picked out into the furnace. Who knows that by accident, a new steel grade is obtained that is far stronger than other steels.

There are countless metallurgical experts all over the world trying out various steel formulas and smelting processes. It is normal for someone to encounter a good result occasionally. The mold steel formula that Qin Hai brought to Juanito was certainly excellent, but that doesn't mean that his other formulas are just as good.

Qin Hai anticipated Leonardo ’s response. He said: "We have a world-leading steel development team, and I am one of them. You can also see that I am very young, in fact, only in the team An apprentice. However, in the past few days, I have exchanged some ideas about metal smelting with Mr. Gonette of Saint Louis College, Luca of the University of Madrid, and several other professors. Is still very interested. "

"You mean, Gonette and Luca admire your thoughts?" Leonardo sat up slightly, and asked Qin Hai. These two experts are in metallurgy, and Leonardo sometimes entrusts them to identify some steel varieties to know their level. Qin Hai was able to name them and claimed to have had academic exchanges with them, which shows that Qin Hai is not a simple person, and he has some real skills in his hands.

"Can't say appreciation, but they think these ideas are a bit valuable." Qin Hai said in a low-key manner, but his expression on the face was a bit of pride, suggesting that he had indeed convinced those college students.

Qin Hai is trying to produce this effect these days. In his previous life, he studied, knew how to communicate with scholars, and knew how to get these top scholars to recognize his abilities in a short period of time. With these top scholars endorsing him, he can in turn convince the tycoons of the industry.

While talking to Leonardo, Qin Hai also briefly introduced the content of the dialogue to Chen Hongcheng. Hearing that Qin Hai raised the scholars who visited these days as a banner, Chen Hongcheng sighed. He was a prop for a few days. He really did not suffer in vain. Qin Hai's calculations were beyond the reach of Chen Hongcheng. He even produced One idea: Should you hang the Red Sea company under the name of Qin Hai, and follow this demon-like Qin Hai, why worry that you don't have a day of development?

"I admire the knowledge and character of Gonette and Luca. If they think your level is high, then I have no doubt. Well, now let's talk about steel , How do you plan to cooperate with me? "Leonardo is no longer entangled in details, Qin Hai can say this, naturally it will not be a lie. After all, Leonardo only needs a phone to prove whether Qin Hai's words have been mixed with water.

"I intend to give Mr. Leonardo the right to sell these types of steel in the European market, and you can draw 20% from the sales as a commission. The right to sell is tentatively set at 3 years. After 3 years, if the two parties think that the cooperation is happy Then, we can continue to cooperate. "Qin Hai said.

This kind of sales cooperation will certainly not be explained in a single sentence. This involves how Qin Hai supplies, how Leonard sells in many ways, and many other details. What Qin Hai said was a general intent. Once Leonardo accepted this intent, the next step was for specific discussions between the sales staff on both sides. Qin Hai's sales staff is naturally Chen Hongcheng. In terms of trade, Qin Hai considers himself inferior to Chen Hongcheng.

Leonardo heard Qin Hai's words and calmly asked, "How do you think your special steel products can be sold in the European market?"

Qin Haidao: "Within this year, we will be able to provide 5 kinds of steel. By next year, we can provide 5 more. These 10 kinds of steel are all important steels in the industrial field. I am not very familiar with the European market, but, I think sales of $ 20 million a year should be achievable. "

"Well ... if that's the case, then this cooperation is a little more interesting." Leonardo nodded with satisfaction. He has already known about the several steels that Juanito introduced to him before, and the conclusions reached are more optimistic than Qin Hai's speculation.

For Leonardo, the cooperation with Qin Hai won not only the commission of more than 4 million US dollars a year, but also some monopoly advantages from the sale of special steel. The demand for such things as special steel is not great, but the sources are very limited. For companies that need this type of steel, whoever can provide them with this steel is their savior. By mastering several important special steels, Leonardo can establish a special relationship with many industrial tycoons. The value of this layer of income is inestimable.

"So, Mr. Leonardo promised to be our agent?" Qin Hai asked with a smile. Qin Hai also knows what Leonardo thought, but it is not necessary to break it down. When doing business, make the other party feel that they have gained additional benefits and can make the cooperation more stable.

Leonardo also smiled. Before that, he had been holding a shelf and refused to show a little kindness. He said: "I always have a good opinion of China, and I very much hope to make a few Chinese friends. Since Mr. Qin is so confident in the steel he provides, I will certainly not refuse."

"Thank you Mr. Leonardo ~ ~ Qin Hai thanked Leonard for his owe, and then continued:" Acting for steel is just one aspect of our cooperation with Mr. Leonardo There are other things we need to trouble Mr. Leonardo, don't you get bored? "

"You say, as long as it's something I can do," Leonardo said.

Qin Haidao: "I came to Europe this time to actually purchase raw materials. China is now undergoing large-scale economic construction and the demand for steel is very large. We hope to be able to purchase some high-quality coal and high-quality coal from overseas. Iron ore is used for smelting steel. According to Mr Juanito, Mr Leonardo has some good relationships with Australian mining companies. "

"It's true. But young people, why don't you talk directly to the mineral tycoons? If I change hands through me, I would like to withdraw commissions." Leonardo said with a smile.

Qin Haidao: "I am very willing to let Mr. Leonardo earn the commission, because I need Mr. Leonardo's company to help us complete the procurement of these ore and subsequent transportation. My company has no experience in overseas operations, If we do these things ourselves, we are likely to pay more. "

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