Material Empire

Chapter 176: Export to domestic sales

Qin Hai's problems are far more complicated than he told Leonardo. He did not have enough manpower to make overseas purchases. Instead of sending a few freshmen to be juggled by mining tycoons, he might as well entrust this to Leonardo's company as an agent, and pay a few percentage points for this. Is also acceptable.

In addition to empirical issues, the most troublesome issue is foreign exchange control. If Qin Hai sells steel to Leonardo and uses the foreign exchange to buy coal and iron ore, he will encounter a policy obstacle. The state's foreign exchange management department will not allow Qin Hai to use valuable foreign exchange for purchasing primary products overseas. They will collect all of this foreign exchange and then let Qin Hai find a way to get coal and ore by itself.

In order to circumvent state regulations, Qin Hai can only think of a trick to hide the sky, that is, to treat the sales of special steel and the purchase of ore as the same business and trade with the same company. Specifically, he sold special steel to Leonardo, and Leonardo paid him part of the foreign exchange and part of the ore, and claimed that it was an incoming processing business. In this way, the foreign exchange for ore procurement does not go through the country at all, and the foreign exchange management department has nothing to say.

Qin Haiyu told his thoughts to Leonard without knowing it. Leonard understood it. He nodded and said, "I see. I can help you with this. The cost of ore purchase I have to add 5% as my commission, but rest assured that with my influence in the steel industry, I will definitely be able to suppress the purchase price for you, and you will not lose a 5% commission. "

"This is great." Qin Hai felt a stone fell to the ground, and then asked a new question: "In addition to iron ore, we also need to purchase some nickel, tungsten, chromium, molybdenum and other alloy elements. These alloy elements should be available in the European market, and we hope that Mr. Leonardo will be able to purchase on our behalf. The cost is also deducted from the sales of special steel. "

It is impossible for Qin Hai to smelt and sell special steel on a large scale and rely on scrap steel smelting as in the past. One reason is that the limited amount of scrap alloy steel they collect cannot support such a large scale of production. Secondly, the composition of waste alloy steel is too complicated. To smelt high-quality alloy steel, more simple raw materials must be used, such as ferrochrome, ferromanganese, etc.

Domestic steel mills smelt alloy steel. It is achieved by using various alloying elements and steel materials in proportion. However, due to the scarcity of alloy elements, the control of alloy elements by the material department is much stricter than that of iron and steel raw materials. Wild road companies such as the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant in Qinhai do not even want to get alloy elements. In desperation, he can only look abroad.

Hearing Qin Hai ’s request, Leonardo was surprised. He looked at Qin Hai and asked, “How do you think of young people coming to the European market to purchase alloy elements? Do n’t you know that there are many alloy elements in the European market? . It was imported from China. "

"I know." Qin Hai smiled bitterly. "China is indeed an exporter of alloy elements, but I can't buy the alloy elements I need in the country. Let's put it this way, I don't want to forget to export these alloy elements from China Buy it back ... In our China, there is a word called 'export to domestic sales', which is roughly the case. "

China is a country with extremely rich non-ferrous metal reserves. Some mineral resources have the largest reserves in the world, and it is an important non-ferrous metal exporter. Qin Hai hopes to purchase nickel, tungsten, molybdenum and other alloy elements. Very scarce in the domestic market, but at the same time. But the country is exporting a lot.

The reason for this strange phenomenon is also very simple, that is, the country's severe lack of foreign exchange, and anything that can be exchanged for foreign exchange will be preferentially used for export. As for the domestic market, what difficulties are insurmountable for everyone?

Qin Hai didn't think about using the foreign exchange obtained by himself to buy these alloy elements from those exporting companies. But he couldn't find a way to do this. The foreign exchange he earns is not under his control, and those export companies will not be willing to sing with him.

Leonard smiled attentively. As a big businessman, he still knew a little about China's situation, and his IQ was high enough. Qin Hai simply said. He realized the mystery, and at the same time he had a heartfelt appreciation of Qin Hai's workability. He has dealt with some government officials and state-owned enterprise leaders from China. These people always hold the word "principle". It is the first time for a Chinese like Qin Hai to dare to explore policy vacancies. on.

Next, the two parties discussed some details of cooperation, including Leonardo helping Qin Hai to purchase some academic materials, metallurgical equipment and experimental equipment in Europe. Leonardo also promised to help Qin Hai set up an overseas branch in Spain to manage overseas funds. This branch is jointly owned by Qin Hai and Chen Hongcheng. Juanito helped Qin Hai find a person as an overseas shareholder, mainly to give the company treatment for some local European companies.

This method adopted by Qin Hai and Chen Hongcheng is a means of capital flight. That is, when exporting, it deliberately underestimates the price, leaving profits abroad, and then using these profits for various operations overseas. Capital flight is a government-restricted act in every country, but in fact nobody can control it. At what price does an enterprise export its products, the state has no right to intervene, and the country also has no way of knowing how much profit it can make overseas.

Qin Hai really did nothing but do this. Whenever there is a way, he will not use this invisible means. China is still in the early stages of reform. Various policy restrictions are like tight curses on the heads of enterprises. Enterprises such as Qin Hai have advanced development capabilities. In this policy environment, it can be described as difficult and difficult to do. Can't do things.

Chen Hongcheng didn't care about Qin Hai's approach. Who, those who went into the sea to do business, didn't start by digging into the policy? Bold and timid, this is the common tenet of their circle. Qin Hai was able to think of these methods, but actually benefited from Chen Hongcheng's tips. In his opinion, Qin Hai's steps were not big enough, and it was a pity to spend so much foreign exchange to buy coal and iron ore. If you buy high-end consumer goods such as refrigerators and color TVs, Much more profit is made.

No matter what Chen Hongcheng thinks about, special steel is produced by Qinhai, and Chen Hongcheng can't get involved if he wants to intervene. It can only be operated by Qin Hai. Fortunately, all the actions of Qin Hai so far are good for Chen Hongcheng. His trip abroad has yielded far more than expected.

The host and the host ended the talks in a cordial and friendly atmosphere. When Qin Hai and Chen Hongcheng left, Leonardo left his swivel chair and sent them out of the office in person. They also gave each of them two beautiful boxes of Cuba. Cigar as a gift. Before Qin Hai approached the taxi, Leonardo shook Qin Hai's hand and said in a still tone:

"Young man, I am a little bit bullish on you now. I have a premonition that after a few years, you are indeed eligible to become my partner."

Qin Hai responded with a smile: "Mr. Leonardo, don't worry, I will treat you as my partner whenever I want."

"Haha, okay, okay! You are such an interesting young man." Leonardo was not irritated by Qin Hai's arrogance, but laughed. He believes that Qin Hai has the ability to say such things. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, who knows whether Qin Hai will really surpass him in a few years?

When Qin Hai and Chen Hongcheng returned to the hotel, they found that the corridor in which the Hongyuan delegation lived was filled with a festive atmosphere. The two just came out of the elevator and met Jiang Huanwen with a smile on his face. He held Qin Hai by one hand and Chen Hongcheng by the other, and said loudly, "Oh, Xiao Qin and President Chen, you are finally Come back, if you don't come back, we're going to ask the embassy to come and find you. "

"Uh ... what happened?" Qin Hai was confused by Jiang Huanwen's attitude. "What happened, why did you bother us?"

Jiang Huanwen exaggeratedly said, "We are preparing for the celebratory banquet tonight, and we wish both Director and Chief Li to participate. We have also invited the Secretary of the Embassy, ​​but it is almost time, but the biggest hero Appear, how can such a banquet be celebrated? "

As soon as Jiang Huanwen said, Qin Hai immediately understood, and he asked with a smile: "Why, is there news from Osor?"

"There is news!" Jiang Huanwen said ~ ~ two sets of equipment, a total of 16 million, also provides technical guidance. The one named Tony specifically told us that the only requirement for Osor is that we should not say that these two sets of equipment are outdated technology, so as not to damage their reputation in the Chinese market. "

"Congratulations to Director Jiang." Qin Hai hurriedly congratulated Jiang Huanwen. Jiang Huanwen originally applied for 22 million US dollars to import a set of equipment from the province, and now imports two sets with 16 million, which is definitely a great thing to be overjoyed. Jiang Huanwen will certainly be commended by the province for saving valuable foreign exchange for the country, which will also be of great benefit to his personal career development.

Jiang Huanwen did not conceal his joy, he said: "Thank you for your happiness, thanks to Xiao Qin ... Oh, yes, with the great assistance of President Chen. I will put it here, and the next two will have If you want to talk to Honggang about anything, as long as you do n’t violate the policy, and it is within my ability, my old Chiang will be Wang Bagua if he has two words. "

"Haha, the factory director Jiang made a lot of words, and we will definitely trouble the factory director if there is anything in the future." Qin Hai said with a smile.

"Let's go, the banquet has been arranged, let's go over now." Jiang Huanwen said. (To be continued ...)

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