Material Empire

Chapter 179: Also talk about 1 game of chess nationwide

Qin Hai was startled when he heard Yang Xinyu's words. He came to see Yang Xinyu because it was so boring after getting off the plane. Qin Hai is not taking care of the localization of auto parts at Qingfeng Factory, because Qingfeng Factory's various tasks have been on the right track, and Qinhai's golden finger can also develop well. Qin Haizheng was pondering how to make his career bigger. Who would have thought that Yang Xinyu had been caught.

"Director Yang, I'm sending you cigars, but I'm not asking you to transfer your work. Don't get me wrong." Qin Hai said half jokingly and seriously.

An ordinary person can be transferred from Anhe Province to Pujiang City to work, but that is a good opportunity for burning incense. Some time ago, Yang Xinyu's old friends, old classmates, and others really sought Yang Xinyu's name, hoping to help transfer his children or relatives to work, but they were all rejected by Yang Xinyu. Those who refuse to come to work like Qin Hai are indeed different.

For Qin Hai's answer, Yang Xinyu was not surprised. If Qin Haixin willingly bowed his head and worshiped, instead it would make Yang Xinyu think he was wrong. Since Qin Hai first proposed to undertake more than 30 parts production tasks at the Localization Office, Yang Xinyu has determined that Qin Hai is not a mortal. He knows that a job opportunity in Pujiang is nothing extraordinary in Qin Hai's eyes.

"I'm not trying to do anything for you. Instead, I'm asking you to do something for me." Yang Xinyu said politely. "At this time, the localization of Pusang Automobile is chaotic. I have been thinking about what to do. Establish a more effective coordination mechanism. Although we are talking about the commodity economy now, we still need to talk about the national game of chess. "

Qin Hai was very touched by Yang Xinyu's question. In the age he lived, chaos in the field of materials persisted. Some people do everything together, and some things go unnoticed. Relevant departments often organize various meetings to coordinate research and development directions of various research institutions and enterprises to avoid repeated waste. Qin Hai himself has participated in many such meetings, and he knows how much the chaos will cause.

With this understanding, Qin Hai commented: "The concept of a national game of chess is not just a concept of a planned economy. Market economy countries also have this concept. Developed countries also have their macro-control measures. In some aspects, they It's not worse than us. "

"You're right." Yang Xinyu nodded and praised, "We have some comrades. When we talk about the commodity economy, we completely negate the national co-ordination. One steel, all four or five factories will do it. In the end, who do we purchase? This problem is not resolved In the future, even if our localization office does not have to bear the relevant responsibilities and cause unnecessary waste to the country, this fault is unforgivable. "

"But what does this have to do with me?" Qin Hai asked with a smile.

Yang Xinyu said: "I consider that the localization office must conduct some necessary assessments on the enterprises and regions applying for the localization of auto parts. At the same time, it also needs to provide some technical guidance to guide them to reasonably arrange their work and avoid unnecessary work. Repeat. I noticed that you have some research on metal materials, and you are very flexible. You have a big picture, so I would like to ask you to assist in the work on metal materials. "

"Assist?" Qin Hai grasped a word in Yang Xinyu's words. Say it with a stinging tone.

Yang Xinyu smiled: "Of course it is assistance. Depending on your age and qualifications, it may not be appropriate to be in charge of an area. At the very least, I cannot convince the public."

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "If you can't hold me accountable, then Director Yang still asks another wise person. I don't know who you will look for as a leader. In case he is incompetent and knows nothing about technical matters, I still I have to explain to him, I don't have such good patience. "

"Well, it makes sense." Yang Xinyu nodded solemnly and said, "Then, if you are allowed to be on your own and be in charge of a field, even if you say it, will you do it?"

"This ..." Qin Hai was speechless. He was too full of words just now. He thought Yang Xinyu would definitely not let him be responsible. Who knew that Yang Xinyu was so bold and dared to really let him take charge of one aspect. At this time, I would say rejection myself, as if I couldn't explain it.

"Actually, Director Yang, I am very busy." Qin Haizhiwu said.

Yang Xinyu said, "I know all the things you are busy with. Do n’t you already have an acting factory manager called Song Hongxuan over Beixi? I ​​heard your mayor Chai said that this Song Hongxuan is quite capable, Beixi The steel mill is running very smoothly now, you don't have to worry too much. "

"Director Yang, wouldn't you remember me long ago?" Qin Hai asked in surprise.

The situation that Yang Xinyu said is basically true. There are several companies under Qin Hai's name. Now Qin Hai does not need to worry about the specific production process. Qin Hai is doing more strategic work. After opening up overseas sources of raw materials, there are no major obstacles to the production of Beixi Special Steel Plant, and Song Hongxuan can fully take over. To be more extreme, in terms of specific production management, Qin Hai is far worse than Song Hongxuan. Qin Hai's departure is nothing more than chaos.

Yang Xinyu said with a smile: "There is no way. I have a shortage of talents now. I don't want to let go of a good seed."

"Then should I say honor or sorrow?" Qin Haizhuang looked helpless and asked Yang Xinyu.

After talking with Yang Xinyu for a few words, Qin Hai was actually a little bit moved. Helping Yang Xinyu to do things can not be considered a waste of time. This matter is actually a great opportunity for Qin Hai.

The localization of Pusang is a large project, and there are many types of materials involved. Someone once made a rough estimate. By the mid-1990s, domestic cars will need 3.55 million tons of steel, 1.1 million tons of iron and cast steel, 250,000 tons of non-ferrous metals, 80,000 tons of plastics, and 50,000 tires. Tons, sealant 20,000 tons, coating 40,000 tons, casting resin 10,000 tons, tempered glass 11 million square meters, textile 14 million square meters ...

This estimate is only based on quantity. It is more specific when it comes to varieties. It is not an exaggeration to say that the strength of the country can overcome the corresponding material difficulties. Being able to stand on the platform of the Localization Office and coordinate the strength of various enterprises across the country is not only a matter of benefit to the country, but also helps to cultivate its own connections.

The stage of materials is so big that Qin Hai alone cannot perform a drama. He is willing to join this group to perform this magnificent epic.

"It's a matter of honor or sorrow, let's just decide on this matter." Yang Xinyu saw that Qin Hai had promised to help, and he said with a smile, "Give you a week off, and you will go back and take care of yourself. A week later, I went to the localization office to report and was ready to accept new jobs. "

"One week ..." Qin Hai protested. "Director Yang, are you too good at calling people? I need more than a day to return from the Pujiang to the Anhe River, and then come back again, more than a day. Only four days at home? "

"Then ... ten days." Yang Xinyu said bargaining.

"Well, let me ask again, what position will I hold after I come?" Qin Hai asked.

Yang Xinyu had already prepared for this, he said: "Secretary of the Auto Material Localization Working Group."

"Secretary?" Qin Hai pouted, "Having been in trouble for a long time, am I a secretary?"

"Do you still want to be the leader of the team?" Lu Xiaolin was unhappy, and she hasn't complained about being a secretary for several years. This Qin Hai was so dismissive of the position of secretary.

Qin Haidao: "Didn't Director Yang just say that I was responsible? I wondered, why should I get a team leader?"

"The leader is our Minister Su." Yang Xinyu reminded with a smile.

"Willn't the deputy leader be you?" Qin Hai looked at Yang Xinyu and asked, but in fact, he didn't need to ask. There are many "working groups" in China. The leader is the leader and the deputy leader. It is specific to do things, and further down is a bunch of errands.

Sure enough, Yang Xinyu nodded and said, "You guessed it, it was me."

"A typical lay leader is an expert." Qin Hai said politely, "I don't dare to compliment your understanding of the materials. As a team leader and deputy team leader, what can you do with this job? I am now You can guess. "

"Qin Hai, pay attention to your words!" Lu Xiaolin stared.

Yang Xinyu stopped Lu Xiaolin. He said to Qin Hai, "Xiao Qin, you're right. Minister Su and I know nothing about the material, so we need someone who knows it to check. Please As a secretary, you are actually just a name. When it comes to consulting with enterprises, you can represent Minister Su and me. Are you still not satisfied with this power? "

"Well ~ ~ It's a bit interesting to say this." Qin Hai said, he is relatively familiar with Yang Xinyu's style of doing things, knowing that Yang Xinyu, since he can say so, is planning to do so. This so-called secretary, in many cases, is probably to appear as the spokesperson of the group leader or deputy leader, of course, the greater responsibility will be assumed.

"Well, I accept this job, and I hope Director Yang can honor today's promise and give me full power." Qin Hai said.

"Are there any difficulties?" Yang Xinyu asked.

Qin Haidao: "I need to solve the problem of accommodation in Pujiang."

"It's simple. The Pujiang Industrial Bureau provided us with several dormitories, and let Xiaolu arrange one for you. As for meals, the Industrial Bureau has a cafeteria, and the Xiaolu will also arrange for you. What you need to consider is how to carry out the work , As soon as possible to get the localization of automotive materials on track. "Yang Xinyu commanded.

"Director Yang is assured that I will go back to Anhe to explain my affairs first, and then I will enter the work at the fastest speed." Qin Hai solemnly answered. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile users, please read m.)

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